354 research outputs found

    Essays in Empirical Political Economy

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    The work in chapter 1 exploits the timing and public circulation of budget forecasts in Italian municipalities in order to produce empirical evidence of strategic behaviour by mayors on their promised investments. In particular, using a province fixed-effects model, mayors are shown to over-promise investments in election years by 20% more than over the rest of the term. The results are driven by mayors who are not term-limited, and also by those unaffiliated to national parties and with greater levels of education, in line with previous evidence produced over political budget cycles. Moreover, mayors who over-promise more in election years are those who engage in higher pre-electoral increases in investments, thus creating a bridge between traditional po- litical budget cycle and this strategic behaviour. Lastly, I present some suggestive evidence of a positive effect of the strategic behaviour on the probability of re-running and of being re-elected. There has been a recent surge of interest in the link between globalization and the political repercussions caused by increased exposure to low-cost import competition, which has found it to cause increased political polarization and a surge in vote for radical right-wing parties. The second chapter focuses on Italy, which is an interesting case study given its highly-exposed economy, and its multi-party system which includes radical right- and left-wing parties and also populist movements. In order to investigate the political effects caused by the trade shock de- termined by China's exogenous growth in productivity I construct an exhaustive database on the period between 1994 to 2016 and find that, in contrast to the related literature, there is no causal positive effect on the support for radical parties, nor is the rise in populist politics caused by increased exposure to the Chinese trade shock

    Essays in Empirical Political Economy

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    The work in chapter 1 exploits the timing and public circulation of budget forecasts in Italian municipalities in order to produce empirical evidence of strategic behaviour by mayors on their promised investments. In particular, using a province fixed-effects model, mayors are shown to over-promise investments in election years by 20% more than over the rest of the term. The results are driven by mayors who are not term-limited, and also by those unaffiliated to national parties and with greater levels of education, in line with previous evidence produced over political budget cycles. Moreover, mayors who over-promise more in election years are those who engage in higher pre-electoral increases in investments, thus creating a bridge between traditional po- litical budget cycle and this strategic behaviour. Lastly, I present some suggestive evidence of a positive effect of the strategic behaviour on the probability of re-running and of being re-elected. There has been a recent surge of interest in the link between globalization and the political repercussions caused by increased exposure to low-cost import competition, which has found it to cause increased political polarization and a surge in vote for radical right-wing parties. The second chapter focuses on Italy, which is an interesting case study given its highly-exposed economy, and its multi-party system which includes radical right- and left-wing parties and also populist movements. In order to investigate the political effects caused by the trade shock de- termined by China's exogenous growth in productivity I construct an exhaustive database on the period between 1994 to 2016 and find that, in contrast to the related literature, there is no causal positive effect on the support for radical parties, nor is the rise in populist politics caused by increased exposure to the Chinese trade shock.The work in chapter 1 exploits the timing and public circulation of budget forecasts in Italian municipalities in order to produce empirical evidence of strategic behaviour by mayors on their promised investments. In particular, using a province fixed-effects model, mayors are shown to over-promise investments in election years by 20% more than over the rest of the term. The results are driven by mayors who are not term-limited, and also by those unaffiliated to national parties and with greater levels of education, in line with previous evidence produced over political budget cycles. Moreover, mayors who over-promise more in election years are those who engage in higher pre-electoral increases in investments, thus creating a bridge between traditional po- litical budget cycle and this strategic behaviour. Lastly, I present some suggestive evidence of a positive effect of the strategic behaviour on the probability of re-running and of being re-elected. There has been a recent surge of interest in the link between globalization and the political repercussions caused by increased exposure to low-cost import competition, which has found it to cause increased political polarization and a surge in vote for radical right-wing parties. The second chapter focuses on Italy, which is an interesting case study given its highly-exposed economy, and its multi-party system which includes radical right- and left-wing parties and also populist movements. In order to investigate the political effects caused by the trade shock de- termined by China's exogenous growth in productivity I construct an exhaustive database on the period between 1994 to 2016 and find that, in contrast to the related literature, there is no causal positive effect on the support for radical parties, nor is the rise in populist politics caused by increased exposure to the Chinese trade shock.LUISS PhD Thesi

    Municipal Waste Management: the Calabrian Case

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    This paper tackles the issue of municipal waste collection and disposal in the light of the environmental and health demands and emergencies coming from urban areas. Starting from an overview of the European situation, the case of the Calabrian region will be analysed, in order to hypothesise effective management interventions and disposal systems

    Spontaneous galvanic displacement of Pt nanostructures on nickel foam: Synthesis, characterization and use for hydrogen evolution reaction

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    Abstract In this paper we propose the use of spontaneous galvanic displacement as a promising solution to produce nickel foam electrodes functionalized with interconnected platinum nanoparticles. Scanning Electron Microscopy analyses, coupled with X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy show that, under proper conditions, we can overcome the limits of other deposition techniques, achieving a uniform Pt coverage throughout the 3D structure of the Ni foam. We show that such a condition, not deeply investigated in previous literature, turns out to be crucial for the long term stability of the electrodes under constant current stress. The amount of Pt on the Ni foam has been experimentally evaluated, obtaining optimal results with 0.015 mg cm−2 of noble metal in a 0.16 cm thick electrode. Such a low amount corresponds to a Ni foam cost increase of less than 0.1%

    Prehistoric human presence on Mount Etna (Sicily), in relation to the geological evolution

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    This study analyses the relationship between the pre- and protohistoric sites on the slopes of Etna and the volcanic products, as well as the diverse settlement strategies in the different periods of prehistory. New C14 dating from significant excavations, in addition to those known from other Etnean sites, were performed with the aim of validating the chronology of the sequence of the different phases. A substantial concordance of the archaeological data with the volcanological ones has been found. It has been observed that a consistent human presence on Etna appears from the Middle Neolithic (5500 BC), after the sequence of eruptive events that marked the end of the Ellittico volcano (13550 - 13050 BC) and the formation of the Valle del Bove, and the subsequent debris and alluvial events on the eastern flanks of the volcano (7250 - 3350 BC). Human presence intensifies between the Late-Final Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age (2800 - 1450 BC), due to improvement in subsistence techniques and to the large presence of soils on lava flows suitable for sheep farming. The most recent phases of the Bronze Age are poorly represented, probably because of the concentration of the population in larger agglomerations (Montevergine and S. Paolillo at Catania, the Historical Hill at Paternò). The explosive eruptions taking place in this period seem to have had less impact on the settlement choices and have not affected the development of the sites over time

    ChatGPT and the rise of large language models: the new AI-driven infodemic threat in public health

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    : Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently gathered attention with the release of ChatGPT, a user-centered chatbot released by OpenAI. In this perspective article, we retrace the evolution of LLMs to understand the revolution brought by ChatGPT in the artificial intelligence (AI) field. The opportunities offered by LLMs in supporting scientific research are multiple and various models have already been tested in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks in this domain. The impact of ChatGPT has been huge for the general public and the research community, with many authors using the chatbot to write part of their articles and some papers even listing ChatGPT as an author. Alarming ethical and practical challenges emerge from the use of LLMs, particularly in the medical field for the potential impact on public health. Infodemic is a trending topic in public health and the ability of LLMs to rapidly produce vast amounts of text could leverage misinformation spread at an unprecedented scale, this could create an "AI-driven infodemic," a novel public health threat. Policies to contrast this phenomenon need to be rapidly elaborated, the inability to accurately detect artificial-intelligence-produced text is an unresolved issue

    Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets Practice

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    Also this year, the “Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice” took place at Mt. Etna, now in its fourth edition. The school was hosted in the historical Volcanological Observatory “Pizzi Deneri”, one of the most important sites of the INGV - Osservatorio Etneo for geochemical and geophysical monitoring. Mount Etna, located in eastern Sicily, is the largest active volcano in Europe and one of the most intensely degassing volcanoes of the world [Allard et al., 1991; Gerlach, 1991]. Mt Etna emits about 1.6 % of global H2O fluxes from arc volcanism [Aiuppa et al., 2008] and 10 % of global average volcanic emission of CO2 and SO2 [D’Alessandro et al., 1997; Caltabiano et al., 2004; Aiuppa et al., 2008; Carn et al., 2017]. Furthermore, Gauthier and Le Cloarec, [1998] underscored that Mt. Etna is an important source of volcanic particles, having a mass flux of particle passively released from the volcano during non-eruptive period estimated between 7 to 23 tons/day [Martin et al., 2008; Calabrese et al., 2011]. In general, Etna is considered to be still under evolution and rather ‘friendly’, which, along with the above, makes it a favorable natural laboratory to study volcanic geochemistry. The Observatory Pizzi Deneri was sponsored by Haroun Tazieff, and it was built in 1978 by the CNR - International Institute of Volcanology under the direction of Prof. Letterio Villari. It is located at the base of the North-East crater (2,850 m a.s.l.), near the Valle del Leone and it was built on the rim of the Ellittico caldera. A picturesque building, consisting of two characteristics domes in front of the breath-taking panorama of the summit craters. Even though it is quite spartan as an accommodation facility, the dormitories, kitchen, seminar room and laboratory are well equipped. In other words, the Pizzi Deneri observatory is a unique place close to the top of the most active volcano of Europe. The observatory lies in a strategic location making it one of the most important sites for monitoring, research and dissemination of the scientific culture. After six field multidisciplinary campaigns (2010-2015) organized by a group of researchers of several institutions (INGV of Palermo, Catania, Naples, Bologna; Universities of Palermo, Florence, Mainz, Heidelberg), the idea of sharing and passing on the experience to the new generation of students has materialized, and the “Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice” was born in 2016. The four editions of the school were partially funded by INGV of Palermo and Catania, European Geoscience Union (EGU), Società Geochimica Italiana (SoGeI) and Associazione Naturalistica Geode. The conceptual idea of the school is to share scientific knowledge and experiences in the geochemical community, using local resources with a low-cost organization in order to allow as many students as possible access to the school. The “Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice” is addressed to senior graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, fellows, and newly appointed assistant professors, aiming to bring together the next generation of researchers active in studies concerning the geochemistry and the budget of volcanic gases. Introduce the participants with innovative direct sampling and remote sensing techniques. Furthermore, it gives young scientists an opportunity to experiment and evaluate new protocols and techniques to be used on volcanic fluid emissions covering a broad variety of methods. The teaching approach includes theoretical sessions (lectures), practical demonstrations and field applications, conducted by international recognized geochemists. We thank all the teachers who helped to make the school possible, among these: Tobias Fischer (University of New Mexico Albuquerque), Jens Fiebig (Institut für Geowissenschaften Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), Andri Stefansson (University of Iceland, Institute of Earth Sciences), Mike Burton (University of Manchester), Nicole Bobrowski (Universität Heidelberg Institute of Environmental Physics and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry), Alessandro Aiuppa (Università di Palermo), Franco Tassi (Università di Firenze), Walter D’Alessandro (INGV of Palermo), Fatima Viveiros (University of the Azores). Direct sampling of high-to-low temperature fumaroles, plume measurement techniques (using CO2/SO2 sensors such as Multi-GAS instruments, MAX-DOAS instruments and UV SO2 cameras, alkaline traps and particle filters), measurement of diffuse soil gas fluxes of endogenous gases (CO2, Hg0, CH4 and light hydrocarbons), sampling of mud volcanoes, groundwaters and bubbling gases. Sampling sites include the active summit craters, eruptive fractures and peripheral areas. The students have shown an active participation both to the lessons and the fieldworks. Most of them describe the school as formative and useful experience for their future researches. Their enthusiasm is the real engine of this school