6,066 research outputs found

    A Multiple System of Radio Sources at the Core of the L723 Multipolar Outflow

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    We present high angular resolution Very Large Array multi-epoch continuum observations at 3.6 cm and 7 mm towards the core of the L723 multipolar outflow revealing a multiple system of four radio sources suspected to be YSOs in a region of only ~4 arcsecs (1200 AU) in extent. The 3.6 cm observations show that the previously detected source VLA 2 contains a close (separation ~0.29 arcsecs or ~90 AU) radio binary, with components (A and B) along a position angle of ~150 degrees. The northern component (VLA 2A) of this binary system is also detected in the 7 mm observations, with a positive spectral index between 3.6 cm and 7 mm. In addition, the source VLA 2A is associated with extended emission along a position angle of ~115 degrees, that we interpret as outflowing shock-ionized gas that is exciting a system of HH objects with the same position angle. A third, weak 3.6 cm source, VLA 2C, that is detected also at 7 mm, is located ~0.7 arcsecs northeast of VLA 2A, and is possibly associated with the water maser emission in the region. The 7 mm observations reveal the presence of an additional source, VLA 2D, located ~3.5 arcsecs southeast of VLA 2A, and with a 1.35 mm counterpart. All these radio continuum sources have a positive spectral index, compatible with them being YSOs. We also propose that the high velocity CO emission observed in the region could be the superposition of multiple outflows (at least three independent bipolar outflows) excited by the YSOs located at the core, instead of the previous interpretations in terms of only one or two outflows.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (2007 December 6

    Uso do satélite Landsat 8 na determinação da produtividade da água em bacia hidrográfica com predomínio do uso agrícola da cana-de-açúcar.

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    O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a distribuição espacial e temporal dos parâmetros da produtividade da água em microbacia ocupada pela cultura da cana de açúcar por meio da incorporação de dados agrometeorológicos e sensoriamento remoto, visando fornecer informações que permitem estabelecer relações de causa e efeito entre a produção de fitomassa dos agroecossistemas e as condições meteorológicas regionais para subsidiar o planejamento agrícola

    Aplicação do algoritmo SAFER na determinação da evapotranspiração em condições de sazonalidade climática no noroeste paulista.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar a variação espacial e temporal dos fluxos do balanço de energia da superfície terrestre via sensoriamento remoto em diferentes tipos de agroecossistemas, com aplicação do algoritmo SAFER em larga escala para a determinação da evapotranspiração em condições de sazonalidade climática na porção noroeste do Estado de São Paulo

    Avaliação temporal e espacial do balanço de energia na microbacia do córrego do Ipê, no município de Ilha Solteira face a mudança de uso do solo.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a variação espacial e temporal dos componentes que compõem o balanço de energia na microbacia do Córrego do Ipê, ao longo do período de 2003 a 2011 para o período seco, buscando identificar interferências com a mudança de uso da terra ocorrida com a entrada da cultura da cana de açúcar

    Evapotranspiração real para diferentes coberturas vegetais no noroeste paulista em período seco.

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    A determinação da evapotranspiração é de fundamental importância para o bom manejo da irrigação. No entanto, o uso de estações meteorológicas para se determinar a evapotranspiração muitas vezes pode comprometer a qualidade da informação, devido a distancia em relação às áreas de cultivo. Dentro dessas premissas, o uso do sensoriamento remoto através do algoritmo SEBAL vem apresentando bons resultados para a determinação da evapotranspiração. Dessa forma, este trabalho se propôs a utilizar o algoritmo para determinar a evapotranspiração real das culturas de cana de açúcar e pastagem e de uma área com mata nativa no noroeste paulista no período seco, com as áreas de pastagem apresentando os menores valores de evapotranspiração e os maiores valores de temperatura de superfíci

    Large-scale radiation and energy balances with Landsat 8 images and agrometeorological data in the Brazilian semiarid region.

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    Aiming to subsidize the rational water resources management, four Landsat 8 (L8) images along different conditions of the year 2014 were used for modeling the radiation and energy balances in the mixed agroecosystems inside a Brazilian reference semiarid area. The SAFER algorithm was applied to calculate the latent heat flux (λE); net radiation (Rn) was acquired by the Slob equation; ground heat flux (G) was considered a fraction of Rn; and the sensible heat flux (H) was retrieved by residue in the energy balance equation. For classifying the vegetation, the surface resistance algorithm (SUREAL) was used to estimate the surface resistance to the water fluxes (rs) with threshold values for rs. Clearly, one could see higher λE values from irrigated crops (ICs) than those for natural vegetation (NV) with some situations of heat horizontal advection. The respective λE, H, and G average ratios to Rn for the ICs ecosystem were 64% to 79%, 18% to 28%, and 3%, respectively. For the NV ecosystem, the corresponding fractions were 4% to 37%, 60% to 94%, and 4%, respectively. The algorithms proved to have strong sensibility to quantifying the large-scale energy and mass exchanges by applying L8 images in mixed agroecosystems of semiarid environments

    Alterations of antitumor and metabolic responses in L5178Y-R lymphoma-bearing mice after only 30-minute daily chronic stress exposure

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    Aim: In stress research, reducing times of stress induction may contribute to improving the well-being of experimental animals, especially in cancer models, already under physiological distress. To support this idea, we evaluated the effects of a short-timed stress protocol on endocrine, metabolic and immune indicators in mice bearing the L5178Y-R lymphoma. Materials and Methods: A 30-minute daily stress protocol was applied for 28 days to healthy and lymphoma-bearing BALB/c mice; body weight, plasma levels of corticosterone, norepinephrine, Th1/Th2 cytokines, insulin, and leptin, were measured. Results: We found a 12% significant decrease in body weight in non-tumor bearing mice under stress (p < 0.007). The disruption of weight evolution was accompanied by a stress induced 85% decrease in plasmatic leptin (p < 0.01) and total reduction of insulin. Tumor burden alone was associated to an increase in more than two-fold of plasmatic levels of norepinephrine (p < 0.008). Neither stress nor tumor or their combination, resulted in an elevation of systemic IL-6. IFN-γ levels were 20 times higher in lymphoma-bearing animals when compared with non-tumor bearing mice (p < 0.01); however, under stress, this response was reduced by half, indicating a suppressing effect of chronic stress on the antitumor immune response. Conclusion: A short-timed stress induction is enough to cause significant alterations in the metabolism and immunity of healthy and tumor-bearing mice, supporting the use of short-timed protocols as an efficient way to induce chronic stress that also considers concerns regarding the well-being of experimental animals in biomedical research

    Semiclassical strings in Sasaki-Einstein manifolds and long operators in N=1 gauge theories

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    We study the AdS/CFT relation between an infinite class of 5-d Ypq Sasaki-Einstein metrics and the corresponding quiver theories. The long BPS operators of the field theories are matched to massless geodesics in the geometries, providing a test of AdS/CFT for these cases. Certain small fluctuations (in the BMN sense) can also be successfully compared. We then go further and find, using an appropriate limit, a reduced action, first order in time derivatives, which describes strings with large R-charge. In the field theory we consider holomorphic operators with large winding numbers around the quiver and find, interestingly, that, after certain simplifying assumptions, they can be described effectively as strings moving in a particular metric. Although not equal, the metric is similar to the one in the bulk. We find it encouraging that a string picture emerges directly from the field theory and discuss possible ways to improve the agreement.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, 9 figures. v2: References adde