10,432 research outputs found

    The Curvilinear Relationship between Age and Emotional Aperture : The Moderating Role of Agreeableness

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    The capability to correctly recognize collective emotion expressions (i.e., emotional aperture) is crucial for effective social and work-related interactions. Yet, little remains known about the antecedents of this ability. The present study therefore aims to shed new light onto key aspects that may promote or diminish an individualÂ’s emotional aperture. We examine the role of age for this ability in an online sample of 181 participants (with an age range of 18 to 72 years, located in Germany), and we investigate agreeableness as a key contingency factor. Among individuals with lower agreeableness, on the one hand, our results indicate a curvilinear relationship between age and emotional aperture, such that emotional aperture remains at a relatively high level until these individualsÂ’ middle adulthood (with a slight increase until their late 30s) and declines afterwards. Individuals with higher agreeableness, on the other hand, exhibit relatively high emotional aperture irrespective of their age. Together, these findings offer new insights for the emerging literature on emotional aperture, illustrating that specific demographic and personality characteristics may jointly shape such collective emotion recognition

    The Curvilinear Relationship between Age and Emotional Aperture : The Moderating Role of Agreeableness

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    The capability to correctly recognize collective emotion expressions (i.e., emotional aperture) is crucial for effective social and work-related interactions. Yet, little remains known about the antecedents of this ability. The present study therefore aims to shed new light onto key aspects that may promote or diminish an individualÂ’s emotional aperture. We examine the role of age for this ability in an online sample of 181 participants (with an age range of 18 to 72 years, located in Germany), and we investigate agreeableness as a key contingency factor. Among individuals with lower agreeableness, on the one hand, our results indicate a curvilinear relationship between age and emotional aperture, such that emotional aperture remains at a relatively high level until these individualsÂ’ middle adulthood (with a slight increase until their late 30s) and declines afterwards. Individuals with higher agreeableness, on the other hand, exhibit relatively high emotional aperture irrespective of their age. Together, these findings offer new insights for the emerging literature on emotional aperture, illustrating that specific demographic and personality characteristics may jointly shape such collective emotion recognition

    From conjecture generation by maintaining dragging to proof

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    In this paper we propose a hypothesis about how different uses of maintaining dragging, either as a physical tool in a dynamic geometry environment or as a psychological tool for generating conjectures can influence subsequent processes of proving. Through two examples we support the hypothesis that using maintaining dragging as a physical tool may foster cognitive rupture between the conjecturing phase and the proof, while using it as a psychological tool may foster cognitive unity between them.Comment: Research report at the 40th PME conference, Hungar

    Maintaining dragging and the pivot invariant in processes of conjecture generation

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    In this paper, we analyze processes of conjecture generation in the context of open problems proposed in a dynamic geometry environment, when a particular dragging modality, maintaining dragging, is used. This involves dragging points while maintaining certain properties, controlling the movement of the figures. Our results suggest that the pragmatic need of physically controlling the simultaneous movements of the different parts of figures can foster the production of two chains of successive properties, hinged together by an invariant that we will call pivot invariant. Moreover, we show how the production of these chains is tied to the production of conjectures and to the processes of argumentation through which they are generated.Comment: Research report at the 40th PME Conference, Hungar

    Ground-state energy and excitation spectrum of the Lieb-Liniger model : accurate analytical results and conjectures about the exact solution

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    We study the ground-state properties and excitation spectrum of the Lieb-Liniger model, i.e. the one-dimensional Bose gas with repulsive contact interactions. We solve the Bethe-Ansatz equations in the thermodynamic limit by using an analytic method based on a series expansion on orthogonal polynomials developed in \cite{Ristivojevic} and push the expansion to an unprecedented order. By a careful analysis of the mathematical structure of the series expansion, we make a conjecture for the analytic exact result at zero temperature and show that the partially resummed expressions thereby obtained compete with accurate numerical calculations. This allows us to evaluate the density of quasi-momenta, the ground-state energy, the local two-body correlation function and Tan's contact. Then, we study the two branches of the excitation spectrum. Using a general analysis of their properties and symmetries, we obtain novel analytical expressions at arbitrary interaction strength which are found to be extremely accurate in a wide range of intermediate to strong interactions

    Dynamic structure factor and drag force in a one-dimensional strongly-interacting Bose gas at finite temperature

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    We study the effect of thermal and quantum fluctuations on the dynamical response of a one-dimensional strongly-interacting Bose gas in a tight atomic waveguide. We combine the Luttinger liquid theory at arbitrary interactions and the exact Bose-Fermi mapping in the Tonks-Girardeau-impenetrable-boson limit to obtain the dynamic structure factor of the strongly-interacting fluid at finite temperature. Then, we determine the drag force felt by a potential barrier moving along the fluid in the experimentally realistic situation of finite barrier width and temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Dipole mode of a strongly correlated one-dimensional Bose gas in a split trap: parity effect and barrier renormalization

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    We consider an interacting, one-dimensional Bose gas confined in a split trap, obtained by an harmonic potential with a localized barrier at its center. We address its quantum-transport properties through the study of dipolar oscillations, which are induced by a sudden quench of the position of the center of the trap. We find that the dipole-mode frequency strongly depends on the interaction strength between the particles, yielding information on the classical screening of the barrier and on its renormalization due to quantum fluctuations. Furthermore, we predict a parity effect which becomes most prominent in the strongly correlated regime.Comment: 4 pages (3 figures) + 7 pages (4 figures) of supplemental materia

    First-principles simulations of the initial phase of self-aggregation of a cyanine dye: structure and optical spectra

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    Using first-principles simulations, we investigated the initial steps of the self-aggregation of the dye pseudoisocyanine (PIC) in water. First, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the self-aggregation process, in which pile-of-coins oligomers ranging from dimers to stacks of about 20 molecules formed. The oligomer structures were found to be very flexible, with the dimers entering a weakly coupled state and then returning to a stable π-π stacked conformation on a nanosecond time scale. The structural information from the MD simulations was combined with quantum chemical calculations to generate a time-dependent Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian for monomers, dimers, and trimers, which included vibronic coupling. This Hamiltonian, in turn, was used to calculate the absorption spectra for these systems. The simulated dimer spectrum compared well to experiment, validating the face-to-face stacked dimer arrangement found in our MD simulations. Comparison of the simulated trimer spectrum to experiment suggested that oligomers larger than the dimer cannot be abundant at the onset of J-aggregation. Finally, the conformation of the PIC J-aggregate was investigated by testing the stability of several possible conformations in our MD simulations; none of the tested structures was found to be stable

    Impact of the EU Common Agricultural Policy on Organic in Comparison to Conventional Farms

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    Farms in the EU receive considerable support from the Common Agricultural Policy. Support for organic and conventional farms is analysed, covering a wide range of different Common Agricultural Policy support measures. The current design of the Common Market Organisations tends to disadvantage organic farming systems, although developments in the last two CAP reforms (year 1992 and 2000) and the latest reform (2003) have reduced the discrimination of extensive farming systems and now provide opportunities to introduce measures to meet some of the needs of organic farms.agricultural policy, farm accounts, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18, Q12,
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