105 research outputs found

    La morphologie des tissus urbains et périurbains à travers une lecture fractale

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    L’étalement urbain gĂ©nĂšre des tissus bĂątis dont la forme paraĂźt souvent irrĂ©guliĂšre, sans forme apparente. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne atteint des zones de plus en plus Ă©loignĂ©es des centres urbains ce qui est certes discutable sous l’aspect d’un dĂ©veloppement durable. Cependant les solutions proposĂ©es pour maĂźtriser l’étalement urbain recourent souvent Ă  des modĂšles classiques qui s’inspirent de la ville compacte et dense. Or il est connu que ces solutions sont souvent mal accueillies par la population concernĂ©e. Nous prĂ©sentons dans cet article une autre approche de la forme de ces tissus urbains qui montre que leur organisation spatiale suit, en dĂ©pit de leur aspect irrĂ©gulier, une logique particuliĂšre qui peut ĂȘtre dĂ©crite par la gĂ©omĂ©trie fractale. Ceci permet d’apprĂ©hender d’une autre maniĂšre les raisons socio-Ă©conomiques de ce phĂ©nomĂšne et de dĂ©velopper une autre approche conceptuelle de la gestion de l’étalement urbain.Urban expansion produces an irregular urban fabric. This phenomenon influences areas which are distant from urban centres, a problem for sustainable development. Solutions proposed to reduce urban expansion are modelled on the pattern of the compact town. Generally, it is believed that these solutions are unacceptable to the people concerned. In this article we present an alternative approach to the study of urban fabric, which shows that, despite their irregular form, it is possible to describe their development using fractal analysis. This permits understanding of the socio-economic causes of this process and the development an alternative conceptual approach to the management of urban expansion.Zeichnet man die bebaute FlĂ€che von StĂ€dten als « Schwarzplan » so entstehen Grundrissmuster, deren Form und randliche Abgrenzung auf den ersten Blick irregulĂ€r erscheinen. Dieses PhĂ€nomen steht in starken Widerspruch zum Paradigma der « verdichteten, kompakten Stadt », das von vielen Autoren als Paradigma nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung betrachtet wird. Von der Stadtbevölkerung selbst werden aber solche verdichteten Strukturen weniger akzeptiert. Dort verdichten sich auch Vandalismus und andere Delikte. In diesem Artikel wird ein anderer Ansatz prĂ€sentiert, der nachweist, dass die scheinbar irregulĂ€ren, offenen Grundrissmuster und RĂ€nder von StĂ€dten einer Logik folgen, die als fraktale Geometrie beschrieben werden kann. Diese Geometrie ist nicht weniger « logisch » als die kompakte, sie hat aber anders als diese keine ideologischen Wurzeln, sondern folgt sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen. Akzeptiert man diese Logik kommt man zu einer ganz anderen Bewertung der Stadtmuster

    Mathematics and Morphogenesis of the City: A Geometrical Approach

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    Cities are living organisms. They are out of equilibrium, open systems that never stop developing and sometimes die. The local geography can be compared to a shell constraining its development. In brief, a city's current layout is a step in a running morphogenesis process. Thus cities display a huge diversity of shapes and none of traditional models from random graphs, complex networks theory or stochastic geometry takes into account geometrical, functional and dynamical aspects of a city in the same framework. We present here a global mathematical model dedicated to cities that permits describing, manipulating and explaining cities' overall shape and layout of their street systems. This street-based framework conciliates the topological and geometrical sides of the problem. From the static analysis of several French towns (topology of first and second order, anisotropy, streets scaling) we make the hypothesis that the development of a city follows a logic of division / extension of space. We propose a dynamical model that mimics this logic and which from simple general rules and a few parameters succeeds in generating a large diversity of cities and in reproducing the general features the static analysis has pointed out.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Nuclear magnetic resonance data of C18H33B2N2P

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    Web services advocate loosely coupled systems, although current loosely coupled applications are limited to stateless services. The reason for this limitation is the lack of a method supporting matchmaking of state dependent services exemplarily specified in BPEL. In particular, the sender’s requirement that the receiver must support all possible messages sent at a certain state are not captured by models currently used for service discovery. Annotated deterministic finite state automata provide this expressiveness. In this paper the transformation of a local process specification given in BPEL to annotated deterministic finite state automata is presented
