267 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial peptides: Powerful biorecognition elements to detect bacteria in biosensing technologies

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    Bacterial infections represent a serious threat in modern medicine. In particular, biofilm treatment in clinical settings is challenging, as biofilms are very resistant to conventional antibiotic therapy and may spread infecting other tissues. To address this problem, biosensing technologies are emerging as a powerful solution to detect and identify bacterial pathogens at the very early stages of the infection, thus allowing rapid and effective treatments before biofilms are formed. Biosensors typically consist of two main parts, a biorecognition moiety that interacts with the target (i.e., bacteria) and a platform that transduces such interaction into a measurable signal. This review will focus on the development of impedimetric biosensors using antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as biorecognition elements. AMPs belong to the innate immune system of living organisms and are very effective in interacting with bacterial membranes. They offer unique advantages compared to other classical bioreceptor molecules such as enzymes or antibodies. Moreover, impedance-based sensors allow the development of label-free, rapid, sensitive, specific and cost-effective sensing platforms. In summary, AMPs and impedimetric transducers combine excellent properties to produce robust biosensors for the early detection of bacterial infectionsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Procesos de adiestramiento de alambres ortodóncicos con memoria de forma

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    Los alambres de ortodoncia de níquel-titanio son suministrados por los diferentes fabricantes con forma de arco estándar. Los procesos de adiestramiento o de "eduación" permiten cambiar las formas del arco dental del alambre. Esta propiedad permitirá que el material a una temperatura tenga una forma y que a una temperatura menor recuerde otra forma diferente. Este doblre efecto memoria de forma proporciona al clínico una mayor versatilidad de los alambres NiTi en el tratamiento ortodóncico.Peer Reviewe

    Aplicación y caracterización físico-química de varios tratamientos superficiales realizados al acero inoxidable 316 L para aplicacions biomédicas

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    La biocompatibilidad de los metales utilizados en implantología está íntimamente relacionada con las características superficiales de los implantes tanto desde un punto de vista químico como topográfico. El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar varios tratamientos superficiales al acero inoxidable 316 L y caracterizar, posteriormente, la superficie físico-químicamente. La superficie pulida de varios discos de acero 316 L fue tratada mediante los procesos de: granallado, variando el tamaño y la naturaleza de la partículas proyectadas, y anodizado electroquímico. Con el fin de caracterizar las superficies obtenidas con cada tratamiento se observó la morfología superficial mediante Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido e Inteferometría Óptica y se evaluó el efecto de dichos tratamientos en la resistencia a la corrosión y en la liberación de iones níquel y cromo mediante ensayos in vitro. Los resultados revelaron que el tratamiento de granallado permite obtener un amplio rango de rugosidades incrementando el área real hasta un 54% pero disminuyendo ligeramente la resistencia a la corrosión del material. El proceso de anodizado prácticamente no tuvo efectos en la topografía sin embargo redujo considerablemente la resistencia a la corrosión del metal. Todos los tratamientos estudiados disminuyeron ligeramente la liberación de iones cromo y níquel

    Aplicación y caracterización físico-química de varios tratamientos superficiales realizados al acero inoxidable 316L para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    La biocompatibilidad de los metales utilizados en implantología está íntimamente relacionada con las características superficiales de los implantes tanto desde un punto de vista químico como topográfico. El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar varios tratamientos superficiales al acero inoxidable 316 L y caracterizar, posteriormente, la superficie físico-químicamente. La superficie pulida de varios discos de acero 316 L fue tratada mediante los procesos de: granallado, variando el tamaño y la naturaleza de la partículas proyectadas, y anodizado electroquímico. Con el fin de caracterizar las superficies obtenidas con cada tratamiento se observó la morfología superficial mediante Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido e Inteferometría Óptica y se evaluó el efecto de dichos tratamientos en la resistencia a la corrosión y en la liberación de iones níquel y cromo mediante ensayos in vitro. Los resultados revelaron que el tratamiento de granallado permite obtener un amplio rango de rugosidades incrementando el área real hasta un 54% pero disminuyendo ligeramente la resistencia a la corrosión del material. El proceso de anodizado prácticamente no tuvo efectos en la topografía sin embargo redujo considerablemente la resistencia a la corrosión del metal. Todos los tratamientos estudiados disminuyeron ligeramente la liberación de iones cromo y níquel

    Impedimetric antimicrobial peptide-based sensor for the early detection of periodontopathogenic bacteria

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    Peri-implantitis, an inflammation caused by biofilm formation, constitutes a major cause of implant failure in dentistry. Thus, the detection of bacteria at the early steps of biofilm growth represents a powerful strategy to prevent implant-related infections. In this regard, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) can be used as effective biological recognition elements to selectively detect the presence of bacteria. Thus, the aim of the present study was to combine the use of miniaturized and integrated impedimetric transducers and AMPs to obtain biosensors with high sensitivity to monitor bacterial colonization. Streptococcus sanguinis, which is one of the most prevalent strains in the onset of periodontal diseases, was used as a model of oral bacteria. To this end, a potent AMP derived from human lactoferrin was synthesized and covalently immobilized on interdigitated electrode arrays (IDEA). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were employed to optimize and characterize the method of immobilization. Noteworthy, the interaction of Streptococcus sanguinis with AMP-coated sensors provoked significant changes in the impedance spectra, which were univocally associated with the presence of bacteria, proving the feasibility of our method. In this regard, the developed biosensor permits to detect the presence of bacteria at concentrations starting from 101 colony forming units (CFU) mL-1 in KCl and from 102 CFU mL-1 in artificial saliva. Moreover, the system was devoid of cytotoxicity for human fibroblasts. These results indicate that the proposed approach can be effective in the detection of initial stages of biofilm formation, and may be useful in the early prevention and treatment of peri-implantitisPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Cerámicas de circona para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    Se tratan los aspectos mas significativos de distintos biomateriales empleados para la sustitución del tejido óseo pero haciendo énfasis en las cerámicas de óxido de zirconio (circonas). Se destacan las características de las cerámicas de circona que lo convierten en un material muy atractivo por sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, en particular su elevada tenacidad a la fractura relacionada con la transformación martensítica que se produce cuando el material es sometido a un esfuerzo mecánico. Por esta razón se ha empleado como biomaterial en la fabricación de diversos componentes de prótesis articulares fundamentalmente en las prótesis de cadera. También se han empleado con relativo éxito en otras aplicaciones clínicas como la odontología y la cirugía máxilo-facial. En la actualidad, se trabaja en conferirle bioactividad a las cerámicas de circona para facilitar su unión al tejido óseo sin afectar sus buenas propiedades mecánicas.Peer Reviewe

    Oxidación superficial de aleaciones de NiTi para la mejora de la biocompatibilidad

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    Se han estudiado diferentes tratamientos superficiales con el fin de obtener una capa de TiO2 con una mínima concentración de Ni en la superficie de aleaciones de NiTi 50/50 con memoria de forma: pulido espejo, autoclave, electropulido, oxidación en un baño de agua hirviendo y oxidación térmica en atmósfera controlada de aire. Se analizaron las superficies de las muestras mediante XPS. El tratamiento de oxidación térmica es el que da el ratio Ti/Ni más alto, la menor cantidad de Ni en superficie y también el mayor espesor de óxido. Se comprobó mediante un experimento de liberación de iones que el óxido formado por este proceso de oxidación hace disminuir la liberación de iones Ni al medio fisiológico respecto a la superficie no tratada. Se hicieron estudios de cultivos celulares de osteoblastos de línea MG63 sobre superficies no tratadas y tratadas térmicamente de NiTi. Los resultados de proliferación muestran que, para los días 3, 6 y 9 no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los materiales. Sin embargo, después de 48h de estimulación para la diferenciación, las células cultivadas sobre las superficies tratadas térmicamente demuestran una mayor actividad de la fosfatasa alcalina y mayores niveles de osteocalcina.Various surface treatments have been studied in order to find the most appropriate in forming a TiO2 with a low Ni content on the surface of equiatomic NiTi alloys. Sample surfaces have been analyzed by XPS. Thermal oxidation treatment in an air-controlled atmosphere leads to the highest Ti/Ni ratio, to the lowest Ni surface concentration and to the thickest oxide layer. It has been shown by the results of ion release experiment that the oxide formed by this oxidation process allows to decrease Ni release into exterior medium comparing with non-treated surfaces. Cell cultures of MG63 osteoblast-like cells have been carried out. The proliferation study shows that from day 3 to day 9 there is no statistically significant differences between negative control, non-treated and thermally oxidized surfaces. After 48h of stimulation for differentiation, MG63 cells on thermally oxidized surfaces show higher phosphatase alkaline activity and osteocalcin level

    Blocking methods to prevent non-specific adhesion of mesenchymal stem cells to titanium and evaluate the efficiency of surface functionalization: albumin vs poly(ethylene glycol) coating

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    Premio SIBB 2014Surface modification of biocompatible materials with biologically-active molecules is a well-known strategy to enhance the osteointegration of implantable devices. In order to evaluate the efficiency of these treatments, an in vitro study of cell behavior on the modified surface is usually carried out. A key point to evaluate the efficacy of this strategy is to avoid non specific protein adsorption by creating a non-fouling background. This blocking step ensures that the observed response of cells can be exclusively ascribed to the modification treatment applied. Several techniques are available to create this neutral background. Thus, the aim of this study is to compare two different blocking methods, namely adsorption of albumin from bovine serum (BSA) and grafting of small polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains to titanium, which is the gold standard metal for orthopedics and dentistry. To this end, titanium surfaces were coated with a recently synthesized cell adhesive peptide-based molecule and subjected to a blocking procedure with either BSA or PEG.  Non-functionalized titanium samples were also blocked and used as controls. The biological response of human mesenchymal stem cells was evaluated by measuring the number of attached cells and studying the degree of cell spreading on the substrate. Both aspects of cell behavior are not affected significantly by the blocking method: cells adhere and spread significantly more on the functionalized samples, regardless of the blocking method used. This confirms that the surface feature that defines cell response is the presence/absence of the biomolecule, and not the anti-fouling layer. These results, together with the reduction of variability of results observed in presence of a blocking layer, demonstrate the efficacy and necessity of blocking the surface. PEG grafting is demonstrated as effective as BSA coating in reducing non-specific interactions and not hindering the effect of the biomolecule. However, taken into account the numerous advantages of a synthetic and customizable polymer chain over a complex natural protein, PEG blocking stands out as a very good alternative to albumin adsorption.Peer ReviewedAward-winnin

    Modification of the titanium backplate of the BKPro by electrodeposition

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    The Boston keratoprosthesis (BKPro) is the most widely used artificial cornea in the world for the treatment of corneal blindness in patients who are not candidates for conventional keratoplasty. Despite excellent retention rates and good vision restoration, implant viability is affected by two main complications: infection and visual loss due to retroprosthetic membrane (RPM) formation [1]. In previous work the electrodeposition technique has been shown to be efficient to functionalize titanium with silver [2]. In this work the electrodeposition technique was used to modify the BKPro titanium backplate. The aim was to confer antibacterial properties to decrease the infection rates. For this, the experimental conditions have been optimized to adjust the number of cycles, voltage, and type of applied pulse. The obtained surfaces have been characterized physiochemically by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle measurements, profilometer, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Adhesion and cytotoxicity were studied in human fibroblasts using the MTT assay. The effect on bacterial strains that cause ocular infections (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus epidermidis) was measured by a 2-hour adhesion test. The results of SEM and XPS corroborate the presence of silver particles in the titanium samples. Cytotoxicity has not been observed. The studied treatments decrease adhesion of epidermidis and aeruginosa by 78% and almost 63%, respectively