40 research outputs found

    Indigenous Preparation Methods of Medicinal plants Used for the Treatment of Small Ruminant Diseases in Imo State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the indigenous preparation methods of herbal medicines used for the treatment of small ruminant diseases in Imo State, Nigeria. A total of 120 small ruminant farmers participated in the study. Data were collected using interview schedule and analyzed using mean and percentages. Results identified retained placenta (82%), pneumonia (82%), foot rot (82%) and helminthosis (81%) as the most prevalent small ruminant diseases in the area. Available medicinal plants included Garcinia kola (93%), Ageratum conyzoides (92%), Costus afer (91%) and Vernonia amygdalina (80%).The result further indicated that many medicinal plants were used in the treatment of more than one small ruminant disease by the farmers. Roots (98%), leaves (98%), juice (93%) and stem (91%) were the commonly used plant parts for the preparation of the medicines. Popular preparation methods among the farmers included squeezing (98%), mixing with palm oil (97%) and pounding (91%). It was concluded that medicinal plants still support rural livestock industry in the state and should therefore be encouraged

    Indigenous Preparation Methods of Medicinal plants Used for the Treatment of Small Ruminant Diseases in Imo State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the indigenous preparation methods of herbal medicines used for the treatment of small ruminant diseases in Imo State, Nigeria. A total of 120 small ruminant farmers participated in the study. Data were collected using interview schedule and analyzed using mean and percentages. Results identified retained placenta (82%), pneumonia (82%), foot rot (82%) and helminthosis (81%) as the most prevalent small ruminant diseases in the area. Available medicinal plants included Garcinia kola (93%), Ageratum conyzoides (92%), Costus afer (91%) and Vernonia amygdalina (80%).The result further indicated that many medicinal plants were used in the treatment of more than one small ruminant disease by the farmers. Roots (98%), leaves (98%), juice (93%) and stem (91%) were the commonly used plant parts for the preparation of the medicines. Popular preparation methods among the farmers included squeezing (98%), mixing with palm oil (97%) and pounding (91%). It was concluded that medicinal plants still support rural livestock industry in the state and should therefore be encouraged

    Optimization of sequence alignment for simple sequence repeat regions

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    Abstract Background Microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (SSRs), are tandemly repeated DNA sequences, including tandem copies of specific sequences no longer than six bases, that are distributed in the genome. SSR has been used as a molecular marker because it is easy to detect and is used in a range of applications, including genetic diversity, genome mapping, and marker assisted selection. It is also very mutable because of slipping in the DNA polymerase during DNA replication. This unique mutation increases the insertion/deletion (INDELs) mutation frequency to a high ratio - more than other types of molecular markers such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs). SNPs are more frequent than INDELs. Therefore, all designed algorithms for sequence alignment fit the vast majority of the genomic sequence without considering microsatellite regions, as unique sequences that require special consideration. The old algorithm is limited in its application because there are many overlaps between different repeat units which result in false evolutionary relationships. Findings To overcome the limitation of the aligning algorithm when dealing with SSR loci, a new algorithm was developed using PERL script with a Tk graphical interface. This program is based on aligning sequences after determining the repeated units first, and the last SSR nucleotides positions. This results in a shifting process according to the inserted repeated unit type. When studying the phylogenic relations before and after applying the new algorithm, many differences in the trees were obtained by increasing the SSR length and complexity. However, less distance between different linage had been observed after applying the new algorithm. Conclusions The new algorithm produces better estimates for aligning SSR loci because it reflects more reliable evolutionary relations between different linages. It reduces overlapping during SSR alignment, which results in a more realistic phylogenic relationship.</p

    Global agricultural intensification during climate change: a role for genomics

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    Agriculture is now facing the ‘perfect storm’ of climate change, increasing costs of fertilizer and rising food demands from a larger and wealthier human population. These factors point to a global food deficit unless the efficiency and resilience of crop production is increased. The intensification of agriculture has focused on improving production under optimized conditions, with significant agronomic inputs. Furthermore, the intensive cultivation of a limited number of crops has drastically narrowed the number of plant species humans rely on. A new agricultural paradigm is required, reducing dependence on high inputs and increasing crop diversity, yield stability and environmental resilience. Genomics offers unprecedented opportunities to increase crop yield, quality and stability of production through advanced breeding strategies, enhancing the resilience of major crops to climate variability, and increasing the productivity and range of minor crops to diversify the food supply. Here we review the state of the art of genomic-assisted breeding for the most important staples that feed the world, and how to use and adapt such genomic tools to accelerate development of both major and minor crops with desired traits that enhance adaptation to, or mitigate the effects of climate change

    Characterization of Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling Genetic Variation for Preharvest Sprouting in Synthetic Backcross-Derived Wheat Lines

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    Aegilops tauschii, the wild relative of wheat, has stronger seed dormancy, a major component of preharvest sprouting resistance (PHSR), than bread wheat. A diploid Ae. tauschii accession (AUS18836) and a tetraploid (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum var. Altar84) wheat were used to construct a synthetic wheat (Syn37). The genetic architecture of PHS was investigated in 271 BC1F7 synthetic backcross lines (SBLs) derived from Syn37/2*Janz (resistant/susceptible). The SBLs were evaluated in three environments over 2 years and PHS was assessed by way of three measures: the germination index (GI), which measures grain dormancy, the whole spike assay (SI), which takes into account all spike morphology, and counted visually sprouted seeds out of 200 (VI). Grain color was measured using both Chroma Meter- and NaOH-based approaches. QTL for PHSR and grain color were mapped and their additive and epistatic effects as well as their interactions with environment were estimated by a mixed linear-model approach. Single-locus analysis following composite interval mapping revealed four QTL for GI, two QTL for SI, and four QTL for VI on chromosomes 3DL and 4AL. The locus QPhs.dpiv-3D.1 on chromosome 3DL was tightly linked to the red grain color (RGC) at a distance of 5 cM. The other locus on chromosome 3D, “QPhs.dpiv-3D.2” was independent of RGC locus. Two-locus analysis detected nine QTL with main effects and 18 additive × additive interactions for GI, SI, and VI. Two of the nine main effects QTL and two epistatic QTL showed significant interactions with environments. Both additive and epistatic effects contributed to phenotypic variance in PHSR and the identified markers are potential candidates for marker-assisted selection of favorable alleles at multiple loci. SBLs derived from Ae. tauschii proved to be a promising tool to dissect, introgress, and pyramid different PHSR genes into adapted wheat genetic backgrounds. The enhanced expression of PHS resistance in SBLs enabled us to develop white PHS-resistant wheat germplasm from the red-grained Ae. tauschii accession

    Germplasm evaluation of heat tolerance in bread wheat in Tel Hadya, Syria

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