17 research outputs found

    Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a cohort of italian patients with spinal-bulbar muscular atrophy

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    Spinal-bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), is an X-linked motor neuron disease caused by a CAG-repeat expansion in the first exon of the androgen receptor gene (AR) on chromosome X. In SBMA, non-neural clinical phenotype includes disorders of glucose and lipid metabolism. We investigated the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS), insulin resistance (IR) and non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in a group of SBMA patients. Forty-seven consecutive patients genetically diagnosed with SBMA underwent biochemical analyses. In 24 patients abdominal sonography examination was performed. Twenty-three (49%) patients had fasting glucose above reference values and 31 (66%) patients had a homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR) 65 2.6. High levels of total cholesterol were found in 24 (51%) patients, of LDL-cholesterol in 18 (38%) and of triglycerides in 18 (38%). HDL-cholesterol was decreased in 36 (77%) patients. Twenty-four (55%) subjects had 3 or more criteria of MS. A positive correlation (r = 0.52; p < 0.01) was observed between HOMA-IR and AR-CAG repeat length. AST and ALT were above the reference values respectively in 29 (62%) and 18 (38%) patients. At ultrasound examination increased liver echogenicity was found in 22 patients (92 %). In one patient liver cirrhosis was diagnosed. Liver/kidney ratio of grey-scale intensity, a semi-quantitative parameter of severity of steatosis, strongly correlated with BMI (r = 0.68; p < 0.005). Our study shows a high prevalence of IR, MS and NAFLD in SBMA patients, conditions that increase the cardiovascular risk and can lead to serious liver damage, warranting pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment

    Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a cohort of italian patients with spinal-bulbar muscular atrophy

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    Spinal-bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), is an X-linked motor neuron disease caused by a CAG-repeat expansion in the first exon of the androgen receptor gene (AR) on chromosome X. In SBMA, non-neural clinical phenotype includes disorders of glucose and lipid metabolism. We investigated the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS), insulin resistance (IR) and non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in a group of SBMA patients. Forty-seven consecutive patients genetically diagnosed with SBMA underwent biochemical analyses. In 24 patients abdominal sonography examination was performed. Twenty-three (49%) patients had fasting glucose above reference values and 31 (66%) patients had a homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR) 65 2.6. High levels of total cholesterol were found in 24 (51%) patients, of LDL-cholesterol in 18 (38%) and of triglycerides in 18 (38%). HDL-cholesterol was decreased in 36 (77%) patients. Twenty-four (55%) subjects had 3 or more criteria of MS. A positive correlation (r = 0.52; p < 0.01) was observed between HOMA-IR and AR-CAG repeat length. AST and ALT were above the reference values respectively in 29 (62%) and 18 (38%) patients. At ultrasound examination increased liver echogenicity was found in 22 patients (92 %). In one patient liver cirrhosis was diagnosed. Liver/kidney ratio of grey-scale intensity, a semi-quantitative parameter of severity of steatosis, strongly correlated with BMI (r = 0.68; p < 0.005). Our study shows a high prevalence of IR, MS and NAFLD in SBMA patients, conditions that increase the cardiovascular risk and can lead to serious liver damage, warranting pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment

    Dietary Supplements for Erectile Dysfunction: Analysis of Marketed Products, Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Rational Use

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    The use of nutraceutical products to enhance male sexual performance has a long history, especially with regard to the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Alternative treatments for ED are becoming increasingly popular, with growing interest from consumers, as well as increased revenue for manufacturers. Dietary supplements (DSs), which are a mixture of active ingredients, are mainly sold online. In randomized controlled trials, the molecules contained in DSs have demonstrated varying degrees of effectiveness, or even have no evidence to support their use. However, none of the studies carried out provided sufficient evidence to consider these products a first-line therapy. Therefore, the combination of the various active ingredients, especially in relation to the daily dose, leaves doubts about the real effectiveness. In order to evaluate the potential efficacy of DS formulations, we analyzed the products marketed in Italy using a scoring approach. A systematic review of the literature was performed to evaluate the effect of DS and to detect the active ingredients able to improve erectile function-called effective ingredients (EIs)-and their minimal effective daily dose (mED). A metanalysis identified some nutraceuticals, such as Panax ginseng, Tribulus terrestris and L-arginine, that are able to improve male sexual function. Based on the scoring system, 2 (8%) supplements matched with the cluster of higher expected efficacy, 3 (12%) with the lower efficacy cluster and 20 (80%) matched with the criterion of no expected efficacy. DSs marketed in Italy are usually blends of many substances that are frequently employed at a negligible dose or without any evidence

    Dietary Supplements for Female Infertility: A Critical Review of Their Composition

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    Infertility is the condition of about 15% of couples that cannot get a conception after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. In females, the reduced reproductive capacity underlies the most varied causes. Dietary supplements (DS) might be used to improve the pregnancy rate and a wide range of DS are proposed today to support female fertility. Although many authors demonstrated the positive effect of some of these products, the real efficacy of this approach is still debated. In order to evaluate the potential efficacy of DS for female infertility, we analysed the products marketed in Italy, using an original approach. A review of literature was performed to evaluate the effect of nutraceuticals on various female reproductive outcomes and to detect the minimal effective daily dose (mED) able to improve at least one of these. Thereafter, we conceived a formula to classify the expected efficacy of each DS. Each DS was scored and included into three classes of expected efficacy: higher, lower, and none. Ten out of 24 supplements (41.7%) resulted in the higher and 8 (34.3%) in the lower efficacy group, the remaining 6 DS (25.0%) were expected to have no efficacy. DS marketed in Italy are usually blends of many substances that are frequently employed at a negligible dose or without any evidence of efficacy. These findings raise serious doubt about the potential effectiveness of most commercial DS for female infertility

    High prolactin levels in dihydropteridine reductase deficiency: A sign of therapy failure or additional pathology?

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    We report the case of a 22-year-old man with a diagnosis of dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) deficiency who progressively developed movement disorders and epilepsy. Despite L-Dopa supplementation the patient continued to show high prolactin levels, with a discrepancy between the neurological clinical picture and the hormonal biochemical levels. For this reason, other potential causes were ruled out by performing a cerebral magnetic resonance imaging, which demonstrated a solid lesion in the pituitary gland strongly suggestive of a prolactinoma. As the association between metabolic disorders affecting biogenic amine synthesis and prolactinoma has not been previously reported in humans, this report suggests that a critical evaluation of the use of prolactin as a guide for therapy dosage should be made in patients with DHPR deficiency disorders

    Effectiveness of a diet with low advanced glycation end products, in improving glycoxidation and lipid peroxidation: a long-term investigation in patients with chronic renal failure

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    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have a crucial role in the process of atherosclerosis, particularly in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), which have a dual form of damage, namely an increased formation of serum AGEs and their reduced clearance [1, 2]. We previously observed that AGEs can react with the peritoneal matrix protein, giving a reason for the gradual loss of peritoneal membrane function observed in patients undergoing long-term peritoneal dialysis [3, 4]

    Dietary Supplements for Male Infertility: A Critical Evaluation of Their Composition

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    Dietary supplements (DS) represent a possible approach to improve sperm parameters and male fertility. A wide range of DS containing different nutrients is now available. Although many authors demonstrated benefits from some nutrients in the improvement of sperm parameters, their real effectiveness is still under debate. The aim of this study was to critically review the composition of DS using the Italian market as a sample. Active ingredients and their minimal effective daily dose (mED) on sperm parameters were identified through a literature search. Thereafter, we created a formula to classify the expected efficacy of each DS. Considering active ingredients, their concentration and the recommended daily dose, DS were scored into three classes of expected efficacy: higher, lower and none. Twenty-one DS were identified. Most of them had a large number of ingredients, frequently at doses below mED or with undemonstrated efficacy. Zinc was the most common ingredient of DS (70% of products), followed by selenium, arginine, coenzyme Q and folic acid. By applying our scoring system, 9.5% of DS fell in a higher class, 71.4% in a lower class and 19.1% in the class with no expected efficacy. DS marketed in Italy for male infertility frequently includes effective ingredients but also a large number of substances at insufficient doses or with no reported efficacy. Manufacturers and physicians should better consider the scientific evidence on effective ingredients and their doses before formulating and prescribing these products

    Approccio nutrizionale all’ipofosforemia post-trapianto di rene: uno studio pilota

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    Renal transplantation is the gold standard for the treatment of ESRD patients. During the early-stage post-transplantation, metabolic and electrolytic alterations may develop, including hypophosphatemia and the treatment includes a diet rich in phosphorus, sometimes with the addition of oral or intravenous phosphorus supplement. Forty-four kidney transplanted patients with hypophosphatemia were evaluated retrospectively. They were divided into two groups based on whether patients received (group A, 14 patients) or not (group B, 30 patients) dietary prescription for hypophosphatemia. Group A was further divided into two subgroups: group A1 (8 patients), with baseline phosphatemia ≥0.5 mmol/L, treated only with a diet rich in animal phosphorus, and group A2 (6 patients), with baseline phosphatemia ≤0.5 mmol/L, who received a potassium phosphate supplement in addition to the same dietary prescription. Three months after transplantation, group A had a greater increase of phosphatemia compared with group B (group A: 0.58 ± 0.12 vs 0.93 ± 0.22 mmol/L; group B: 0.59 ± 0.11 to 0.8 ± 0.13 mmol/L). Furthermore, in group A2 the increase of phosphatemia was lower than in group A1. In conclusion, dietary approach supported by dietary counseling was effective in treating post kidney transplantation hypophosphatemia. The results of this pilot study might represent a useful working hypothesis for studies with a larger cohort of enrolled patients in order to confirm for these patients the efficacy of the nutritional approach and of the dietary counseling to post renal transplantation hypophosphatemia