13 research outputs found

    Influence of fertilizer on coumarin content and biomass production in Mikania glomerata sprengel

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    Mikania glomerata Sprengel leaf extracts have been used in cough syrup formulations due to the presence of active coumarin derivatives. Yields of such natural compounds in cultivated plants can be affected by several nutritional factors. To determine the effect of fertilization on biomass productivity, organ proportion and coumarin content, Mikania glomerata plants were submitted during one year to treatments with organic (humus or manure) and inorganic (different levels of nitrogen) fertilizers. Coumarin concentration was raised by organic fertilization, inorganic nutrients induced increased phytomass (stem and leaf) yield, however no fertilized plants showed enhanced leaf production

    The new United Nations approach to sustainable development post-2015: Findings from four overviews of systematic reviews on interventions for sustainable development and health

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    ABSTRACT Objective To identify reported interventions that facilitate sustainable development and have had a positive impact on health in four areas: sustainable food production; sustainable energy use; sustainable jobs (“decent work”); and prevention of toxic exposure to chemicals. Methods Systematic review methods were used to synthesize evidence from multiple systematic reviews and economic evaluations. A comprehensive search was conducted of at least 14 databases and 8 websites for each of the four overviews, using pre-defined protocols, including clear inclusion criteria. To qualify as “sustainable,” interventions needed to aim (explicitly or implicitly) to positively impact at least two dimensions of the integrated framework for sustainable development and had to include measures of health impact. Results In total, 47 systematic reviews and 10 economic evaluations met the inclusion criteria. The most promising interventions, such as agricultural policies, were identified for each of the four topics. While the evidence for the interventions is not strong because of the limited number of studies, there is no evidence of a definite negative impact on health. The only possible exception is that of taxes and subsidies—though this intervention also has the potential to be pro-equity with higher relative impacts for lower income groups. Conclusions The evidence found for effective interventions is useful for guiding countries toward the best options for non-health sector interventions that can positively impact health. This overviews shows that intersectoral work benefits every sector involved

    Uma história das pråticas alimentares de trabalhadores paulistanos em dois momentos do século XX A history of practices in nourishment among workers in São Paulo city in two moments of the 20th century

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    A partir de uma discussĂŁo sobre estudos que lidaram com os temas alimentares nas CiĂȘncias Humanas, este artigo aponta as possibilidades das Pesquisas de PadrĂŁo de Vida como fontes para uma histĂłria social da alimentação entre trabalhadores que viviam em SĂŁo Paulo durante a primeira metade do sĂ©culo XX. Apresento os mĂ©todos de aplicação, as intençÔes dessas pesquisas e o perfil das famĂ­lias. Em seguida, os produtos e as quantidades consumidas pelas famĂ­lias sĂŁo analisados em temporalidades distintas, tentando verificar o impacto da industrialização, da renda e da propaganda.<br>Based on studies about food issues in the Humanities, this article indicates the possibilities of the Living Standards Research as sources for a social history of nourishment between workers living in Sao Paulo during the first half of the 20th century. I present the methods of application, the intentions of this research and the profile of families analyzed. After, I analyze the products and quantities consumed by families in different times, trying to understand the impact of industrialization, wage income and advertisement

    Santos e devotos no impĂ©rio ultramarino portuguĂȘs

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    O artigo faz uma histĂłria da coleção de vilancicos de SĂŁo Gonçalo de Amarante, que integram a Coleção Barbosa Machado na Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro e, simultaneamente, apresenta reflexĂ”es sobre a relação santo-devoto no ImpĂ©rio Ultramarino PortuguĂȘs no sĂ©culo XVIII. Os vilancicos sĂŁo identificados como um gĂȘnero retĂłrico poĂ©tico que evoca o santo e uma prĂĄtica religiosa que contrastava com outras. Parte-se de uma perspectiva comparativa entre os vilancicos e outras evidĂȘncias sobre a relação santo-devoto e, em particular, sobre o santo e sua festa na sociedade colonial escravista. O artigo dialoga com a historiografia centrada na noção de ImpĂ©rio e com uma bibliografia da HistĂłria e das CiĂȘncias Sociais voltada para a relação santodevoto, a santidade e as festas.<br>The paper produces a story of vilancicos for Saint Gonçalo do Amarante, that are part of the Rio de Janeiro National Library Barbosa Machado Collection and presents reflections on the relation saint-devotees in the Portuguese Overseas Empire during the 18th century. The vilancicos are identified as a rhetoric poetic genre that reminds the saint and a religious practice that contrasted with others. It starts from a comparative perspective between the vilancicos and other evidences about the relation saint-devotee, and in particular, about the saint and his feast in a colonial and proslavery society. The article deals with the historiography centered in the notion of Empire, and with a bibliography of History and Social Sciences pointed to the relation saint-devotee, the holiness and the feasts

    Entre escravos e taipas: o modo de fazer africano na arquitetura paulista

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