98 research outputs found

    The perception of satisfaction with virtual social networks: A comparative analysis

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    The main aim was to determine the level of satisfaction of users of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by comparing the concept of a 'virtual social network' with the perception of use by the users the subjective evaluation of five features. An empirical study was realized with users of social networks in Latin America by measuring similar features - customization, interactivity, multimedia, privacy, and regulation - which are the features that are the most discussed in the literature. The analysis of the information was conducted with the Hamming distance. This study presents a new assessment of satisfaction with virtual social networks by taking into account features that had not previously been considered as a group; furthermore, no differences in perceptions by gender or age were found and the virtual social network with the best assessment was identified as Twitter. Keywords: Internet, behaviour, consumers, social networks

    La contribución de la lengua española al PIB y al empleo: una aproximación macroeconómica

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    This paper provides an estimate of the contribution of the Spanish language to the GDP and the Employment in Spain obtained by applying different procedures based on the combination of macroeconomic tools and techniques such as the National Account data and the Input- Output Tables, the segmentation of the handwork through productive occupations and the application of the theory of sparse matrices to these problems. The paper is, to some extent, an update of the seminal and pioneering study by Martín Municio et al. “The economic value of the Spanish language”, now broadened in scope with the addition of new estimation procedures and economic variables such as the “Employment related to the Spanish language”. En este artículo se presentan sendas estimaciones de la aportación de la lengua española al PIB y el empleo de la economía, a partir de diferentes procedimientos basados en la combinación de instrumentos y técnicas macroeconómicas como las cuentas nacionales y las tablas de origen/ destino, la segmentación de la mano de obra por ocupaciones productivas y la teoría de las matrices dispersas aplicadas al ámbito de este problema. El documento constituye, en buena medida, una actualización del estudio “El valor económico de la lengua española trabajo dirigido por Martín Municio, ahora ampliado a nuevos procedimientos de estimación y nuevas variables como el “empleo vinculado al idioma”.Valor económico de la lengua española, PIB, Empleo vinculado al idioma

    The incidence of incentives for t-commerce acceptance: improving television as a distribution channel

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    Purpose This paper aims to explore the impact of incentives on the behavioral intention to use electronic commerce through interactive television to enhance a deeper understanding of how television platforms can improve the attractiveness of television to enterprises as a channel of communication and distribution. Design/methodology/approach This research uses a questionnaire to collect empirical data on preferences related to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, attitude toward the use of t-commerce, behavioral intention to use t-commerce and incentives. The measurement scales of the variables were tested using exploratory factor analysis. The hypotheses were tested using the results of forgotten effects analysis applied to the incidences of incentives on the precedents of the behavioral intention to use t-commerce. Findings The findings suggest that there are no significant direct incidences between incentives and the behavioral intention to use t-commerce, but the direct incidence is only part of the total incidence and on many occasions is only a small part, as the result of causal relationships between causes and effects. The results indicate indirect incidences between incentives and the behavioral intention to use t-commerce through its precedents. Practical implications Marketing managers of television platforms may consider the use of incentives to encourage behavioral intention to use t-commerce to achieve the development of interactive television as a distribution channel. Originality/value Research on t-commerce acceptance, especially research that uses extrinsic variables, is scarce. This paper addresses that gap by exploring the use of incentives to attract users

    A fuzzy asymmetric TOPSIS model for optimizing investment in online advertising campaigns

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    The high penetration of the Internet and e-commerce in Spain during recent years has increased companies' interest in this medium for advertising planning. In this context Google offers a great advertising inventory and perfectly segmented content pages. This work is concerned with the optimization of online advertising investments based on pay-per-click campaigns. Our main goal is to rank and select different alternative keyword sets aimed at maximizing the awareness of and traffic to a company's website. The keyword selection problem with online advertising purposes is clearly a multiple-criteria decision-making problem additionally characterized by the imprecise, ambiguous and uncertain nature of the available data. To address this problem, we propose a technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS)-based approach, which allows us to rank the alternative keyword sets, taking into account the fuzzy nature of the available data. The TOPSIS is based on the concept that the chosen alternative should have the shortest distance from the positive ideal solution and the longest distance from the negative ideal solution. In this work, due to the characteristics of the studied problem, we propose the use of an asymmetric distance, allowing us to work with ideal solutions that differ from the maximum or the minimum. The suitability of the proposed model is illustrated with an empirical case of a stock exchange broker's advertising investment problem aimed at generating awareness about the brand and increasing the traffic to the corporative website

    Driving Municipal Recycling by Connecting Digital Value Endpoints in Smart Cities

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    Uncontrolled global economic growth at any cost is having palpable and general consequences for SC (smart cities) environments and sustainability worldwide. The current economic growth model is, according to experts, decidedly unsustainable, and if urgent measures are not taken, the quality of life for future citizens will decline. In the search for solutions that would make cities sustainable, the deployment of the ICT factor is playing a decisive role. However, in its role as a driver, the ICT factor needs to increase the numbers of value endpoint connectors by incorporating citizens, corporations and institutions into city decision-making, thereby becoming a real integrative tool that achieves sustainability and is more than merely a tech flag. In this sense, the present paper proposes that the digital and programmable economy as an ecosystem should become a sustainability city driver because it facilitates the integration of different value endpoints in order to work in the same purpose, allowing, for example, increased sustainability levels in cities such as improving municipal recycling. This paper will apply ICT and digital concepts, the environment-social-economy model and fuzzy logic methodology

    Estudio Bibliométrico de la Investigación Sobre la Regulación de Internet

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    The Internet development and its associated services have led to an increasingly connected society, the Information Society, not only from a social point of view, through multiple social networks (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.) or messaging services such as WhatsApp; but from a commercial point of view, where millions of consumers use e-commerce daily for the acquisition of all kinds of goods and services. It is not surprising, therefore, the growing interest of the scientific community for the study of the network, and for its regulation. The Internet is too large (more than two hundred countries, more than four billion users and billions of daily transactions), to be regulated by a general rule. A creative combination of regulatory approaches seems necessary, which has led to different points of view in Internet management. On the one hand, governance through multiple institutions that standardize and self-regulate certain aspects of the network, and on the other, a regulation of basic aspects, through laws and regulations, from public administrations. This work highlights the study of Internet regulation from a multidisciplinary perspective, not only in the field of Law, but also from technological areas linked to the development of the Internet, which have incorporated legal and regulatory aspects into their studies

    Un comercio cada vez más móvil y social

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    El proceso de decisión de compra de muchos productos comienza con una búsqueda en internet y uno de los factores que inciden sobre la confianza del consumidor son los comentarios de otros usuarios y las reseñas de expertos. De ahí que la gestión de la reputación online de la marca sea esencial para la empresa

    Incidencia de internet en el proceso de decisión de compra

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    La penetración de Internet en los hogares, así como el uso del smartphone y otros dispositivos portátiles, tanto dentro como fuera del hogar, está introduciendo cambios a lo largo de todo el proceso de decisión de compra de los consumidores. La comodidad y ahorro de tiempo, junto con las numerosas ofertas y promociones existentes en la red han propiciado una rápida adopción del comercio electrónico de los usuarios de Internet. Un comercio que crece en volumen, no solo por el mayor número de compradores que se adhieren año tras año, sino porque los compradores con experiencia online satisfactoria, y una visión más clara de la conveniencia de canal online, extienden sus compras a otras categorías de productos con mayores reticencias, como es el caso de productos de alimentación fresca

    A Fuzzy Inference System for Management Control Tools

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    Despite the importance of the role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing and growing economies, little is known regarding the use of management control tools in them. In management control in SMEs, a holistic system needs to be modeled to enable a careful study of how each lever (belief systems, boundary systems, interactive control systems, and diagnostic control systems) affects the organizational performance of SMEs. In this article, a fuzzy logic approach is proposed for the decision-making system in management control in small and medium enterprises. C. Mamdani fuzzy inference system (MFIS) was applied as a decision-making technique to explore the influence of the use of management control tools on the organizational performance of SMEs. Perceptions data analysis is obtained through empirical research

    E-banking in Colombia: factors favouring its acceptance, online trust and government support

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the adoption of e-banking in Colombia, including a comprehensive analysis of consumer trust in this type of transaction and of the impact of the current government policy to promote e-commerce. An empirical investigation based on the UTAUT2 model collected data from throughout the country to develop 600 online questionnaires