3,114 research outputs found

    Indivisible, with an education for all : differentiation strategies used in a multi-categorical classroom

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    This article focuses on a pilot study that examines the effectiveness of differentiation strategies when used in a multi-categorical classroom. The writer, a gifted and talented facilitator in a rural Iowa school district, team taught with two other teachers in a classroom where identified learning-disabled and gifted students were clustered together. The purpose of this clustering was to determine the impact of alternative strategies upon special needs students when implemented in a common learning environment. The writer concludes that with careful planning, differentiation can be a positive instructional strategy in a multi-categorical classroom. She also offers recommendations for educators and administrators to consider when implementing this type of model

    10. Starting from Scratch

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    This 2019 article celebrates UCI Law\u27s accomplishments in its first 10 years, featuring quotes from the school\u27s current dean and founding dean

    The Stability of Large External Imbalances: The Role of Returns Differentials

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    Were the U.S. to persistently earn substantially more on its foreign investments ("U.S. claims") than foreigners earn on their U.S. investments ("U.S. liabilities"), the likelihood that the current environment of sizeable global imbalances will evolve in a benign manner increases. However, utilizing data on the actual foreign equity and bond portfolios of U.S. investors and the U.S. equity and bond portfolios of foreign investors, we find that the returns differential of U.S. claims over U.S. liabilities is essentially zero. Ending our sample in 2005, the differential is positive, whereas through 2004 it is negative; in both cases the differential is statistically indecipherable from zero. Moreover, were it not for the poor timing of investors from developed countries, who tend to shift their U.S. portfolios toward (or away from) equities prior to the subsequent underperformance (or strong performance) of equities, the returns differential would be even lower. Thus, in the context of equity and bond portfolios we find no evidence that the U.S. can count on earning more on its claims than it pays on its liabilities.

    Action And Motivation: Measuring Perception Or Strategies?

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    It has been suggested that when judging the distance to a desirable object, motivated distortions of perceived distance occur, and that these distortions can be measured by actions, such as throwing a beanbag. The results of two new experiments suggest that reported variations in beanbag performance may instead depend on instructional effects, such as ones that emphasize proximity rather than accuracy. When the goal was to be closest to the target, underthrowing was observed, whether the target was intrinsically valuable or not. When the goal was to hit the target, however, throwing performance was unbiased

    Current Interventions in Co-Occurring Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence: A Qualitative Study of Changing Policy, Practice and Collaboration in North Carolina

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    Although research suggests that spouse abuse and child maltreatment are clearly linked within families, the services developed to address these social problems, child protective services (CPS) and domestic violence (DV) agencies, have historically functioned separately. In 2004 and 2005, North Carolina implemented the Multiple Response System (MRS) and a domestic violence policy for CPS. This study examined these changes, particularly in relation to domestic violence, and explored current perspectives regarding collaborative efforts between CPS and DV agencies. The methods used were individual interviews with key informants from social services and the domestic violence community and focus groups with CPS workers and DV advocates across the state. Twelve key informants participated in the individual interviews. Twenty-two workers participated in three CPS focus groups and 14 advocates participated in three DV groups. Key findings included differences in the level of awareness and understanding of the two CPS policies between advocates and other study participants. Although workers and key informants from both communities were knowledgeable about MRS and the DV policy, the advocates in the DV focus groups were largely unaware of either. Notable changes with the new policies, as described by study respondents, fell into two categories - practice changes and philosophy changes. The most frequently noted practice changes for MRS were the dual tracking system and changes in interview order. For the DV policy, noted changes were interview order and changes in procedure around removal of children from battered mothers for failure to protect. Significant philosophical changes related to the DV policy included directly linking the safety of mothers and children and not holding mothers responsible for their batterers’ behavior. For MRS, philosophical shifts included being more family centered, needs focused and strengths based. Focus group participants from both CPS and DV identified an increased understanding of the complexity of domestic violence by CPS workers. Study participants also reported improved relations between CPS and DV agencies in recent years. All participants agreed more can be done to increase coordination and collaboration between these services and made recommendations about training, communication and the creation of a shared position between the two agencies

    Art as an expression of the relationship between humanity and nature : process and layering as visual metaphors

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    The objective of this dissertation is to establish the notion that art can serve to create and communicate an awareness of the interconnectedness between people and nature. This study debates the theoretical similarities and differences in attitudes toward the planet as interpreted in the artworks of pre-history shamans and traditional societies, 20th century land and urban artists and contemporary environmentally concerned artists. The comparative findings suggest that attitudes of anthropocentricism, greed and power and a denial of Pantheism associated with agriculture, industrial and technological developments, have changed the human-nature symbiosis found in early societies. The creative component of this study has employed the processes of etching and embossing, digital image manipulations and the juxtaposition and layering of images to establish visual metaphors that communicate interconnectedness. Sculptures, billboards, prints and photographs as artworks of the conscience intend to shift socially and personally constructed perceptions from human-centeredness toward a symbiotic worldview.Art History, Visual Arts and MusicologyM.A. (Visual Arts