121 research outputs found

    Parasitic contamination of commonly consumed vegetables in two markets in Ghana

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    Introduction: Fresh vegetables are an important source of vital nutrients. Poor farming practices and improper washing put consumers at risk of parasitic infections. This study explored the presence of parasitic contamination of commonly-consumed vegetables procured from two markets in Ghana. It also explored the decontamination effects of washing vegetables with different concentrations of saline solution.Method: Vegetables were procured from two major open markets in Koforidua, Ghana. Vegetables were thoroughly washed twice using 0.0%, 0.45%, 0.9%, 1.5% concentrations of saline solutions. The deposits were examined under the light microscope for the presence of parasites. Smears were made from sediments, stained and observed with Fluorescence microscope to detect any spores or oocysts of Microsporidium sp., and Cryptosporidium sp.Result: Three hundred and sixty of five types of vegetables were procured. Two hundred and seven (57.5%, 95% Confidence Interval 52.2% - 62.7%) were found to be contaminated with at least one type of parasite. The extent of vegetable contamination was 97.2% (90.3-99.7) of spring onions, 70.8% (58.9-81.0) of lettuce and 50.0% (38.0- 62.0) of tomatoes. The commonest parasites were Strongyloides stercoralis (36.4%, 31.4-41.6), Balantidium coli (13.6%, 10.2-17.6) and Cryptosporidium oocyst (11.1%, 8.1-14.8). Parasite recovering rates were 57.5% (52.2-62.7) and 42.2% (37.1-47.5) after first and second washings respectively.Conclusion: The level of parasite contamination is high and consumption of raw vegetables procured from these markets carry a high risk of parasite infection. Washing vegetables twice with saline was not effective for parasite removal. Improved approaches for washing vegetables before consumption are needed.Funding: Ensign College-Students Research Award Program of Bob and Lynette GayKeywords: Parasites, contamination, vegetables, market, Ghan

    Determinants of unintended pregnancies in rural Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: Unintended pregnancies may carry serious consequences for women and their families, including the possibility of unsafe abortion, delayed prenatal care, poor maternal mental health and poor child health outcomes. Although between 1993 and 2008, unintended births decreased from 42% to 37% in Ghana, the rate of decline is low, whilst levels are still very high. This raises the need to understand factors associated with unintended pregnancies, especially among women in rural settings where the rates and risks are highest to help improve maternal health. METHOD: We collected data from 1,914 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic between January 2012 and April 2012 in four health facilities in the Mfantseman Municipal of the Central Region of Ghana. We used bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses to explore how socio-demographic characteristics, past reproductive health experiences, partner characteristics and relations, awareness and past experience with contraceptives, influenced the status of women's current pregnancy (whether intended or unintended). RESULTS: The mean age of the 1,914 respondents in this study was 25.6 ± 6.5 years. Seventy percent (70%) said the pregnancies they were carrying were unintended. The odds of carrying unintended pregnancy among women with five or more children were higher than those with one to two children [AOR 6.06, 95% CI (3.24-11.38) versus AOR 1.48, 95% CI (1.14-1.93)]. Women with other marital arrangements showed significantly higher odds of carrying unintended pregnancy compared to those married by ordinance (Muslim or Christian wedding). Women not living with their partners exhibited increased odds of having unintended pregnancies compared to women who lived with their partners (AOR 1.72, 95% CI: 1.28 - 2.30). Awareness of traditional methods of family planning (withdrawal and rhythm) was associated with lower odds of having unintended pregnancy compared to non-awareness (AOR 0.66, 95% CI (0.49-0.89). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, important risk factors associated with unintended pregnancies were: parity, living arrangements with partner, marriage by ordinance and awareness of traditional, non-pharmacological contraceptive methods. Family planning interventions targeting different groups of women, especially during the postpartum period, would be essential to reduce rates of unintended pregnancies and promote positive health outcomes

    Multimorbidity of chronic diseases among adult patients presenting to an inner-city clinic in Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: Very little is known about multimorbidity and chronic diseases in low and middle income countries, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa, and more information is needed to guide the process of adapting the health systems in these countries to respond adequately to the increasing burden of chronic diseases. We conducted a hospital-based survey in an urban setting in Ghana to determine the prevalence of multimorbidity and its associated risk factors among adult patients presenting to an inner city clinic. METHODS: Between May and June 2012, we interviewed adult patients (aged 18 years and above) attending a routine outpatient clinic at an inner-city hospital in Accra using a structured questionnaire. We supplemented the information obtained from the interviews with information obtained from respondents' health records. We used logistic regression analyses to explore the risk factors for multimorbidity. RESULTS: We interviewed 1,527 patients and retrieved matching medical records for 1,399 (91.6%). The median age of participants was 52.1 years (37-64 years). While the prevalence of multimorbidity was 38.8%, around half (48.6%) of the patients with multimorbidity were aged between 18-59 years old. The most common combination of conditions was hypertension and diabetes mellitus (36.6%), hypertension and musculoskeletal conditions (19.9%), and hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions (11.4%). Compared with patients aged 18-39 years, those aged 40-49 years (OR 4.68, 95% CI: 2.98-7.34), 50-59 years (OR 12.48, 95% CI: 8.23-18.92) and 60 years or older (OR 15.80, 95% CI: 10.66-23.42) were increasingly likely to present with multimorbidity. While men were less likely to present with multimorbidity, (OR 0.71, 95% CI: 0.45-0.94, p = 0.015), having a family history of any chronic disease was predictive of multimorbidity (OR 1.43, 95% CI: 1.03-1.68, p = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS: Multimorbidity is a significant problem in this population. By identifying the risk factors for multimorbidity, the results of the present study provide further evidence for informing future policies aimed at improving clinical case management, health education and medical training in Ghana

    Sex composition of living children in a matrilineal inheritance system and its association with pregnancy intendedness and postpartum family planning intentions in rural Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: Sex composition of living children within the context of "sex preference" and its association with various reproductive health outcomes has been extensively studied in South and South East Asia. Although sex preference has been observed in sub-Saharan Africa, there is paucity of research on sex composition of living children and its association with reproductive health behaviours and outcomes, particularly in a matrilineal inheritance system. The purpose of the study was to explore the existence of sex preference in a matrilineal inheritance system. Specifically, the study sought to better understand the issues by examining the sex composition of living children and how it is associated with reproductive outcomes such as pregnancy intendedness and intention to use postpartum family planning among women in a matrilineal area of Ghana. METHODS: This was a cross sectional study conducted at four selected health facilities in the Mfantseman municipality of the Central Region of Ghana. Out of the 1914 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic selected using total enumeration, from 2nd January to 30th April 2012, 1091 with living children and complete socio-demographic data were recruited for this study. Descriptive, chi square and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: The mean age of the 1091 respondents in this study was 28.2 ± 6.0 years with mean gestational age of 26.7 ± 6.6 weeks. Whilst 78% of the women had at least a son, 71% had at least a daughter, with those having only sons exceeding those with only daughters by 6.3%. Also, majority of the women with more sons than daughters did not intend their current pregnancies. These observations, coupled with a sex ratio of 109 males to 100 females, inferred the existence of son preference. The levels of unintended pregnancy and intention to use postpartum family planning were high (70% and 78% respectively). There was an association between sex composition of living children and unintended pregnancy but no association between sex composition of living children and intention to use postpartum family planning. Women with only sons were 50% less likely to have unintended pregnancies compared to those with equal number of sons and daughters [AOR 0.5, 95% CI (0.3-0.8)]. Similarly, women over 30 years were 80% less likely to have unintended pregnancies compared to those 15-19 years [AOR 0.2, 95% CI (0.1-0.6)]. The women with parity of 5 or more and resident in Anomabo were more likely to have unintended pregnancy compared to those with parity of up to two [AOR 3.8, 95% CI (1.7-8.59)] and those resident in Saltpond [AOR 1.8, 95%CI (1.1-2.8), respectively. In addition, the women resident in Anomabo were more likely to have intention to use postpartum family planning compared to those in Saltpond [AOR 1.8, 95% CI (1.0-3.3)]. CONCLUSION: There was persistence of more sons than daughters born in a predominantly matrilineal inheritance system and sex composition of living children had significant association with pregnancy intendedness but not with intention to use postpartum family planning

    Knowledge and Perceptions about Clinical Trials and the Use of Biomedical Samples: Findings from a Qualitative Study in Rural Northern Ghana.

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    INTRODUCTION: Clinical trials conducted in sub-Saharan Africa have helped to address the prevalent health challenges. The knowledge about how communities perceive clinical trials is however only now evolving. This study was conducted among parents whose children participated in past clinical trials in northern Ghana to assess their knowledge and perceptions of clinical trials and the use of biomedical samples. METHOD: This was a qualitative study based on eighty in-depth interviews with parents. The participants were randomly selected from among parents whose children were enrolled in a clinical trial conducted in the Kassena-Nankana districts between 2000 and 2003. The interviews were transcribed and coded into emergent themes using Nvivo 9 software. The thematic analysis framework was used to analyze the data. RESULTS: Study participants reported that clinical trials were carried out to determine the efficacy of drugs and to make sure that these drugs were suitable for human beings to use. The conduct of clinical trials was perceived to have helped to reduce the occurrence of diseases such as malaria, cerebrospinal meningitis and diarrhea. Quality of care was reported to be better in clinical trials than in the routine care. Parents indicated that participation in clinical trials positively influenced their health-seeking behavior. Apprehensions about blood draw and the use to which samples were put were expressed, with suspicion by a few participants that researchers sold blood samples. The issue of blood draw was most contentious. CONCLUSION: Parents perception about the conduct of clinical trials in the study districts is generally positive. However, misconceptions made about the use of blood samples in this study must be taken seriously and strategies found to improve transparency and greater community acceptability

    Estimating malaria parasite density: assumed white blood cell count of 10,000/μl of blood is appropriate measure in Central Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: White blood cells count (WBCc) is a bedrock in the estimation of malaria parasite density in malaria field trials, interventions and patient management. White blood cells are indirectly and relatively used in microscopy to estimate the density of malaria parasite infections. Due to frequent lack of facilities in some malaria-endemic countries, in order to quantify WBCc of patients, an assumed WBCc of 8.0 X 10(9)/L has been set by the World Health Organization to help in estimating malaria parasite densities. METHODS: This comparative analysis study, in Central Ghana, compiled laboratory data of 5,902 Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite positive samples. Samples were obtained from consented participants of age groups less than five years. Full blood counts (FBC) of participants' samples were analysed using the ABX Micros 60 Haematology Analyzer. Blood slides were read by two competent microscopists to produce concordant results. All internal and external quality control measures were carried out appropriately. Parasite densities were calculated using participants' absolute WBCc and assumed WBCc of 5,000 to 10,000 per microlitre of blood. RESULTS: From the 5,902 Pf malaria positive samples, the mean (SD) WBCc and geometric mean parasite density were 10.4 (4.6) × 10(9)/L and 7,557/μL (95% CI 7,144/μL to 7,994/μL) respectively. The difference in the geometric mean parasite densities calculated using absolute WBCs and compared to densities with assumed WBCs counts were significantly lower for 5.0 × 10(9)/L; 3,937/μL, 6.0 × 10(9)/L; 4,725/μL and 8.0 × 10(9)/L; 6,300/μL. However, the difference in geometric mean parasite density, 7,874/μL (95 % CI, 7,445/μL to 8,328/μL), with assumed WBCc of 10.0 × 10(9)/L was not significant. CONCLUSION: Using the assumed WBCc of 8.0 X 10(9)/L or lower to estimate malaria parasite densities in Pf infected children less than five years old could result in significant underestimation of parasite burden. Assumed WBCc of 10.0 × 10(9)/L at 95 % CI of geometric mean of parasite density statistically agreed with the parasite densities produce by the absolute WBCc of participants. The study suggests where resources are limited, use of assumed WBCc of 10.0 × 10(9)/L of blood to estimate malaria parasite density in central Ghana. Preferably, absolute WBCc should be used in drug efficacy and vaccine trials

    Monitoring malaria using health facility based surveys: challenges and limitations.

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    BACKGROUND: Health facility data are more readily accessible for operational planning and evaluation of disease control programmes. The importance, potential challenges and limitations of using facility based survey as an alternative tool for monitoring changes in local malaria epidemiology were examined. METHODS: The study involved six areas within the administrative divisions of The Gambia. The areas were selected to reflect socioeconomic and malaria transmission intensities across the country. The study design involved an age stratified cross sectional surveys that were conducted during the wet season in 2008 and in the 2009 during the dry season. Participants were patients attending clinics in six health centres and the representative populations from the catchment communities of the health centres. RESULTS: Overall participants' characteristics were mostly not comparable in the two methodological approaches in the different seasons and settings. More females than males were enrolled (55.8 vs. 44.2 %) in all the surveys. Malaria infection was higher in the surveys in health centres than in the communities (p < 0.0001) and also in males than in females (OR = 1.3; p < 0.001). Males were less likely than females to sleep under an insecticide treated net in the communities (OR = 1.6; 95 % CI 1.3, 1.9) and in the health centres (OR = 1.3; 95 % CI 1.1, 1.5). Representativeness of the ethnic groups was better in the health centre surveys than in the community surveys when compared to the 2003 national population census in The Gambia. CONCLUSION: Health facility based survey though a potential tool for monitoring changes in the local epidemiology of malaria will require continuous validation of the facility and participants sociodemograhic characteristics as these may change over time. The effects of health seeking practices on service utilization and health facility surveys as an approach will also need continuous review

    Factors influencing willingness to participate in new drug trial studies: a study among parents whose children were recruited into these trials in northern Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: During the last decade, the number of clinical trials conducted in sub-Saharan Africa has increased significantly which has helped to address priority health problems in the region. Navrongo health research centre since it was established in 1989, has conducted several trial studies including rectal artesunate trial in the Kassena-Nankana districts. However, there is little evidence-based for assessing the impact of new drug trials. This study explored factors that motivate parents to allow their children to participate in new drug trials in northern Ghana. METHOD: The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods. The participants were randomly selected from among parents whose children were enrolled in a new drug trial conducted in the Kassena-Nankana districts between 2000 and 2003. QSR Nvivo 9 software was used to code the qualitative data into themes before analysis while STATA software Version 11.2© was used to analyze the quantitative data. RESULTS: The results showed that majority (95.9%) of the parents were willing to allow their children to be enrolled in future new drug trials. The main factors motivating their willingness to allow their children to be enrolled in these trials were quality of health care services offered to trial participants (92.9%), detail medical examination (90.8%), promptness of care provided (94.4%) and quality of drugs (91.9%). Other factors mentioned included disease prevention (99.5%) and improved living standard (96.1%). Parents reported that the conduct of these trials had reduced the frequency of disease occurrences in the communities because of the quality of health care services provided to the children recruited into these trial studies. CONCLUSION: Though the implementation of clinical trials in the study area is believed to have positive impact on health status of people particularly trial participants, measures should however be taken to address safety and likely side effects of new drugs given to trial participants during these trial studies

    Memorable wildlife tourism experience: Evidence from the Mole National Park

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    The goal of this research was to develop and validate an integrative model for memorable wildlife tourism experience. The study examined how escapism, experience co-creation, existential authenticity, and experiential satisfaction serve as drivers of memorable wildlife experience. It further explored the connection between memorable wildlife tourism experience and hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being, place attachment and pro-environmental behaviour. The sample consists of 361 international tourists aged 18 years or more who visited the Mole National Park in Ghana between October 2022 and September 2023 for a wildlife safari. Results reveals that as experience co-creation, experiential authenticity, and experiential satisfaction increase, the more memorable wildlife tourism experience becomes. Enhanced experiential satisfaction and memorable experiences are associated with heightened hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being, place attachment, and pro-environmental behaviour. The theoretical and managerial implications as well as recommendations for future studies are presented

    Factors influencing the intention of women in rural Ghana to adopt postpartum family planning.

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    BACKGROUND: Uptake of postpartum family planning (PPFP) remains low in sub-Saharan Africa and very little is known about how pregnant women arrive at their decisions to adopt PPFP. This information is needed to guide the development of interventions to promote PPFP. METHODS: We conducted a survey among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in a rural district in Ghana. We used univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis to explore how knowledge of various family planning (FP) methods, past experience with their use and the acceptability of PPFP to male partners and close relations influenced the intention of pregnant women to adopt PPFP. RESULTS: We interviewed 1914 pregnant women in four health facilities. About 84% considered PPFP acceptable, and 70% intended to adopt a method. The most preferred methods were injectables (31.5%), exclusive breastfeeding (16.7%), and oral contraceptive pills (14.8%). Women whose first choice of PPFP method were injectables were more likely to be women who had had past experience with its use (O.R = 2.07, 95% C.I. 1.50-2.87). Acceptability of PPFP by the pregnant woman (O.R. = 3.21, 1.64-6.26), perception of partner acceptability (O.R. = 3.20, 1.94-5.48), having had prior experience with the use of injectables (O.R. = 3.72, 2.61-5.30) were the strongest predictors of the intention to adopt PPFP. Conversely women who knew about the diaphragm (O.R. = 0.59, 0.38-0.93) and those who had past experience with IUD use (O.R. = 0.13, 0.05-0.38) were less likely to want to adopt PPFP. CONCLUSIONS: Acceptability of PPFP to the pregnant woman, male partner approval, and past experience with the use of injectables are important factors in the PPFP decisions of women in this population. Antenatal and early postnatal care need to be adapted to take these factors into consideration