36 research outputs found

    Diseño Mecánico y Análisis Cinemático del Robot Humanoide AXIS

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    Este artículo presenta el desarrollo y la implementación del robot humanoide AXIS: una plataforma antropomórfica bípeda basada en el modelo biomecánico humano, el cual consiste de 4 extremidades y 20 grados de libertad (GDL). AXIS está construido enteramente de aluminio por lo que es ligero y compacto además de ser fuerte y robusto. AXIS incorpora algoritmos de inteligencia artificial que le brindan un alto grado de autonomía para realizar tareas humanas simples como caminar, girar, agacharse, acostarse y levantarse. Además, AXIS es capaz de realizar seguimiento y reconocimiento de objetos usando una videocámara en su cabeza. La principal motivación detrás de este proyecto es la creación de una plataforma propia de investigación y desarrollo en robótica humanoide: desde el estudio de la marcha bípeda y movimientos que imitan la locomoción humana hasta técnicas avanzadas de control. Este artículo se concentra en el diseño mecánico y el análisis cinemático del prototipo AXIS. En particular se simulan los espacios de trabajo y se determinan los límites de movimiento de las articulaciones con el fin de establecer un control adecuado de movimiento y evitar colisiones

    The Collimated Jet Source in IRAS 16547-4247: Time Variation, Possible Precession, and Upper Limits to the Proper Motions Along the Jet Axis

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    The triple radio source detected in association with the luminous infrared source IRAS 16547-4247 has previously been studied with high angular resolution and high sensitivity with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 3.6-cm wavelength. In this paper, we present new 3.6 cm observations taken 2.68 years after the first epoch that allow a search for variability and proper motions, as well as the detection of additional faint sources in the region. We do not detect proper motions along the axis of the outflow in the outer lobes of this source at a 4-σ\sigma upper limit of ∼\sim160 km s−1^{-1}. This suggests that these lobes are probably working surfaces where the jet is interacting with a denser medium. However, the brightest components of the lobes show evidence of precession, at a rate of 0.∘080\rlap.^\circ08 yr−1^{-1} clockwise in the plane of the sky. It may be possible to understand the distribution of almost all the identified sources as the result of ejecta from a precessing jet. The core of the thermal jet shows significant variations in flux density and morphology. We compare this source with other jets in low and high mass young stars and suggest that the former can be understood as a scaled-up version of the latter.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    The Rotating Molecular Structures and the Ionized Outflow Associated with IRAS 16547-4247

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    We present VLA 1.3 cm radio continuum and water maser observations as well as SMA SO2_2 (226.300 GHz) and 1.3 mm dust continuum observations toward the massive star formation region IRAS 16547-4247. We find evidence of multiple sources in the central part of the region. There is evidence of a rotating structure associated with the most massive of these sources, traced at small scales (~50 AU) by the water masers. At large scales (~1000 AU) we find a velocity gradient in the SO2 molecular emission with a barely resolved structure that can be modeled as a rotating ring or two separate objects. The velocity gradients of the masers and of the molecular emission have the same sense and may trace the same structure at different size scales. The position angles of the structures associated with the velocity gradients are roughly perpendicular to the outflow axis observed in radio continuum and several molecular tracers. We estimate the mass of the most massive central source to be around 30 solar masses from the velocity gradient in the water maser emission. The main source of error in this estimate is the radius of the rotating structure. We also find water masers that are associated with the large scale molecular outflow of the system, as well as water masers that are associated with other sources in the region. Our results suggest that the formation of this source, one of the most luminous protostars or protostellar clusters known, is taking place with the presence of ionized jets and disk-like structures.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Alkaloid profile, antibacterial and allelopathic activities of Lupinus jaimehintoniana B.L. Turner (Fabaceae)

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    Herein we describe some aspects of the ethnobotanical use and the first alkaloid profile of Lupinus jaimehintoniana, the 5 to 8 m high arboreous lupine. Five quinolizidine alkaloids identified as sparteine, 5,6-dehydrolupanine, lupanine, nuttalline, and d-thermopsine, were characterized by the respective elution order according to their electronic impact spectra, lupanine being the most abundant in the four different tissues analyzed. Simultaneously, an antibacterial assessment of the four corresponding crude methanolic extracts, as well as the four semi-purified alkaloids was performed on specific Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains. These experiments resulted in MIC ranges of 37-61 µg mL-1 and 130-146 µg mL-1, respectively. for both bacterial species. Finally, the allelopathic activity of these extracts on the germination of Lactuca sativa seeds was demonstrated to be in the range of 50-300 µg mL-1 for both semi-purified alkaloid and methanolic extracts