19 research outputs found

    Transformer Networks for Trajectory Forecasting

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    Most recent successes on forecasting the people motion are based on LSTM models and all most recent progress has been achieved by modelling the social interaction among people and the people interaction with the scene. We question the use of the LSTM models and propose the novel use of Transformer Networks for trajectory forecasting. This is a fundamental switch from the sequential step-by-step processing of LSTMs to the only-attention-based memory mechanisms of Transformers. In particular, we consider both the original Transformer Network (TF) and the larger Bidirectional Transformer (BERT), state-of-the-art on all natural language processing tasks. Our proposed Transformers predict the trajectories of the individual people in the scene. These are "simple" model because each person is modelled separately without any complex human-human nor scene interaction terms. In particular, the TF model without bells and whistles yields the best score on the largest and most challenging trajectory forecasting benchmark of TrajNet. Additionally, its extension which predicts multiple plausible future trajectories performs on par with more engineered techniques on the 5 datasets of ETH + UCY. Finally, we show that Transformers may deal with missing observations, as it may be the case with real sensor data. Code is available at https://github.com/FGiuliari/Trajectory-Transformer.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Leveraging commonsense for object localisation in partial scenes

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    We propose an end-to-end solution to address the problem of object localisation in partial scenes, where we aim to estimate the position of an object in an unknown area given only a partial 3D scan of the scene. We propose a novel scene representation to facilitate the geometric reasoning, Directed Spatial Commonsense Graph (D-SCG), a spatial scene graph that is enriched with additional concept nodes from a commonsense knowledge base. Specifically, the nodes of D-SCG represent the scene objects and the edges are their relative positions. Each object node is then connected via different commonsense relationships to a set of concept nodes. With the proposed graph-based scene representation, we estimate the unknown position of the target object using a Graph Neural Network that implements a novel attentional message passing mechanism. The network first predicts the relative positions between the target object and each visible object by learning a rich representation of the objects via aggregating both the object nodes and the concept nodes in D-SCG. These relative positions then are merged to obtain the final position. We evaluate our method using Partial ScanNet, improving the state-of-the-art by 5.9% in terms of the localisation accuracy at a 8x faster training speed.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.0538

    POMP++: Pomcp-based Active Visual Search in unknown indoor environments

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    In this paper we focus on the problem of learning online an optimal policy for Active Visual Search (AVS) of objects in unknown indoor environments. We propose POMP++, a planning strategy that introduces a novel formulation on top of the classic Partially Observable Monte Carlo Planning (POMCP) framework, to allow training-free online policy learning in unknown environments. We present a new belief reinvigoration strategy which allows to use POMCP with a dynamically growing state space to address the online generation of the floor map. We evaluate our method on two public benchmark datasets, AVD that is acquired by real robotic platforms and Habitat ObjectNav that is rendered from real 3D scene scans, achieving the best success rate with an improvement of >10% over the state-of-the-art methods

    POMP: Pomcp-based Online Motion Planning for active visual search in indoor environments

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    In this paper we focus on the problem of learning an optimal policy for Active Visual Search (AVS) of objects in known indoor environments with an online setup. Our POMP method uses as input the current pose of an agent (e.g. a robot) and a RGB-D frame. The task is to plan the next move that brings the agent closer to the target object. We model this problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process solved by a Monte-Carlo planning approach. This allows us to make decisions on the next moves by iterating over the known scenario at hand, exploring the environment and searching for the object at the same time. Differently from the current state of the art in Reinforcement Learning, POMP does not require extensive and expensive (in time and computation) labelled data so being very agile in solving AVS in small and medium real scenarios. We only require the information of the floormap of the environment, an information usually available or that can be easily extracted from an a priori single exploration run. We validate our method on the publicly available AVD benchmark, achieving an average success rate of 0.76 with an average path length of 17.1, performing close to the state of the art but without any training needed. Additionally, we show experimentally the robustness of our method when the quality of the object detection goes from ideal to faulty

    Spatial Reasoning with Graph Neural Networks

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    Spatial reasoning, a crucial aspect of human cognition, is essential for interpreting and interacting within a three-dimensional environment. This ability is equally crucial in automated systems, particularly those functioning in dynamic, real-world scenarios where spatial interaction is a fundamental requirement. This thesis focuses on integrating spatial reasoning into computational systems, starting with the explicit incorporation of spatial reasoning through manually encoded rules for robot navigation. Here, the emphasis is on maintaining complete control over the system’s actions, ensuring predictability and transparency in its behavior. Learning-based solutions are then analyzed for cases where the complexity of scenarios makes manual encoding of rules impractical. Specifically, the use of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is motivated by their proficiency in handling data with varying components and types, showcasing their effectiveness in tasks like object localization and object reassembly. We demonstrate that, by using GNNs combined with Attention mechanisms and a graph representation of the 3D environment, we are able to achieve remarkable capabilities in representing complex spatial relationships, resulting in state-of-the-art performance in Object Localization in Partial 3D Scenes. Finally, we enhance the spatial reasoning capabilities of GNNs by integrating them with Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs). This approach uses DPMs for iterative solution refinement from random noise, moving beyond single-step predictions. In this thesis, we show that Graph Neural Networks are an extremely versatile and effective solution for solving spatial problems that can be represented using graphs. They are able to solve complex tasks, such as Object Localization in Partial Scenes and Object Reassembly, outperforming other non-GNN-based approaches

    Leveraging Commonsense for Object Localisation in Partial Scenes

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    We propose an end-to-end solution to address the problem of object localisation in partial scenes, where we aim to estimate the position of an object in an unknown area given only a partial 3D scan of the scene. We propose a novel scene representation to facilitate the geometric reasoning, Directed Spatial Commonsense Graph (D-SCG), a spatial scene graph that is enriched with additional concept nodes from a commonsense knowledge base. Specifically, the nodes of D-SCG represent the scene objects and the edges are their relative positions. Each object node is then connected via different commonsense relationships to a set of concept nodes. With the proposed graph-based scene representation, we estimate the unknown position of the target object using a Graph Neural Network that implements a sparse attentional message passing mechanism. The network first predicts the relative positions between the target object and each visible object by learning a rich representation of the objects via aggregating both the object nodes and the concept nodes in D-SCG. These relative positions then are merged to obtain the final position. We evaluate our method using Partial ScanNet, improving the state-of-the-art by 5.9% in terms of the localisation accuracy at a 8x faster training speed

    POMP++: Pomcp-based Active Visual Search in unknown indoor environments

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    In this paper we focus on the problem of learning online an optimal policy for Active Visual Search (AVS) of objects in unknown indoor environments. We propose POMP++, a planning strategy that introduces a novel formulation on top of the classic Partially Observable Monte Carlo Planning (POMCP) framework, to allow training-free online policy learning in unknown environments. We present a new belief reinvigoration strategy which allows to use POMCP with a dynamically growing state space to address the online generation of the floor map. We evaluate our method on two public benchmark datasets, AVD that is acquired by real robotic platforms and Habitat ObjectNav that is rendered from real 3D scene scans, achieving the best success rate with an improvement of >10% over the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted at 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    Transformer Networks for Trajectory Forecasting

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    Most recent successes on forecasting the people motion are based on LSTM models and all most recent progress has been achieved by modelling the social interaction among people and the people interaction with the scene. We question the use of the LSTM models and propose the novel use of Transformer Networks for trajectory forecasting. This is a fundamental switch from the sequential step-by-step processing of LSTMs to the only-attention-based memory mechanisms of Transformers. In particular, we consider both the original Transformer Network (TF) and the larger Bidirectional Transformer (BERT), state-of-the-art on all natural language processing tasks. Our proposed Transformers predict the trajectories of the individual people in the scene. These are “simple” models because each person is modelled separately without any complex human-human nor scene interaction terms. In particular, the TF model without bells and whistles yields the best score on the largest and most challenging trajectory forecasting benchmark of TrajNet [1]. Additionally, its extension which predicts multiple plausible future trajectories performs on par with more engineered techniques on the 5 datasets of ETH [2]+UCY [3]. Finally, we show that Transformers may deal with missing observations, as it may be the case with real sensor data. Code is available at github.com/FGiuliari/Trajectory-Transformer

    Spatial Commonsense Graph for Object Localisation in Partial Scenes

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    We solve object localisation in partial scenes, a new problem of estimating the unknown position of an object (e.g. where is the bag?) given a partial 3D scan of a scene. The proposed solution is based on a novel scene graph model, the Spatial Commonsense Graph (SCG), where objects are the nodes and edges define pairwise distances between them, enriched by concept nodes and relationships from a commonsense knowledge base. This allows SCG to better generalise its spatial inference to unknown 3D scenes. The SCG is used to estimate the unknown position of the target object in two steps: first, we feed the SCG into a novel Proximity Prediction Network, a graph neural network that uses attention to perform distance prediction between the node representing the target object and the nodes representing the observed objects in the SCG; second, we propose a Localisation Module based on circular intersection to estimate the object position using all the predicted pairwise distances in order to be independent of any reference system. We create a new dataset of partially reconstructed scenes to benchmark our method and baselines for object localisation in partial scenes, where our proposed method achieves the best localisation performance. Code and Dataset are available here: https://github.com/IIT-PAVIS/SpatialCommonsenseGrap