1,456 research outputs found

    Differential phase extraction in an atom gradiometer

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    We present here a method for the extraction of the differential phase of an atom gradiometer that exploits the correlation of the vibration signal measured by an auxiliary classical sensor, such as a seismometer or an accelerometer. We show that sensitivities close to the quantum projection noise limit can be reached, even when the vibration noise induces phase fluctuations larger than 2π\pi. This method doesn't require the correlation between the atomic and classical signals to be perfect and allows for an exact determination of the differential phase, with no bias. It can also be applied to other configurations of differential interferometers, such as for instance gyrometers, conjugate interferometers for the measurement of the fine structure constant, or differential accelerometers for tests of the equivalence principle or detection of gravitational waves

    Enhancing the area of a Raman atom interferometer using a versatile double-diffraction technique

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    IIn this paper we demonstrate a new scheme for Raman transitions which realize a symmetric momentum-space splitting of 4k4 \hbar k, deflecting the atomic wave-packets into the same internal state. Combining the advantages of Raman and Bragg diffraction, we achieve a three pulse state labelled interferometer, intrinsically insensitive to the main systematics and applicable to all kind of atomic sources. This splitting scheme can be extended to 4Nk4N \hbar k momentum transfer by a multipulse sequence and is implemented on a 8k8 \hbar k interferometer. We demonstrate the area enhancement by measuring inertial forces

    A simple laser system for atom interferometry

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    We present here a simple laser system for a laser cooled atom interferometer, where all functions (laser cooling, interferometry and detection) are realized using only two extended cavity laser diodes, amplified by a common tapered amplifier. One laser is locked by frequency modulation transfer spectroscopy, the other being phase locked with an offset frequency determined by an Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) controlled Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS), which allows for efficient and versatile tuning of the laser frequency. Raman lasers are obtained with a double pass acousto-optic modulator. We demonstrate a gravimeter using this laser system, with performances close to the state of the art

    Coherent population trapping in a Raman atom interferometer

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    We investigate the effect of coherent population trapping (CPT) in an atom inter-ferometer gravimeter based on the use of stimulated Raman transitions. We find that CPT leads to significant phase shifts, of order of a few mrad, which may compromise the accuracy of inertial measurements. We show that this effect is rejected by the k-reversal technique, which consists in averaging inertial measurements performed with two opposite orientations of the Raman wavevector k, provided that internal states at the input of the interferometer are kept identical for both configurations

    Active Control of Laser Wavefronts in Atom Interferometers

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    Wavefront aberrations are identified as a major limitation in quantum sensors. They are today the main contribution in the uncertainty budget of best cold atom interferometers based on two-photon laser beam splitters, and constitute an important limit for their long-term stability, impeding these instruments from reaching their full potential. Moreover, they will also remain a major obstacle in future experiments based on large momentum beam splitters. In this article, we tackle this issue by using a deformable mirror to control actively the laser wavefronts in atom interferometry. In particular, we demonstrate in an experimental proof of principle the efficient correction of wavefront aberrations in an atomic gravimeter

    Raman laser spectroscopy of Wannier Stark states

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    Raman lasers are used as a spectroscopic probe of the state of atoms confined in a shallow 1D vertical lattice. For long enough laser pulses, resolved transitions in the bottom band of the lattice between Wannier Stark states corresponding to neighboring wells are observed. Couplings between such states are measured as a function of the lattice laser intensity and compared to theoretical predictions, from which the lattice depth can be extracted. Limits to the linewidth of these transitions are investigated. Transitions to higher bands can also be induced, as well as between transverse states for tilted Raman beams. All these features allow for a precise characterization of the trapping potential and for an efficient control of the atoms external degrees of freedom

    Stability comparison of two absolute gravimeters: optical versus atomic interferometers

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    We report the direct comparison between the stabilities of two mobile absolute gravimeters of different technology: the LNE-SYRTE Cold Atom Gravimeter and FG5X\#216 of the Universit\'e du Luxembourg. These instruments rely on two different principles of operation: atomic and optical interferometry. The comparison took place in the Walferdange Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics in Luxembourg, at the beginning of the last International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ICAG-2013. We analyse a 2h10 duration common measurement, and find that the CAG shows better immunity with respect to changes in the level of vibration noise, as well as a slightly better short term stability.Comment: 6 page

    State labelling Wannier-Stark atomic interferometers

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    Using cold 87Rb atoms trapped in a 1D-optical lattice, atomic interferometers involving coherent superpositions between different Wannier-Stark atomic states are realized. Two di fferent kinds of trapped interferometer schemes are presented: a Ramsey-type interferometer sensitive both to clock frequency and external forces, and a symmetric accordion-type interferometer, sensitive to external forces only. We evaluate the limits in terms of sensitivity and accuracy of those schemes and discuss their application as force sensors. As a first step, we apply these interferometers to the measurement of the Bloch frequency and the demonstration of a compact gravimeter.Comment: 11 page

    Effective velocity distribution in an atom gravimeter: effect of the convolution with the response of the detection

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    We present here a detailed study of the influence of the transverse motion of the atoms in a free-fall gravimeter. By implementing Raman selection in the horizontal directions at the beginning of the atoms free fall, we characterize the effective velocity distribution, ie the velocity distribution of the detected atom, as a function of the laser cooling and trapping parameters. In particular, we show that the response of the detection induces a pronounced asymetry of this effective velocity distribution that depends not only on the imbalance between molasses beams but also on the initial position of the displaced atomic sample. This convolution with the detection has a strong influence on the averaging of the bias due to Coriolis acceleration. The present study allows a fairly good understanding of results previously published in {\it Louchet-Chauvet et al., NJP 13, 065025 (2011)}, where the mean phase shift due to Coriolis acceleration was found to have a sign different from expected

    Double diffraction in an atomic gravimeter

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    We demonstrate the realization of a new scheme for cold atom gravimetry based on the use of double diffraction beamsplitters recently demonstrated in \cite{Leveque}, where the use of two retro-reflected Raman beams allows symmetric diffraction in ±keff\pm \hbar k_{eff} momenta. Though in principle restricted to the case of zero Doppler shift, for which the two pairs of Raman beams are simultaneously resonant, we demonstrate that such diffraction pulses can remain efficient on atoms with non zero velocity, such as in a gravimeter, when modulating the frequency of one of the two Raman laser sources. We use such pulses to realize an interferometer insensitive to laser phase noise and some of the dominant systematics. This reduces the technical requirements and would allow the realization of a simple atomic gravimeter. We demonstrate a sensitivity of 1.2×107g1.2\times10^{-7}g per shot