132 research outputs found

    Effect of stevia supplementation of kale juice spheres on their quality changes during refrigerated shelf life

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    Kale is a vegetable with high contents of health–promoting compounds although its consumption as a beverage is highly limited due to its bitter flavour. Nonetheless, the bitter flavour of Brassicas may be masked by sweetening. Then, the effects of different stevia extracts (CTRL, S0.5 (g L–1), S1.25 and S2.5), added to an innovative kale beverage presentation, were studied on the kale juice spheres quality during 7 days at 5ºC. Kale juice spheres were produced with a double spherification technique, which allowed to obtain hydrogel spheres with high mechanical resistance.The authors express their gratitude to CNPq (Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil) for a doctoral grant (232758/2014−0) made to Tâmmila Venzke Klug. The authorsare grateful to S.G. Hasa for her skillful technical assistance. The authors are also grateful to Sakata Seeds Ibérica SLU and to Sacoje SCL for providing the plant material

    Fresh-Cut Fruit and Vegetables: Emerging Eco-friendly Techniques for Sanitation and Preserving Safety

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    The current high demand of minimally processed or fresh-cut fruit and vegetables results from the consumer’s desire for healthy, convenient, fresh, and ready-to-eat plant food-derived commodities. Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are usually packaged under active- or passive-modified atmosphere packaging, while its shelf life must be under refrigerated conditions. The most important goal to preserve quality and safety focuses on releasing the microbial spoilage flora, since every unit operation involved will influence the final load. Sanitation in the washing step is the only unit operation able to reduce microbial load throughout the production chain. Chlorine is widely used as an efficient sanitation agent, but some disadvantages force to find eco-friendly emerging alternatives. It is necessary to deal with aspects related to sustainability because it could positively contribute to the net carbon balance besides reducing its use. Several innovative techniques seem to reach that target. However, industrial changes for replacing conventional techniques request a fine knowledge of the benefits and restrictions as well as a practical outlook. This chapter reviews the principles of emerging eco-friendly techniques for preserving quality and safety of fresh-cut products in order to meet the expected market’s demand

    Combined effect of UV–C and passive modified atmosphere packaging to preserve the physicochemical and bioactive quality of fresh figs during storage

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    Figs are an important constituent of the Mediterranean diet, widely consumed fresh. Due to their very short shelf life, postharvest techniques to preserve quality and safety should be implemented. The current work aimed to study the combined effect of a postharvest UV–C treatment (5 or 10 kJ m−2) followed by packaging under passive modified atmosphere (MAP) on physicochemical and bioactive quality of fresh figs (cv. ‘Colar’) stored up to 12 d at 0 ºC (90–95% RH). As controls, UV–C untreated and air-stored (AIR) samples were used. The flesh firmness, skin colour, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), pH, total phenolic content and total antioxidant activity were monitored. The steady-state modified atmosphere reached since day 8 was 17 kPa CO2 and 4 kPa O2. UV-C treated samples did not show visual decay incidence, while mycelial growth was observed in untreated figs on day 12. Figs treated with 10 kJ m-2 UV–C and stored under MAP conditions showed the highest flesh firmness with values of 0.6 N, which is 50% higher than in AIR. Skin darkening observed among samples was higher in 10 kJ m-2 with Chroma decreases of 2.6 units on day 12 under MAP, although panellists preferred this treatment according to its visual appearance. Higher SSC and TA differences were found in UVC-treated samples during storage. Moreover, 10 kJ m-2 UV–C and MAP induced the highest total phenolic content accumulation, with 260% and 540% higher values from day 4 to day 12 for skin and flesh, respectively. In conclusion, a 10 kJ m−2 UV–C treatment after harvesting followed by packaging under MAP conditions may be considered a good tool to preserve the physicochemical and bioactive quality of fresh figs during 12 d at 0 ºC.The authors express their gratitude to CAPES (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination) for a research grant (8578/11–7) made to Manoel Souza. The authors are grateful to the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for a predoctoral grant to Monia Jemni. The authors express want also to thank Pablo Melgarejo (Universidad Miguel Hernández) for providing the plant material used in this study

    Effect of stevia extracts on total phenolics and antioxidant capacity of kale juice spheres

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    [SPA] Kale es una verdura con un alto contenido en compuestos beneficiosos para la salud, pero su consumo como bebida está muy limitado por su sabor amargo. Se estudió el efecto de diferentes extractos de stevia (S10, S25 y S50) sobre el contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales (TPC) y capacidad antioxidante total (TAC) mediante DPPH y FRAP de esferas de zumo de kale durante 7 días a 5 °C. Las esferas se produjeron con una técnica de doble esferificación que permitió obtener esferas de hidrogel con alta resistencia mecánica. El TPC de las muestras S25 mostró el valor más bajo en el día 0, con diferencias en relación a las otras muestras. La mayor TAC se observó en las muestras evaluadas por FRAP. Tras 3 días de almacenamiento, se observó una disminución del TAC (por DPPH y FRAP). Estos resultados determinaron que se pueden producir esferas de zumo de kale con diferentes extractos de stevia y con altos niveles de antioxidantes. [ENG] Kale is a vegetable with high contents of health-promoting compounds, but its consumption as a beverage is highly limited by its bitter flavour. So, the effects of different stevia extracts (S10, S25 and S50) on the total phenolic contents (TPC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) by DPPH and FRAP of kale juice spheres was studied during 7 days at 5 °C. Spheres were produced with a double spherification technique which allowed to obtain hydrogel spheres with high mechanical resistance. The TPC of S25 samples showed the lowest value at day 0, with differences between other samples. The higher antioxidant capacity was observed in samples evaluated by FRAP, without differences between samples. After 3 days of storage, a decrease in TAC evaluated in both assays studied (DPPH and FRAP) was observed. These results determined that kale juice spheres with different stevia extracts and with high antioxidants levels can be produced.Gratitude is expressed to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) of Brazil for a grant support to Tâmmila Venzke Klug. Authors are grateful to Sakata Seeds Ibérica S.L.U. for financial support and to Sacoje SCL for providing the plant material

    Red fresh vegetables smoothies with extended shelf life as an innovative source of health-promoting compounds

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    Two fresh red vegetables smoothies based on tomato, carrots, pepper and broccoli and rich in health promoting compounds were developed. The smoothies showed a viscoelastic behaviour. According to sensory analyses, a shelf life of 28 days at 5 °C for fresh blended smoothies was established while thermally-treated ones (3 min, 80 °C) reached up to 40 days at 20 °C and 58 days at 5 °C. For those mild heat treated smoothies, total vitamin C degradation was 2-fold reduced during storage at 5 °C compared to samples stored at 20 °C while the initial total carotenoids, lycopene and total chlorophylls contents were not greatly affected. A 250-g portion of such smoothies covers in a great extend the established recommended daily nutrient intakes for dietary fibre, minerals and vitamin C of different population groups. As main conclusion, a mild thermal treatment and low temperature storage greatly increased the shelf life of red fresh vegetables smoothies and reduced total vitamin C degradation

    Establecimiento de la vida comercial en uva "Crimson Seedless" mínimamente procesada con distintos lavados

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    Se ha estudiado, por primera vez hasta donde conocemos, la evolución de la calidad organoléptica y microbiológica en uva apirena ‘Crimson seedless’ tras su procesado mínimo en fresco y envasado en atmósfera modificada, para establecer su vida comercial bajo esta nueva forma de presentación. El lavado-desinfección se realizó a 5ºC como habitualmente se efectúa en los productos mínimamente procesados en fresco, con 100 ppm de NaClO, Como alternativa se aplicó una ducha con agua ozonizada (0,6 ppm O3) durante 2 min a 5ºC. El testigo se lavó en agua de la red a 5ºC. Se ha estudiado igualmente el comportamiento de las bayas desgranadas con y sin pedúnculo, no encontrándose diferencias apreciables. Los recuentos microbiológicos fueron muy reducidos bajo los distintos tipos de lavado, preservándose holgadamente la seguridad alimentaria de estos nuevos elaborados. La atmósfera de equilibrio obtenida fue de 3-5 kPa CO2 y 18-21 kPa O2. La calidad organoléptica se preservó hasta 23 días de conservación a 5ºC.Se agradece a M. Otón la asistencia técnica. A Frutas El Ciruelo S.L. y a Plásticos del Segura S.L. el aporte de material vegetal y el polímero respectivamente. A Cosemar Ozono S.L. y al Instituto de Biotecnología Vegetal de la UPCT el uso de equipamiento

    Puree-based vegetables beverages development under innovative minimal processing techniques

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    [SPA] Los consumidores demandan asiduamente nuevos productos saludables, seguros y listos para su uso. Por ello, los purés a base de hortalizas surgen como productos interesantes en la industria alimentaria. La calidad sensorial y nutricional de estos productos debe ser máxima para tener una buena aceptación por el consumidor, preservando en todo momento su seguridad alimentaria. Por ello, es necesario el procesado mediante técnicas menos agresivas, y ecoinnovadoras, que preserven la calidad de la materia prima durante una adecuada vida útil, frente a un tratamiento térmico convencional. El objetivo será estudiar el efecto de la alta presión hidrostática, una pasteurización por microondas de flujo continuo y otros métodos alternativos de calentamiento sobre el efecto en la calidad sensorial, nutritiva y microbiológica en diversos purés a base de hortalizas durante su vida comercial. [ENG] Frequently consumers demand new healthy, safe and ready to use products. Therefore, based purees vegetables arise as interesting products in the food industry. Sensory and nutritional quality of these products must be paramount to have good consumer acceptance, preserving food security. Therefore, processing by less aggressive techniques, and eco-innovative, which preserve the quality of the raw material for an adequate shelf life is necessary in relation a conventional heat treatment. The aim will be to study the effect of high hydrostatic pressure, flow microwave system pasteurization and other alternative heating methods on the effect on sensory, nutritional and microbiological quality in puree-based vegetables beverages during shelf life.Se agradece la financiación recibida por parte del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad AGL2013-48830-C2-1-R, a SAKATA SEEDS IBÉRICA, al Proyecto EUROLEGUME (EU FP7 Research Project No. 613781) de UE dentro del 7º Programa Marco de Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico y Diseminación y a los fondos FEDER. Se agradece especialmente la ayuda de la CNPq de Brasil por la beca de investigación concedida a Tâmmila V. Klug

    Evaluación de la calidad de granadas tratadas con UV-C y almacenadas en atmósfera controlada

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    [ESP] Se almacenaron granadas (Punica granatum, cv. Mollar de Elche) en atmósfera controlada con 5kPa O2 + 10kPa CO2 y 20kPa O2 + 15kPa CO2 y utilizando aire como testigo. Previo al almacenamiento se aplicó a los frutos un tratamiento con radiación UV-C en dosis de 9,08 kJ m -2 y 22,7 kJ m-2. Tras 12 y 21 semanas de almacenamiento a 5ºC y 95% HR se simularon las condiciones de comercialización exponiendo los frutos durante 8 días a 20ºC y 75% HR. Finalizado el almacenamiento y la comercialización se evaluaron las pérdidas de peso, podredumbres, daños por frío, textura, color externo e interno de los frutos y se estudiaron las características organolépticas de los arilos. Tras 11 semanas de almacenamiento, las pérdidas de peso, podredumbres y daños por frío se redujeron con el almacenamiento en AC, produciéndose un efecto sinérgico con los tratamientos de UV-C utilizados. Tras la subsiguiente comercialización el tratamiento en el que mayores pérdidas de peso y daños por frío se registraron fue en aire y sin UV-C. Los frutos mejor valorados para la mayoría de parámetros por el panel de cata fueron los almacenados bajo 5kPa O2 + 10kPa CO2. Al cabo de 21 semanas de almacenamiento, los frutos con menores pérdidas de peso, podredumbres y daños por frío fueron los tratados con UV-C y sometidos a AC. Sin embargo, las granadas tratadas con 20kPa O2 + 15kPa CO2, tras 21 semanas de almacenamiento desarrollaron olores y sabores extraños y mayor pardeamiento de los arilos, mostrándose esta concentración de CO2 perjudicial para la calidad interna del fruto. Para ambas evaluaciones, el almacenamiento en AC no influyó en parámetros de calidad como, pH, SST, acidez y textura de los frutos. [ENG] Pomegranate were stored under controlled atmosphere with 5kPa O2 + 10kPa CO2 y 20kPa O2 + 15kPa CO2 and using air as control. Before storage, an UV-C treatment was applied to fruits with doses of 9,08 kJ m -2 and 22,7 kJ m-2. After 12 and 21 weeks of storage at 5ºC y 95% RH, a shelf life of 8 days at 20ºC and 75% RH was applied. After storage and shelf life, weight losses, decay, chilling injuries, texture, external and internal color, and organoleptical properties of arils were evaluated. After 11 weeks of storage, weight losses, chilling injuries and decay were reduced with CA treatments. This effect was increased when combined with UV-C treatments. After shelf life, the highest weight losses and chilling injuries were found in air treatments without UV-C . For both evaluating periods no changesSe agradece la financiación al proyecto CRAFT POMEVAL de la Unión Europea, y a Frutas Mira Hermanos S.L. el suministro del material vegetal. También se reconoce a Mariano Otón Alcaraz su asistencia técnica

    Optimization of chlorine sanitation to preserve quality of minimally processed Vicia fabe seeds

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    [SPA] Se ensayó diversas concentraciones de NaClO en el agua de lavado para preservar la calidad de semillas de haba mínimamente procesadas en fresco durante 7 días a 3ºC. Se lavó con agua de la red (testigo) y con diferentes concentraciones de hipoclorito (50 y 100 ppm) añadiendo en algunos casos ácido cítrico (200 ppm), pudiendo actuar como agente antipardeante o como potenciador de la acción del cloro. La duración de los tratamientos fue de 2 minutos y el tiempo de enjugado de 1 minuto, así como, la temperatura del agua fue en todos los casos de 5ºC. Debido a un mal diseño del envase, la AM generada en el interior no fue la adecuada, lo cual perjudicó la calidad de las habas. Sin embargo la calidad microbiológica de las mismas fue aceptable 7 días a 3ºC. Se necesitará optimizar primero el envase para sacar las conclusiones pertinentes en futuras experiencias. [ENG] Several NaClO concentrations in the wash water was tested to preserve the quality of minimally processed Vicia faba seeds stored for 7 days at 3 °C. Washing treatments were: tap water (control) and with several NaClO concentrations (50 and 100 ppm) adding in some cases citric acid (200 ppm) that may act as antibrowning agent or as an enhancer of the chlorine action. Samples were washed for 2 minutes and rinsed for 1 minute. The water temperature in all cases was 5 °C. Due to a wrong package design, the MA generated was inadequate, which induced quality deterioration of the seeds. However, the microbiological quality was still acceptable after 7 days at 3ºC. In further experiments the packaging will be needed to be optimized before drawing appropriate conclusions about NaClO dose optimization.Los autores agradecen a Frutas Esparza S.A. y al proyecto europeo EUROLEGUME FP7-BBBE.2013.1.2-02 la financiación recibida

    Innovative development of green smoothies by emerging minimal processing technologies

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    [SPA] El ritmo de vida y los hábitos alimentarios actuales son las causas por las que los consumidores demandan alimentos sanos, nutritivos, seguros, respetuosos con el medio ambiente y listos para su consumo. Por ello los batidos de hortalizas frescas ricos en compuestos bioactivos pueden ser atractivos para el consumidor por satisfacer dichas necesidades, como un complemento en la dieta, rápido y fácil de consumir. El mercado de los batidos de hortalizas frescas es incipiente y no hay mucha información científica, la cual es necesaria para conocer los parámetros óptimos para una correcta conservación y una vida útil comercial lo más larga posible preservando su calidad y seguridad alimentaria. Por ello es imprescindible la investigación, desarrollo e innovación que estudie nuevas técnicas que mantengan o incrementen la calidad y seguridad, así como prolongar su comercialización. [ENG] Actual world life and current eating habits are the reasons why consumers demand healthy, nutritious, safe and eco-friendly ready to eat food. Therefore, fresh vegetables smoothies, rich in bioactive compounds can be attractive to the consumer to meet those needs, as a dietary supplement, quick and easy to consume. The market for fresh vegetables smoothies is still incipient and scientific information is very scarce, which is necessary to know the optimal parameters for proper conservation and commercial life as long as possible while preserving its quality and food safety. It is therefore essential to research, develop and innovation in order to explore new eco-friendly minimal processing techniques for keeping or increasing quality and safety as well as extend their marketing period.Se agradece la financiación recibida del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad AGL2013-48830-C2-1-R, de SAKATA SEED IBÉRICA S.L.U. y a los fondos FEDER de la UE