9 research outputs found

    Advanced Practice Nursing in Latin America and the Caribbean: Regulation, Education and Practice

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify the current state of advanced practice nursing regulation, education and practice in Latin America and the Caribbean and the perception of nursing leaders in the region toward an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. METHOD: a descriptive cross-sectional design utilizing a web-based survey of 173 nursing leaders about their perceptions of the state of nursing practice and potential development of advanced practice nursing in their countries, including definition, work environment, regulation, education, nursing practice, nursing culture, and perceived receptiveness to an expanded role in primary health care. RESULT: the participants were largely familiar with the advanced practice nursing role, but most were unaware of or reported no current existing legislation for the advanced practice nursing role in their countries. Participants reported the need for increased faculty preparation and promotion of curricula reforms to emphasize primary health care programs to train advanced practice nurses. The vast majority of participants believed their countries\u27 populations could benefit from an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care. CONCLUSION: strong legislative support and a solid educational framework are critical to the successful development of advanced practice nursing programs and practitioners to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. OBJETIVO: identificar o estado atual da regulação, educação e prática do enfermeiro de prática avançada na América Latina e no Caribe e a percepção de líderes de enfermagem na região quanto ao papel da enfermagem de prática avançada na atenção primaria à saúde em apoio às iniciativas de Acesso Universal à Saúde e Cobertura Universal de Saúde. MÉTODO: o estudo descritivo transversal utilizou um survey online com 173 líderes de enfermagem questionando suas percepções sobre o estado atual da prática de enfermagem e o potencial desenvolvimento da enfermagem de prática avançada em seus países, incluindo a definição do termo, o ambiente de trabalho, a regulação, educação, prática, cultura de enfermagem e receptividade percebida de um papel mais amplo deste profissional na atenção primaria à saúde. RESULTADO: os participantes referiram estar familiarizados com o papel do enfermeiro de prática avançada, mas a maioria não sabia ou não relatou a legislação vigente para o papel da prática avançada em seus países. Os participantes relataram a necessidade de aumentar a preparação do corpo docente e promover reformas curriculares com enfase na atenção primária à saúde para formar enfermeiros de prática avançada. A grande maioria dos participantes acredita que as populações de seus países se beneficiará com o papel do enfermeiro de prática avançada na atenção primária à saúde. CONCLUSÃO: forte apoio em termos de legislação e uma estrutura educacional sólida de formação contínua são fundamentais para o êxito do desenvolvimento de programas de enfermagem de prática avançada em apoio às iniciativas de Acesso Universal à Saúde e Cobertura Universal de Saúde. OBJETIVO: identificar el estado actual de la regulación, educación y práctica de la enfermera de práctica avanzada en Latinoamérica y el Caribe y la percepción de los líderes de enfermería en la región hacia un rol de práctica avanzada de enfermería dentro de la atención primaria de salud para apoyar las iniciativas de Acceso Universal a la Salud y la Cobertura Universal de Salud. MÉTODO: un diseño transversal descriptivo que utilizó una encuesta basada en la web a 173 líderes de enfermería acerca de sus percepciones sobre el estado de la enfermería y el desarrollo potencial de la práctica avanzada de enfermería en sus países, incluyendo definición, ambiente laboral, regulación, educación, práctica de enfermería, cultura de enfermería y la receptividad percibida a un papel más amplio en atención primaria de salud. RESULTADO: los participantes estaban ampliamente familiarizados con el rol de la enfermera de práctica avanzada, pero la mayoría desconocía la legislación o reportaba no existencia actual de legislación para el rol de práctica avanzada en sus países. Los participantes reportaron la necesidad de aumentar la preparación docente y reformas curriculares para apoyar programas de atención primaria de salud para capacitar las enfermeras de práctica avanzada. La gran mayoría de los participantes creían que las poblaciones de sus países se podrían beneficiar de un rol de práctica avanzada de enfermería en atención primaria de salud. CONCLUSIÓN: un fuerte apoyo legislativo y un marco educacional sólido que continúen informándose entre sí, son críticos para el desarrollo exitoso de programas de práctica avanzada y de nurse practitioners para apoyar las iniciativas de Acceso Universal a la Salud y Cobertura Universal de Salud

    Advanced practice nursing in Latin America and the Caribbean: regulation, education and practice

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    Abstract Objective: to identify the current state of advanced practice nursing regulation, education and practice in Latin America and the Caribbean and the perception of nursing leaders in the region toward an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional design utilizing a web-based survey of 173 nursing leaders about their perceptions of the state of nursing practice and potential development of advanced practice nursing in their countries, including definition, work environment, regulation, education, nursing practice, nursing culture, and perceived receptiveness to an expanded role in primary health care. Result: the participants were largely familiar with the advanced practice nursing role, but most were unaware of or reported no current existing legislation for the advanced practice nursing role in their countries. Participants reported the need for increased faculty preparation and promotion of curricula reforms to emphasize primary health care programs to train advanced practice nurses. The vast majority of participants believed their countries' populations could benefit from an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care. Conclusion: strong legislative support and a solid educational framework are critical to the successful development of advanced practice nursing programs and practitioners to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives

    How were DTP-related adverse events reduced after the introduction of an acellular pertussis vaccine in Chile?

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    Chile has a passive surveillance system of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) that allows monitoring and evaluating the safety profile of the vaccines administered. Between 2018 and 2019, the National Immunization Program (NIP) changed from a pentavalent whole-cell pertussis vaccine (wP) to a hexavalent (DTaP-IPV-HepB-Hib) acellular pertussis vaccine (aP) for children <2 years. Objectives To describe the trend in the frequency of adverse events (AE) records associated to pertussis component vaccines between January 1st, 2015 and June 30th, 2020 in infants younger than 2-years-old in Chile, by reviewing the records submitted to the AEFI NIP, stratified by DTP-vaccine type, wP or aP. Materials and methods This was a retrospective observational study including all AEFI records of DTP (either aP or wP)-containing vaccines in the described sample. A descriptive analysis was performed according to vaccine type and AEFI, using MedDRA terminology. Results The total number of AEFI reports was 1,697: 815 corresponding to wP vaccines, 417 to aP vaccines, and 465 with unknown type. The reporting rates for the years 2015 to 2020 were 40.1, 56.2, 37.1, 24.7, 19.1, and 12.2 per 100,000 doses administered, respectively. The most reported AEFI were injection site erythema (42.9%), pyrexia (35.7%), and pain at the injection site (29.2%). Among all cases, 5.8% were SAEs (n = 98), 5.9% were SAEs for wP vaccines (n = 48) and 5.3% were for aP vaccines (n = 22). Discussion A significant decrease in AEFI reports was observed as of 2018, the year that the DTaP-IPV-HepB-Hib was introduced in the NIP

    Implementation strategy for advanced practice nursing in primary health care in Chile.

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    Resumo Objetivos: (i) Delinear os passos e progressos realizados pelo Chile para implementar a prática avançada do papel da enfermagem usando o Enfoque PEPPA (Participatory Evidence-based Patient-focused Process) como guia, (ii) demonstrar a eficácia da estrutura do PEPPA para a identificação de barreiras e guiar o processo de implementação, e (iii) discutir os próximos passos para a implementação do papel da enfermagem. Métodos: O enfoque inclui nove etapas em um processo flexível e iterativo. Resultados: O presente estudo fornece uma análise aprofundada das atividades empregadas para cada etapa do Enfoque PEPPA e sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento do papel da enfermagem na prática avançada no Chile. Em particular, as atividades de participação das partes interessadas foram essenciais para informar os principais decisores e formuladores de políticas de saúde sobre o papel das práticas avançadas de enfermagem, obtendo sua adesão e apoio ao papel da enfermagem e estabelecendo um consenso sobre suas prioridades. As estratégias usadas para superar alguns desafios na implementação das etapas do PEPPA também são discutidas, juntamente com os próximos passos para avaliar e monitorar a implementação e o estabelecimento do papel da enfermagem na prática avançada a longo prazo. Conclusão: O Enfoque PEPPA fornece diretrizes importantes para os países em que a prática avançada do papel da enfermagem está recém sendo introduzida, por meio da identificação e análise de barreiras para o delineamento eficaz do papel e sua implementação exitosa

    Enfermería de práctica avanzada en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: regulación, educación y práctica

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    Objetivo: identificar o estado atual da regulação, educação e prática do enfermeiro de prática avançada na América Latina e no Caribe e a percepção de líderes de enfermagem na região quanto ao papel da enfermagem de prática avançada na atenção primaria à saúde em apoio às iniciativas de Acesso Universal à Saúde e Cobertura Universal de Saúde. Método: o estudo descritivo transversal utilizou um survey online com 173 líderes de enfermagem questionando suas percepções sobre o estado atual da prática de enfermagem e o potencial desenvolvimento da enfermagem de prática avançada em seus países, incluindo a definição do termo, o ambiente de trabalho, a regulação, educação, prática, cultura de enfermagem e receptividade percebida de um papel mais amplo deste profissional na atenção primaria à saúde. Resultado: os participantes referiram estar familiarizados com o papel do enfermeiro de prática avançada, mas a maioria não sabia ou não relatou a legislação vigente para o papel da prática avançada em seus países. Os participantes relataram a necessidade de aumentar a preparação do corpo docente e promover reformas curriculares com enfase na atenção primária à saúde para formar enfermeiros de prática avançada. A grande maioria dos participantes acredita que as populações de seus países se beneficiará com o papel do enfermeiro de prática avançada na atenção primária à saúde. Conclusão: forte apoio em termos de legislação e uma estrutura educacional sólida de formação contínua são fundamentais para o êxito do desenvolvimento de programas de enfermagem de prática avançada em apoio às iniciativas de Acesso Universal à Saúde e Cobertura Universal de Saúde.Objective: to identify the current state of advanced practice nursing regulation, education and practice in Latin America and the Caribbean and the perception of nursing leaders in the region toward an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional design utilizing a web-based survey of 173 nursing leaders about their perceptions of the state of nursing practice and potential development of advanced practice nursing in their countries, including definition, work environment, regulation, education, nursing practice, nursing culture, and perceived receptiveness to an expanded role in primary health care. Result: the participants were largely familiar with the advanced practice nursing role, but most were unaware of or reported no current existing legislation for the advanced practice nursing role in their countries. Participants reported the need for increased faculty preparation and promotion of curricula reforms to emphasize primary health care programs to train advanced practice nurses. The vast majority of participants believed their countries' populations could benefit from an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care. Conclusion: strong legislative support and a solid educational framework are critical to the successful development of advanced practice nursing programs and practitioners to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives.Objetivo: identificar el estado actual de la regulación, educación y práctica de la enfermera de práctica avanzada en Latinoamérica y el Caribe y la percepción de los líderes de enfermería en la región hacia un rol de práctica avanzada de enfermería dentro de la atención primaria de salud para apoyar las iniciativas de Acceso Universal a la Salud y la Cobertura Universal de Salud. Método: un diseño transversal descriptivo que utilizó una encuesta basada en la web a 173 líderes de enfermería acerca de sus percepciones sobre el estado de la enfermería y el desarrollo potencial de la práctica avanzada de enfermería en sus países, incluyendo definición, ambiente laboral, regulación, educación, práctica de enfermería, cultura de enfermería y la receptividad percibida a un papel más amplio en atención primaria de salud. Resultado: los participantes estaban ampliamente familiarizados con el rol de la enfermera de práctica avanzada, pero la mayoría desconocía la legislación o reportaba no existencia actual de legislación para el rol de práctica avanzada en sus países. Los participantes reportaron la necesidad de aumentar la preparación docente y reformas curriculares para apoyar programas de atención primaria de salud para capacitar las enfermeras de práctica avanzada. La gran mayoría de los participantes creían que las poblaciones de sus países se podrían beneficiar de un rol de práctica avanzada de enfermería en atención primaria de salud. Conclusión: un fuerte apoyo legislativo y un marco educacional sólido que continúen informándose entre sí, son críticos para el desarrollo exitoso de programas de práctica avanzada y de nurse practitioners para apoyar las iniciativas de Acceso Universal a la Salud y Cobertura Universal de Salud

    Advanced practice nursing in Latin America and the Caribbean: regulation, education and practice

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    Abstract Objective: to identify the current state of advanced practice nursing regulation, education and practice in Latin America and the Caribbean and the perception of nursing leaders in the region toward an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional design utilizing a web-based survey of 173 nursing leaders about their perceptions of the state of nursing practice and potential development of advanced practice nursing in their countries, including definition, work environment, regulation, education, nursing practice, nursing culture, and perceived receptiveness to an expanded role in primary health care. Result: the participants were largely familiar with the advanced practice nursing role, but most were unaware of or reported no current existing legislation for the advanced practice nursing role in their countries. Participants reported the need for increased faculty preparation and promotion of curricula reforms to emphasize primary health care programs to train advanced practice nurses. The vast majority of participants believed their countries' populations could benefit from an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care. Conclusion: strong legislative support and a solid educational framework are critical to the successful development of advanced practice nursing programs and practitioners to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives

    Advanced practice nursing in Latin America and the Caribbean: regulation, education and practice

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    Abstract Objective: to identify the current state of advanced practice nursing regulation, education and practice in Latin America and the Caribbean and the perception of nursing leaders in the region toward an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional design utilizing a web-based survey of 173 nursing leaders about their perceptions of the state of nursing practice and potential development of advanced practice nursing in their countries, including definition, work environment, regulation, education, nursing practice, nursing culture, and perceived receptiveness to an expanded role in primary health care. Result: the participants were largely familiar with the advanced practice nursing role, but most were unaware of or reported no current existing legislation for the advanced practice nursing role in their countries. Participants reported the need for increased faculty preparation and promotion of curricula reforms to emphasize primary health care programs to train advanced practice nurses. The vast majority of participants believed their countries' populations could benefit from an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care. Conclusion: strong legislative support and a solid educational framework are critical to the successful development of advanced practice nursing programs and practitioners to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives

    Safety and Non-Inferiority Evaluation of Two Immunization Schedules with an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Several vaccines have been developed to control the COVID-19 pandemic. CoronaVac®, an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, has demonstrated safety and immunogenicity, preventing severe COVID-19 cases. We investigate the safety and non-inferiority of two immunization schedules of CoronaVac® in a non-inferiority trial in healthy adults. A total of 2302 healthy adults were enrolled at 8 centers in Chile and randomly assigned to two vaccination schedules, receiving two doses with either 14 or 28 days between each. The primary safety and efficacy endpoints were solicited adverse events (AEs) within 7 days of each dose, and comparing the number of cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection 14 days after the second dose between the schedules, respectively. The most frequent local AE was pain at the injection site, which was less frequent in participants aged ≥60 years. Other local AEs were reported in less than 5% of participants. The most frequent systemic AEs were headache, fatigue, and myalgia. Most AEs were mild and transient. There were no significant differences for local and systemic AEs between schedules. A total of 58 COVID-19 cases were confirmed, and all but 2 of them were mild. No differences were observed in the proportion of COVID-19 cases between schedules. CoronaVac® is safe, especially in ≥60-year-old participants. Both schedules protected against COVID-19 hospitalization

    100 Cartas para Paulo Freire de quienes pretendemos Enseñar

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    Realizar un texto colectivo como “100 Cartas para Paule Freire de quienes pretendemos Enseñar”, es un desafío al reunir el aprehender desde el sentido profesional de la educación y con el espíritu de transformación, desde la educación como un espacio endógeno de revolución y exógeno a las comunidades y sociedades, en busca de un sentido de identidad. Hoy desde una crítica decolonial, antirracista, feminista y ecologica en la construcción de un sentido real que busque enfrentar el sistema hegemónico y destructivo que se ha impuesto con explotación, sangre y libertades de nuestro pueblo