7 research outputs found

    Mental health in the era of COVID-19 : prevalence of psychiatric disorders in a cohort of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes during the social distancing

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    Background: In patients with diabetes, the prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms is about two to four times greater than in the general population. The association between diabetes and mental health disorders could be exacerbated in a stressful environment, and psychological distress could increase depressive symptoms and cause adverse diabetes outcomes. Objectives: To assess the prevalence of mental health disorders in patients with diabetes during the social distancing period due to COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study developed to assess the impact of social distancing on a cohort of adults with type 1 (n = 52) and type 2 diabetes (n = 68) in Brazil. Inclusion criteria involved having an HbA1c test collected in the past 3 months and having a valid telephone number in electronic medical records. The primary outcome was the prevalence of minor psychiatric disorders, assessed by survey (SRQ-20). Secondary outcomes included the prevalence of diabetes related emotional distress, eating and sleeping disorders, all assessed by validated surveys at the moment of the study. Statistical analyses included unpaired t-test for continuous variables and χ2 test for categorical variables. Results: Overall (n = 120), participants had a mean age of 54.8 ± 14.4 years-old, and HbA1c of 9.0 ± 1.6% (75 ± 17.5 mmol/mol); 93% of patients showed signs of current mental suffering based on the surveys measured. Almost 43% of patients showed evidence of significant psychological distress, with a significant greater tendency in patients with type 2 diabetes. The presence of diabetes related emotional distress was found in 29.2% of patients; eating disorders in 75.8%; and moderate/severe sleeping disorders in 77.5%. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of evidence of psychological distress among patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic and this highlights the need for mental health access and support for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

    Type 1 diabetes and the challenges of emotional support in crisis situations : results from a feasibility study of a multidisciplinary teleintervention

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    The association between type 1 diabetes and mental health disorders could be exacerbated in a stressful environment. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a teleguided intervention on emotional disorders in patients with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 outbreak. This study was performed during the social distancing period in the COVID-19 outbreak in Brazil. Individuals with type 1 diabetes aged≥ 18 years were selected to receive a teleguided multidisciplinary intervention or the usual care plus an educational website access. The proposed intervention aimed addressing aspects of mental health, diabetes care and lifestyle habits during the pandemic. The feasibility outcome included the assessment of recruitment capability and adherence to the proposed intervention. Moreover, we evaluated the presence of positive screening for emotional disorders (Self Report Questionnaire 20) after a 16-week intervention, patients’ perceptions of pandemicrelated changes, diabetes-related emotional distress, eating disorders, and sleep disorders. Data were analyzed with the intent-to-treat principle. Fifty-eight individuals (mean age, 43.8± 13.6 years) were included (intervention group, n= 29; control group, n= 29). At the end of the study, a total of 5 participants withdrew from the study in the intervention group compared to only 1 in the control group. Participants who dropout from the study had similar mean age, sex and income to those who remained in the study. The analysis of mental health disorders was not diferent between the groups at the follow up: a positive screening result was found in 48.3% and 34.5% of participants in the intervention and control groups, respectively (P= 0.29). The intervention group felt more supported in their diabetes care during the social distancing period (82.8% vs. 48.3% in the control group, P< 0.01). Our study identifed a disproportionate higher number of withdrawals in the intervention group when compared to the control group. This diference may have compromised the power of the study for the proposed assessments and should be reevaluated in future studies

    Efeitos do projeto de extensão "Grupo da coluna no contexto do SUS" sobre a dor lombar, a qualidade de vida e a funcionalidade

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A lombalgia crônica é um problema de saúde pública, com implicações sociais e pessoais. A Escola Postural vem sendo utilizada para a prevenção e tratamento da lombalgia. Com uma metodologia preventiva e educativa baseada na Escola Postural, o projeto de extensão Grupo da Coluna no contexto do SUS foi proposto como uma abordagem alternativa aos portadores de lombalgia crônica na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS/HCPA). OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos do projeto Grupo da Coluna na dor, qualidade de vida e funcionalidade dos indivíduos com lombalgia crônica da UBS/HCPA. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 28 voluntários com lombalgia crônica com idade média de 54,2 (±9,54). Para coleta de dados, utilizou-se a EVA, o questionário SF-36 e o questionário ODI, em dois momentos distintos (pré e pós-teste). RESULTADOS: Após o processamento dos dados, obteve-se melhora significativa com relação à dor, à qualidade de vida e a funcionalidade. CONCLUSÃO: O projeto de extensão Grupo da Coluna contribuiu para melhora da dor, da qualidade de vida e da funcionalidade de usuários com lombalgia crônica da UBS/HCPA. Novos estudos sobre programas educativos direcionados as lombalgias crônicas devem ser realizados em UBS para verificar se as melhoras obtidas a curto prazo se mantêm a médio e longo prazo.BACKGROUND: Chronic low back pain is a public health problem with social and financial implications. The Back School has been used for the prevention and treatment of low back pain. With a preventive and educational approach based on Back School, the extension project Spine Group in the context of SUS has been proposed as an alternative approach to patients with chronic low back pain at UBS/HCPA. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of the project Spine Group in pain, quality of life and functionality of individuals with chronic low back pain at UBS/HCPA. METHODS: The sample consisted of 28 volunteers with chronic low back pain with a mean age of 54.2 (±9.54). For data colletion, we used the VAS, the SF-36 questionnaire and OD, at two different times (pre and post-test). RESULTS: After processing the data, we obtained a significant improvement with respect to pain, quality of life and functionality. CONCLUSION: The extension project Spine Group contributed to pain relief, quality of life and functionality of users with chronic low back pain at UBS/HCPA. New studies of educational programs targeted chronic low back pain should be performed in in order to verify if the improvements obtained in the short term remain the medium and long term

    Efeitos do projeto de extensão "Grupo da coluna no contexto do SUS" sobre a dor lombar, a qualidade de vida e a funcionalidade

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A lombalgia crônica é um problema de saúde pública, com implicações sociais e pessoais. A Escola Postural vem sendo utilizada para a prevenção e tratamento da lombalgia. Com uma metodologia preventiva e educativa baseada na Escola Postural, o projeto de extensão Grupo da Coluna no contexto do SUS foi proposto como uma abordagem alternativa aos portadores de lombalgia crônica na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS/HCPA). OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos do projeto Grupo da Coluna na dor, qualidade de vida e funcionalidade dos indivíduos com lombalgia crônica da UBS/HCPA. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 28 voluntários com lombalgia crônica com idade média de 54,2 (±9,54). Para coleta de dados, utilizou-se a EVA, o questionário SF-36 e o questionário ODI, em dois momentos distintos (pré e pós-teste). RESULTADOS: Após o processamento dos dados, obteve-se melhora significativa com relação à dor, à qualidade de vida e a funcionalidade. CONCLUSÃO: O projeto de extensão Grupo da Coluna contribuiu para melhora da dor, da qualidade de vida e da funcionalidade de usuários com lombalgia crônica da UBS/HCPA. Novos estudos sobre programas educativos direcionados as lombalgias crônicas devem ser realizados em UBS para verificar se as melhoras obtidas a curto prazo se mantêm a médio e longo prazo.BACKGROUND: Chronic low back pain is a public health problem with social and financial implications. The Back School has been used for the prevention and treatment of low back pain. With a preventive and educational approach based on Back School, the extension project Spine Group in the context of SUS has been proposed as an alternative approach to patients with chronic low back pain at UBS/HCPA. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of the project Spine Group in pain, quality of life and functionality of individuals with chronic low back pain at UBS/HCPA. METHODS: The sample consisted of 28 volunteers with chronic low back pain with a mean age of 54.2 (±9.54). For data colletion, we used the VAS, the SF-36 questionnaire and OD, at two different times (pre and post-test). RESULTS: After processing the data, we obtained a significant improvement with respect to pain, quality of life and functionality. CONCLUSION: The extension project Spine Group contributed to pain relief, quality of life and functionality of users with chronic low back pain at UBS/HCPA. New studies of educational programs targeted chronic low back pain should be performed in in order to verify if the improvements obtained in the short term remain the medium and long term

    A violência intrafamiliar: um estudo da psicologia na vara da violência de Cachoeirinha = Intrafamiliar violence: a psychological study on violence in Cachoeirinha

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    Introdução: Trata-se de um projeto de pesquisa criado em parceria da Vara de Violência do Fórum do município de Cachoeirinha, RS/BR, com o núcleo de Psicologia Jurídica do CESUCA - Faculdade Inedi. Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência e a cronicidade da violência intrafamiliar ocorridas entre casais, encaminhados pelo judiciário. Metodologia: Os participantes serão àqueles casais encaminhados pelo judiciário que já possuem registro e queixa judicial na Vara da Violência de pelo menos um episódio de violência conjugal e deverão assinar o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os instrumentos utilizados serão: a entrevista inicial, individual e com o casal e o inventário de identificação e resolução de conflitos, que buscará avaliar a prevalência e cronicidade da violência. Conclusão: A pesquisa encontra-se na primeira etapa, a de construção de instrumentos e de revisão de literatura acerca do tema e foi avaliada pelo Comitê de Ética da Instituição. A partir dos dados obtidos, acredita-se poder proporcionar um diálogo entre os cônjuges, a fim de um acordo que previna um novo episódio de violência. Introduction: This is a research project created in partnership rod Violence Forum municipality of Cachoeirinha, RS / BR , with the core of Legal Psychology CESUCA - Faculty Inedi. Objective: To investigate the prevalence and chronicity of domestic violence occurred in couples referred by the judiciary. Methodology: Participants will be directed by those couples who already have legal registration and lawsuit filed in Stick Violence at least one episode of domestic violence and should signing the informed consent. The instruments used are: the initial, individual and couple with the inventory and identification and resolution of conflicts, which will seek to assess the prevalence and chronicity of violence interview. Conclusion: The research is the first step, the construction of instruments and literature review on the subject and was reviewed by the Ethics Committee of the Institution. From the data obtained, it is believed able to provide a dialogue between the spouses, to an agreement that would prevent a new outbreak of violence. Palavras-chave/KeywordsViolência intrafamiliar, Relação conjugal, Psicologia jurídica, Avaliação psicossocial, Mediação familiar, Vara da violência.Domestic violence, Marital relationship, Forensic psychology, Psychosocial assessment, Family mediation, Violence