10 research outputs found

    Developing limits for driving under cannabis

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    ABSTRACT Objective Development of a rational and enforceable basis for controlling the impact of cannabis use on traffic safety. Methods An international working group of experts on issues related to drug use and traffic safety evaluated evidence from experimental and epidemiological research and discussed potential approaches to developing per se limits for cannabis. Results In analogy to alcohol, finite (non-zero) per se limits for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in blood appear to be the most effective approach to separating drivers who are impaired by cannabis use from those who are no longer under the influence. Limited epidemiological studies indicate that serum concentrations of THC below 10 ng/ml are not associated with an elevated accident risk. A comparison of meta-analyses of experimental studies on the impairment of driving-relevant skills by alcohol or cannabis suggests that a THC concentration in the serum of 7-10 ng/ml is correlated with an impairment comparable to that caused by a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05%. Thus, a suitable numerical limit for THC in serum may fall in that range. Conclusions This analysis offers an empirical basis for a per se limit for THC that allows identification of drivers impaired by cannabis. The limited epidemiological data render this limit preliminary

    Cannabinoids for Therapeutic Use

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    Medicinal Use of Different Cannabis Strains: Results from a Large Prospective Survey in Germany

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    Szejko N, Becher E, Heimann F, Grotenhermen F, Müller-Vahl KR. Medicinal Use of Different Cannabis Strains: Results from a Large Prospective Survey in Germany. Pharmacopsychiatry . 2024.Background Up to now, it is unclear whether different medicinal cannabis (MC) strains are differently efficacious across different medical conditions. In this study, the effectiveness of different MC strains was compared depending on the disease to be treated. Methods This was an online survey conducted in Germany between June 2020 and August 2020. Patients were allowed to participate only if they received a cannabis -based treatment from pharmacies in the form of cannabis flowers prescribed by a physician. Results The survey was completed by n=1,028 participants. Most participants (58%) have used MC for more than 1 year, on average, 5.9 different strains. Bedrocan (pure tetrahydrocannabinol to pure cannabidiol [THC:CBD]=22:<1) was the most frequently prescribed strain, followed by Bakerstreet (THC:CBD=19:<1) and Pedanios 22/1 (THC:CBD=22:1). The most frequent conditions MC was prescribed for were different pain disorders, psychiatric and neurological diseases, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Overall, the mean patient-reported effectiveness was 80.1% (range, 0-100%). A regression model revealed no association between the patient-reported effectiveness and the variety. Furthermore, no influence of the disease on the choice of the MC strain was detected. On average, 2.1 side effects were reported (most commonly dry mouth (19.5%), increased appetite (17.1%), and tiredness (13.0%)). However, 29% of participants did not report any side effects. Only 398 participants (38.7%) indicated that costs for MC were covered by their health insurance. Conclusions Patients self-reported very good efficacy and tolerability of MC. There was no evidence suggesting that specific MC strains are superior depending on the disease to be treated

    Contribuciones a los Derechos Humanos y la Política de Drogas en Alemania

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    Die vorliegende Publikation befasst sich mit der aktuellen Debatte um die Drogenpolitik und Menschenrechte in Deutschland und der mangelnden Bereitschaft von Entscheidungsträgern, jenseits von Parteivereinbarungen Verantwortung für die Entkriminalisierung von Cannabis und verantwortungsvolle Regulierung für Erwachsene zu übernehmen. Eine Gruppe von Experten, teilweise LEAP(Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)-Deutschland Mitglieder und ein Team des Knowmad Instituts, hat eine Umfrage durchgeführt und Beiträge gesammelt, um einen Überblick über die internationale und nationale Situation zu geben und die Diskussion zu ergänzen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Anteil der Cannabiskonsumenten in allen Bildungsschichten und Berufsgruppen höher ist als oft angenommen. Teilnehmende der Umfrage sprechen sich für eine Legalisierung oder staatliche Regulierung von Cannabis aus und sehen polizeiliche Maßnahmen und Strafverfolgung als ineffizient an. Eine Regulierung und Entkriminalisierung von Drogen könnte das Vertrauen in den Staat stärken und zu einem offeneren Umgang mit Substanzen führen, was letztendlich der Gesundheit und Sicherheit aller zugutekommen würde. Die Verfasser empfehlen die pragmatische Anwendung des Rome Consensus 2.0 als Instrument für Reformen hin zu einer humanen Drogenpolitik.&nbsp; Keywords: Menschenrechte, Drogenpolitik, Cannabis, Deutschland, Nekropolitik, Gesundheit, Polizei &nbsp;This publication addresses the current debate on drug policy and human rights in Germany and the unwillingness of decision-makers to take responsibility for cannabis decriminalization and responsible adult regulation beyond party agreements. A group of experts, partly LEAP(Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)-Germany members and a team from Knowmad Institute, conducted a survey and collected input to provide an overview of the international and national situation and add to the discussion. The results show that the proportion of cannabis users in all educational and professional groups is higher than often assumed. Participants in the survey are in favor of legalization or state regulation of cannabis and see police measures and prosecution as inefficient. Regulation and decriminalization of drugs could increase trust in the state and lead to a more open approach to substances, which would ultimately benefit everyone's health and safety. The contributors recommend the pragmatic application of the Rome Consensus 2.0 as a tool for reforms toward humane drug policies.&nbsp; Keywords: human rights, drug policy, cannabis, Germany, necropolitics, public health, police &nbsp;Esta publicación aborda el debate actual sobre la política de drogas y los derechos humanos en Alemania y la falta de voluntad de los responsables políticos para asumir la responsabilidad de la despenalización del cannabis y la regulación responsable de los adultos, más allá de los acuerdos entre partidos. Un grupo de expertos, en parte miembros de LEAP(Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)-Alemania y un equipo del Knowmad Institute, llevaron a cabo una encuesta y recogieron aportaciones para ofrecer una visión general de la situación internacional y nacional y contribuir al debate. Los resultados muestran que la proporción de consumidores de cannabis en todos los grupos educativos y profesionales es mayor de lo que se suele suponer. Los participantes en la encuesta están a favor de la legalización o la regulación estatal del cannabis y consideran ineficaces las medidas policiales y la persecución. La regulación y despenalización de las drogas podría aumentar la confianza en el Estado y conducir a un enfoque más abierto de las sustancias, lo que en última instancia redundaría en beneficio de la salud y la seguridad de todos. Los autores recomiendan la aplicación pragmática del Rome Consensus 2.0 como herramienta de reforma hacia políticas de drogas más humanas.&nbsp; Palabras Clave: derechos humanos, política de drogas, cannabis, Alemania, necropolítica, salud pública, policía &nbsp


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    Abstract This publication addresses the current debate on drug policy and human rights in Germany and the unwillingness of decision-makers to take responsibility for cannabis decriminalization and responsible adult regulation beyond party agreements. A group of experts, partly LEAP(Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)-Germany members and a team from Knowmad Institute, conducted a survey and collected input to provide an overview of the international and national situation and add to the discussion. The results show that the proportion of cannabis users in all educational and professional groups is higher than often assumed. Participants in the survey are in favor of legalization or state regulation of cannabis and see police measures and prosecution as inefficient. Regulation and decriminalization of drugs could increase trust in the state and lead to a more open approach to substances, which would ultimately benefit everyone's health and safety. The contributors recommend the pragmatic application of the Rome Consensus 2.0 as a tool for reforms toward humane drug policies. DE | Abstract:DievorliegendePublikationbefasstsichmitderaktuellenDebatteumdieDrogenpolitikundMenschenrechteinDeutschlandunddermangelndenBereitschaftvonEntscheidungsträgern,jenseitsvonParteivereinbarungenVerantwortungfürdieEntkriminalisierungvonCannabisundverantwortungsvolleRegulierungfürErwachsenezuübernehmen.EineGruppevonExperten,teilweiseLEAP(LawEnforcementAgainstProhibition)-DeutschlandMitgliederundeinTeamdesKnowmadInstituts,hateineUmfragedurchgeführtundBeiträgegesammelt,umeinenÜberblicküberdieinternationaleundnationaleSituationzugebenunddieDiskussionzuergänzen.DieErgebnissezeigen,dassderAnteilderCannabiskonsumenteninallenBildungsschichtenundBerufsgruppenhöheristalsoftangenommen.TeilnehmendederUmfragesprechensichfüreineLegalisierungoderstaatlicheRegulierungvonCannabisausundsehenpolizeilicheMaßnahmenundStrafverfolgungalsineffizientan.EineRegulierungundEntkriminalisierungvonDrogenkönntedasVertrauenindenStaatstärkenundzueinemoffenerenUmgangmitSubstanzenführen,wasletztendlichderGesundheitundSicherheitallerzugutekommenwürde.DieVerfasserempfehlendiepragmatischeAnwendungdesRomeConsensus2.0 als Instrument für Reformen hin zu einer humanen Drogenpolitik. ES | Abstract:EstapublicaciónabordaeldebateactualsobrelapolíticadedrogasylosderechoshumanosenAlemaniaylafaltadevoluntaddelosresponsablespolíticosparaasumirlaresponsabilidaddeladespenalizacióndelcannabisylaregulaciónresponsabledelosadultos,másalládelosacuerdosentrepartidos.Ungrupodeexpertos,enpartemiembrosdeLEAP(LawEnforcementAgainstProhibition)-AlemaniayunequipodelKnowmadInstitute,llevaronacabounaencuestayrecogieronaportacionesparaofrecerunavisióngeneraldelasituacióninternacionalynacionalycontribuiraldebate.Losresultadosmuestranquelaproporcióndeconsumidoresdecannabisentodoslosgruposeducativosyprofesionalesesmayordeloquesesuelesuponer.Losparticipantesenlaencuestaestánafavordelalegalizaciónolaregulaciónestataldelcannabisyconsideranineficaceslasmedidaspolicialesylapersecución.LaregulaciónydespenalizacióndelasdrogaspodríaaumentarlaconfianzaenelEstadoyconduciraunenfoquemásabiertodelassustancias,loqueenúltimainstanciaredundaríaenbeneficiodelasaludylaseguridaddetodos.LosautoresrecomiendanlaaplicaciónpragmáticadelRomeConsensus2.0comoherramientadereformahaciapolíticasdedrogasmáshumanas