1,335 research outputs found

    Symmetrized mean-field description of magnetic instabilities in k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)]_2 Y salts

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    We present a novel and convenient mean-field method, and apply it to study the metallic/antiferromagnetic interface of k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)]_2 Y organic superconductors (BEDT_TTF is bis-ethylen-dithio-tetrathiafulvalene, Y=Cl, Br). The method, which fully exploits the crystal symmetry, allows one to obtain the mean-field solution of the 2D Hubbard model for very large lattices, up to 6x10^5 sites, yielding a reliable description of the phase boundary in a wide region of the parameter space. The metal/antiferromagnet transtion appears to be second order, except for a narrow region of the parameter space, where the transition is very sharp and possibly first order. The cohexistence of metallic and antiferromagnetic properties is only observed for the transient state in the case of smooth second order transitions. The relevance of the present resaults to the complex experimental behavior of centrosymmetric k-phase BEDT-TTF salts is discussed.Comment: 9 pages in PS format, 7 figures (included in PS), 1 tabl

    Neutrophil and lymphocyte response to vitamins C and E supplementation in young calves

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    Calves were bottle-fed milk replacers at 10% of weekly adjusted body weight for 8 wk. Treatments were 1) no supplements (control), 2) .16 oz vitamin C, or 3) .16 oz vitamin C plus 125 IU/lb vitamin E. Lymphocytes and neutrophils isolated from day 14 and day 28 blood samples were assayed for neutrophil-mediated S. aureus phagocytosis and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and for mitogen induced lymphocyte proliferation. Eye and nasal discharges of calves supplemented with vitamin C and vitamins C plus E were less than those of control calves for wk 1 to 8. Lymphocyte proliferation with the mitogens showed a trend for higher responses at wk 2 in vitamin C plus E supplemented calves. Neutrophils of calves supplemented with vitamin C showed decreased phagocytosis and lysis functions compared to those of control calves at wk 2 and 4. Neutrophil function of calves supplemented with vitamins C plus E was near or slightly higher than that of controls at wk 2 and 4, suggesting that the addition of vitamin E negated the adverse effects that vitamin C alone had on neutrophil functions.; Dairy Day, 1989, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1989; The 1989 Annual KSU Dairy Day is known as Dairy Day, 198

    Performance modeling of a bottleneck node in an IEEE 802.11 ad-hoc network

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    This paper presents a performance analysis of wireless ad-hoc networks, with IEEE 802.11 as the underlying Wireless LAN technology. WLAN has, due to the fair radio resource sharing at the MAC-layer, the tendency to share the capacity equally amongst the active nodes, irrespective of their loads. An inherent drawback of this sharing policy is that a node that serves as a relay-node for multiple flows is likely to become a bottleneck. This paper proposes to model such a bottleneck by a fluid-flow model. Importantly, this is a model at the flow-level: flows arrive at the bottleneck node, and are served according to the sharing policy mentioned above. Assuming Poisson initiations of new flow transfers, we obtain insightful, robust, and explicit expressions for characteristics related to the overall flow transfer time, the buffer occupancy, and the packet delay at the bottleneck node. The analysis is enabled by a translation of the buffer dynamics at the bottleneck node in terms of an M/G/1 queueing model. We conclude the paper by an assessment of the impact of alternative sharing policies (which can be obtained by the IEEE 802.11E version), in order to improve the performance of the bottleneck

    Performance analysis of differentiated resource-sharing in a wireless ad-hoc network

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    In this paper we model and analyze a relay node in a wireless ad-hoc network; the capacity available at this node is used to both transmit traffic from the source nodes (towards the relay node), and to serve traffic at the relay node (so that it can be forwarded to successor nodes). Clearly, when a specific node is used more heavily than others, it is prone to becoming a performance bottleneck. In this paper we consider the situation that the relay node obtains a share of the capacity that is m times as large as the share that each source node receives. The main performance metrics considered are the workload at the relay node and the average overall flow transfer time, i.e., the average time required to transmit a flow from a source node via the relay node to the destination. Our aim is to find expressions for these performance metrics for a general resource-sharing ratio m, as well as a general flow-size distribution. The analysis consists of the following steps. First, for the special case of exponential flow sizes we analyze the source-node dynamics, as well as the workload at the relay node by a fluid-flow queueing model. Then we observe from extensive numerical experimentation over a broad set of parameter values that the distribution of the number of active source nodes is actually insensitive to the flow-size distribution. Using this remarkable (empirical) result as an approximation assumption, we obtain explicit expressions for both the mean workload at the relay node and the overall flow transfer time, both for general flow-size distributions

    Meson-Baryon-Baryon Vertex Function and the Ward-Takahashi Identity

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    Ohta proposed a solution for the well-known difficulty of satisfying the Ward-Takahashi identity for a photo-meson-baryon-baryon amplitude (Îł\gammaMBB) when a dressed meson-baryon-baryon (MBB) vertex function is present. He obtained a form for the Îł\gammaMBB amplitude which contained, in addition to the usual pole terms, longitudinal seagull terms which were determined entirely by the MBB vertex function. He arrived at his result by using a Lagrangian which yields the MBB vertex function at tree level. We show that such a Lagrangian can be neither hermitian nor charge conjugation invariant. We have been able to reproduce Ohta's result for the Îł\gammaMBB amplitude using the Ward-Takahashi identity and no other assumption, dynamical or otherwise, and the most general form for the MBB and Îł\gammaMBB vertices. However, contrary to Ohta's finding, we find that the seagull terms are not robust. The seagull terms extracted from the Îł\gammaMBB vertex occur unchanged in tree graphs, such as in an exchange current amplitude. But the seagull terms which appear in a loop graph, as in the calculation of an electromagnetic form factor, are, in general, different. The whole procedure says nothing about the transverse part of the (Îł\gammaMBB) vertex and its contributions to the amplitudes in question.Comment: A 20 pages Latex file and 16 Postscript figures in an uuencoded format. Use epsf.sty to include the figures into the Latex fil

    Hybridization between damselfishes Dascyllus aruanus and D. reticulatus on the Great Barrier Reef

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    [Extract] Hybridization among closely related species is relatively common in marine fishes thatspawn mid-water. Although at least 81 species of tropical coral-reef fish have been reported to hybridize in nature (primarily Chaetodontidae, Pomacanthidae and Labridae), hybridization is thought to be exceedingly rare among benthic-nesting species that engage in pair spawning, such as the Pomacentridae (Montanari et al.2016 ). The Pomacentridae include >385 species, most of which form breeding pairs and nest on the benthos. Yet only four Pomacentridae hybridshave been confirmed based on strong molecular evidence (e.g., Yaakub et al. 2006), and only from areas where one or both species are rare, such as degraded habitats and/or geographic zones of overlap

    Using a cognitive architecture to examine what develops

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    Different theories of development propose alternative mechanisms by which development occurs. Cognitive architectures can be used to examine the influence of each proposed mechanism of development while keeping all other mechanisms constant. An ACT-R computational model that matched adult behavior in solving a 21-block pyramid puzzle was created. The model was modified in three ways that corresponded to mechanisms of development proposed by developmental theories. The results showed that all the modifications (two of capacity and one of strategy choice) could approximate the behavior of 7-year-old children on the task. The strategy-choice modification provided the closest match on the two central measures of task behavior (time taken per layer, r = .99, and construction attempts per layer, r = .73). Modifying cognitive architectures is a fruitful way to compare and test potential developmental mechanisms, and can therefore help in specifying “what develops.
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