5 research outputs found

    Os efeitos do ultra-som na hyperalgesia e no edema de ratos artríticos

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    With the population aging, the prevalence of chronic diseases of muscles and joints restricting in the elderly functional capacity has been increasing. The rheumatoid arthritis is part of this group of pathologies and the treatment of the disease has been basically to reduce the symptoms as pain, edema, rigidity, muscular atrophies through the inhibition of the inflammatory process. For this, treatments with drugs and treatment with physical therapeutics resources are used. The ultrasound is a physical therapeutic resource that has been used thoroughly in the clinical practice with the objective of solving the inflammatory process of the rheumatoid arthritis. The effect of the ultra-sound was observed on the edema and on the hyperalgesia of the posterior paws of arthritic rats. The rheumatoid arthritis was induced through an injection of an emulsion oil-water contends 400 ?g of Micobacierium butiricum. The hyperalgesia was detected in the 11 st day and the edema in the 12nd day after the induction of the rheumatoid arthritis. For comparative study, it was administered the indometacina orally in the dose of 0,5 mg/kg/dia during 15 days where we didn't observe reduction of the hyperalgesia but there was reduction of the edema of the posterior paws of the arthritic rats. The ultrasound in the frequency of 1 MHz. intensity 0,2 watts/cm2, for 5 minutes, for 15 days didn't reduce the hyperalgesia or edema of the posterior paws of the arthritic rats. The association of the ultrasound with the indomethacin in the doses already mentioned previously got to inhibit the hyperalgesia and edema of the posterior paws of the arthritic rats significantly.Com o envelhecimento populacional a prevalência de doenças osteomusculares crônicas, que restringem a capacidade funcional dos idosos tem aumentado. A artrite reumatóide, integrante desse grupo de patologias, tem atualmente a sua abordagem terapêutica realizada através dô medicamentos e de fisioterapia. Os tratamentos propostos consistem basicamente em reduzir os sintomas apresentados pela doença tais como: a dor, o edema, a rigidez e a atrofia muscular, através da inibição do processo inflamatórip. Foi observado o efeito do ultra-som no edema e na hiperalgesia das patas posteriores de ratos artríticos. A artrite reumatóide foi induzida experimentalmente através de uma injeção de uma emulsão óleo-água contendo 400 ug de Micobacterium butiricum. A hiperalgesia foi detectada no 1 I o dia e o edema no 12° dia após a indução da artrite. O ultra-som com uma freqüência de 1 MHz, intensidade de 0,2 watts/cm2 , aplicado por 5 minutos diariamente durante 15 dias, não reduziu a hiperalgesia ou p edema das patas posteriores dos ratos artríticos. Para estudo comparativo, foi administrado um antiinflamatório não-esteróide, a indometacina, por via oral na dose de 0,5 mg/kg/dia durante 15 dias consecutivos onde não foi observado a redução da hiperalgesia, mas ocorreu a redução do edema. A associação do ultra-som com a indometacina, nas doses j á citadas anteriormente, conseguiu inibir significativamente a hiperalgesia e o edema das patas dos ratos artríticos. Em nossos estudos, concluímos que o ultra-som associado à indometacina foi mais efetivo do que quando a indometacina ou ultra-som foram utilizados isoladamente na inibição da hiperalgesia e no edema de ratos artríticos

    Crucial involvement of actin filaments in celecoxib and morphine analgesia in a model of inflammatory pain.

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    Background: Celecoxib exerted analgesic effects (hypoalgesia) reversed by opioid receptor antagonists in a model of inflammatory pain. To analyze this celecoxib-induced hypoalgesia further, we assessed the effects of several disruptors of cytoskeletal components in our model of inflammation. Methods: Hyperalgesia to mechanical stimuli was induced in rat hind paws by intraplantar injection of carrageenan and measured using the Randall-Selitto method over the next 8 hours. The effects of systemic pretreatment with celecoxib and a range of cytoskeletal disruptors (colchicine, nocodazole, cytochalasin B, latrunculin B, acrylamide, each given by intraplantar injection) on carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia were similarly investigated. Morphine and other selective cyclo-oxygenase 1 (SC-560), cyclo-oxygenase 2 (SC-236), and nonselective cyclo-oxygenase (indomethacin) inhibitors were also tested under similar conditions. Results: None of the cytoskeletal disruptors affected the peak intensity of carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia, and its duration was increased only by nocodazole and colchicine. Pretreatment with celecoxib 30 minutes before carrageenan reversed the hyperalgesia and raised the nociceptive threshold (hypoalgesia). All analgesic effects of celecoxib were blocked by nocodazole, colchicine, cytochalasin B, and latrunculin B. Pretreatment with morphine also induced hypoalgesia in carrageenan-inflamed paws, an effect reversed by colchicine and cytochalasin B. However, the analgesic effects of indomethacin were not reversed by disruption of actin filaments with cytochalasin B or latrunculin B. Conclusion: These data strengthen the correlation between cytoskeletal structures and the processes of pain and analgesia

    Research Article Myeloperoxidase Content is a Marker of Systemic Inflammation in a Chronic Condition: The Example Given by the Periodontal Disease in Rats

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    The study aimed to evaluate the suitability of myeloperoxidase (MPO) content as a local indicator of chronic inflammation, using the periodontal disease model. Anesthetized adult male Holtzman rats had their second left maxilar molar tied by a thread for 11 days and were then killed. Blood samples and photographic images from histopathological inflamed and noninflamed (contralateral) neighboring gingivomucosal specimens were collected for cell counts and MPO level analysis. Diseased animals were also treated with pharmacological tools such as the anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib or the opioid morphine. Increased blood neutrophils and local cell numbers characterized diseased animals. However, local MPO content was increased in inflamed and noninflamed tissues from diseased animals. Celecoxib and morphine reduced blood neutrophils and bilateral MPO content, but only celecoxib reduced local cell numbers in diseased animals. It is concluded that MPO content is a good indicator of a systemic rather than a local inflammation in a chronic inflammatory condition. Copyright © 2009 Celso Martins Queiroz-Junior et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1

    Myeloperoxidase Content is a Marker of Systemic Inflammation in a Chronic Condition: The Example Given by the Periodontal Disease in Rats

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    The study aimed to evaluate the suitability of myeloperoxidase (MPO) content as a local indicator of chronic inflammation, using the periodontal disease model. Anesthetized adult male Holtzman rats had their second left maxilar molar tied by a thread for 11 days and were then killed. Blood samples and photographic images from histopathological inflamed and noninflamed (contralateral) neighboring gingivomucosal specimens were collected for cell counts and MPO level analysis. Diseased animals were also treated with pharmacological tools such as the anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib or the opioid morphine. Increased blood neutrophils and local cell numbers characterized diseased animals. However, local MPO content was increased in inflamed and noninflamed tissues from diseased animals. Celecoxib and morphine reduced blood neutrophils and bilateral MPO content, but only celecoxib reduced local cell numbers in diseased animals. It is concluded that MPO content is a good indicator of a systemic rather than a local inflammation in a chronic inflammatory condition