562 research outputs found

    The correlation of visibility noise and its impact on the radiometric resolution of an aperture synthesis radiometer

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    The correlation between the visibility samples' noise of an aperture synthesis radiometer are required for the computation of the recovered temperature noise of a given pixel and of the improvement introduced by baseline redundance. A general expression for this correlation and noise examples for a linear array are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Millimeter-wave aperture synthesis radiometry for snow and ice mapping

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    An outline design for a dual-band mm-wave polarimetric SAIR has been presented and is considered to be tractable. The envisaged application is for snow and ice mapping and ocean wind vector measurement. The vastly increased complexity of the high-frequency waveband may not be justified by the scientific benefit and operation at an additional lower frequency such as 18 GHz may give improved classification, though with reduced spatial resolution. The authors describe the outline design for a polarimetric, mm-wave SAIR. One-dimensional aperture synthesis employs a hybrid technique in which a long linear array of real-aperture stick antennas form over-lapping fan beams on the ground and aperture synthesis within the fan beams enables synthesis of the mm-wave image. Critical aspects for building a high-resolution, mm-wave ESTAR are system calibration and the construction of stick antennas that will be 3 m long and about half a wavelength wide.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Simulació de la mobilitat pel pas del tramvia per l’avinguda Diagonal (Francesc Macià – Pl. de les Glòries)

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    Estudi tècnic de la mobilitat urbana en el tram entre la plaça Francesc Macià i la plaça de les Glòries, per la implantació del tramvia, amb un model combinat simulació-optimitzacióL’1 de març de 2016, l’Ajuntament de Barcelona i la Generalitat van signar el protocol de col·laboració per impulsar la connexió de les dues xarxes de tramvia, que estableix que l’Ajuntament determinarà el traçat de la unió del Trambaix i del Trambesòs en base als estudis tècnics presentats el 23 de març de 2016. Aquests estudis tècnics recomanen com a millor solució la connexió del tramvia en superfície per la Diagonal, en el tram comprès entre Francesc Macià i Glòries, que arribaria a tenir un total de 222.000 viatgers diaris i reduiria diàriament el pas de 12.500 vehicles pel tram central de l’avinguda Diagonal. Dins de les tasques subsegüents a aquests treballs previs cal l’anàlisi a nivell microscòpic de la mobilitat pel tram per on s’implantarà la nova connexió del tramvia. Més concretament, l’objectiu d’aquest document és l’avaluació de la mobilitat (tramvia, xarxa de bus, vehicles privats, bicicletes i vianants) amb la implantació del tramvia i la definició de la regulació semafòrica de l’Av. Diagonal entre Francesc Macià i el carrer Castillejos que permeti un òptim funcionament dels diferents modes de transport que hi conviuen. En els treballs s’han avaluat diferents escenaris de freqüències de pas, cicle semafòric i llargària del tramvia.Preprin

    Baseline redundancy and radiometric sensitivity: a critical review

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    When computing the radiometric resolution of an interferometric radiometer the correlation among the errors of different baselines is usually assumed negligible. ln this way: a) the radiometric sensitivity turns out to be pixel independent (except for antenna pattern effects), and b) the error of the average of P redundant baselines is reduced by a factor of (P)1/2. While this may be the case in radioastronomy applications, for an on-board instrument where all the baselines are measured at the same time interval the errors will actually be correlated. This has two effects: a) The radiometric resolution changes from pixel to pixel and b) the radiometric resolution improvement introduced by redundance is reduced as compared with the case of independent errors. In this paper this correlation is computed and the results obtained are applied, first, to a fully redundant (all possible baselines are actually measured) filled linear array to analyze the actual radiometric improvement, and, next, to the same array without redundance to investigate the dependence of sensitivity on pixel information.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Radiometric sensitivity computation in aperture synthesis interferometric radiometry

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    This paper is concerned with the radiometric sensitivity computation of an aperture synthesis interferometric radiometer devoted to Earth observation. The impact of system parameters and the use of simultaneous redundant measurements are analyzed. The interferometric radiometer uncertainty principle is presented; it quantifies the relationship between radiometric sensitivity and angular resolution.Peer Reviewe

    Radiometric Sensitivity Computation in Aperture Synthesis Interferometric Radiometry

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    This paper is concerned with the radiometric sensitivity computation of an aperture synthesis interferometric radiometer devoted to Earth observation. The impact of system parameters and the use of simultaneous redundant measurements are analyzed. The interferometric radiometer uncertainty principle is presented; it quantifies the relationship between radiometric sensitivity and angular resolution.Peer Reviewe

    The correlation of visibility errors and its impact on the radiometric resolution of an aperture synthesis radiometer

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    The correlation between the visibility samples' noise of an aperture synthesis radiometer are required for the computation of the recovered temperature noise of a given pixel and of the improvement introduced by baseline redundance. A general expression for this correlation and noise examples for a linear array are presented.Peer Reviewe
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