2,341 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Job Enrichment terhadap Kepuasan Kerja, Motivasi dan Komitment Organisasi PT Fajar Surya Wisesa

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    Human resources is the most important function in a company, because its quality determines the companys success rating. Employees satisfaction, motivation, and commitment are the keys to the companys efficiency and effectivity, which are also related to the companys job enrichment that creates job control and responsibility. Data used in this research is premier data obtained by sending out questionnaires to 65 employees of PT Fajar Surya Wisesa. We are using the simple linear regression Analysis tool, which includes correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, regression of significance, and MANOVA testing. The result of this research shows that job enrichment significantly determines job satisfaction, motivation, and commitment

    Increasing Healthy Coping in At Risk Adolescents

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    At-risk youth lack healthy coping skills needed to manage stress. This lack of skills leaves adolescents vulnerable to more risky behaviors such as substance use. Therefore, I created a two-day lesson on healthy coping skills for adolescents at Mount Toro High School in Salinas, California

    Data Mining 'Problem Youth'

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    This chapter examines how a Dutch city attempted to use data mining to profile 'problem youth'. It challenges zooming as the metaphor that guides the use of this statistical technique. To see something from close by, it is argued, is a situated practice. Instead of presenting the object in more detail, a new object is brought into being. Two modes of situated improvisation are identified. These involve the interplay of artefacts, bodies of knowledge, and normativities. Attending to metaphors in practice may thus be a useful starting point to change the terms by which digital identities are produced. Key words: algorithms, big data, statistics, digital identity, materiality, vision, surveillanc

    "Actor-Network Theory and Crime Studies: Explorations in Science and Technology" ed. by Dominique Rober

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    In crime control and criminal justice, science and technology are relied on to establish guilt, develop preventive policies, track suspects, and much more. This raises questions as to how facts about criminal behaviour are established, how surveillance technologies spread and how crime prevention affects everyday experiences. To answer such questions, the editors of Actor-Network Theory and Crime Studies propose, crime studies need to move beyond critical constructionist approaches. Dominique Robert and Martin Dufresne argue that these approaches have in too many cases led to studies that critique and even ‘debunk’ without giving satisfactory accounts of how science and technology affect legal and policing practices and vice versa. [...

    Surveillance in the Supermarket

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    In 2007, a city in the Netherlands provided a shop owner with a facial recognition system to detect known shop thieves. This camera system compared faces of individuals in the crowd with police photos of known local shoplifters. In this paper, I ask how facial recognition intervenes in the relations between the various actors involved in monitoring and controlling shop crime. In particular, I focus on how technology affects the pluralisation of surveillance, understood here as the state’s effort to mobilise new types of actors. By studying surveillance as a situated practice of making shoplifters visible, I show how facial recognition was in this case part of an effort to further enlist the supermarket in monitoring petty crime. I furthermore attend to the contingencies of this process. While surveillance technologies can potentially engage new actors, they do not necessarily do so as they may refuse to take part in a particular mode of surveillance. In other words, not only subjects of surveillance resist, resistances may also exist within the networks that perform surveillance

    Sistem Informasi Desa Panekan Dan Komunitas Warganya Di Jakarta

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    At this time, Information and Communication Technology develops very rapidly. Many people began to use the Internet as a primary source of information. Besides being easier and faster, the information obtained from the Internet is usually more up to date. Panekan is a village in the district Eromoko, Wonogiri, Central Java. Panekan village has not been published due to lack of information that can be searched on the Internet, as well as community residents Panekan village located in Jakarta, so the Panekan village website and His community located in Jakarta is indispensable in order to facilitate communication between village residents and community Panekan. The methodology used in the website designing Information Systems and Communities Panekan Rural Citizens in Jakarta is the method of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). In website designing Information Systems and Communities Panekan Village Citizens in Jakarta data collection is done by several methods, methods of data collection among others:a. Literature review. Author reading and studying books, journals or scientific papers related to a website designed.b. Observation The author conducted observations to obtain data on Panekan village. Observations using secondary data. The programming language using HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL database, and the XAMPP Control Panel as a server at localhost. The Collections of data through interviews and observation in Panekan village. K3P-Panekan website has been created so that public can get information about Panekan village and its community, and website K3P – Panekan is a medium of communication between Panekan villagers and its community

    La asistencia religiosa penitenciaria en Cataluña: La Instrucción 1/2005 del dret a rebre atenció religiosa en el medi penitenciari

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    The Spanish Constitution of 1978 states that the central Government has the total responsibility to legislate on prison issues even though the execution of that law can be carried out by the autonomous regional governments. So far, Catalonia is the only territory that has exercised this opportunity, and has regulated religious care in penal institutions through the Instruction 1/2005. This article analyses the wording of this administrative order to determine if it is coherent with the national legislation, with the prior agreements between the State and the Catholic Church, and also with other religious institutions. The minimum standard rules of religious care should be guaranteed in the Instruction,..

    Sugerencias acerca de un posible derecho administrativo sancionador en el ordenamiento canónico.

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    Material incluido en el volumen especial de la revista del Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta, Universidad de Navarra : Ius Canonicum (1999), en honor de Javier Hervada

    Etnofarmakologi dan Pemakaian Tanaman Obat Suku Dayak Tunjung di Kalimantan Timur

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    Modern medicine has been known by people in East Kalimantan including Dayak Tunjung tribe, but until now they still maintain their tradition in utilizing plants in the forest and the surrounding area for curing various diseases. The empirical experience and knowledge from them are very valuable information for developing new drugs. Field study recorded 47 plant species were being used as medicinal plants by Dayak Tunjung people in East Kalimantan. Further research need to be done to analyze the chemical compounds of these medicinal plants and also the safe dosage of its use

    The Absolute Competence of the Jurisdiction of the Administrative Court in a Dispute Whose Object is a Fictive-positive Ktun

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    Based on the Law on Administrative Court, the Administrative Court has the competence to examine and decide upon a dispute whose object is a fictive- negative decision (KTUN). After the enactment of the Law No. 30 of 2014 on Government Administration, the Administrative Court has the competence to examine and decide a dispute whose object is a fictive positive KTUN. The provision of the positive decision in the Law No. 30 of 2014 provides fairer legal protection to both procedural justice and substantive justice. However, the force power of the court to execute decision remains low. Consequently, a fair legal protection to the dispute of positive KTUN per the Law No. 30 of 2014 is not optimal.IntisariBerdasarkan UU PTUN, PTUN mempunyai kewenangan untuk memeriksa dan memutus sengketa yang obyeknya KTUN fiktif negatif. Setelah berlakunya UU No. 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan, PTUN mempunyai kewenangan memeriksa dan memutus sengketa yang obyeknya KTUN fiktif positif. Ketentuan KTUN fiktif positif dalam UU No. 30 Tahun 2014 lebih memberikan perlindungan hukum yang adil baik keadilan prosedural maupun keadilan substansial, namun dalam hal daya paksa pelaksanaan masih rendah maka perlindungan hukum yang adil dalam sengketa KTUN fiktif positif berdasarkan UU No. 30 Tahun 2014 menjadi tidak optimal
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