283 research outputs found

    Making Queries Tractable on Big Data with Preprocessing

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    A query class is traditionally considered tractable if there exists a polynomial-time (PTIME) algorithm to answer its queries. When it comes to big data, however, PTIME al-gorithms often become infeasible in practice. A traditional and effective approach to coping with this is to preprocess data off-line, so that queries in the class can be subsequently evaluated on the data efficiently. This paper aims to pro-vide a formal foundation for this approach in terms of com-putational complexity. (1) We propose a set of Π-tractable queries, denoted by ΠT0Q, to characterize classes of queries that can be answered in parallel poly-logarithmic time (NC) after PTIME preprocessing. (2) We show that several natu-ral query classes are Π-tractable and are feasible on big data. (3) We also study a set ΠTQ of query classes that can be ef-fectively converted to Π-tractable queries by re-factorizing its data and queries for preprocessing. We introduce a form of NC reductions to characterize such conversions. (4) We show that a natural query class is complete for ΠTQ. (5) We also show that ΠT0Q ⊂ P unless P = NC, i.e., the set ΠT0Q of all Π-tractable queries is properly contained in the set P of all PTIME queries. Nonetheless, ΠTQ = P, i.e., all PTIME query classes can be made Π-tractable via proper re-factorizations. This work is a step towards understanding the tractability of queries in the context of big data. 1

    Distribution Constraints: The Chase for Distributed Data

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    This paper introduces a declarative framework to specify and reason about distributions of data over computing nodes in a distributed setting. More specifically, it proposes distribution constraints which are tuple and equality generating dependencies (tgds and egds) extended with node variables ranging over computing nodes. In particular, they can express co-partitioning constraints and constraints about range-based data distributions by using comparison atoms. The main technical contribution is the study of the implication problem of distribution constraints. While implication is undecidable in general, relevant fragments of so-called data-full constraints are exhibited for which the corresponding implication problems are complete for EXPTIME, PSPACE and NP. These results yield bounds on deciding parallel-correctness for conjunctive queries in the presence of distribution constraints

    Parallel-Correctness and Containment for Conjunctive Queries with Union and Negation

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    Single-round multiway join algorithms first reshuffle data over many servers and then evaluate the query at hand in a parallel and communication-free way. A key question is whether a given distribution policy for the reshuffle is adequate for computing a given query, also referred to as parallel-correctness. This paper extends the study of the complexity of parallel-correctness and its constituents, parallel-soundness and parallel-completeness, to unions of conjunctive queries with and without negation. As a by-product it is shown that the containment problem for conjunctive queries with negation is coNEXPTIME-complete

    Optimal Broadcasting Strategies for Conjunctive Queries over Distributed Data

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    In a distributed context where data is dispersed over many computing nodes, monotone queries can be evaluated in an eventually consistent and coordination-free manner through a simple but naive broadcasting strategy which makes all data available on every computing node. In this paper, we investigate more economical broadcasting strategies for full conjunctive queries without self-joins that only transmit a part of the local data necessary to evaluate the query at hand. We consider oblivious broadcasting strategies which determine which local facts to broadcast independent of the data at other computing nodes. We introduce the notion of broadcast dependency set (BDS) as a sound and complete formalism to represent locally optimal oblivious broadcasting functions. We provide algorithms to construct a BDS for a given conjunctive query and study the complexity of various decision problems related to these algorithms

    On the complexity of typechecking top-down XML transformations

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    AbstractWe investigate the typechecking problem for XML transformations: statically verifying that every answer to a transformation conforms to a given output schema, for inputs satisfying a given input schema. As typechecking quickly turns undecidable for query languages capable of testing equality of data values, we return to the limited framework where we abstract XML documents as labeled ordered trees. We focus on simple top-down recursive transformations motivated by XSLT and structural recursion on trees. We parameterize the problem by several restrictions on the transformations (deleting, non-deleting, bounded width) and consider both tree automata and DTDs as input and output schemas. The complexity of the typechecking problems in this scenario ranges from PTIME to EXPTIME

    Frontiers of tractability for typechecking simple XML transformations

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    AbstractTypechecking consists of statically verifying whether the output of an XML transformation is always conform to an output type for documents satisfying a given input type. We focus on complete algorithms which always produce the correct answer. We consider top–down XML transformations incorporating XPath expressions and abstract document types by grammars and tree automata. By restricting schema languages and transformations, we identify several practical settings for which typechecking can be done in polynomial time. Moreover, the resulting framework provides a rather complete picture as we show that most scenarios cannot be enlarged without rendering the typechecking problem intractable. So, the present research sheds light on when to use fast complete algorithms and when to reside to sound but incomplete ones

    05061 Abstracts Collection -- Foundations of Semistructured Data

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    From 06.02.05 to 11.02.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05061 ``Foundations of Semistructured Data\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Distributed Streaming with Finite Memory

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    We introduce three formal models of distributed systems for query evaluation on massive databases: Distributed Streaming with Register Automata (DSAs), Distributed Streaming with Register Transducers (DSTs), and Distributed Streaming with Register Transducers and Joins (DSTJs). These models are based on the key-value paradigm where the input is transformed into a dataset of key-value pairs, and on each key a local computation is performed on the values associated with that key resulting in another set of key-value pairs. Computation proceeds in a constant number of rounds, where the result of the last round is the input to the next round, and transformation to key-value pairs is required to be generic. The difference between the three models is in the local computation part. In DSAs it is limited to making one pass over its input using a register automaton, while in DSTs it can make two passes: in the first pass it uses a finite-state automaton and in the second it uses a register transducer. The third model DSTJs is an extension of DSTs, where local computations are capable of constructing the Cartesian product of two sets. We obtain the following results: (1) DSAs can evaluate first-order queries over bounded degree databases; (2) DSTs can evaluate semijoin algebra queries over arbitrary databases; (3) DSTJs can evaluate the whole relational algebra over arbitrary databases; (4) DSTJs are strictly stronger than DSTs, which in turn, are strictly stronger than DSAs; (5) within DSAs, DSTs and DSTJs there is a strict hierarchy w.r.t. the number of rounds
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