274 research outputs found

    Botulinum toxin type A for Holmes tremor secondary to thalamic hemorrhage

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    Holmes tremor (HT) is a low-frequency rest and intentional tremor frequently affecting the upper limb. The tremor, typically aggravated by movements, may in addition show an intrinsic postural component

    Curs 0 d'informàtica a la ESO

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    La idea neix d'una necessitat del centre del practicum d'uniformitzar els coneixements bàsics d’informàtica que l’alumnat ha de tenir per seguir profitosament l'ESO (i encara més dins de l’àmbit de l’Educat 1x1). Considerada la situació territorial del centre, on hi ha un moviment constant de l'alumnat, sovint el professorat es troba en la incertesa de saber els coneixements reals de l'alumnat en el camp de les TIC, eina base per l'escola moderna. Per això el centre ha pensat crear un “Curs 0“ destinat en primer lloc a primer d’ESO, però accessible a tots els nivells per tal que el curs es transformi en una eina de repàs i una ocasió per posar-se al dia amb les TIC. Amb l’ajuda de la plataforma Moodle, el Curs 0, a més del valor didàctic, vol ser un projecte obert, una ajuda en la tasca quotidiana del centre (d’això la transversalitat) a tots els nivells i àmbits, i una referència fins i tot pel professorat. Tanmateix es proposa el curs com una eina interessant per a les aules d’acollida, on es podrà treballar amb imatges, vídeo i sons, del Curs 0. En previsió d’això el projecte es basarà en explicacions i pràctiques breus, senzilles i molt visuals on, per quant possible sigui "el fer" l'eina principal de l'aprenentatge. Donat que es considera el Curs 0 com un projecte obert, es pot considerar en constant evolució i adaptat a les exigències del centre a mesura que vagin sortint. Els arguments per tant s’han de determinar constantment, però seran qüestions elementals i concretes, explicades amb metodologies adaptades a tots els nivells. El material podrà ser original (realitzat amb programari de codi obert o lliure) o aprofitat de l'existent a la xarxa (amb els deguts permisos o llicències). L'interès del treball resideix en resoldre una necessitat especifica del centre i en posar les bases d’un projecte obert que pot arribar a ser un referent en l'activitat quotidiana del centre en l'interès de tota la comunitat escolar

    Mesh Fixation Methods in Groin Hernia Surgery

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    No unanimous consent has been reached by surgeons in terms of a method for mesh fixation in laparoscopic and open surgery for inguinal hernia repair. Many different methods of fixation are available, and the choice of which one to use is still based on surgeons’ preferences. At present, tissue glues, sutures, and laparoscopic tacks are the most common fixating methods. In open technique, sutures have been the method of choice for their reduced costs and surgeons’ habits. Nevertheless, tissue glues have been demonstrated to be effective and safe. Similarly, tacks can be considered the most common means of fixation in laparoscopic hernia repair, but they are connected to a higher risk of complication and morbidity. In this chapter, we present these types of mesh fixation, their characteristics and potential risks, and advantages of their use


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    In the disciplinary field, the term procedere (from the lat. procedĕre, comp. of pro ‘ahead’ and cedĕre ‘to go’) [Treccani], effectively recalls the action of advancing, of developing, in a temporal sense, in a continuous process, proper of Representation, of decoding, interpre-tation, and analysis of Architecture. The discipline of Drawing is constantly evolving, taking advantage of cultural and technical evolution, technological innovation tools for knowledge and design, forms of organizing thought, and producing the environment. However, the word procedere (develop) also recalls the action of deriving, originating, com-ing, arising, emphasizing that experimental research and new procedural contributions draw lymph from the disciplinary tradition, which, through the language of Drawing – a code that can never be delegated –, plays a basic role. The complementarity and synergy of all the graphic-expressive methods of representation, therefore, constitute an indispensable cultural baggage that enriches the researcher and allows him to manage the instruments of knowledge as well as to govern the geometric properties that regulate space, to be able to read, communicate and divulge Architecture

    Prodromal non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

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    The motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD), bradykinesia, muscular rigidity, and tremor depend upon degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Recent neuropathological studies show that the Lewy bodies, the intraneuronal landmark of PD, accumulate in several neuronal cell types in the brain. An ascending gradient of pathological involvement, from the medulla oblongata to neocortical areas has been reported. Thus the original view of PD as a disease characterized by selective damage of the dopaminergic neurons in the mesencephalon should be updated into the concept of a severe multisystemic neurodegenerative disorder. Additionally, the neuropathological alterations outside the substantia nigra are soundly correlated with the non-motor symptoms of PD. As a result of these findings, interest is growing in the identification of prodromal non-motor symptoms of PD. Indeed, data from the literature suggest that autonomic disturbances, olfactory dysfunctions, depression and sleep disorders (in particular REM-sleep behavior disorder) may represent prodromal non-motor symptoms of PD. Several tests are available to detect most of these symptoms. Thus, the identification of prodromal non-motor symptoms may contribute to the precocious diagnosis of PD, and might be useful in the future to test the efficacy of neuroprotective agents

    Impact of counter-bore nozzle on the combustion process and exhaust emissions for light-duty diesel engine application

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    This is the author s version of a work that was accepted for publication in International Journal of Engine Research. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published as https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087418819250[EN] This article describes the main results of an investigation about counter-bore injector nozzle impact on the combustion process in a modern Euro 6 diesel engine. First, hydraulic and spray visualization tests have been performed, showing a potential advantage of such nozzle design in fuel-air mixing efficiency. Then, combustion performance has been assessed on a GM-designed 1.6-L four-cylinder engine. The engine has been installed on a dynamometric test bench and instrumented with an AVL cylinder pressure transducer for heat release rate analysis, as well as HORIBA MEXA gas analyzer for exhaust emissions and AVL 415 Smoke Meter. Engine efficiency and emissions have been analyzed on four different part-load steady-state points, representative of New European Driving Cycle and Worldwide harmonized Light duty Test Cycle certification cycles, and covering engine speeds from 1250 to 2000 r/min and brake mean effective pressure between 0.2 and 1.4 MPa. Results of indicated analysis show that counter-bore nozzles have significant differences in terms of pilot injection combustion at low load points, which in turn lead to a better ignition and shorter combustion of the main injection. In addition, an improvement of diffusive combustion is observed as load increases. Because of both, fuel consumption is reduced by approximately 1% with respect to a standard nozzle. Finally, an appreciable decrease in engine exhaust emissions has been recorded, especially in terms of particulate matter and hydrocarbon emissions. This reduction has been linked to the improvement of fuel-air mixing promoted by the counter-bore nozzle previously observed.The authors would like to thank General Motors Global Propulsion Systems-Torino S.r.l. for sponsoring the current work. Part of the equipment was purchased with the help of Generalitat Valenciana in project IDIFEDER2018 with title "Equipamiento de diagnostico optico de alta velocidad para estudiar procesos de inyeccion''.Payri, R.; De La Morena, J.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; Pesce, FC.; Vassallo, A. (2019). Impact of counter-bore nozzle on the combustion process and exhaust emissions for light-duty diesel engine application. International Journal of Engine Research. 20(1):46-57. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087418819250S4657201Kastengren, A. L., Tilocco, F. Z., Powell, C. F., Manin, J., Pickett, L. M., Payri, R., & Bazyn, T. (2012). ENGINE COMBUSTION NETWORK (ECN): MEASUREMENTS OF NOZZLE GEOMETRY AND HYDRAULIC BEHAVIOR. Atomization and Sprays, 22(12), 1011-1052. doi:10.1615/atomizspr.2013006309Payri, R., Viera, J. P., Gopalakrishnan, V., & Szymkowicz, P. G. (2016). The effect of nozzle geometry over internal flow and spray formation for three different fuels. Fuel, 183, 20-33. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.06.041Postrioti, L., Malaguti, S., Bosi, M., Buitoni, G., Piccinini, S., & Bagli, G. (2014). Experimental and numerical characterization of a direct solenoid actuation injector for Diesel engine applications. Fuel, 118, 316-328. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2013.11.001Payri, R., Gimeno, J., De la Morena, J., Battiston, P. A., Wadhwa, A., & Straub, R. (2016). Study of new prototype pintle injectors for diesel engine application. Energy Conversion and Management, 122, 419-427. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2016.06.003Payri, R., Bracho, G., Marti-Aldaravi, P., & Viera, A. (2017). NEAR FIELD VISUALIZATION OF DIESEL SPRAY FOR DIFFERENT NOZZLE INCLINATION ANGLES IN NON-VAPORIZING CONDITIONS. Atomization and Sprays, 27(3), 251-267. doi:10.1615/atomizspr.2017017949Li, T., Moon, S., Sato, K., & Yokohata, H. (2017). A comprehensive study on the factors affecting near-nozzle spray dynamics of multi-hole GDI injectors. Fuel, 190, 292-302. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.11.009Payri, R., Viera, J. P., Gopalakrishnan, V., & Szymkowicz, P. G. (2017). The effect of nozzle geometry over ignition delay and flame lift-off of reacting direct-injection sprays for three different fuels. Fuel, 199, 76-90. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.02.075Yao, C., Geng, P., Yin, Z., Hu, J., Chen, D., & Ju, Y. (2016). Impacts of nozzle geometry on spray combustion of high pressure common rail injectors in a constant volume combustion chamber. Fuel, 179, 235-245. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.03.097Hong, J. G., Ku, K. W., Kim, S. R., & Lee, C. W. (2010). EFFECT OF CAVITATION IN CIRCULAR NOZZLE AND ELLIPTICAL NOZZLES ON THE SPRAY CHARACTERISTIC. Atomization and Sprays, 20(10), 877-886. doi:10.1615/atomizspr.v20.i10.40Molina, S., Salvador, F. J., Carreres, M., & Jaramillo, D. (2014). A computational investigation on the influence of the use of elliptical orifices on the inner nozzle flow and cavitation development in diesel injector nozzles. Energy Conversion and Management, 79, 114-127. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2013.12.015Taskiran, O. O., & Ergeneman, M. (2014). Effect of nozzle dimensions and fuel type on flame lift-off length. Fuel, 115, 833-840. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2013.03.005He, Z., Guo, G., Tao, X., Zhong, W., Leng, X., & Wang, Q. (2016). Study of the effect of nozzle hole shape on internal flow and spray characteristics. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 71, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2015.12.002Salvador, F. J., de la Morena, J., Carreres, M., & Jaramillo, D. (2017). Numerical analysis of flow characteristics in diesel injector nozzles with convergent-divergent orifices. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 231(14), 1935-1944. doi:10.1177/0954407017692220Baldwin, E. T., Grover, R. O., Parrish, S. E., Duke, D. J., Matusik, K. E., Powell, C. F., … Schmidt, D. P. (2016). String flash-boiling in gasoline direct injection simulations with transient needle motion. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 87, 90-101. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2016.09.004Payri, R., Salvador, F. J., Gimeno, J., & Bracho, G. (2008). A NEW METHODOLOGY FOR CORRECTING THE SIGNAL CUMULATIVE PHENOMENON ON INJECTION RATE MEASUREMENTS. Experimental Techniques, 32(1), 46-49. doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2007.00188.xDesantes, J. M., Pastor, J. V., García-Oliver, J. M., & Pastor, J. M. (2009). A 1D model for the description of mixing-controlled reacting diesel sprays. Combustion and Flame, 156(1), 234-249. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2008.10.008PASTOR, J., JAVIERLOPEZ, J., GARCIA, J., & PASTOR, J. (2008). A 1D model for the description of mixing-controlled inert diesel sprays. Fuel, 87(13-14), 2871-2885. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2008.04.017Payri, F., Molina, S., Martín, J., & Armas, O. (2006). Influence of measurement errors and estimated parameters on combustion diagnosis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(2-3), 226-236. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2005.05.00

    A study on the stability of carbon nanoforms–polyimidazolium network hybrids in the conversion of co2 into cyclic carbonates:Increase in catalytic activity after reuse

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    Three different carbon nanoforms (CNFs), single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs, MWCNTs) and carbon nanohorns (CNHs), have been used as supports for the direct polymerization of variable amounts of a bis-vinylimidazolium salt. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed that all CNFs act as templates on the growth of the polymeric network, which perfectly covers the nanocarbons forming a cylindrical (SWCNTs, MWCNTs) or spherical (CNHs) coating. The stability of these hybrid materials was investigated in the conversion of CO(2) into cyclic carbonate under high temperature and CO(2) pressure. Compared with the homopolymerized monomer, nanotube-based materials display an improved catalytic activity. Beside the low catalytic loading (0.05–0.09 mol%) and the absence of Lewis acid co-catalysts, all the materials showed high TON values (up to 1154 for epichlorohydrin with SW-1:2). Interestingly, despite the loss of part of the polymeric coating for crumbling or peeling, the activity increases upon recycling of the materials, and this behaviour was ascribed to their change in morphology, which led to materials with higher surface areas and with more accessible catalytic sites. Transmission electron microscopy analysis, along with different experiments, have been carried out in order to elucidate these findings

    Obesity and Breast Cancer: Molecular Interconnections and Potential Clinical Applications

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    Obesity is an important risk factor for breast cancer (BC) in postmenopausal women; interlinked molecular mechanisms might be involved in the pathogenesis. Increased levels of estrogens due to aromatization of the adipose tissue, inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, and prostaglandin E2, insulin resistance and hyperactivation of insulin-like growth factors pathways, adipokines, and oxidative stress are all abnormally regulated in obese women and contribute to cancerogenesis. These molecular factors interfere with intracellular signaling in the mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatydilinositol-3-phosphate/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathways, which regulate the progression of the cell cycle, apoptosis, and protein synthesis. In this context, structural defects of typical genes related to both BC and obesity, such as leptin, leptin receptor, serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1, the fat mass and obesity-associated gene and melanocortin receptor 4, have been associated with a high or low risk of BC development. The early detection of these gene alterations might be useful as risk predictors in obese women, and targeting these pathways involved in the BC pathogenesis in obese women is a potential therapeutic tool. In particular, mTOR pathway deregulation concurs in both obesity and BC, and inhibition of this might disrupt the molecular interlinks in a similar manner to that of metformin, which exerts definite anticancer activity and is currently used as an antidiabetic drug with a weight-reducing property. The identification of both genetic and pharmacological implications on the prevention and management of BC is the ultimate aim of these studies

    Changes in androgens and insulin sensitivity indexes throughout pregnancy in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): relationships with adverse outcomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Given the high rate of pregnancy and perinatal complications recently observed in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and the lack of data on the serum variations in androgens and insulin sensitivity indexes in pregnant women with PCOS, the current study was aimed to assess these changes and their potential effect on pregnancy outcomes in a population of women with PCOS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-five pregnant patients with ovulatory PCOS (PCOS group) and other 42 healthy pregnant women (control group) were studied assaying serum androgen levels and insulin sensitivity indexes throughout pregnancy serially, and recording obstetrical outcomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Serum androgen levels and insulin resistance indexes were significantly (<it>p </it>< 0.05) higher in PCOS than in control group at study entry, these differences were sustained throughout pregnancy, and their changes resulted significantly (<it>p </it>< 0.05) different between PCOS and control group. In PCOS patients, women who had a complicated pregnancy showed serum androgen levels and insulin sensitivity indexes significantly (<it>p </it>< 0.05) worse in comparison to subjects without any pregnancy and/or neonatal complications.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PCOS patients have impaired changes in serum androgen levels and insulin sensitivity indexes during pregnancy. These alterations could be implicated in the pregnancy and neonatal complications frequently observed in women affected by PCOS.</p

    Serum and follicular anti-Mullerian hormone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) under metformin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>No data regarding metformin effects on follicular fluid anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels were to date available in literature. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) whether metformin administration affects serum and follicular AMH levels, and whether this is related to ovarian response to the treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty young patients with PCOS who had received metformin were enrolled. Ten patients were anovulatory (Met-anov group), whereas the other 10 were ovulatory (Met-ov group) but had failed to conceive. Further untreated PCOS (PCOS controls, n. 10) and healthy controls (non-PCOS controls, n. 10) who were scheduled for laparoscopic surgery were enrolled. In each subjects, clinical and biochemical evaluations were performed. AMH concentrations in blood and antral follicular fluid were assayed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In both Met-anov and Met-ov groups, and without difference between them, serum androgens and AMH, and indices of insulin resistance were significantly (<it>p </it>< 0.05) improved after treatment. On the other hand, significant differences (<it>p </it>< 0.05) between the two groups were detected with respect to the same biochemical parameters in antral follicular fluid. In the Met-anov group, no significant correlation was observed between AMH concentrations in the follicular fluid and variation in serum androgens, AMH and insulin resistance indexes; whereas in Met-ov group significant correlations were detected between AMH levels in the follicular fluid and variation in serum androgens, AMH and insulin resistance indexes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Metformin administration in patients with PCOS exerts a differential action on the ovarian AMH levels on the basis of ovulatory response. Changes in AMH levels in antral follicular fluid during metformin treatment could be involved in the local mechanisms mediating the ovulatory restoration.</p