4 research outputs found

    Toscana Virus Central Nervous System Infections in Southern Italy

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    Toscana virus was detected by reverse transcription-nested PCR in 5.6% of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from patients with meningitis and encephalitis during the summer in southern Italy. The central nervous system infections were associated with young adults and with a substantially benign clinical course. Presenting features and CSF findings are also discussed in the present report

    Circuiti, solidi platonici e simmetrie con geogebra: una proposta interdisciplinare per la scuola secondaria di II grado

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    In questo articolo illustreremo il percorso formativo, rivolto a studenti della Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado, che è partito dal calcolo e dalla misura della resistenza equivalente in circuiti che presentano particolari configurazioni geometriche, per arrivare alle reti bidimensionali che racchiudono un volume facendo riferimento in particolare ai solidi platonici. L’attività è stata arricchita di esperienze laboratoriali a conferma dei risultati teorici ed è stata supportata dall’u- tilizzo di GeoGebra

    Subthreshold Current Suppression in ReS2 Nanosheet-Based Field-Effect Transistors at High Temperatures

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    Two-dimensional rhenium disulfide (ReS2), a member of the transition-metal dichalcogenide family, has received significant attention due to its potential applications in field-effect transistors (FETs), photodetectors, and memories. In this work, we investigate the suppression of the subthreshold current during the forward voltage gate sweep, leading to an inversion of the hysteresis in the transfer characteristics of ReS2 nanosheet-based FETs from clockwise to anticlockwise. We explore the impact of temperature, sweeping gate voltage, and pressure on this behavior. Notably, the suppression in current within the subthreshold region coincides with a peak in gate current, which increases beyond a specific temperature but remains unaffected by pressure. We attribute both the suppression in drain current and the presence of peak in gate current to the charge/discharge process of gate oxide traps by thermal-assisted tunnelling. The suppression of the subthreshold current at high temperatures not only reduces power consumption but also extends the operational temperature range of ReS2 nanosheet-based FETs