65 research outputs found

    Rukopisni Vocabolario italiano-illirico (~ 1745.) fra Lovre Cekinića

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    U radu se predstavlja rukopisni rječnik Vocabolario italiano-illirico, dvojezični hrvatsko-talijanski rječnik, djelo Dubrovčanina fra Lovre Cekinića. Rukopis je nastao 40-ih godina 18. stoljeća, a danas se čuva u biblioteci Samostana Male braće u Dubrovniku. Analizira se autorova leksikografska metoda te se naznačuje leksičko bogatstvo desne, hrvatske strane.The paper considers the manuscript dictionary Vocabolario italiano-illirico, a practically unknown bilingual Italian-Croatian manuscript dictionary, written by Father Lovro Cekinić. He was a Franciscan friar, most commonly known as a collector and a scribe of works referencing Dubrovnikā€™s history and literature. The manuscript dates from the 1740s, and today is preserved at the library of Mala braća, a Franciscan Monastery in Dubrovnik. The author analyses the lexicographic method and describes the lexical treasure of the right-hand, Croatian column of the dictionary

    Leksikografski status brojevnih riječi u "Rječniku hrvatskoga kajkavskoga književnog jezika"

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    U radu se prikazuje i analizira leksikografski status brojevnih riječi u Rječniku hrvatskoga kajkavskoga književnog jezika. Prilaže se popis brojevnih riječi obrađenih u rječniku, utvrđuje se u kojoj su mjeri u rječničkome članku zastupljeni elementi gramatičkoga opisa i navode li se oni dosljedno. Analiziraju se elementi definicije brojevnih riječi i njezina koherentnost.The paper considers and analyses the status of numbers in the Dictionary of the Croatian Kajkavian Literary Language. A representative list of numbers treated in the Dictionary is drawn up. The presence of elements of grammatical description is also discussed, as well as their consistent incorporation. The elements of number definition and its coherence are also analysed

    In Memoriam Professor Yvonne Vrhovac : Enseigner les langues, cā€™est vivre

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    The manuscript dictionary Vocabolario italiano-illirico (~ 1745) written by Lovro Cekinić

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    U radu se predstavlja rukopisni rječnik Vocabolario italiano-illirico, dvojezični hrvatsko-talijanski rječnik, djelo Dubrovčanina fra Lovre Cekinića. Rukopis je nastao 40-ih godina 18. stoljeća, a danas se čuva u biblioteci Samostana Male braće u Dubrovniku. Analizira se autorova leksikografska metoda te se naznačuje leksičko bogatstvo desne, hrvatske strane.The paper considers the manuscript dictionary Vocabolario italiano-illirico, a practically unknown bilingual Italian-Croatian manuscript dictionary, written by Father Lovro Cekinić. He was a Franciscan friar, most commonly known as a collector and a scribe of works referencing Dubrovnikā€™s history and literature. The manuscript dates from the 1740s, and today is preserved at the library of Mala braća, a Franciscan Monastery in Dubrovnik. The author analyses the lexicographic method and describes the lexical treasure of the right-hand, Croatian column of the dictionary

    The influence of the electrode miniaturization on the characteristics of potentiometric sensor

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    Provedena su potenciometrijska mjerenja koriÅ”tenjem elektroda s različitim promjerom vodljive grafitne niti (6 mm, 500 Ī¼m i 30 Ī¼m) s dimetildioktadecilamonijevim tetrafenilboratom (DDA-TPB) kao senzorskim materijalom i oā€“nitrofeniloktileterom (o-NPOE) kao plastifikatorom. Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se moglo utvrditi utječe li minijaturizacija elektrode na karakteristike potenciometrijskog senzora. Za uspostavljanje ravnoteže u membrani senzora koriÅ”tena je potenciometrijska titracija, dok je za ispitivanje utjecaja minijaturizacije elektrode na odzivne karakteristike tenzidnog senzora koriÅ”tena metoda direktne potenciometrije. Za potenciometrijske titracije kao analit je koriÅ”ten natrijev dodecilsulfat (NaDDS, c = 4*10āˆ’3 10^{-3} mol/L), a kao titrant cetilpiridinijev klorid (CPC, c = 4*10āˆ’3 10^{-3} mol/L). Odziv senzora na NaDDS ispitan je u području od 2,5*10āˆ’8 10^{-8} mol/L do 5,0*10āˆ’3 10^{-3} mol/L, a mjerenja su provedena u ultra-čistoj vodi. Rezultati odzivnih karakteristika pokazali su sub-Nernstovski odziv od -52,2 Ā± 0,8 mV/dekadi aktiviteta za elektrodu standardne veličine s promjerom grafitnog Å”tapića 6 mm (DDA-TPB_A). Minijaturizirana elektroda s promjerom gafitnog vlakna od 500 Ī¼m (DDA-TPB_B) pokazala je Nernstovski nagib od -59,5 Ā± 2,3 mV/dekadi aktiviteta, dok je najmanja elektroda s promjerom grafitnog vlakna od 30 Ī¼m (DDA-TPB_C) pokazala nagib od -14,2 Ā± 1,4 mV/dekadi aktiviteta i time se pokazala kao neprimjerena za određivanje anionskih tenzida pri niskim koncentracijama. Najnižu granicu detekcije, 1,3*10āˆ’7 10^{-7} mol/L, pokazala je DDA-TPB_A elektroda. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da su elektrode s promjerom grafitne niti od 6 mm i 500 Ī¼m primjenjive za određivanje niskih koncentracija NaDDS te da nema značajne razlike u odzivnim karakteristikama minijaturiziranog potencijometrijskog senzora u odnosu na senzor standardne veličine. Treba ipak uzeti u obzir da je minijaturizaciju elektrode moguće provoditi do određene granice, pri kojoj elektroda joÅ” uvijek kvalitetno odrađuje svoju namjenu Å”to je vidljivo iz primjera DDA-TPB_C elektrode koja je zbog izrazito tankog grafitnog vlakna promjera 30 Ī¼m, davala znatno loÅ”ije rezultate mjerenja.Potentiometric measurements using electrodes with different diameters of conductive graphite fiber (6 mm, 500 Ī¼m and 30 Ī¼m) with dimethyldioctadecylammonium tetraphenylborate (DDA-TPB) as the sensing material and o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (o-NPOE) as a plasticizer were performed. A study was carried out in order to determine whether the miniaturization of the electrode affects the potentiometric sensor characteristics. Potentiometric titration was used to balance the sensor membrane, while direct potentiometry was used to test the effect of electrode miniaturization on the response characteristics of the surfactant sensor. For potentiometric titrations, sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaDDS, c = 4*10āˆ’3 10^{-3} mol/L was used as the analyte, and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC, c = 4* 10āˆ’3 10^{-3} mol/L) as the titrant. Sensor response to NaDDS was tested in the range between 2,5*10āˆ’8 10^{-8} mol/L and 5,0*10āˆ’3 10^{-3} mol/L, and measurements were performed in ultra-pure water. Results of the response characteristics showed a sub-Nernst response of -52,2 Ā± 0,8 mV/decade of activity for a standard-sized electrode with a 6 mm graphite fiber diameter (DDA-TPB_A). A miniature electrode with a 500 Ī¼m graphite fiber diameter (DDA-TPB_B) showed a Nernst slope of -59,5 Ā± 2,3 mV/decade of activity, while the smallest electrode with a 30 Ī¼m graphite fiber diameter (DDA-TPB_C) showed a slope of -14,2 Ā± 1,4 mV/decade of activity and thus proved unsuitable for the determination of anionic surfactants at low concentrations. The lowest detection limit, 1,3* 10āˆ’7 10^{-7} mol/L, was obtained using DDA-TPB_A electrode. The study found that electrodes with graphite fibers of 6 mm and 500 Ī¼m are applicable for the determination of low concentrations of NaDDS and that there is no significant difference in the response characteristics of a miniaturized potentiometric sensor relative to standard size sensors. However, it should be considered that the miniaturization of the electrode can be carried out to a certain limit, at which the electrode still performs its purpose in a good quality as can be seen from the example of the DDA-TPB_C electrode, which, due to the extremely thin graphite fiber with a diameter of 30 Ī¼m, gave significantly worse measurement results
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