28 research outputs found

    The Influence of Light on Olive (Olea europaea L.) Fruit Development Is Cultivar Dependent

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    In olive, the response to environmental conditions, such as light availability, is under genetic control and requires a combination of biochemical and physiological events. We investigated the effect of irradiance in fruit development in two Italian cultivars, Leccino and Frantoio. Morphological and cyto-histological analyses, as well as water and oil content determination, were carried out in fruits exposed to a different light regime (named as light and shade fruits). Results demonstrated that the influence of light availability on fruit development depends on the cultivar. In Leccino, the fresh and the dry weight, the percentage of dry matter, the kernel and fruit diameter, the mesocarp thickness and the mesocarp cell size were higher in the light exposed fruits than in the ones grown in the shade. In Frantoio, differences between light and shade fruits were observed only at 140 DAF (Days After Flowering) and only in the kernel and fruit diameter and in the dry and fresh weight, which were higher in the light exposed fruits. Leccino, therefore, showed a greater sensitivity to the light availability. This may be related to the observed delay in the endocarp lignification as compared to the Frantoio cultivar. In each cultivar, moreover, shade and light fruits did not show differences in the timing of cell differentiation. Finally, the investigation of oil storage carried out in cyto-histological studies demonstrated that differences in oil content between fruit subjected to different light regimes correlated with the number of oil containing cells, rather than the oil content per cell. A different behaviour was observed in the two cultivars: in Leccino, the mesocarp cell size was almost twice of Frantoio, while oil drops were only 30% larger; therefore, the percentage of cell volume occupied by the oil drops was lower in Leccino than in Frantoio. The chemical analysis confirmed this observation

    Unilateral Application of Cathodal tDCS Reduces Transcallosal Inhibition and Improves Visual Acuity in Amblyopic Patients

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    Objective: Amblyopia is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by visual acuity and contrast sensitivity loss, refractory to pharmacological and optical treatments in adulthood. In animals, the corpus callosum (CC) contributes to suppression of visual responses of the amblyopic eye. To investigate the role of interhemispheric pathways in amblyopic patients, we studied the response of the visual cortex to transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) applied over the primary visual area (V1) contralateral to the "lazy eye." Methods: Visual acuity (logMAR) was assessed before (T0), immediately after (T1) and 60' following the application of cathodal tDCS (2.0 mA, 20') in 12 amblyopic patients. At each time point, Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs) triggered by grating stimuli of different contrasts (K90%, K20%) were recorded in both hemispheres and compared to those obtained in healthy volunteers. Results: Cathodal tDCS improved visual acuity respect to baseline (p < 0.0001), whereas sham polarization had no significant effect. At T1, tDCS induced an inhibitory effect on VEPs amplitudes at all contrasts in the targeted side and a facilitation of responses in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the amblyopic eye; compared with controls, the facilitation persisted at T2 for high contrasts (K90%; Holm-Sidak post hoc method, p < 0.001), while the stimulated hemisphere recovered more quickly from inhibition (Holm-Sidak post hoc method, p < 0.001). Conclusions: tDCS is a promising treatment for amblyopia in adults. The rapid recovery of excitability and the concurrent transcallosal disinhibition following perturbation of cortical activity may support a critical role of interhemispheric balance in the pathophysiology of amblyopia

    New developments in filtering surgery for glaucoma patients

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate safety and efficacy of new surgical techniques and new devices used to lower intraocular pressure (IOP) in subjects with uncontrolled primary open-angle glaucoma. Trabeculectomy, Ex-Press with everting suture and a novel aqueous humour microshunt were investigated METHODS: 67 eyes diagnosed with open angle glaucoma with IOPs that are not controlled on maximum tolerated glaucoma medications were randomized in 3 group. Group one’s patients underwent trabeculectomy with releasable suture. Patients in the second group received an Ex-Press with releasable suture and scleral-flap everting suture. Patients in the third group were operated with a novel aqueous humour microshunt. Subjects were examined at 1 day, 1 week, 1,3, 6, 12 and 18 months. RESULTS: At 18 months mean IOP decrease from preoperative value in all groups. In group 1 (25 eyes) from 22.60 ±4,42 mmHg to 14.58 ±3.44 mmHg, in group 2 (25 eyes) from 23.37 ±4.98 mmHg to 14.2 ±3.51 mmHg, in group 3 (17 eyes) from 23.22 ±4,25 mmHg to 12.28 ±2.69 mmHg. Mean medications number dropped from preoperative values in all groups. In group 1 from 2.93 ±0.98 to 0.83 ±0.94, in group 2 from 3.01 ±0.81 to 0.72 ±0.74, in group 3 from 2.86 ±1.00 to 0.29 ±0.47. DISCUSSION: The three techniques analysed showed a good safety profile, especially group 2 and group 3 showed a low complications rate (6 and 4 respectively, p<0.05).Greater IOP reduction was observed in group 3 compared to group 1 (p=0.023) but not to group 2 (p=0.68). Considering the lower number of post-operative medications and the low complications rate microshunt represents a valid and promising alternative to trabeculectomy and Ex-Press


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    La chirurgia del glaucoma per decenni è rimasta confinata essenzialmente agli interventi filtranti classici e alle loro varianti. Questi, pur rappresentando tuttora il gold standard nel trattamento chirurgico di questa patologia sono soggetti ad una quota non trascurabile di complicanze e fallimenti, legati principalmente alla fibrosi ed alla chiusura della bozza congiuntivale dalla cui formazione dipende il successo di questi interventi. Ciò ha portato alla ricerca ed allo sviluppo di nuove tecniche chirurgiche “bleb less”, meno invasive, che non prevedono la formazione di una bozza filtrante. Nell’ambito di queste procedure, Hydrus microstent, il dispositivo oggetto di questo studio, aumenta il deflusso dell’umor acqueo bypassando il trabecolato corneo-sclerale, dilatando il canale di Schlemm e permettendo un migliore accesso dell’acqueo ai canali collettori. I risultati dello studio oggetto di questa tesi hanno dimostrato una buona efficacia in termini di riduzione della pressione intraoculare ed hanno evidenziato una notevole diminuzione del numero dei farmaci antiglaucomatosi utilizzati dai pazienti. In questo studio 41 occhi affetti da glaucoma ad angolo aperto e cataratta sono stati sottoposti a facoemulsificazione con impianto di lente intraoculare ed inserimento di Hydrus microstent nella stessa sessione chirurgica. Al termine dei 12 mesi di follow up la percentuale di successo, inteso come riduzione della pressione intraoculare (IOP) sotto i 21 mmHg con o senza aggiunta di farmaci, è dell’ 85.37 % (35 occhi). Dopo l’operazione la IOP è passata dai valori medi preoperatori di 18.68±3.44 (alla visita di screening) e di 27.33±4.32 (dopo wash-out) al valore medio di 15.9±3.24 ottenuto a 12 mesi dall’intervento. Il numero medio di farmaci ipotonizzanti è sceso di 1.58 passando dal valore preoperatorio di 2.32±1.08 al valore postoperatorio di 0.74±0.87 a distanza di 1 anno. La BCVA è passata da 6/10±1.40 ( range 2-10 ) a 9,06±1,88 a 1 anno. I dati in nostro possesso sui campi visivi di questi pazienti hanno mostrato una riduzione della progressione della malattia. Le complicanze registrate sia nel gruppo andato incontro a successo che in quello andato incontro a fallimento non sono risultate di grave entità e solo in un occhio è stato necessario ricorrere ad intervento di chirurgia filtrante tradizionale. I risultati ottenuti in termini di efficacia e sicurezza in questo studio sono pertanto molto incoraggianti ma ulteriori studi futuri saranno necessari per convalidare quanto riscontrato

    Miopatia Distiroidea

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    Iatrogenic retinal breaks in ultrahigh-speed 25-gauge vitrectomy: A prospective study of elective cases

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    Background/Aims To evaluate the incidence of intraoperative retinal breaks in the ultrahigh-speed (UHS) 25-gauge vitrectomy system in elective vitreous-retina surgery cases. Methods A prospective series of 1676 eyes of 1306 consecutive patients. All eyes underwent an UHS 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy for elective cases such as idiopathic epiretinal membrane (586 cases), floaters (153), macular hole (385), vitreous macular traction syndrome (119), dropped nucleus or intraocular lens (84) and vitreous bleeding (82). Patients were followed up for a minimum of 6 months. Results There were 1409 eyes involved in this study. Iatrogenic retinal breaks were found in 25 eyes (1.8%) during surgery. The majority were detected in cases where posterior vitreous detachment was induced during surgery (21 eyes; 2.8% of the patients), and in only four eyes (0.6%) with an already detached vitreous. In nine cases, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment developed during the follow-up. Patients who showed intraoperative retinal breaks were not in this group. Other complications during the follow-up included two cases of vitreous haemorrhage (0.1%), two cases of dislocated intraocular lens (0.1%), and 23 eyes with hypotony without any further complications. Conclusions UHS 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy is a safe procedure for treatment of elective vitreous-retina cases. The risk of developing iatrogenic breaks seems to be correlated with adhesion of the posterior vitreous hyaloid. Other complications, such as rhegmatogenous retinal detachment or hypotony, were similar to previous reports. No correlation was found between iatrogenic retina breaks and other complications

    Glaucoma e chirurgia rifrattiva

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    Valutazione delle principali problematiche collegate alla chirurgia rifrattiva, in particolare il capitolo glaucoma e chirurgia rifrattiva si occupa della gestione dell'insorgenza di glaucoma in pazienti sottoposti ad intervento laser ad eccimer

    Mini Drainage Devices for Anterior and Intermediate Filtration

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    Mini glaucoma devices for external filtration may be implanted with an ab externo procedure (Ex-PRESS and InnFocus Microshunt) or with an ab interno procedure (XEN Gel stent). The Ex-PRESS is an FDA-approved mini glaucoma device that has been developed in order to simplify anterior guarded filtering procedures, making them faster, safer and easier. It is positioned under a scleral flap and it is introduced in the anterior chamber through a needle hole, avoiding the excision of the corneal-scleral button and the iridectomy. Like other anterior filtering guarded procedures, it may be associated with releasable sutures and with an everting suture (the safe Ex-PRESS procedure) in order to increase safety and efficacy. The InnFocus Microshunt is a new ab externo filtering device currently under investigation; it is very easy to implant and highly promising in terms of safety and efficacy. The XEN Gel stent is an ab interno implanted soft, collagen tube that makes a permanent bypass between the anterior chamber and the subconjunctival space. It is a smart, quick, effective and simple procedure that recently gained FDA approval

    Malignant glaucoma-like syndrome after EX-PRESS filtration surgery

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    Purpose: To report a case of postsurgical shallow anterior chamber and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) simulating malignant glaucoma. Methods: A 20-year-old woman underwent EX-PRESS® device implant for treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma. Results: Postoperative examination showed a shallow anterior chamber, the EX-PRESS® device embedded in the iris, an IOP of 28 mm Hg, and an annular detachment of the choroid ciliary body, suggesting hyperfiltration followed by EX-PRESS® blockage. The anterior chamber was restored using an ophthalmic viscoelastic and an additional suture was applied ensuring the scleral flap. The IOP progressively decreased in the following days and the anterior chamber remained deep and stable. New ocular ultrasonography showed complete resolution of the ciliary body detachment 15 days after surgery. Conclusions: After glaucoma surgery, not every patient with shallow anterior chamber and normal or high IOP necessarily has a ciliary block glaucoma. In our case, hyperfiltration led to choroidal expansion, shallow anterior chamber, obstruction of the EX-PRESS®, and secondary blockage of outflow. The differential diagnosis is important in order to avoid further invasive procedures (i.e., lensectomy or vitrectomy)