285 research outputs found

    The Wocah Project. A innovative Web-based System for the Study of Headache in Children and Adolescents. A Preliminary Study of Methodological Issues.

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    Our aim is to take account of the methodogical opportunities offered by a web-based model for of the study of epidemiology features of headache in a large population of children and adolescents from multiple countries all over the world, taking into account the co-occurring comorbid conditions and the correlations with disability

    Dispersal of larval and juvenile seabream: Implications for Mediterranean marine protected areas

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    In the marine context, information about dispersal is essential for the design of networks of marine protected areas (MPAs). Generally, most of the dispersal of demersal fishes is thought to be driven by the transport of eggs and larvae in currents, with the potential contribution of dispersal in later life stages relatively minimal.Using otolith chemistry analyses, we estimate dispersal patterns across a spatial scale of approximately 180. km at both propagule (i.e. eggs and larvae) and juvenile (i.e. between settlement and recruitment) stages of a Mediterranean coastal fishery species, the two-banded seabream Diplodus vulgaris. We detected three major natal sources of propagules replenishing local populations in the entire study area, suggesting that propagule dispersal distance extends to at least 90. km. For the juvenile stage, we detected dispersal of up to 165. km. Our work highlights the surprising and significant role of dispersal during the juvenile life stages as an important mechanism connecting populations. Such new insights are crucial for creating effective management strategies (e.g. MPAs and MPA networks) and to gain support from policymakers and stakeholders, highlighting that MPA benefits can extend well beyond MPA borders, and not only via dispersal of eggs and larvae, but also through movement by juveniles

    Patterns of variability in early life traits of a Mediterranean coastal fish

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    Spawning dates and pelagic larval duration (PLD) are early life traits (ELT) crucial for understanding life cycles, properly assessing patterns of connectivity and gathering indications about patchiness or homogeneity of larval pools. Considering that little attention has been paid to spatial variability in these traits, we investigated variability of ELT from the analysis of otolith microstructure in the common two-banded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris. In the southwestern Adriatic Sea, along ~200 km of coast (∼1° in latitude, 41.2° to 40.2°N), variability of ELT was assessed at multiple spatial scales. Overall, PLD (ranging from 25 to 61 d) and spawning dates (October 2009 to February 2010) showed significant variability at small scales (i.e. <6 km), but not at larger scales. These outcomes suggest patchiness of the larval pool at small spatial scales. Multiple causal processes underlying the observed variability are discussed, along with the need to properly consider spatial variability in ELT, for example when delineating patterns of connectivity. Copyright © 2013 Inter-Research

    Neolatin group on headache - the spoken languages of men and the international transmission of scientific knowledge.

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    This initiative stems from previous projects[1] designed to benefit a category of people who live a particular linguistic ‘‘disadvantage’’: the immigrants. Even more so, those immigrants who suffer from Chronic Headache and its comorbidities (physical/psychological disorders)

    Fish assemblages across the Mediterranean Sea and the effects of protection from fishing = I Popolamenti ittici nel Mediterraneo e gli effetti della protezione dall’impatto della pesca

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    Several studies have assessed the effectiveness of individual marine protected areas (MPAs) in protecting fish assemblages, but regional assessments of multiple parks are scarce. Here fish surveys using visual census were done in marine parks and fished areas at 31 locations across the Mediterranean Sea. Fish species richness, diversity and biomass (especially of top predators) were higher in MPAs compared to fished areas, and community structure differed significantly between MPAs and fished areas. Results suggest that MPAs are generally effective means to protect and recover fish populations and assemblages

    Inconsistent relationships among protection, benthic assemblage, habitat complexity and fish biomass in Mediterranean temperate rocky reefs

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    Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been proved to effectively protect and restore fish assemblages. There is mixed evidence regarding the effects of MPAs on benthic assemblages, habitat complexity, and how protection might mediate the effects of habitat features (including biotic and abiotic components) on fish assemblages, with very little information concerning temperate areas. Here, our aim is to assess how protection 1) influences benthic assemblages and habitat complexity, and 2) mediates the effects of habitat complexity on fishes. Using non-destructive methods (photosampling for shallow rocky benthic assemblages, and underwater visual census using strip transects for fish assemblages) to characterize benthic and fish assemblages, we sampled 15 Mediterranean locations, each including protected and unprotected sites. In all, we sampled 90 sites, and analyzed 2,760 photos and 800 replicated transects, gathering information on 44 benthic and 72 fish taxa. Abiotic, biotic and synthetic (i.e. combining the previous two) complexity indices have been computed to synthesize habitat features. Overall, whole benthic assemblages did not significantly differ between protected and unprotected conditions, but higher cover of the ecologically important erect algae belonging to the genus Cystoseira sensu lato was recorded within MPAs. Abiotic, biotic and synthetic complexity did not show clear patterns related to protection levels, displaying inconsistent responses between different locations. Our findings highlight that protection has a generally positive effect on fish biomass, this latter variable responding independently of the habitat complexity. Our study, in conclusion, confirms that MPAs can be effective to protect and restore rocky-reef assemblages, highlighting the need for more in-depth exploration of the mechanisms determining the different responses of benthic taxa to protection and how this can influence the associated fish assemblages

    Drivers of Small-Scale Fishers’ Acceptability across Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas at Different Stages of Establishment

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    The success of marine protected areas (MPAs) in achieving conservation and sustainable development goals hinges on, among other things, their social acceptability by local communities. Small-scale fishing communities represent a key stakeholder category within and around MPAs. Although many authors have examined the social acceptability of MPAs, relatively few studies have addressed this issue by considering how MPA acceptability is built and can be preserved. This study assessed the latent structure of MPA social acceptability and identified the individual and institutional variables driving stakeholders’ acceptability. Using questionnaire surveys, 124 small-scale fishers’ perceptions of MPAs and their social acceptability were explored in six Mediterranean MPAs (three were implemented, and three were designated). The results show that MPA acceptability is positively related to fishers’ age. The findings also highlight that the formal establishment of MPAs is not a sufficient condition for increasing MPA acceptability among fishers. Considerations about the possibility that MPA acceptability can be increased by building support and compliance emerged. MPA managers should implement successful long-term stakeholder engagement initiatives to increase commitment around conservation measures and to improve overall MPA effectiveness

    Local support for conservation is associated with perceptions of good governance, social impacts, and ecological effectiveness

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    Local support is important for the longevity of conservation initiatives. The literature suggests that perceptions of ecological effectiveness, social impacts, and good governance will influence levels of local support for conservation. This paper examines these relationships using data from a survey of small-scale fishermen in 11 marine protected areas from six countries in the Mediterranean Sea. The survey queried small-scale fishermen regarding perceptions and support for conservation. We constructed composite scores for three categories of perceptions-ecological effectiveness, social impacts, and good governance-and tested the relationship with levels of support using ordinal regression models. While all three factors were positively correlated with support for conservation, perceptions of good governance and social impacts were stronger predictors of increasing support. These findings suggest that employing good governance processes and managing social impacts may be more important than ecological effectiveness for maintaining local support for conservation

    Local support for conservation is associated with perceptions of good governance, social impacts, and ecological effectiveness

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    Local support is important for the longevity of conservation initiatives. The literature suggests that perceptions of ecological effectiveness, social impacts, and good gov- ernance will influence levels of local support for conservation. This paper examines these relationships using data from a survey of small-scale fishermen in 11 marine pro- tected areas from six countries in the Mediterranean Sea. The survey queried small- scale fishermen regarding perceptions and support for conservation. We constructed composite scores for three categories of perceptions—ecological effectiveness, social impacts, and good governance—and tested the relationship with levels of support using ordinal regression models. While all three factors were positively correlated with support for conservation, perceptions of good governance and social impacts were stronger predictors of increasing support. These findings suggest that employ- ing good governance processes and managing social impacts may be more important than ecological effectiveness for maintaining local support for conservation

    Large-scale assessment of Mediterranean marine protected areas effects on fish assemblages

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) were acknowledged globally as effective tools to mitigate the threats to oceans caused by fishing. Several studies assessed the effectiveness of individual MPAs in protecting fish assemblages, but regional assessments of multiple MPAs are scarce. Moreover, empirical evidence on the role of MPAs in contrasting the propagation of non-indigenous-species (NIS) and thermophilic species (ThS) is missing. We simultaneously investigated here the role of MPAs in reversing the effects of overfishing and in limiting the spread of NIS and ThS. The Mediterranean Sea was selected as study area as it is a region where 1) MPAs are numerous, 2) fishing has affected species and ecosystems, and 3) the arrival of NIS and the northward expansion of ThS took place. Fish surveys were done in well-enforced no-take MPAs (HP), partially-protected MPAs (IP) and fished areas (F) at 30 locations across the Mediterranean. Significantly higher fish biomass was found in HP compared to IP MPAs and F. Along a recovery trajectory from F to HP MPAs, IP were similar to F, showing that just well enforced MPAs triggers an effective recovery. Within HP MPAs, trophic structure of fish assemblages resembled a top-heavy biomass pyramid. Although the functional structure of fish assemblages was consistent among HP MPAs, species driving the recovery in HP MPAs differed among locations: this suggests that the recovery trajectories in HP MPAs are likely to be functionally similar (i.e., represented by predictable changes in trophic groups, especially fish predators), but the specific composition of the resulting assemblages may depend on local conditions. Our study did not show any effect of MPAs on NIS and ThS. These results may help provide more robust expectations, at proper regional scale, about the effects of new MPAs that may be established in the Mediterranean Sea and other ecoregions worldwide
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