41 research outputs found

    Constituição Como Gramática de Conflitos Sociais

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    Autor tvrdi da se ustavna teorija danas mora dokazati na trima područjima. Prvo područje dokazivanja odnosi se na problem odnosa transnacionalnih režima i državnih institucija. Ustavno pravna teorija je suočena s pitanjem kako norme koje se odnose na transnacionalne režime mogu “konstitucionalizacijom” poprimiti dignitet pravnih normi. Drugi izazov predstavljaju transnacionalni režimi sui generis poput pravnog poretka Europske unije. Treći je vezan za proces širenja EU-a. Autor tvrdi da je po svom smislu ustav instrument i simbol, tj. da je dvostruko kodiran. Jedan se smisao odnosi na praktiku i instrumentalna izvršenja, a drugi na svijet reprezentacije. Postoje različiti tipovi ustava. Prvi tip su ustavi-manifesti i oni su uglavnom samo simbolički kodirani. Drugi tip su ustavi koji su doneseni u formi ugovora. Ovi su ustavi strukturirani više kao pravni odnos među diskretnim akterima, nego kao monolitan simbolički korpus. Programski ili planski ustavi treći su tip ustava, a vezuju se za uspon i pad socijalističkih društava. Oni propisuju razvojne ciljeve koji su prethodno politički definirani. Na posljetku, postoje tzv. ustavi u ulozi zakona. Ovi su ustavi rezultat redovnoga zakonodavnog procesa koji osigurava da narod kao zamišljeni nositelj suvereniteta raspravlja o ustavu i da ga prihvati. Autor pokazuje da se kod tranzicije srednje i istočnoeuropskih društava radi o prijelazu s jednostavnog kodiranja s primatom simboličkoga na dvostruko kodiranje ustava. U ovom se prijelazu pojavljuju poteškoće. Prva se odnosi na problem “presađivanja” konstitucionalnih rješenja u drugi društveno-povijesni kontekst. Druga se odnosi na antiustavotvorni mentalitet koji prevladava u ovim društvima. Ipak, konstitucionalna bilanca u Srednjoj i Istočnoj Europi je zadovoljavajuća. Njihovi su novi ustavi zanimljivi zbog triju simboličkih aspekata. Prvi se odnosi na ustavotvorne procese u kojima su ova društva prestala biti objekti autoritarnih vladara. Drugi je aspekt vezan za potragu za novim oblikom identiteta i zajedništva. Treći se aspekt odnosi na pokušaje da se pravnim okovima samovolja progna iz politike i društvenog života.The author holds that the constitutional theory today is put to the test in three areas. The first is the problem of the relationship between the trans-national regimes and the government institutions. The constitutional/legal theory is faced with the question how the norms concerning trans-national regimes can acquire the dignity of legal norms via “constitutionalization”. The second challenge is posed by trans-national regimes sui generis such as the EU’s legal system. The third concerns the process of EU’s expansion. For the author, a constitution is both an instrument and a symbol i.e. it is doubly coded. On the one hand, it leans on practice and instrumental implementation, and on the other on the world of representation. There are different types of constitutions. Type one are constitutions-manifests, largely solely symbolically coded. Type two are the constitutions in the form of contracts, structured more in the form of a legal relationship between discrete actors than a monolithic symbolic corpus. Type three are programmatic or planned constitutions, and they are associated with the rise and fall of socialist societies. They identify the already politically defined developmental goals. And finally, there are the so-called constitutions- cum-laws. These are a result of a regular legislative process that enables peoples in the capacity of presumed agents of sovereignty to debate constitutions and accept them. The author’s opinion is that the transition of Central- and East-European countries is a transition from the simple-coded with the primacy of the symbolic to the double-coded constitutions. This transition is not smooth. The first difficulty lies in “transplanting” constitutional solutions to different social/historical contexts. The other refers to the anti-constitutional mentality that prevails in these societies. Despite everything, the constitutional balance in Central and Eastern Europe is satisfactory on the whole. The constitutions of these countries are interesting because of three symbolic aspects. The first refers to the constitution formation processes in which these societies ceased to be objects of authoritarian rulers. The second aspect regards the search for new forms of identity and unity. The third aspect refers to the attempts to banish tyranny from politics and social life by means of legal chains

    COVID-19 und der juristische Umgang mit Ungewissheit

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    Der Zweifel muss schweigen, soll ein richterliches Urteil überzeugen. Gewissheit zu verbreiten, ist das nicht allzu heimliche Ziel der juristischen Ausbildung. Der Charme der Gutachtentechnik, alles Mögliche zu erwägen und zu prüfen, wird in der Referendarausbildung durch die Relationstechnik ersetzt und in der richterlichen Urteilspraxis vollends desavouiert. Gewissheitsdenken und Erledigungsökonomie gehen in Führung. Vieles bleibt "dahingestellt", wenn die Entscheidung einmal feststeht. Und die Gutachten von Rechtsexperten hängen dem Interesse der Auftraggeber häufig einen mehr als fadenscheinigen Mantel um. Ungewissheit, das scheint gewiss, ist Sache der juristischen Zunft nicht. ..


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    Autor tvrdi da se ustavna teorija danas mora dokazati na trima područjima. Prvo područje dokazivanja odnosi se na problem odnosa transnacionalnih režima i državnih institucija. Ustavno pravna teorija je suočena s pitanjem kako norme koje se odnose na transnacionalne režime mogu “konstitucionalizacijom” poprimiti dignitet pravnih normi. Drugi izazov predstavljaju transnacionalni režimi sui generis poput pravnog poretka Europske unije. Treći je vezan za proces širenja EU-a. Autor tvrdi da je po svom smislu ustav instrument i simbol, tj. da je dvostruko kodiran. Jedan se smisao odnosi na praktiku i instrumentalna izvršenja, a drugi na svijet reprezentacije. Postoje različiti tipovi ustava. Prvi tip su ustavi-manifesti i oni su uglavnom samo simbolički kodirani. Drugi tip su ustavi koji su doneseni u formi ugovora. Ovi su ustavi strukturirani više kao pravni odnos među diskretnim akterima, nego kao monolitan simbolički korpus. Programski ili planski ustavi treći su tip ustava, a vezuju se za uspon i pad socijalističkih društava. Oni propisuju razvojne ciljeve koji su prethodno politički definirani. Na posljetku, postoje tzv. ustavi u ulozi zakona. Ovi su ustavi rezultat redovnoga zakonodavnog procesa koji osigurava da narod kao zamišljeni nositelj suvereniteta raspravlja o ustavu i da ga prihvati. Autor pokazuje da se kod tranzicije srednje i istočnoeuropskih društava radi o prijelazu s jednostavnog kodiranja s primatom simboličkoga na dvostruko kodiranje ustava. U ovom se prijelazu pojavljuju poteškoće. Prva se odnosi na problem “presađivanja” konstitucionalnih rješenja u drugi društveno-povijesni kontekst. Druga se odnosi na antiustavotvorni mentalitet koji prevladava u ovim društvima. Ipak, konstitucionalna bilanca u Srednjoj i Istočnoj Europi je zadovoljavajuća. Njihovi su novi ustavi zanimljivi zbog triju simboličkih aspekata. Prvi se odnosi na ustavotvorne procese u kojima su ova društva prestala biti objekti autoritarnih vladara. Drugi je aspekt vezan za potragu za novim oblikom identiteta i zajedništva. Treći se aspekt odnosi na pokušaje da se pravnim okovima samovolja progna iz politike i društvenog života.The author holds that the constitutional theory today is put to the test in three areas. The first is the problem of the relationship between the trans-national regimes and the government institutions. The constitutional/legal theory is faced with the question how the norms concerning trans-national regimes can acquire the dignity of legal norms via “constitutionalization”. The second challenge is posed by trans-national regimes sui generis such as the EU’s legal system. The third concerns the process of EU’s expansion. For the author, a constitution is both an instrument and a symbol i.e. it is doubly coded. On the one hand, it leans on practice and instrumental implementation, and on the other on the world of representation. There are different types of constitutions. Type one are constitutions-manifests, largely solely symbolically coded. Type two are the constitutions in the form of contracts, structured more in the form of a legal relationship between discrete actors than a monolithic symbolic corpus. Type three are programmatic or planned constitutions, and they are associated with the rise and fall of socialist societies. They identify the already politically defined developmental goals. And finally, there are the so-called constitutions- cum-laws. These are a result of a regular legislative process that enables peoples in the capacity of presumed agents of sovereignty to debate constitutions and accept them. The author’s opinion is that the transition of Central- and East-European countries is a transition from the simple-coded with the primacy of the symbolic to the double-coded constitutions. This transition is not smooth. The first difficulty lies in “transplanting” constitutional solutions to different social/historical contexts. The other refers to the anti-constitutional mentality that prevails in these societies. Despite everything, the constitutional balance in Central and Eastern Europe is satisfactory on the whole. The constitutions of these countries are interesting because of three symbolic aspects. The first refers to the constitution formation processes in which these societies ceased to be objects of authoritarian rulers. The second aspect regards the search for new forms of identity and unity. The third aspect refers to the attempts to banish tyranny from politics and social life by means of legal chains

    Schulden- statt Notbremse

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    Dilemma Demokratieschutz

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    Crítica del derecho (público) comparado

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 340.5:342 F829

    The Logic of Patriarchy

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    Constituição Como Gramática de Conflitos Sociais

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    Negative Globalität der Angst

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    The article traces and analyzes the negative globality of pandemic fears. It follows them through literary texts, psychological theories of individual and collective fears as well as legal documents. Rather than treating fears as law’s other, notably pandemic fears are included in the controversial discussion on how law protects (or should protect) peoples’ freedom in a pandemic. In closing, the article presents different forms of fear defense and fear denial such as conspiracy myths