33 research outputs found

    Sex Transm Infect Alarmingly poor performance in Chlamydia trachomatis point-of-care testing

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    These results underline the need for good-quality assurance of POC tests, especially in view of the increased availability of these tests on the internet

    Molecular Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Isolates Collected in a Dutch University Hospital between 1999 and 2006â–¿

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    We observed that, between 1999 and 2006, up to 50% of the methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) bloodstream isolates in our hospital had a genetic background common to endemic methicillin-resistant S. aureus clones (clonal complex 5 [CC5], CC8, CC22, CC30, and CC45). Furthermore, several successful MSSA lineages, such as CC7 and CC15, were observed

    The prevalence of the Staphylococcus aureus tst gene among community- and hospital-acquired strains and isolates from Wegener's Granulomatosis patients

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    To allow rapid identification of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1)-producing Staphylococcus aureus strains, a real-time PCR assay for the detection of the tst gene, which encodes TSST-1, was developed. The assay was applied to S. aureus isolates from patients with Wegener's Granulomatosis (WG), as well as isolates that were classified as either community- (CA) or hospital-acquired (HA). No significant difference in the percentage of tst-positive strains was observed between isolates from WG patients and CA isolates (24% and 25%, respectively). In contrast, only 14% of the HA isolates were tst-positive (p<0.05). Investigation of the clonal relationship between tst-positive CA and HA strains could indicated the recent emergence of a virulent S. aureus clone in the community

    Improving peak concentrations of a single dose regime of gentamicin in patients with sepsis in the emergency department.

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    ObjectiveTo achieve an optimal effect in patients with sepsis at the emergency department (ED), the gentamicin peak-concentration should be sufficiently high (i.e. peak-concentration/MIC ≥8-10). ICU patients with sepsis often need higher gentamicin doses to achieve sufficiently high peak-concentrations. The aim of this study is to investigate which dose is needed to reach adequate peak-concentrations in patients presenting with sepsis at the ED.MethodsPatients with sepsis at the ED were included from August 2015 until February 2017. Peak-concentrations were measured in blood 30 minutes after the first gentamicin dose. The study consisted of three phases. In the first phase, peak-concentrations were measured after a standard dose of 5mg/kg. In the second phase, a simulation ((peak-concentration/actual dose) × simulated dose) was performed to determine which dose was needed to reach adequate gentamicin peak-concentrations of ≥16mg/L. In the third phase, peak-concentrations were measured for the best simulated dose.ResultsIn phase one, of 86 patients who received a dose of 5mg/kg, 34 (39.5%) patients did not reach the target peak-concentration of ≥16mg/L, and 73 (84.9%) did not reach ≥20mg/L. In phase two, the simulation showed that with a dose of 7mg/kg 83 (96.5%) patients would reach peak-concentrations ≥16mg/L, and 67 (77.9%) of ≥20mg/L. In phase three, 53 patients received a dose of 7mg/kg, of whom 45 (84.9%) reached peak-concentrations of ≥16mg/L, and 31 (58.5%) of ≥20mg/L.ConclusionPatients with sepsis at the ED need higher doses of gentamicin. A dose of 7mg/kg is needed to achieve adequate peak-concentrations in the majority of patients