2,462 research outputs found

    Visual salience of the stop signal affects the neuronal dynamics of controlled inhibition

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    The voluntary control of movement is often tested by using the countermanding, or stop-signal task that sporadically requires the suppression of a movement in response to an incoming stop-signal. Neurophysiological recordings in monkeys engaged in the countermanding task have shown that dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) is implicated in movement control. An open question is whether and how the perceptual demands inherent the stop-signal affects inhibitory performance and their underlying neuronal correlates. To this aim we recorded multi-unit activity (MUA) from the PMd of two male monkeys performing a countermanding task in which the salience of the stop-signals was modulated. Consistently to what has been observed in humans, we found that less salient stimuli worsened the inhibitory performance. At the neuronal level, these behavioral results were subtended by the following modulations: when the stop-signal was not noticeable compared to the salient condition the preparatory neuronal activity in PMd started to be affected later and with a less sharp dynamic. This neuronal pattern is probably the consequence of a less efficient inhibitory command useful to interrupt the neural dynamic that supports movement generation in PMd

    Targeted treatment of folate receptor-positive platinum-resistant ovarian cancer and companion diagnostics, with specific focus on vintafolide and etarfolatide

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    Among the gynecological malignancies, ovarian cancer is the leading cause of mortality in developed countries. Treatment of ovarian cancer is based on surgery integrated with chemotherapy. Platinum-based drugs (cisplatin and carboplatin) comprise the core of first-line chemotherapy for patients with advanced ovarian cancer. Platinum-resistant ovarian cancer can be treated with cytotoxic chemotherapeutics such as paclitaxel, topotecan, PEGylated liposomal doxorubicin, or gemcitabine, but many patients eventually relapse on treatment. Targeted therapies based on agents specifically directed to overexpressed receptors, or to selected molecular targets, may be the future of clinical treatment. In this regard, overexpression of folate receptor-α on the surface of almost all epithelial ovarian cancers makes this receptor an excellent “tumor-associated antigen”. With appropriate use of spacers/linkers, folate-targeted drugs can be distributed within the body, where they preferentially bind to ovarian cancer cells and are released inside their target cells. Here they can exert their desired cytotoxic function. Based on this strategy, 12 years after it was first described, a folate-targeted vinblastine derivative has now reached Phase III clinical trials in ovarian cancer. This review examines the importance of folate targeting, the state of the art of a vinblastine folate-targeted agent (vintafolide) for treating platinum-resistant ovarian cancer, and its diagnostic companion (etarfolatide) as a prognostic agent. Etarfolatide is a valuable noninvasive diagnostic imaging agent with which to select ovarian cancer patient populations that may benefit from this specific targeted therapy

    Role of Body Weight in the Onset and the Progression of Idiopathic Premature Pubarche

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    Background: The term premature pubarche (PP) refers to the appearance of pubic hair before age 8 in girls and before age 9 in boys. Although idiopathic PP (often associated with premature adrenarche) is considered an extreme variation from the norm, it may be an initial sign of persistent hyperandrogenism. Factors contributing to PP onset and progression have not been identified to date. Aims: The objectives of this study are to describe a group of Italian children with PP, to identify potential factors for its onset, and to define its clinical and biochemical progression. Methods: We retrospectively enrolled all infants born between 2001 and 2014 with PP. Children with advanced bone age (BA) underwent functional tests to determine the cause of PP. Hormonal analysis and BA determination were performed annually during a 4-year follow-up period. Results: A total of 334 children with PP were identified: idiopathic PP (92.5%, associated with premature adrenarche in some cases); related to precocious puberty (6.6%); late-onset 21-hydroxylase deficiency (0.9%). Low birth weight was associated with premature adrenal activation. Body mass index (BMI) was the only factor that influenced the progression of BA during follow-up. Conclusions: Low birth weight is a predisposing factor for premature adrenal activation. The increase in BMI in patients with idiopathic PP during the 4-years of follow-up was responsible for BA acceleration. We recommend prevention of excessive weight gain in children with PP and strict adherence to follow-up in order to prevent serious metabolic consequences

    Transcriptome pathways in leaf and root of grapevine genotypes with contrasting drought tolerance

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    Most of the world’s wine-producing regions are subjected to seasonal drought,and,in the light of the dramatic climate-change events occurring in recent years, the selection of resistant rootstocks is becoming a crucial factor for the development of sustainable agricultural models to ensure optimal grape berry development and ripening. In this study, roots and leaves of 101.14 (drought-susceptible) and M4 (drought-tolerant) rootstocks were sampled in progressive drought and mRNA-seq profiles were evaluated. Physiological characterization indicated that only M4 was able to maintain high leaf transpiration and net assimilation rates under severe stress conditions. Statistical analyses, carried out on mRNA-seq data, highlighted that “treatment” (water stress) and “genotype” (rootstock-genotype) seem to be the main variables explaining differential gene expression in roots and leaves tissues, respectively. Upon water-stress, roots and leaves of the tolerant genotype M4 exhibit a higher induction of stilbenes (i.e., STS) and flavonoids (e.g., CHS, F3H, FLS) biosynthetic genes. Moreover, the higher expression of STS genes in M4 is coupled with an up-regulation of WRKYs transcription factors. STS genes promoter regions, extracted from whole genome of M4 and 101.14, highlighted a higher number of WBOX cis elements (binding site for WRKYs) in the tolerant genotype

    Lamivudine/dolutegravir dual therapy in HIV-infected, virologically suppressed patients

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    Background: Little is known about the applicability of dual treatments based on integrase inhibitors. We explored the combination of lamivudine + dolutegravir as an option when switching from standard cART in virologically suppressed patients. Methods: In this prospective cohort we enrolled patients previously switched to 3TC + DTG who were 18 years or older, with no previous resistance mutations to the used drugs, having a HIV-RNA 6 months) cART. Results: Ninety-four individuals were included. They were mostly men (77.7%) with a mean age of 53 years. They presented 159 co-morbidities including cardiovascular, bone, hepatic, kidney, and CNS diseases. Because of these pathologies, they took 207 non-ARV drugs (mean 2.2 per patient). Median duration of viral suppression was 77.5 months (IQR 61). All subjects were prospectively followed up to week 24 and all remained on dual therapy during the whole period. Neither virological failure, nor viral blip was detected. The median CD4 count rose from 658 cells/mcl (IQR 403) to 724 cells/mcl (IQR 401) (P = 0.006) without a significant (P = 0.44) change in the CD4/CD8 ratio. A significant (P < 0.0001) increment of median creatinine from 0.87 mg/dl (IQR 0.34) to 0.95 mg/dl (IQR 0.29) was observed in the first 2 months but thereafter leveled on these values (1.00 mg/dl; IQR 0.35) (P = 0.111 compared to 2 months). The lipid profile slightly improved. The daily cost of cART was significantly (P < 0.0001) reduced of 6.89 euros (SD 6.10). Discussion: Switching to a dual cART regimen based on lamivudine + dolutegravir maintains virological efficacy up to week 24, and is associated to slight improvements of the immunologic and metabolic status. The strategy allows to freely using concomitant medications for associated pathologies. The dual therapy is less expensive in economic terms. Conclusion: Although still limited evidence exists, a dolutegravir-based dual therapy in combination with lamivudine shows promising results to be confirmed in larger controlled trials

    Molecular profile and its clinical impact of IDH1 mutated versus IDH1 wild type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

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    Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; MutationColangiocarcinoma intrahepĂĄtico; MutaciĂłnColangiocarcinoma intrahepĂ tic; MutaciĂłIDH1-mutated cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) are an interesting group of neoplasia with particular behavior and therapeutic implications. The aim of the present work is to highlight the differences characterizing IDH1m and IDH1wt CCAs in terms of genomic landscape. 284 patients with iCCA treated for resectable, locally advanced or metastatic disease were selected and studied with the FOUNDATION Cdx technology. A comparative genomic analysis and survival analyses for the most relevant altered genes were performed between IDH1m and IDH1wt patients. Overall, 125 patients were IDH1m and 122 IDH1wt. IDH1m patients showed higher mutation rates compared to IDH1wt in CDKN2B and lower mutation rates in several genes including TP53, FGFR2, BRCA2, ATM, MAP3K1, NOTCH2, ZNF703, CCND1, NBN, NF1, MAP3KI3, and RAD21. At the survival analysis, IDH1m and IDH1wt patients showed no statistically differences in terms of survival outcomes, but a trend in favor of IDH1wt patients was observed. Differences in prognostic values of the most common altered genes were reported. In surgical setting, in IDH1m group the presence of CDKN2A and CDKN2B mutations negatively impact DFS, whereas the presence of CDKN2A, CDKN2B, and PBRM1 mutations negatively impact OS. In advanced setting, in the IDH1m group, the presence of KRAS/NRAS and TP53 mutations negatively impact PFS, whereas the presence of TP53 and PIK3CA mutations negatively impact OS; in the IDH1wt group, only the presence of MTAP mutation negatively impact PFS, whereas the presence of TP53 mutation negatively impact OS. We highlighted several molecular differences with distinct prognostic implications between IDH1m and IDH1wt patients

    Organic Light-Emitting Transistors in a Smart-Integrated System for Plasmonic-Based Sensing

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    AbstractThe smart integration of multiple devices in a single functional unit is boosting the advent of compact optical sensors for on‐site analysis. Nevertheless, the development of miniaturized and cost‐effective plasmonic sensors is hampered by the strict angular constraints of the detection scheme, which are fulfilled through bulky optical components. Here, an ultracompact system for plasmonic‐sensing is demonstrated by the smart integration of an organic light‐emitting transistor (OLET), an organic photodiode (OPD), and a nanostructured plasmonic grating (NPG). The potential of OLETs, as planar multielectrode devices with inherent micrometer‐wide emission areas, offers the pioneer incorporation of an OPD onto the source electrode to obtain a monolithic photonic module endowed with light‐emitting and light‐detection characteristics at unprecedented lateral proximity of them. This approach enables the exploitation of the angle‐dependent sensing of the NPG in a miniaturized system based on low‐cost components, in which a reflective detection is enabled by the elegant fabrication of the NPG onto the encapsulation glass of the photonic module. The most effective layout of integration is unraveled by an advanced simulation tool, which allows obtaining an optics‐less plasmonic system able to perform a quantitative detection up to 10−2 RIU at a sensor size as low as 0.1 cm3

    Behavioral aspects in children's brothers affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Introduction: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a permanent and complex disability arising within the first three years of life characterized by a socio-communicative disorder and by fixed interests and repetitive behaviors. The present pilot study aims to evaluate behavioral aspects in a small population of siblings of ASD children. Material and methods: Population: 5 school-aged children (2 males, 3 females) (mean age 9.235 ± 2.041) were enrolled, as siblings of ASD children, and for comparison, 12 healthy (7 males, 5 females) children (average age 9,528 ± 3,351). All subjects underwent evaluation of the behavioral with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) scale. Results: The two groups were statistically comparable by age (p = 0.86) and gender distribution (p = 0.87). From the behavioral point of view evaluated with the CBCL scale, siblings of ASD have a higher degree of overall problem (Total problems) compared to control children (p=0.003), in addition they have significantly higher scores in the subscales of behavior examined (Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn, Somatic Complaints, Social, Thought, Attention, Delinquent, Aggressive) as well as a greater share of disturbances both internalizing (p=0.004) and externalizing (p = 0.007) (Table 1). Conclusions: The present preliminary data confirm the need for a global management of the entire family structure for the correct management of Autistic Disorders
