13 research outputs found
Participation of the defense attorney in the preliminary proceeding
Účast obhájce v pĹ™ĂpravnĂ©m Ĺ™ĂzenĂ Abstrakt Právo na obhajobu Ĺ™adĂme k nejdĹŻleĹľitÄ›jšĂm základnĂm právĹŻm osoby, proti nĂĹľ se trestnĂ Ĺ™ĂzenĂ vede. Lze ho definovat jako soubor práv, kterĂ© zákon dává osobÄ›, aby se mohla účinnÄ› bránit proti vznesenĂ©mu obvinÄ›nĂ a aby mohla chránit svá práva a zájmy v trestnĂm Ĺ™ĂzenĂ. Osoba, proti nĂĹľ se trestnĂ Ĺ™ĂzenĂ vede, musĂ bĂ˝t v kaĹľdĂ©m stádiu Ĺ™ĂzenĂ srozumitelnÄ› pouÄŤena o svĂ˝ch právech a musĂ jĂ bĂ˝t umoĹľnÄ›no jejich plnĂ© uplatnÄ›nĂ. Právo na obhajobu se skládá z nÄ›kolika sloĹľek. Jeho nedĂlnou součástĂ je právo hájit se v procesu sám a prostĹ™edky dle vlastnĂho rozhodnutĂ, právo zvolit si obhájce a radit se s nĂm o zpĹŻsobu obhajoby a právo vyĹľadovat od orgánĹŻ ÄŤinnĂ˝ch v trestnĂm Ĺ™ĂzenĂ takovĂ˝ postup, aby byl zjištÄ›n skutkovĂ˝ stav vÄ›ci bez dĹŻvodnĂ˝ch pochybnostĂ a v rozsahu nezbytnĂ©m pro rozhodnutĂ. Tato diplomová práce je rozvrĹľena na Ăşvod, tĹ™i části a závÄ›r. Prvnà část práce se zabĂ˝vá právnĂ Ăşpravou práva na obhajobu a obsahem zásady zajištÄ›nĂ práva na obhajobu. Druhá část práce se vÄ›nuje postavenĂ obhájce v pĹ™ĂpravnĂ©m Ĺ™ĂzenĂ. Obhájcem v trestnĂm Ĺ™ĂzenĂ mĹŻĹľe bĂ˝t podle § 35 odst. 1 trestnĂho řádu pouze advokát. PĹ™edpokládá se, Ĺľe si obvinÄ›nĂ˝ obhájce sám zvolĂ. Pokud si obvinÄ›nĂ˝ obhájce nezvolĂ, aÄŤkoli ho podle zákona mĂt musĂ, bude mu obhájce na dobu, po kterou trvajĂ dĹŻvody...Participation of the defense attorney in the preliminary proceeding Abstract The right of defense is one of the most important fundamental rights of a person against whom criminal proceedings are conducted. It can be defined as a set of rights which the law gives to a person in order to enable him or her to defend himself or herself effectively against the charges brought against him or her and to protect his or her rights and interests in criminal proceedings. The person against whom criminal proceedings are brought must be clearly informed of his or her rights at every stage of the proceedings and must be able to exercise them fully. The right of defense consists of several components. It includes the right to defend oneself in the proceedings by the means of one's own choice, the right to choose a defense attorney and to consult him on the manner of defence, and the right to require the criminal proceedings authorities to proceed in such a way as to establish the facts of the case beyond reasonable doubt and to the extent necessary for a decision. This diploma thesis is divided into an introduction, three parts and a conclusion. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of the right of defense and the content of the principle of the right of defense. The second part of the...Katedra trestnĂho právaDepartment of Criminal LawPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La
Communication leading the school canteen with the director of the nursery school
Bakalářská práce se zabĂ˝vá komunikacĂ mezi vedoucà školnĂ jĂdelny a Ĺ™editelem mateĹ™skĂ© školy. Mapuje, jakĂ© komunikaÄŤnĂ nástroje vyuĹľĂvajĂ vedoucà školnĂch jĂdelen a Ĺ™editelĂ© mateĹ™skĂ˝ch škol pro vzájemnou komunikaci. Dále zjišťuje, jak ÄŤasto spolu vedoucà školnĂ jĂdelny a Ĺ™editel mateĹ™skĂ© školy komunikujĂ, vÄŤetnÄ› komunikace osobnĂ, kolik ÄŤasu je vzájemnĂ© komunikaci vÄ›nováno a co je jejĂm obsahem. U jednotlivĂ˝ch komunikaÄŤnĂch tĂ©mat porovnává, jakĂ© je priorita tÄ›chto tĂ©mat pro vedoucà školnĂch jĂdelen a Ĺ™editele mateĹ™skĂ˝ch škol.The bachelor thesis deals with communication between leading of the school canteens and the directors of the nursery schools. Thesis maps which the communication tools use the leading of the school canteens and directors of the nursery schools for mutual communication. Find out how often communicating together the leading of school canteen and director of the nursery school, including the personal communication, how much time is devoted to mutual communication and what is content. For each communication theme compares what are the priorities of these themes for leading of school canteens and directors of the nursery schools.Centrum školskĂ©ho managementuPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio
Communication leading the school canteen with the director of the nursery school
The bachelor thesis deals with communication between leading of the school canteens and the directors of the nursery schools. Thesis maps which the communication tools use the leading of the school canteens and directors of the nursery schools for mutual communication. Find out how often communicating together the leading of school canteen and director of the nursery school, including the personal communication, how much time is devoted to mutual communication and what is content. For each communication theme compares what are the priorities of these themes for leading of school canteens and directors of the nursery schools
Communication leading the school canteen with the director of the nursery school
The bachelor thesis deals with communication between leading of the school canteens and the directors of the nursery schools. Thesis maps which the communication tools use the leading of the school canteens and directors of the nursery schools for mutual communication. Find out how often communicating together the leading of school canteen and director of the nursery school, including the personal communication, how much time is devoted to mutual communication and what is content. For each communication theme compares what are the priorities of these themes for leading of school canteens and directors of the nursery schools
Development of educational systems Czech and Slovak Republic after the division of Czechoslovakia in 1993
Thesis reviews the development of educational systems Czech and Slovak Republic after the division of Czechoslovakia in 1993. The common historical background in educational policy is the starting point for monitoring the development of these educational systems. The work aims to map and compare the development of educational systems of Czech and Slovak Republic. Describes historical events that have influenced their present form, and the issue is mapping of several aspects. Thesis is mapping these aspects in terms shaping the structure of educational systems, management and financing of education and educational policy. Also is mapping the important legislative steps and published educational documents. The comparative part thesis equates the education systems of both countries. It aims to find the answer how far apart to move away these two educational systems over the last quarter century and is describing the defining characteristics of the current differences. This comparison is carried for a period of ten years, and as a basis of this serves studies from 2004, 2009, 2014. KEYWORDS education system, education, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, educational policy, development, comparatio
Participation of the defense attorney in the preliminary proceeding
Participation of the defense attorney in the preliminary proceeding Abstract The right of defense is one of the most important fundamental rights of a person against whom criminal proceedings are conducted. It can be defined as a set of rights which the law gives to a person in order to enable him or her to defend himself or herself effectively against the charges brought against him or her and to protect his or her rights and interests in criminal proceedings. The person against whom criminal proceedings are brought must be clearly informed of his or her rights at every stage of the proceedings and must be able to exercise them fully. The right of defense consists of several components. It includes the right to defend oneself in the proceedings by the means of one's own choice, the right to choose a defense attorney and to consult him on the manner of defence, and the right to require the criminal proceedings authorities to proceed in such a way as to establish the facts of the case beyond reasonable doubt and to the extent necessary for a decision. This diploma thesis is divided into an introduction, three parts and a conclusion. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of the right of defense and the content of the principle of the right of defense. The second part of the..
The level of physical and social skills after completion of the training program for children aged 9-11
Objective: The objective of the study was to determine changes in physical and social indicators in participants of a table tennis training program lasting 10 months. Physical and social indicators were compared within two different research groups. Methods: Two research groups were created. The first one comprised beginners with intellectual disabilities and the reference group was created by non-disabled participants. Altogether 15 participants, aged 9-11, were included in each group. A pre-test was introduced at the beginning of the study and was followed by a post-test 10 months later. Physical parameters were evaluated with the help of individual skills tests designed for table tennis. The area of social indicators was determined according to the Scales for Assessing Coping Skills by Whelan and Speake (1979). Results: As far as physical indicators (e.g. individual skills used in table tennis) are concerned, individuals with intellectual disabilities improved by 24.5%. The improvement of non-disabled population reached 11%. Positive changes in social indicators, which include self-help socio-educational issues and interpersonal skills, were seen in individuals with intellectual disabilities - the improvement reached 7%; whereas the improvement in non-disabled participants was only 2%. The obtained results were evaluated separately for each group, due to the default level in pre-tests. Having compared the two groups we learnt that individuals with intellectual disabilities reached on average 63% of the non-disabled participants. Conclusions: The training programme has brought positive changes into the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities in all of the studied parameters, social and physical skills included. In accord with our comparative findings it has been recommended to reduce sport demands to the observed level. Also, a number, of methodological skills required for table tennis, has been modified in accordance with our findings. Based on the results a set of games and exercises customized to the needs of the intellectually disabled individuals has been created. Within the study, we also transformed The Scales for Assessing Coping Skills by Whelan and Speake (1979) from English into Czech language. The transformed scale was used in both groups. The results of this study demonstrated positive development of social indicators within all of the selected areas in the group of children with intellectual disabilities. The whole study has confirmed the importance of physical activity for children in younger school age