3 research outputs found

    Beyond physical control: Macrofauna community diversity across sandy beaches and its relationship with secondary production

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    Our understanding of the response of macrofauna diversity patterns to the variability of sandy beaches across spatial scales is limited. Defining relationships between diversity and ecosystem productivity is key to under-standing the ecological consequences of the current global rates of biodiversity loss. Here, we conducted a study across a large spatial gradient of 39 sandy beaches involving a wide range of environmental conditions and macrobenthic diversity to (1) explore macrofauna diversity patterns (2) estimate secondary production and (3) quantify how much of the variability in beach secondary production can be explained by macrofauna diversity. Beach macrofauna showed a clear increase in alpha-diversity across a beach geographic gradient linked to oceano-graphic conditions. Partitioning of beta-diversity implied the replacement of some species by others between bea-ches (i.e. spatial turnover) instead of a process of species loss (or gain) from beach to beach (i.e. nestedness). Variance partitioning analyses revealed that environmental and oceanographic variables (i.e., sea surface tem-perature, beach size, slope, and exposure rate), but also macrofauna diversity (i.e., species richness and Shannon index), largely determine beach secondary production. We showed that an increase in macrofauna diversity enhances beach secondary production, promoting energy transfer across trophic levels. The positive exponential relationship between macrofauna diversity and secondary production supports the idea that macrofauna plays an essential role in maintaining beaches as productive coastal ecosystems. Consequently, macrofauna diversity loss due to the ongoing shoreline recession and coastal occupation, exacerbated by climate change might cause exponential reductions in beach secondary production, which would affect the functioning of these sea-land interface areas

    The role of dispersal mode and habitat specialization for metacommunity structure of shallow beach invertebrates

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    Metacommunity ecology recognizes the interplay between local and regional patterns in contributing to spatial variation in community structure. In aquatic systems, the relative importance of such patterns depends mainly on the potential connectivity of the specific system. Thus, connectivity is expected to increase in relation to the degree of water movement, and to depend on the specific traits of the study organism. We examined the role of environmental and spatial factors in structuring benthic communities from a highly connected shallow beach network using a metacommunity approach. Both factors contributed to a varying degree to the structure of the local communities suggesting that environmental filters and dispersal-related mechanisms played key roles in determining abundance patterns. We categorized benthic taxa according to their dispersal mode (passive vs. active) and habitat specialization (generalist vs. specialist) to understand the relative importance of environment and dispersal related processes for shallow beach metacommunities. Passive dispersers were predicted by a combination of environmental and spatial factors, whereas active dispersers were not spatially structured and responded only to local environmental factors. Generalists were predicted primarily by spatial factors, while specialists were only predicted by local environmental factors. The results suggest that the role of the spatial component in metacommunity organization is greater in open coastal waters, such as shallow beaches, compared to less-connected environmentally controlled aquatic systems. Our results also reveal a strong environmental role in structuring the benthic metacommunity of shallow beaches. Specifically, we highlight the sensitivity of shallow beach macrofauna to environmental factors related to eutrophication proxies.Peer reviewe

    Distance decay 2.0-A global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities

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    Aim: Understanding the variation in community composition and species abundances (i.e., beta-diversity) is at the heart of community ecology. A common approach to examine beta-diversity is to evaluate directional variation in community composition by measuring the decay in the similarity among pairs of communities along spatial or environmental distance. We provide the first global synthesis of taxonomic and functional distance decay along spatial and environmental distance by analysing 148 datasets comprising different types of organisms and environments. Location: Global. Time period: 1990 to present. Major taxa studied: From diatoms to mammals. Method: We measured the strength of the decay using ranked Mantel tests (Mantel r) and the rate of distance decay as the slope of an exponential fit using generalized linear models. We used null models to test whether functional similarity decays faster or slower than expected given the taxonomic decay along the spatial and environmental distance. We also unveiled the factors driving the rate of decay across the datasets, including latitude, spatial extent, realm and organismal features. Results: Taxonomic distance decay was stronger than functional distance decay along both spatial and environmental distance. Functional distance decay was random given the taxonomic distance decay. The rate of taxonomic and functional spatial distance decay was fastest in the datasets from mid-latitudes. Overall, datasets covering larger spatial extents showed a lower rate of decay along spatial distance but a higher rate of decay along environmental distance. Marine ecosystems had the slowest rate of decay along environmental distances. Main conclusions: In general, taxonomic distance decay is a useful tool for biogeographical research because it reflects dispersal-related factors in addition to species responses to climatic and environmental variables. Moreover, functional distance decay might be a cost-effective option for investigating community changes in heterogeneous environments