196 research outputs found

    Growing bottleneck features for tandem ASR

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    We present a method for training bottleneck MLPs for use in tandem ASR. Experiments on meetings data show that this approach leads to improved performance compared with training MLPs from a random initialization

    Stochastic Pronunciation Modelling for Out-of-Vocabulary Spoken Term Detection

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    Spoken term detection (STD) is the name given to the task of searching large amounts of audio for occurrences of spoken terms, which are typically single words or short phrases. One reason that STD is a hard task is that search terms tend to contain a disproportionate number of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. The most common approach to STD uses subword units. This, in conjunction with some method for predicting pronunciations of OOVs from their written form, enables the detection of OOV terms but performance is considerably worse than for in-vocabulary terms. This performance differential can be largely attributed to the special properties of OOVs. One such property is the high degree of uncertainty in the pronunciation of OOVs. We present a stochastic pronunciation model (SPM) which explicitly deals with this uncertainty. The key insight is to search for all possible pronunciations when detecting an OOV term, explicitly capturing the uncertainty in pronunciation. This requires a probabilistic model of pronunciation, able to estimate a distribution over all possible pronunciations. We use a joint-multigram model (JMM) for this and compare the JMM-based SPM with the conventional soft match approach. Experiments using speech from the meetings domain demonstrate that the SPM performs better than soft match in most operating regions, especially at low false alarm probabilities. Furthermore, SPM and soft match are found to be complementary: their combination provides further performance gains

    Stochastic Pronunciation Modelling for Spoken Term Detection

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    A major challenge faced by a spoken term detection (STD) system is the detection of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) terms. Although a subword-based STD system is able to detect OOV terms, performance reduction is always observed compared to in-vocabulary terms. Current approaches to STD do not acknowledge the particular properties of OOV terms, such as pronunciation uncertainty. In this paper, we use a stochastic pronunciation model to deal with the uncertain pronunciations of OOV terms. By considering all possible term pronunciations, predicted by a joint-multigram model, we observe a significant performance improvement

    Linear dynamic models for automatic speech recognition

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    The majority of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems rely on hidden Markov models (HMM), in which the output distribution associated with each state is modelled by a mixture of diagonal covariance Gaussians. Dynamic information is typically included by appending time-derivatives to feature vectors. This approach, whilst successful, makes the false assumption of framewise independence of the augmented feature vectors and ignores the spatial correlations in the parametrised speech signal. This dissertation seeks to address these shortcomings by exploring acoustic modelling for ASR with an application of a form of state-space model, the linear dynamic model (LDM). Rather than modelling individual frames of data, LDMs characterize entire segments of speech. An auto-regressive state evolution through a continuous space gives a Markovian model of the underlying dynamics, and spatial correlations between feature dimensions are absorbed into the structure of the observation process. LDMs have been applied to speech recognition before, however a smoothed Gauss-Markov form was used which ignored the potential for subspace modelling. The continuous dynamical state means that information is passed along the length of each segment. Furthermore, if the state is allowed to be continuous across segment boundaries, long range dependencies are built into the system and the assumption of independence of successive segments is loosened. The state provides an explicit model of temporal correlation which sets this approach apart from frame-based and some segment-based models where the ordering of the data is unimportant. The benefits of such a model are examined both within and between segments. LDMs are well suited to modelling smoothly varying, continuous, yet noisy trajectories such as found in measured articulatory data. Using speaker-dependent data from the MOCHA corpus, the performance of systems which model acoustic, articulatory, and combined acoustic-articulatory features are compared. As well as measured articulatory parameters, experiments use the output of neural networks trained to perform an articulatory inversion mapping. The speaker-independent TIMIT corpus provides the basis for larger scale acoustic-only experiments. Classification tasks provide an ideal means to compare modelling choices without the confounding influence of recognition search errors, and are used to explore issues such as choice of state dimension, front-end acoustic parametrization and parameter initialization. Recognition for segment models is typically more computationally expensive than for frame-based models. Unlike frame-level models, it is not always possible to share likelihood calculations for observation sequences which occur within hypothesized segments that have different start and end times. Furthermore, the Viterbi criterion is not necessarily applicable at the frame level. This work introduces a novel approach to decoding for segment models in the form of a stack decoder with A* search. Such a scheme allows flexibility in the choice of acoustic and language models since the Viterbi criterion is not integral to the search, and hypothesis generation is independent of the particular language model. Furthermore, the time-asynchronous ordering of the search means that only likely paths are extended, and so a minimum number of models are evaluated. The decoder is used to give full recognition results for feature-sets derived from the MOCHA and TIMIT corpora. Conventional train/test divisions and choice of language model are used so that results can be directly compared to those in other studies. The decoder is also used to implement Viterbi training, in which model parameters are alternately updated and then used to re-align the training data

    Augmentation of adaptation data

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    Linear regression based speaker adaptation approaches can improve Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) accuracy significantly for a target speaker. However, when the available adaptation data is limited to a few seconds, the accuracy of the speaker adapted models is often worse compared with speaker independent models. In this paper, we propose an approach to select a set of reference speakers acoustically close to the target speaker whose data can be used to augment the adaptation data. To determine the acoustic similarity of two speakers, we propose a distance metric based on transforming sample points in the acoustic space with the regression matrices of the two speakers. We show the validity of this approach through a speaker identification task. ASR results on SCOTUS and AMI corpora with limited adaptation data of 10 to 15 seconds augmented by data from selected reference speakers show a significant improvement in Word Error Rate over speaker independent and speaker adapted models

    Ageing voices: The effect of changes in voice parameters on ASR performance

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    With ageing, human voices undergo several changes which are typically characterized by increased hoarseness and changes in articulation patterns. In this study, we have examined the effect on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and found that the Word Error Rates (WER) on older voices is about 9\% absolute higher compared to those of adult voices. Subsequently, we compared several voice source parameters including fundamental frequency, jitter, shimmer, harmonicity and cepstral peak prominence of adult and older males. Several of these parameters show statistically significant difference for the two groups. However, artificially increasing jitter and shimmer measures do not effect the ASR accuracies significantly. Artificially lowering the fundamental frequency degrades the ASR performance marginally but this drop in performance can be overcome to some extent using Vocal Tract Length Normalisation (VTLN). Overall, we observe that the changes in the voice source parameters do not have a significant impact on ASR performance. Comparison of the likelihood scores of all the phonemes for the two age groups show that there is a systematic mismatch in the acoustic space of the two age groups. Comparison of the phoneme recognition rates show that mid vowels, nasals and phonemes that depend on the ability to create constrictions with tongue tip for articulation are more affected by ageing than other phonemes

    Term-Dependent Confidence for Out-of-Vocabulary Term Detection

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    Within a spoken term detection (STD) system, the decision maker plays an important role in retrieving reliable detections. Most of the state-of-the-art STD systems make decisions based on a confidence measure that is term-independent, which poses a serious problem for out-of-vocabulary (OOV) term detection. In this paper, we study a term-dependent confidence measure based on confidence normalisation and discriminative modelling, particularly focusing on its remarkable effectiveness for detecting OOV terms. Experimental results indicate that the term-dependent confidence provides much more significant improvement for OOV terms than terms in-vocabulary

    A hybrid ANN/DBN approach to articulatory feature recognition

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    Artificial neural networks (ANN) have proven to be well suited to the task of articulatory feature (AF) recognition. Previous studies have taken a cascaded approach where separate ANNs are trained for each feature group, making the assumption that features are statistically independent. We address this by using ANNs to provide virtual evidence to a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN). This gives a hybrid ANN/DBN model and allows modelling of inter-feature dependencies. We demonstrate significant increases in AF recognition accuracy from modelling dependencies between features, and present the results of embedded training experiments in which a set of asynchronous feature changes are learned. Furthermore, we report on the application of a Viterbi training scheme in which we alternate between realigning the AF training labels and retraining the ANNs

    Speech recognition in the articulatory domain: investigating an alternative to acoustic HMMs

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    We describe a speech recognition system which uses a combination of acoustic and articulatory features as input. Linear dynamic models capture the trajectories which characterize each segment type. We describe classification and recognition tasks for systems based on acoustic data in conjunction with both real and automatically recovered articulatory parameters
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