4,551 research outputs found

    Trapped radiation experiment

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    Trapped radiation detector on Mariner IV space probe measurement of outer Van Allen belt - feasibility of detecting trapped radiation at Mar

    Observations with University of Iowa equipment on Mariner IV, November 1964 - February 1965 Preliminary report

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    Mariner IV space probe electron and proton density measurements in earth magnetosphere and interplanetary spac

    Electrons in the Earth's Outer Radiation Zone

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    Electrons in the earths outer radiation bel

    Absence of martian radiation belts and implications thereof

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    Absence of electrons in Mars atmosphere and implications thereo

    Multicolor pyrometer for materials processing in space

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    This report documents the work performed by Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI), under contract to NASA JPL, during a 2.5-year SBIR Phase 2 Program. The program goals were to design, construct, and program a prototype passive imaging pyrometer capable of measuring, as accurately as possible, and controlling the temperature distribution across the surface of a moving object suspended in space. These goals were achieved and the instrument was delivered to JPL in November 1989. The pyrometer utilizes an optical system which operates at short wavelengths compared to the peak of the black-body spectrum for the temperature range of interest, thus minimizing errors associated with a lack of knowledge about the heated sample's emissivity. To cover temperatures from 900 to 2500 K, six wavelengths are available. The preferred wavelength for measurement of a particular temperature decreases as the temperature increases. Images at all six wavelengths are projected onto a single CCD camera concurrently. The camera and optical system have been calibrated to relate the measured intensity at each pixel to the temperature of the heated object. The output of the camera is digitized by a frame grabber installed in a personal computer and analyzed automatically to yield temperature information. The data can be used in a feedback loop to alter the status of computer-activated switches and thereby control a heating system

    Muscovy and the Mongols: Cross-Cultural Influences on the Steppe Frontier, 1304-1589. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, xvı-329 p., fig., tab., glossary, chronology, biblio., index.

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    The debate surrounding the Mongol influence on Russia, and Russia’s Inner Asian inheritance in general, is a theme that has captured the attention of both popular and scholarly studies of general Russian history for centuries. The idea that the Mongol conquest of the 13th century, Mongol domination and Mongol influence on Russia’s political institutions « explain » the presence of autocracy, despotism, distinctiveness (from Europe) are deeply rooted and commonplace both in the West and among ..

    Ot srednevekovyx tatar k tataram novogo vremini (Ètnologičeskij vzgljad na istoriju volgo-uralskix tatar xv-xvii vv.). Kazan, Izdatel’stvo « Master Lajn », 1998, 276 p., bibliography (Institut istorii AN Tatarstana, Serija « Ètnopolitičeskaja istorija tatar »). [From the Tatars of the Middle Ages to the Tatars of the Modern Times. (An Anthropological View of the History of the Volga-Urals Tatars in the 15th-17th Centuries)]

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    In his book the Kazan ethnographer DĂ€mir Is’haqov examines Tatar ethnic history in the 15th and 16th centuries, a time which he considers to be a key transitional period in Tatar ethnic history. The A. argues that it was in this period, when the Tatar population as a whole came under the rule of the unified Russian state that a unified Tatar identity emerged. The A. employs a broad range of sources, including both Russian archival documents and Turkic genealogical materials. The work is divid..

    « Ot konfessional’nogo k Ăštničeskomu : bulgarskaja ideja v nacional’nom samosoznanii kazanskix tatar v xx veke », VE, 1-2 [4-5] (1998), pp. 137-159. [From Confessional to Ethnic: the Bulghar Idea in the National Consciousness of the Kazan Tatars in the Twentieth Century]

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    In this article the A. examines the image and legacy of the early-twentieth century Vaysi movement among the « Neo-Bulgharists » in post-Soviet Tatar society. The A. demonstrates a definite link between the radical Sufi movement led by Ginan Vaisov, until his death in Kazan in 1918, and the modern-day nationalist movement, which has engendered a sharp polemic among Tatar intellectuals over the last twelve or so years  specifically, in the person of Mirkhad Vaisov (1918-1986), Ginan Vaisov’s ..

    Islam v tatarskom mire : istorija i sovremennost’ (Materialy meĆŸdunarodnogo simpoziuma, Kazan’, 29 aprelja-1 maja 1996 g.). Kazan, s. n., 1997, 378 p., tab. (Panorama Forum, n° 12). [L’islam dans le monde tatar : histoire et actualitĂ© (Actes du colloque international de Kazan, 29 avril-1er mai 1996)]

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    This volume contains the Russian materials published from the international symposium convened in Kazan, in April and May 1996. The volume contains Russian versions of most of the articles that appeared in the French edition of the proceedings published in Paris in the same year. However, the Russian edition also contains a number of articles and documentary publications not included in the French edition (L’Islam de Russie. Conscience communautaire et autonomie politique chez les Tatars de l..
