14,154 research outputs found

    Plio-Pleistocene time-averaged field in southern Patagonia recorded in lava flows

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    Paleomagnetic directions were obtained from stepwise alternating-field or thermal demagnetization of 53 lava flows from southern Patagonia (latitudes 49.5°-52.1 °S) that include the Pali-Aike volcanic field and the Meseta Viscachas plateau lavas. In addition to previous Miocene-late Quaternary ages of these flows, 40Ar/39Ar dates spanning from 0.1 to 15.4 Ma were obtained for 17 of the sites. All except one of the magnetic polarities coincide with the expected polarities of the magnetic polarity timescale [Cande and Kent, 1995] for the obtained 40Ar/39Ar ages. The mean direction from 33 sites (eliminating sites <4 Ma) that pass a selection criteria of α95 ≀5° is Dec = 358.7°,Inc = - 68.2°, α95 = 3.5°, a value that coincides within the statistical uncertainty with the direction of the geocentric axial dipole for that area (Inc = - 68.1°). Likewise, the mean virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) coincides within the statistical uncertainty with the geographic North Pole. The secular variation described by the VGP angular standard deviation for these sites is 17.1°, a value expected for that latitude according to Model G of paleosecular variation [McFadden et al., 1988]. The characteristics of the data presented are optimum for time-averaged field (TAF) studies because of the good age control and good quality of the paleomagnetic data: (1) primary components of magnetization were obtained using principal component analysis [Kirschvink, 1980] from at least five points and maximum angular deviation ≀5°, (2) site means were calculated with Fisher statistics using at least three samples, and (c) 38 of the 53 flows had α95 ≀ 5°. No results (five sites) or high α95 values (≀5°) were obtained primarily from sites affected by lightning.Fil: Mejia, V.. University of Florida; Estados UnidosFil: Opdyke, N. D.. University of Florida; Estados UnidosFil: Vilas, Juan Francisco A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de GeologĂ­a; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias BĂĄsicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias BĂĄsicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Singer, B. S.. University of Wisconsin; Estados UnidosFil: Stoner, J. S.. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unido

    Ground-state Wigner functional of linearized gravitational field

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    The deformation quantization formalism is applied to the linearized gravitational field. Standard aspects of this formalism are worked out before the ground state Wigner functional is obtained. Finally, the propagator for the graviton is also discussed within the context of this formalism.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Scanning laser techniques for characterisation of different surface breaking defect geometries

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    Measurements using a laser scanning system consisting of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser to generate surface ultrasonic waves and an interferometer to detect the surface displacement, are presented for different samples and defect geometries. We show, ïŹrstly, details of the interaction of Rayleigh waves in thick samples with machined slots inclined at an angle to the surface normal, or with simple branched geometries, scanning the generation source over the defect (SLLS) or scanning the detection point over the defect (SLD). Secondly, we discuss effects of Lamb waves interacting with V-shaped defects in thin samples. The results from these measurements have shown that the signal enhancement found in the near-ïŹeld in both cases can be used to position the defect and gain an idea of its geometry, and have shown this to be a suitable ïŹngerprint of the presence of the defect

    Role of OH-stretch/torsion coupling and quantum yield effects in the first OH overtone spectrum of cis-cis HOONO

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    A joint theoretical and experimental investigation is undertaken to study the effects of OH-stretch/HOON torsion coupling and of quantum yield on the previously reported first overtone action spectrum of cis-cis HOONO (peroxynitrous acid). The minimum energy path along the HOON dihedral angle is computed at the coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples level with correlation consistent polarized quadruple zeta basis set, at the structure optimized using the triple zeta basis set (CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ//CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ). The two-dimensional ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces for cis-cis HOONO are calculated as functions of the HOON torsion and OH bond length about the minimum energy path at the CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ and QCISD/AUG-cc-pVTZ (QCISD—quadratic configuration interaction with single and double excitation and AUG-augmented with diffuse functions) level of theory/basis, respectively. The OH-stretch vibration depends strongly on the torsional angle, and the torsional potential possesses a broad shelf at ~90°, the cis-perp conformation. The calculated electronic energies and dipoles are fit to simple functional forms and absorption spectra in the region of the OH fundamental and first overtone are calculated from these surfaces. While the experimental and calculated spectra of the OH fundamental band are in good agreement, significant differences in the intensity patterns are observed between the calculated absorption spectrum and the measured action spectrum in the 2nuOH region. These differences are attributed to the fact that several of the experimentally accessible states do not have sufficient energy to dissociate to OH+NO2 and therefore are not detectable in an action spectrum. Scaling of the intensities of transitions to these states, assuming D0=82.0 kJ/mol, is shown to produce a spectrum that is in good agreement with the measured action spectrum. Based on this agreement, we assign two of the features in the spectrum to Delta n=0 transitions (where n is the HOON torsion quantum number) that are blue shifted relative to the origin band, while the large peak near 7000 cm^–1 is assigned to a series of Delta n=+1 transitions, with predominant contributions from torsionally excited states with substantial cis-perp character. The direct absorption spectrum of cis-cis HOONO (6300–6850 cm^–1) is recorded by cavity ringdown spectroscopy in a discharge flow cell. A single band of HOONO is observed at 6370 cm^–1 and is assigned as the origin of the first OH overtone of cis-cis HOONO. These results imply that the origin band is suppressed by over an order of magnitude in the action spectrum, due to a reduced quantum yield. The striking differences between absorption and action spectra are correctly predicted by the calculations

    Impulsive dirac-delta forces in the rocking motion

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    In this work the classical theory of one block rocking motion is revisited. A Dirac-delta type interaction as impact mechanism is found to be an alternative for the traditional model. Numerical computations with this new formulation have shown that the agreement with the classical theory is excellent for the case of slender blocks and small displacements. Good agreement with experimental data has also been found for the case of arbitrary angles and slenderness. A probabilistic study of the variations in the coe cient of restitution due to the cyclic degradation at corners during seismic action is also performed. The approach presented in this paper opens new lines for further theoretical developments and computational applications

    Open Cluster Characterization via Cross-Correlation with Spectral Library

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    We present a characterization method based on spectral cross-correlation to obtain the physical parameters of the controversial stellar aggregate ESO442-SC04. The data used was obtained with GMOS at Gemini-South telescope including 17 stars in the central region of the ob ject and 6 standard-stars. FXCOR was used in an iterative process to obtain self-consistent radial velocities for the standard-stars and averaged radial velocities for the science spectra. Spectral types, effective temperature, suface gravity and metallicities parameters were determined using FXCOR to correlate cluster spectra with ELODIE spectral library and selecting the best correlation matches using the Tonry and Davis Ratio (TDR). Analysis of the results suggests that the stars in ESO442-SC04 are not bound and therefore they do not constitute a physical system.Comment: 4-page paper from IAU symposium 266. Contains 3 eps figures and IAU document class file 'iau.cls

    An anti-Schwarzshild solution: wormholes and scalar-tensor solutions

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    We investigate a static solution with an hyperbolic nature, characterised by a pseudo-spherical foliation of space. This space-time metric can be perceived as an anti-Schwarzschild solution, and exhibits repulsive features. It belongs to the class of static vacuum solutions termed "a degenerate static solution of class A". In the present work we review its fundamental features, discuss the existence of generalised wormholes, and derive its extension to scalar-tensor gravity theories in general.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting-ERE200

    Testing the Flyby Anomaly with the GNSS Constellation

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    We propose the concept of a space mission to probe the so called flyby anomaly, an unexpected velocity change experienced by some deep-space probes using earth gravity assists. The key feature of this proposal is the use of GNSS systems to obtain an increased accuracy in the tracking of the approaching spacecraft, mainly near the perigee. Two low-cost options are also discussed to further test this anomaly: an add-on to an existing spacecraft and a dedicated mission.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 4 table
