72 research outputs found

    Urban governance and planning for Economic growth

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    Governance in short is a shift from bureaucratic process to shared power for the people. Governance in the urban areas goes hand in hand with planning. Issues of governance cannot be dealt with completely without proper planning. However, planning in the two largest cities of Kumasi and Accra has seen some major changes over time both spatially and administratively. Spatial, urban planning system has moved from new towns and town expansion to high standards of living. Administratively there has been the frantic effort of merging all law governing land use into one legal document which was not previously the case. But planning for growth and governance are faced with the following weakness; selective restraint, institutional and geographical fragmentation, short termism and power and resources.Governance; Planning; Growth

    Globalization and its influence on Economic Growth performance

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    Globalization is described as a process by which regional economics, societies and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation and trade. Different researchers have argued both in favour of and against globalization. Bhagwati claims that globalization has created a direct link to economic fortunes for the poor rural folks in developing countries who are often farmers. He argues that increase in information and information technology has loosened the control of exploitative middlemen whose activities reduce the returns rural farmer receive for their produce. Prystay (2005) provided evidence to this argument. Another argument comes from factor endowment. Argument against globalization is the fact that it has produced unprecedentedly high levels of inequality or hardships to the poor. Evidence from both China and India have reviled that globalization has propelled both countries economically; increase in economic growth from 6.15 to 9.37 percent in the case of China and information technology in the case of India, but the issue of inequality is still important and need to be addressed by individual government.Globalization; Inequality; Growth

    Bibliometric analysis : agency theory in accounting

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    Purpose: This paper conducts a general bibliometric analysis review of agency theory in accounting (financial and management). The bibliometric analysis offers historical information on-trend and performance research.Methodology: The study investigated the related literature in the agency theory and accounting (financial and management) from 1999-2019, obtained from the Scopus database. The literature-based documents are on the study of the scientific output and distribution of subject categories and journals. Keywords of the authors also have focused on determining the study hotspots.Findings: The findings of this study show that annual production has increased over the period under investigation. The Critical Perspective on Account is the leading prolific journal and Accounting, Auditing and Accountability is a most influential journal. The result also shows that many top institutions are from the United Kingdom. Simultaneously, the United States of America leads the highest production and cited documents of related scientific articles.Originality /Value: This study contributes on the awareness of using bibliometric analysis study to explore development in the scientific field, that is, the use of keywords to extract information for research growth in terms of the number of production and citations.peer-reviewe

    A Monitoring and Control System for Micro and Small Enterprises: The Use of RUMSEG at the District Level in Ghana

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    Rural folks in many districts in Ghana engage in various profit-making businesses which range from traditionally skilled-based manufacturing to retailing businesses. As a result, local government authorities together with stakeholders such as Rural Enterprise Project (REP) are interested in monitoring the development tendencies of these trade categories at their micro and small-scale levels. This paper comes out with Rural Micro and Small Scale Enterprises Growth (RUMSEG) tool that enables District Assemblies (DAs) to monitor and evaluate growth performances of Micro and Small-scale Enterprises (MSEs) at the district level, and serve as an aid to revenue mobilization. Beta testing and the agile iterative method were employed during modules testing and with a backend relational database to store client’s information. RUMSEG was tested at the Business Advisory Centres (BACs) of Asuogyaman and Atwima Nwabeagya District Assemblies in Ghana. Aided by the Enterprise Monitoring Diary (EMD), RUMSEG produced differences in clients’ growth performances in the context of turning actual cost of training by stakeholders into actual outputs of skills, abilities and competencies. Keywords: growth performances, trade categories, stakeholders, RUMSEG, District Assemblies (DAs)

    Social Cash Transfers: Some Underlying Debates and Implications for Policy Making

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    Social cash transfers as a strategy for poverty reduction acquired prominence in Latin America but spread later to the rest of the developing world because earlier poverty reduction strategies did not make many gains. Most studies on cash transfer schemes seem tilted towards evaluating their impacts while neglecting the arguments surrounding their design and operations. As such, this paper reviews some of the debates that engulf social cash transfers as a form of social assistance. The review showed that debates about social cash transfers generally centre on targeting, affordability, conditionalities, poverty reduction ability, utilisation of cash, market effect, cash versus food stamp, and dependency. It is concluded that the debates are crucial as they lay the pedestal upon which policy makers take the decision as to whether to set up, change or end an existing cash transfer programme.Keywords: Social, Cash, Transfer, Debate, Poverty, Conditiona

    Evaluation of incorporating plastic wastes into asphalt materials for road construction in Ghana

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    In improving the aesthetics of the environment, the management of plastic wastes cannot be left out of the picture. Among the numerous ways that plastic wastes are managed, incorporating them into plastic roads is another viable option. This study quantified plastic wastes generation in Sunyani Municipality in Ghana and investigated the optimum percentage of asphaltic materials that could be made of plastic wastes for road construction in Ghana. Plastic Wastes were obtained from social gatherings, residential areas and restaurants, there was dialogue with key persons in the plastic industry and various experiments were also conducted for plastic wastes utilization in road construction. It was found that only one entrepreneur recycles the plastic wastes to make bags, dustbins, ropes and many more in the Municipality. It was also estimated that plastic wastes generation in the municipality per capita was 49.7 g/person/day whiles the total plastic wastes generated in the Municipality was 6,725.64 kg/day. In addition, numerous experimentations proved that it is possible to substitute about 10% of asphaltic road materials with plastic wastes as plastic coated aggregates (PCA) to meet the Ghana Highways Authority (GHA) standards for road construction. The novelty finding in this research is that substitution of about 10% or more of asphaltic road materials in Ghana with plastic wastes could bring economy and cost savings in both road construction and plastic wastes management in Ghana

    Urban governance and planning for Economic growth

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    Governance in short is a shift from bureaucratic process to shared power for the people. Governance in the urban areas goes hand in hand with planning. Issues of governance cannot be dealt with completely without proper planning. However, planning in the two largest cities of Kumasi and Accra has seen some major changes over time both spatially and administratively. Spatial, urban planning system has moved from new towns and town expansion to high standards of living. Administratively there has been the frantic effort of merging all law governing land use into one legal document which was not previously the case. But planning for growth and governance are faced with the following weakness; selective restraint, institutional and geographical fragmentation, short termism and power and resources

    Bibliometric Analysis Research on Audit Nexus in Corporate Governance

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    Audit study on corporate governance and its influence on the corporate organisation is expanding exponentially. It has been undeniable after the 2007-2008 financial crisis and corporate scandals. This review provides an overview of the evolution of scholarly literature on the relationship between audit and corporate governance in peer-reviewed publications published between 2010 and 2020. The study has used a bibliometric technique to review 48 researched documents from the Scopus database. The review highlights document type, publication trend, journal types, influential authors, impactful papers, and keyword co-occurrence network through VOSviewer visualisation. In addition, the findings uncover new trends that have surfaced over the past few decades and suggest possible future lines of research. This study contributes to our understanding of audit in corporate governance studies by reviewing documents systematically using bibliometric techniques and VOSviewer analysis for the study period

    Globalization and its influence on Economic Growth performance

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    Globalization is described as a process by which regional economics, societies and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation and trade. Different researchers have argued both in favour of and against globalization. Bhagwati claims that globalization has created a direct link to economic fortunes for the poor rural folks in developing countries who are often farmers. He argues that increase in information and information technology has loosened the control of exploitative middlemen whose activities reduce the returns rural farmer receive for their produce. Prystay (2005) provided evidence to this argument. Another argument comes from factor endowment. Argument against globalization is the fact that it has produced unprecedentedly high levels of inequality or hardships to the poor. Evidence from both China and India have reviled that globalization has propelled both countries economically; increase in economic growth from 6.15 to 9.37 percent in the case of China and information technology in the case of India, but the issue of inequality is still important and need to be addressed by individual government

    Globalization and its influence on Economic Growth performance

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    Globalization is described as a process by which regional economics, societies and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation and trade. Different researchers have argued both in favour of and against globalization. Bhagwati claims that globalization has created a direct link to economic fortunes for the poor rural folks in developing countries who are often farmers. He argues that increase in information and information technology has loosened the control of exploitative middlemen whose activities reduce the returns rural farmer receive for their produce. Prystay (2005) provided evidence to this argument. Another argument comes from factor endowment. Argument against globalization is the fact that it has produced unprecedentedly high levels of inequality or hardships to the poor. Evidence from both China and India have reviled that globalization has propelled both countries economically; increase in economic growth from 6.15 to 9.37 percent in the case of China and information technology in the case of India, but the issue of inequality is still important and need to be addressed by individual government
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