34 research outputs found

    Volcanic Hot-Spot Detection Using SENTINEL-2: A Comparison with MODIS−MIROVA Thermal Data Series

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    In the satellite thermal remote sensing, the new generation of sensors with high-spatial resolution SWIR data open the door to an improved constraining of thermal phenomena related to volcanic processes, with strong implications for monitoring applications. In this paper, we describe a new hot-spot detection algorithm developed for SENTINEL-2/MSI data that combines spectral indices on the SWIR bands 8a-11-12 (with a 20-meter resolution) with a spatial and statistical analysis on clusters of alerted pixels. The algorithm is able to detect hot-spot-contaminated pixels (S2Pix) in a wide range of environments and for several types of volcanic activities, showing high accuracy performances of about 1% and 94% in averaged omission and commission rates, respectively, underlining a strong reliability on a global scale. The S2-derived thermal trends, retrieved at eight key-case volcanoes, are then compared with the Volcanic Radiative Power (VRP) derived from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and processed by the MIROVA (Middle InfraRed Observation of Volcanic Activity) system during an almost four-year-long period, January 2016 to October 2019. The presented data indicate an overall excellent correlation between the two thermal signals, enhancing the higher sensitivity of SENTINEL-2 to detect subtle, low-temperature thermal signals. Moreover, for each case we explore the specific relationship between S2Pix and VRP showing how different volcanic processes (i.e., lava flows, domes, lakes and open-vent activity) produce a distinct pattern in terms of size and intensity of the thermal anomaly. These promising results indicate how the algorithm here presented could be applicable for volcanic monitoring purposes and integrated into operational systems. Moreover, the combination of high-resolution (S2/MSI) and moderate-resolution (MODIS) thermal timeseries constitutes a breakthrough for future multi-sensor hot-spot detection systems, with increased monitoring capabilities that are useful for communities which interact with active volcanoes

    The Capabilities of FY-3D/MERSI-II Sensor to Detect and Quantify Thermal Volcanic Activity: The 2020–2023 Mount Etna Case Study

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    Satellite data provide crucial information to better understand volcanic processes and mitigate associated risks. In recent years, exploiting the growing number of spaceborne polar platforms, several automated volcanic monitoring systems have been developed. These, however, rely on good geometrical and meteorological conditions, as well as on the occurrence of thermally detectable activity at the time of acquisition. A multiplatform approach can thus increase the number of volcanological-suitable scenes, minimise the temporal gap between acquisitions, and provide crucial information on the onset, evolution, and conclusion of both transient and long-lasting volcanic episodes. In this work, we assessed the capabilities of the MEdium Resolution Spectral Imager-II (MERSI-II) sensor aboard the Fengyun-3D (FY-3D) platform to detect and quantify heat flux sourced from volcanic activity. Using the Middle Infrared Observation of Volcanic Activity (MIROVA) algorithm, we processed 3117 MERSI-II scenes of Mount Etna acquired between January 2020 and February 2023. We then compared the Volcanic Radiative Power (VRP, in Watt) timeseries against those obtained by MODIS and VIIRS sensors. The remarkable agreement between the timeseries, both in trends and magnitudes, was corroborated by correlation coefficients (ρ) between 0.93 and 0.95 and coefficients of determination (R2) ranging from 0.79 to 0.84. Integrating the datasets of the three sensors, we examined the effusive eruption of Mount Etna started on 27 November 2022, and estimated a total volume of erupted lava of 8.15 ± 2.44 × 106 m3 with a Mean Output Rate (MOR) of 1.35 ± 0.40 m3 s-1. The reduced temporal gaps between acquisitions revealed that rapid variations in cloud coverage as well as geometrically unfavourable conditions play a major role in thermal volcano monitoring. Evaluating the capabilities of MERSI-II, we also highlight how a multiplatform approach is essential to enhance the efficiency of satellite-based systems for volcanic surveillance

    Volcanic CO2 tracks the incubation period of basaltic paroxysms

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    The ordinarily benign activity of basaltic volcanoes is periodically interrupted by violent paroxysmal explosions ranging in size from Hawaiian to Plinian in the most extreme examples. These paroxysms often occur suddenly and with limited or no precursors, leaving their causal mechanisms still incompletely understood. Two such events took place in summer 2019 at Stromboli, a volcano otherwise known for its persistent mild open-vent activity, resulting in one fatality and damage to infrastructure. Here, we use a post hoc analysis and reinterpretation of volcanic gas compositions and fluxes acquired at Stromboli to show that the two paroxysms were preceded by detectable escalations in volcanic plume CO(2) degassing weeks to months beforehand. Our results demonstrate that volcanic gas CO(2) is a key driver of explosions and that the preparatory periods ahead of explosions in basaltic systems can be captured by precursory CO(2) leakage from deeply stored mafic magma

    Constructive and Destructive Processes During the 2018–2019 Eruption Episode at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka, Studied From Satellite and Aerial Data

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    Dome-building volcanoes often develop by intrusion and extrusion, recurrent destabilization and sector collapses, and renewed volcanic growth inside the collapse embayment. However, details of the structural architecture affiliated with renewed volcanic activity and the influences of regional structures remain poorly understood. Here, we analyze the recent activity of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, characterized by repeated episodes of lava dome growth and destruction due to large explosions and gravity-driven collapses. We collect and process a multisensor dataset comprising high-resolution optical (aerial and tri-stereo Pleiades satellite), radar (TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X satellites), and thermal (aerial and MODIS, Sentinel-2, and Landsat 8 satellites) data. We investigate the evolution of the 2018–2019 eruption episode and evaluate the morphological and structural changes that led to the August 29, 2019 explosive eruption and partial dome collapse. Our results show that a new massive lava lobe gradually extruded onto the SW flank of the dome, concurrent with magmatic intrusion into the eastern dome sector, adding 0.15 km3 to the lava dome complex. As the amphitheater infilled, new eruption craters emerged along a SW-NE alignment close to the amphitheater rim. Then, the large August 29, 2019 explosive eruption occurred, followed by partial dome collapse, which was initially directed away from this SW-NE trend. The eruption and collapse removed 0.11 km3 of the dome edifice and led to the formation of a new central SW-NE-elongated crater with dimensions of 430 m × 490 m, a collapse scar at the eastern part of the dome, and pyroclastic density currents that traveled ∌12 km downslope. This work sheds light on the structural architecture dominated by a SW-NE lineament and the complex interplay of volcano constructive and destructive processes. We develop a conceptual model emphasizing the relevance of structural trends, namely, 1) a SW-NE-oriented (possibly regional) structure and 2) the infilled amphitheater and its decollement surface, both of which are vital for understanding the directions of growth and collapse and for assessing the potential hazards at both Shiveluch and dome-building volcanoes elsewhere

    Characteristics of psychiatric comorbidities in emergency medicine setting and impact on length of hospitalization: A retrospective study

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    This study aims to evaluate clinical correlates of psychiatric comorbidity and length of hospitalization in patients admitted in a general hospital emergency medicine setting. Overall, 160 patients hospitalized for different acute medical pathologies were selected consecutively over 12 months. All subjects were evaluated with proper forms to collect data on medical and psychiatric diagnoses. Levels of C-reactive protein were also measured in all patients. Statistical analyses were conducted with univariate, logistic, and multiple linear regressions. Patients with psychiatric comorbidity had significantly longer hospitalization than did patients with no psychiatric diagnoses (days 10.9±9.5 vs. 6.9±4.5, p<0.005). Agitation and delirium were more frequent in the psychiatry comorbidity study group (p<0.05), as was cognitive impairment (p=0.001). These variables predicted longer hospitalisation (respectively: t=-3.27, p=0.002; t=-2.64, p=0.009; t=-2.85, p=0.006). Psychiatric comorbidity acts as an adjunct factor in determining clinical severity and predicting a more difficult recovery in patients hospitalized in an emergency medicine setting

    Shallow magma convection evidenced by excess degassing and thermal radiation during the dome-forming Sabancaya eruption (2012–2020)

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    We used a large set of satellite- (visible, infrared, and radar images from Planetscope, MODIS, VIIRS, Sentinel2, Landsat 8, and Sentinel 1) and ground-based data (optical images, SO2 flux, shallow seismicity) to describe and characterize the activity of the Sabancaya volcano during the unrest and eruption phases that occurred between 2012 and 2020. The unrest phase (2012–2016) was characterized by increasing gas and thermal flux, sourced by a convective magma column rising along with the remnants of a buried plug still permeable to fluid flow. Conversely, a new conduit, adjacent to the previous one, fed the eruptive phase (2016–2020) which was instead characterized by a discontinuous extrusive activity, with phases of dome growth (at rates from 0.04 to 0.75 m3 s−1) and collapse. The extrusive activity was accompanied by fluctuating thermal anomalies (0.5–25 MW), by irregular SO2 degassing (700–7000 tons day−1), and by variable explosive activity (4–100 events d−1) producing repeated vulcanian ash plumes (500–5000 m above the crater). Magma budget calculation during the eruptive phase indicates a large excess of degassing, with the volume of degassed magma (0.25–1.28 km3) much higher than the volume of erupted magma (< 0.01 km3). Similarly, the thermal energy radiated by the eruption was much higher than that sourced by the dome itself, an unbalance that, by analogy with the degassing, we define as “excess thermal radiation”. Both of these unbalances are consistent with the presence of shallow magma convection that fed the extrusive and explosive activity of the Sabancaya dome

    Thermal Remote Sensing for Global Volcano Monitoring: Experiences From the MIROVA System

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    Volcanic activity is always accompanied by the transfer of heat from the Earth's crust to the atmosphere. This heat can be measured from space and its measurement is a very useful tool for detecting volcanic activity on a global scale. MIROVA (Middle Infrared Observation of Volcanic Activity) is an automatic volcano hot spot detection system, based on the analysis of MODIS data (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer). The system is able to detect, locate and quantify thermal anomalies in near real-time, by providing, on a dedicated website (www.mirovaweb.it), infrared images and thermal flux time-series on over 200 volcanoes worldwide. Thanks to its simple interface and intuitive representation of the data, MIROVA is currently used by several volcano observatories for daily monitoring activities and reporting. In this paper, we present the architecture of the system and we provide a state of the art on satellite thermal data usage for operational volcano monitoring and research. In particular, we describe the contribution that the thermal data have provided in order to detect volcanic unrest, to forecast eruptions and to depict trends and patterns during eruptive crisis. The current limits and requirements to improve the quality of the data, their distribution and interpretation are also discussed, in the light of the experience gained in recent years within the volcanological community. The results presented clearly demonstrate how the open access of satellite thermal data and the sharing of derived products allow a better understanding of ongoing volcanic phenomena, and therefore constitute an essential requirement for the assessment of volcanic hazards. Peer reviewe

    Thermal Remote Sensing for Global Volcano Monitoring: Experiences From the MIROVA System

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    Volcanic activity is always accompanied by the transfer of heat from the Earth’s crust to the atmosphere. This heat can be measured from space and its measurement is a very useful tool for detecting volcanic activity on a global scale. MIROVA (Middle Infrared Observation of Volcanic Activity) is an automatic volcano hot spot detection system, based on the analysis of MODIS data (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer). The system is able to detect, locate and quantify thermal anomalies in near real-time, by providing, on a dedicated website (www.mirovaweb.it), infrared images and thermal flux time-series on over 200 volcanoes worldwide. Thanks to its simple interface and intuitive representation of the data, MIROVA is currently used by several volcano observatories for daily monitoring activities and reporting. In this paper, we present the architecture of the system and we provide a state of the art on satellite thermal data usage for operational volcano monitoring and research. In particular, we describe the contribution that the thermal data have provided in order to detect volcanic unrest, to forecast eruptions and to depict trends and patterns during eruptive crisis. The current limits and requirements to improve the quality of the data, their distribution and interpretation are also discussed, in the light of the experience gained in recent years within the volcanological community. The results presented clearly demonstrate how the open access of satellite thermal data and the sharing of derived products allow a better understanding of ongoing volcanic phenomena, and therefore constitute an essential requirement for the assessment of volcanic hazards

    The Transition from MODIS to VIIRS for Global Volcano Thermal Monitoring

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    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is one of the most-used sensors for monitoring volcanoes and has been providing time series of Volcanic Radiative Power (VRP) on a global scale for two decades now. In this work, we analyzed the data provided by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) by using the Middle Infrared Observation of Volcanic Activity (MIROVA) algorithm, originally developed to analyze MODIS data. The resulting VRP is compared with both the MIROVAMODIS data as well as with the Fire Radiative Power (FRP), distributed by the Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). The analysis on 9 active volcanoes reveals that VIIRS data analyzed with the MIROVA algorithm allows detecting ~60% more alerts than MODIS, due to a greater number of overpasses (+30%) and improved quality of VIIRS radiance data. Furthermore, the comparison with the nighttime FIRMS database indicates greater effectiveness of the MIROVA algorithm in detecting low-intensity (&lt;10 MW) thermal anomalies (up to 90% more alerts than FIRMS). These results confirm the great potential of VIIRS to complement, replace and improve MODIS capabilities for global volcano thermal monitoring, because of the future end of Terra and Aqua Earth-observing satellite mission of National Aeronautics and Space Administration&rsquo;s (NASA)