1,005 research outputs found

    La psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert

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    La psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert (PFT) est une version modifiée de la psychothérapie psychodynamique classique et spécialisée pour les troubles graves de la personnalité. Elle se fonde sur les principes de la psychanalyse et sur la théorie des relations objectales. L’organisation du monde psychique se structure à partir de l’expérience des interrelations personnelles impliquant une pulsion venant buter contre un objet et produisant un affect agréable ou désagréable. L’expérience ainsi vécue structure une dyade relationnelle impliquant une représentation de Soi et une représentation de l’autre liées par l’affect éprouvé. Par la suite, les représentations s’intègrent les unes aux autres pour former un monde interne évolué, souple, dynamique, adaptée à la réalité externe ou, au contraire, un monde primitif, rigide et fréquemment en conflit avec la réalité externe. La psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert se propose justement de faire évoluer la structure de la personnalité par le biais d’une analyse soutenue de l’expérience relationnelle vécue avec le psychothérapeute, la mise à jour des représentations de soi et de l’autre et de l’affect qui les lie et la prise de conscience des désirs et motifs inconscients de la personne. Une phase de diagnostic différentiel par le biais d’une entrevue structurale et l’élaboration d’un contrat psychothérapique précède la psychothérapie proprement dite. Le premier but de la psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert est d’engager la personne dans une observation et une prise de conscience des représentations d’elle-même et des autres. Ces représentations sont le plus souvent biaisées par l’organisation inconsciente du monde interne.Transference focused psychotherapy is a version of psychodynamic psychotherapy that is modified and specialized for patients with borderline personality disorder. It is based on psychoanalytic principles with an emphasis on object relations theory. A fundamental concept in this model is that the organization of an individual’s psyche is structured around internalized versions of interpersonal relations. The relationship experiences that are internalized involve a specific representation of the self, a specific representation of the other (the object of the libidinal or aggressive drive) and an intense affect that links them. However, this movement toward integration of the internal representational world does not take place in individuals with borderline personality, who continue to experience life in a way that is based on rigid and extreme views of self and others. The goal of transference focused psychotherapy is to help individuals advance to an integrated internal world through the analysis of the patient’s ongoing experience of his or her relationship with the therapist. It is assumed that the analysis of this relationship will bring to light the internal representations of self and other, and the corresponding affects, that are related to unconscious desires and motivations, and that underlie the individual’s extreme and discontinuous experience in life. The therapy begins with a specific diagnostic interview and the establishment of a treatment contract with the patient before the psychotherapeutic work begins. The first goal of the therapy is to engage the patient in the process of observing and gaining awareness of the representations of self and other that guide his or her perceptions of the world. The therapy then helps the patient to understand the internal forces that have kept theses representations segregated from each other and to integrate them into a more mature and coherent sense of self and others.La psicoterapia focalizada en la transferencia (PFT) es una versión modificada de la psicoterapia psicodinámica clásica y especializada para los trastornos graves de la personalidad. Se funda en los principios del psicoanálisis y en la teoría de las relaciones objetales. La organización del mundo psíquico se estructura a partir de la experiencia de las interrelaciones personales, que implican una pulsión que se topa con un objeto y produce un afecto agradable o desagradable. La experiencia así vivida crea una estructura de díada relacional que implica una representación de Sí y una representación del otro, ligadas por el afecto experimentado. A continuación, las representaciones se integran unas con otras para formar un mundo interno evolucionado, flexible, dinámico, adaptado a la realidad externa o, por el contrario, un mundo primitivo, rígido y frecuentemente en conflicto con la realidad externa. La psicoterapia focalizada en la transferencia se propone justamente hacer evolucionar la estructura de la personalidad por medio de un análisis sostenido de la experiencia relacional vivida con el psicoterapeuta, la actualización de las representaciones de sí mismo y del otro, del afecto que las une y la toma de conciencia de los deseos y motivos inconscientes de la persona. Una fase de diagnóstico diferencial, mediante una entrevista estructural y la elaboración de un contrato psicoterapéutico, precede a la psicoterapia propiamente dicha. El primer objetivo de la psicoterapia focalizada en la transferencia es comprometer a la persona a una observación y una toma de conciencia de las representaciones de ella misma y de los demás. Estas representaciones frecuentemente son tergiversadas por la organización inconsciente del mundo interno.A Psicoterapia Focada na Transferência (PFT) é uma versão modificada da psicoterapia psicodinâmica clássica e especializada para os transtornos graves da personalidade. Ela fundamenta-se nos princípios da psicanálise e na teoria das relações objetais. A organização do mundo psíquico estrutura-se a partir da experiência das inter-relações pessoais implicando uma pulsão vindo chocar com um objeto e produzindo um afeto agradável ou desagradável. A experiência assim vivenciada estrutura uma díade relacional implicando uma representação de Si e uma representação do outro, ligadas pelo afeto vivenciado. Em seguida, as representações integram-se umas às outras para formar um mundo interno evoluído, flexível, dinâmico, adaptado à realidade externa ou, pelo contrário, um mundo primitivo, rígido e freqüentemente em conflito com a realidade externa. A psicoterapia focada na transferência propõe-se justamente fazer evoluir a estrutura da personalidade através de uma análise apoiada na experiência relacional vivenciada com o psicoterapeuta, a atualização das representações de si e do outro e do afeto que os une e a tomada de consciência dos desejos e motivos inconscientes da pessoa. Uma fase de diagnóstico diferencial, através de uma entrevista estrutural e a elaboração de um contrato psicoterápico precede a psicoterapia propriamente dita. O primeiro objetivo da psicoterapia focada na transferência é levar a pessoa a uma observação e uma tomada de consciência das representações dela mesma e dos outros. Estas representações são mais freqüentemente desviadas pela organização inconsciente do mundo interno

    Density Dependent Refueling of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover Within an Urbanizing Coastal Landscape

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    Refueling performance is the primary currency of a successful migration as birds must maintain energy stores to achieve an optimal travel schedule. Migrating birds can anticipate heightened energy demand, not to mention increased uncertainty that energy demands will be satisfied, especially within an urbanizing landscape following long-distance flights. We tested the expectation that refueling performance of songbirds is reduced as densities increase at stopover sites in an urbanizing coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. We measured the density of migrating birds, their refueling performance, and arthropod abundance in two large tracts of contiguous forest paired with two small isolated patches embedded within residential settings throughout spring migration over the course of 2 years. Refueling performance declined with increasing migrant densities, even though the overall daily densities of birds stopping in these landscapes were relatively low and arthropod densities were low throughout. Habitat patch size alone did not account for differences in refueling performance, but smaller habitat patches more often concentrated migrants in higher densities where they experienced reduced refueling performance. We found support for density-dependent refueling performance during spring migration through a region where overall passage and stopover densities are low; suggesting that larger contiguous forest tracks within urban landscapes provide higher quality habitat for refueling and that effect is likely even more pronounced in landscapes within higher density migratory corridors. The nutritional challenges encountered during migration influence the overall pace of migration and changes in access to food resources due to increasing urbanization may ultimately impact optimal travel schedules

    Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Anion-Ï€ Interactions in Inorganic and Biological Supramolecular Architectures

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    Supramolecular chemistry encompasses the interdisciplinary study of weak intermolecular forces which allows for access to sophisticated architectures and functionalities. One newly recognized supramolecular force that is becoming increasingly prevalent in theoretical, organic, inorganic and biological chemistry is the attractive interaction between an anion and an aromatic system, the anion-π interaction. By integrating theoretical and experimental methods, the nature and implications of anion-π interactions have been studied in inorganic and biological systems. In order to expand the library of anion-templated, supramolecular metallacyclic architectures previously reported by the Dunbar group, a semi-empirical model has been developed that accurately reproduces the reported metallacyclic frameworks and predicts metallacycles available from 18 templating anions, 15 transition metals, and 2 bridging ligands. By considering the degree of overlap between the anion and the π-system, the most ideal metallacyclic candidates have been identified for future experimental studies. A second computational study has employed DFT methods to explore the hierarchy of factors that direct to the supramolecular formation of Ag^I coordination complexes, polymers and extended networks. These causative factors include the transition metal, bridging ligand, anion and solvent. Anion-templated metallacyclic architectures were further considered as building blocks for the elaboration of extended superstructures. Complexation of the pentagonal building blocks with organic bridging ligands has led to symmetrical, ambiguous structures and reaction with a cyano-metallate bridging moiety has facilitated supramolecular transformation into the first acetonitrile-templated metallacyclic architecture containing reduced bridging ligands. Finally, the impact of the anion-π interaction on inhibition of malate synthase, an important protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, has been probed through DFT methods. An appropriate model active site from one inhibitor-bound protein crystal structure was employed as a structural template such that the binding interactions and orientation were reproduced with a high degree of accuracy. By screening potential molecules according to the propensity of each to participate in anion-π interactions, the pre-screened predictive method efficiently incorporates the anion-π interaction into a methodology for future drug design. This interdisciplinary exploration of the anion-π interaction has combined theoretical and experimental research to help unravel the complexities of supramolecular inorganic and biological systems, providing direction for future experimental efforts

    Incidence de certains facteurs sur l’issue d’une psychothérapie dans un essai clinique randomisé auprès de patients avec trouble de personnalité limite (TPL)

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    Au Personality Disorders Institute, nous avons étudié l’efficacité de la psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert (PFT), une psychothérapie psychodynamique manualisée qui se déroule deux fois par semaine à l’intention de personnes souffrant de troubles de personnalité limite (TPL). Nous avons comparé la PFT à la thérapie dialectique comportementale (TDC) et à la psychothérapie psychodynamique de soutien (PPS) dans un essai clinique randomisé auprès de 90 patients ayant un TPL. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons certains fondements à l’origine du développement des TPL, suivis d’une discussion des bases théoriques de la PFT. Nous abordons ensuite les caractéristiques des patients qui influent sur les résultats du traitement. Nous présentons des données à la fois cliniques et empiriques dans une discussion de cas individuels représentatifs de l’échantillon de patients borderline traités en PFT.At the Personality Disorders Institute we have been investigating the efficacy of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP), a twice weekly manualized psychodynamic psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder compared to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Supportive Psychotherapy (SP) in a randomized clinical trial of 90 borderline patients. We will first present some developmental foundations of BPD, followed by a discussion of the theoretical foundations of TFP. We will then discuss patient characteristics that have an impact on outcome. We will present both clinical and empirical data in a discussion of individual cases that were representative of a sample of borderline patients treated in Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP).En el Personality Disorders Institute estudiamos la eficacia de la psicoterapia focalizada en la transferencia (PFT), una psicoterapia psicodinámica hecha manual, que se lleva a cabo dos veces por semana para las personas que sufren de trastornos de personalidad límite (TPL). Comparamos la PFT con la terapia dialéctica comportamental (TDC) y la psicoterapia psicodinámica de apoyo (PPS) en una prueba clínica aleatoria en 90 pacientes con TPL. En un primer momento, presentamos ciertos fundamentos al origen del desarrollo de las TPL, seguidos de una discusión de las bases teóricas de la PFT. Enseguida abordamos las características de los pacientes que influyen en los resultados del tratamiento. Presentamos los datos, a la vez clínicos y empíricos, en una discusión de casos individuales representativos de la muestra de pacientes límite tratados por medio de PFT.No Personality Disorders Institute, estudamos a eficácia da psicoterapia focalizada na transferência (PFT), uma psicoterapia psicodinâmica manualizada que é realizada duas vezes por semana com pessoas que sofrem de transtornos de personalidade borderline (TPB). Comparamos a PFT com a terapia comportamental dialética (TCD) e com a psicoterapia psicodinâmica de apoio (PPA) em um teste clínico randomizado junto a 90 pacientes que sofrem de um TPB. Primeiramente, apresentamos alguns fundamentos originários do desenvolvimento dos TPB, seguidos de uma discussão sobre as bases teóricas da PFT. Abordamos, em seguida, as características dos pacientes que influenciam os resultados do tratamento. Apresentamos dados, ao mesmo tempo clínicos e empíricos em uma discussão de casos individuais representativos da amostragem de pacientes borderline tratados em PFT

    Project Summary

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    Summary of the project, Advancing Digital Equity in Public Libraries: Assessing Library Patrons’ Problem Solving in Technology Rich Environments. The purpose of the research was to examine and understand the digital problem solving processes of vulnerable adults

    Schema therapy for chronic depression: Results of a multiple single case series

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    Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to test the effects of individual schema therapy (ST) for patients with chronic depression. Methods: Using a multiple-baseline single case series design, patients with chronic major depressive disorder (N = 25) first entered a 6 to 24 weeks baseline phase; this phase functioned as a no-treatment control condition. Then, patients started a 12 week exploration phase during which symptoms and underlying schemas were explored; this phase functioned as an attention control condition. Next, patients received up to 65 sessions of individual ST. The Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) and the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS) were the primary outcome measures. The BDI-II was assessed once a week during all phases of the study resulting in 100 repeated assessments per participant on average. Mixed regression analysis was used to contrast change in symptoms during the intervention with change in symptoms during the baseline and exploration control phases. Results: When compared to the no-treatment control period, the intervention had a significant, large effect on depressive symptoms (Cohen’s d BDI-II = 1.30; Cohen’s d QIDS = 1.22). Effects on secondary continuous outcomes were moderate to large. Limitations: The small sample size and lack of a control group. Conclusions: These findings provide evidence that ST might be an effective treatment for patients with chronic depression

    Professionally packaging your power in the supervisory relationship

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    This article will look at the dynamic of 'power' in the supervisory relationship. It will discuss the way power is structured in the relationship and the impact it has on both parties. It will look at the ethical responsibility of supervisors to be aware of their power and to wield the power thoughtfully with supervisees. It will address the temptation for both parties to 'play games' related to power, and the impact power has on other aspects of the relationship. The article will look at how both supervisor and supervisee can best balance the power involved to allow for the most productive relationship and to enhance the quality of service to children and families

    Observing Digital Problem Solving Checklist

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    This adaptable tool was developed from research findings from a 3 year research study exploring digital problem solving. It is intended to be used by a librarian/staff/volunteer during an in-person interview and observation context. It is designed to better understand how to shape interactions with a library user when they come into the library for assistance that requires gathering, exploring, and making sense of online resources. The tool can be used to support individual or small group interactions. It contains a series of questions that provide insight into the knowledge and experiences of the library user as well as the level of support the individual or small group may need to successfully engage in digital problem solving in a variety of contexts

    Analyzing and Interpreting data from PIAAC’s Problem Solving in Technology Rich Environments (PSTRE) Assessment and Library Use Survey: Quantitative Results

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    This document contains an explanation of the quantitative analysis conducted using data from a researcher-designed library use survey and PIAAC\u27s PSTRE survey accessed through OECD\u27s Education and Skills Online portal. Data were collected in two phases and are presented using descriptive statistics and through a latent class analysis. The latent class analysis allowed for the examination of the relationship between library activities, library website use, and PSTRE scores. Results indicated that library website use is strong predictor of higher PSTRE scores and competency in digital problem solving
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