15 research outputs found

    Result of AC Loss Tests on Twisted and Untwisted HTSC Tape Exposed to an External Field

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    This paper presents the results of magnetic loss tests on twisted and untwisted 37 multifilament tapes exposed to an alternating field at power frequencies. The losses are measured using calorimetric methods, which are capable of measuring losses in short tapes with the accuracy of several microwatts per centimeter of tape. The losses of the tape due to the longitudinal field of the untwisted tape agree well with theoretical calculations. The measurement results on the twisted filament tape, with 50-mm twist pitch, show that the losses are slightly lower than that in the untwisted tape. This is due to the reduction of the coupling losses between the filaments in the tape. It is also shown that in this presence of normal fields, the losses are about one order higher than for longitudinal fields because of the anisotropic properties of the superconducting parts and because of the existence of eddy current loss in the silver sheat

    High temperature superconducting coils and devices: design, fabrication, and testing - for power applications

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    A literature review of the state of the art of HTS AC losses and power devices determined that the subject of low AC loss HTS tapes required additional work and input and that these could be applied to HTS transformers to obtain a device with lowered AC loss compared to using straight filament tape. A procedure for manufacturing short lengths of twisted filament tape, with novel matrix alloys, and physically distinct filaments was developed. Two alloys were used for the matrix material and the range of twist pitches was from 4 to 20 mm. Tapes samples with twist pitches of 10 and 8 mm were produced with Ic\u27s of 40 A. The AC losses were measured at power fi-equencies in fields up to 0.04 T using a pick-up loop and a lock-in amplifier technique. Control samples of HTS tapes with straight filaments were found to have an AC loss which was predicted very well by the estabhshed equations in the literature. Some twisted filament samples had an AC loss signature that showed a significant lowering of the losses in the range of 0.01 to 0.03 T. No straight filament samples, however, were found to have lowered losses, including those with novel matrix alloys. Suitable materials for use at liquid nitrogen temperatures that can electrically insulate HTS tapes were investigated. It was found that many commonly available materials can be used in liquid nitrogen, however, the application method and adhesives must be considered. A range of pancakes and coils were manufactured using those insulation materials found most suitable. A suitable construction technique was investigated to manufacture robust potted pancake and solenoid coils and these coils were found to give negligible degradation in the Ic after thermo-mechanical testing

    Design and development of a 3-Phase saturated core high temperature superconducting fault current limiter

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    The occurrence of fault currents and system sensitivity to fault currents are both increasing in modern power systems. Along with extensive damage to network hardware, considerable consumer losses (due to network unavailability) can result from fault current events. One device that is designed to reduce the impact of fault currents and increase network availability is the fault current limiter (FCL). This paper describes the design and development of a 3-phase saturated core high temperature superconducting (HTS) FCL. This particular type of FCL exhibits negligible power losses during the un-faulted state and also provides instantaneous reaction and recovery during fault events. Optimisation of the design parameters for this device is discussed in this paper. Characterisation results from experimental cores and analyses using the finite element method are also discussed in terms of the design process. Finally, the performance of a prototype 3-phase device is experimentally characterised

    Saturated core high-temperature superconducting fault current limiters as an alternative to conventional series reactors in a distribution grid

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    Series reactors are used in distribution grids to reduce the short-circuit fault level. Some of the disadvantages of the application of these devices are the voltage drop produced across the reactor and the steep front rise of the transient recovery voltage (TRV), which generally exceeds the rating of the associated circuit breaker. Simulations were performed to compare the characteristics of a saturated core High-Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (HTS FCL) and a series reactor. The design of the HTS FCL was optimized using the evolutionary algorithm. The resulting Pareto frontier curve of optimum solution is presented in this paper. The results show that the steady-state impedance of an HTS FCL is significantly lower than that of a series reactor for the same level of fault current limiting. Tests performed on a prototype 11 kV HTS FCL confirm the theoretical results. The respective transient recovery voltages (TRV) of the HTS FCL and an air core reactor of comparable fault current limiting capability are also determined. The results show that the saturated core HTS FCL has a significantly lower effect on the rate of rise of the circuit breaker TRV as compared to the air core reactor. The simulations results are validated with shortcircuit test results

    Analysis of electromagnetic forces in high voltage superconducting fault current limiters with saturated core

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    This paper presents a three-dimensional numerical analysis of the electromagnetic forces within a high voltage superconducting Fault Current Limiter (FCL) with a saturated core under short-circuit conditions. The effects of electrodynamics forces in power transformer coils under short-circuit conditions have been reported widely. However, the coil arrangement in an FCL with saturated core differs significantly from existing reactive devices. The boundary element method is employed to perform an electromagnetic force analysis on an FCL. The analysis focuses on axial and radial forces of the AC coil. The results are compared to those of a power transformer and important design considerations are highlighted

    Current State of SMES Work at the University of Wollongong, Australia

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    The University of Wollongong (UoW) has received funding for the research and development of a high transition temperature (HTS) superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) device designed to operate at 40 K. This paper provides an update on work previously reported at AUPEC (2001) and summarises progress in the areas of computer assisted modelling, electromagnetic and thermal coil design, electronic control system, current leads and the cryogenic system. The proposed coil design for the SMES will be evaluated and discussed with respect to its advantages and limitations

    Design, Test and Demonstration of Saturable Reactor High-Temperature Superconductor Fault Current Limiters

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    Zenergy Power has successfully designed, built, tested, and installed in the US electrical grid a saturable reactor Fault Current Limiter. Beginning in 2007, first as SC Power Systems and from 2008 as Zenergy Power, Inc., ZP used DOE matching grant and ARRA funds to help refine the design of the saturated reactor fault current limiter. ZP ultimately perfected the design of the saturated reactor FCL to the point that ZP could reliably design a suitable FCL for most utility applications. Beginning with a very basic FCL design using 1G HTS for a coil housed in a LN2 cryostat for the DC bias magnet, the technology progressed to a commercial system that was offered for sale internationally. Substantial progress was made in two areas. First, the cryogenics cooling system progressed from a sub-cooled liquid nitrogen container housing the HTS coils to cryostats utilizing dry conduction cooling and reaching temperatures down to less than 20 degrees K. Large, round cryostats with âwarm boreâ diameters of 1.7 meters enabled the design of large tanks to hold the AC components. Second, the design of the AC part of the FCL was refined from a six legged âspiderâ design to a more compact and lighter design with better fault current limiting capability. Further refinement of the flux path and core shape led to an efficient saturated reactor design requiring less Ampere-turns to saturate the core. In conclusion, the development of the saturable reactor FCL led to a more efficient design not requiring HTS magnets and their associated peripheral equipment, which yielded a more economical product in line with the electric utility industry expectations. The original goal for the DOE funding of the ZP project âDesign, Test and Demonstration of Saturable Reactor High-Temperature Superconductor Fault Current Limitersâ was to stimulate the HTS wire industry with, first 1G, then 2G, HTS wire applications. Over the approximately 5 years of ZPâs product development program, the amount of HTS wire employed per FCL and its cost as a percentage of the total FCL product content had not dropped substantially from an unsustainable level of more than 50% of the total cost of the FCL, nor had the availability increased (today the availability of 2G wire for commercial applications outside of specific partnerships with the leading 2G wire manufacturers is extremely limited). ZP had projected a very significant commercial potential for FCLs with higher performance and lower costs compared to the initial models built with 1G wire, which would come about from the widespread availability of low-cost, high-performance 2G HTS wire. The potential for 2G wires at greatly reduced performance-based prices compared to 1G HTS conductor held out the potential for the commercial production of FCLs at price and performance levels attractive to the utility industry. However, the price of HTS wire did not drop as expected and today the available quantities of 2G wire are limited, and the price is higher than the currently available supplies of 1G wire. The commercial option for ZP to provide a reliable and reasonably priced FCL to the utility industry is to employ conventional resistive conductor DC electromagnets to bias the FCL. Since the premise of the original funding was to stimulate the HTS wire industry and ZP concluded that copper-based magnets were more economical for the foreseeable future, DOE and ZP decided to mutually terminate the project

    Accuracy of FEM and BEM for electromagnetic flux calculations in high power applications

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    The development and design of electric high power devices with electromagnetic computer-aided engineering (EM-CAE) software such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) and Boundary Element Method (BEM) has been widely adopted. This paper presents the analysis of a Fault Current Limiter (FCL), which acts as a high-voltage surge protector for power grids. A prototype FCL was built. The magnetic flux in the core and the resulting electromagnetic forces in the winding of the FCL were analyzed using both FEM and BEM. An experiment on the prototype was conducted in a laboratory. The data obtained from the experiment is compared to the numerical solutions to determine the suitability and accuracy of the two methods

    Magnetic flux analysis in superconducting Fault Current Limiters under short-circuit conditions

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    In order to obtain a more compact Superconducting Fault Current limiter (SFCL), a special geometry of core and AC coil is required. This results in a unique magnetic flux pattern which differs from those associated with conventional round core arrangements. In this paper the magnetic flux density within a Fault Current Limiter (FCL) is described. Both experimental and analytical approaches are considered. A small scale prototype of an FCL was constructed in order to conduct the experiments. This prototype comprises a single phase. The analysis covers both the steady state and the short-circuit condition. Simulation results were obtained using commercial software based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). The magnetic flux saturating the cores, leakage magnetic flux giving rise to electromagnetic forces and leakage magnetic flux flowing in the enclosing tank are computed