73 research outputs found

    On constrained annealed bounds for pinning and wetting models

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    The free energy of quenched disordered systems is bounded above by the free energy of the corresponding annealed system. This bound may be improved by applying the annealing procedure, which is just Jensen inequality, after having modified the Hamiltonian in a way that the quenched expressions are left unchanged. This procedure is often viewed as a partial annealing or as a constrained annealing, in the sense that the term that is added may be interpreted as a Lagrange multiplier on the disorder variables. In this note we point out that, for a family of models, some of which have attracted much attention, the multipliers of the form of empirical averages of local functions cannot improve on the basic annealed bound from the viewpoint of characterizing the phase diagram. This class of multipliers is the one that is suitable for computations and it is often believed that in this class one can approximate arbitrarily well the quenched free energy.Comment: 10 page

    Invariance principles for random walks conditioned to stay positive

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    Let {Sn}\{S_n\} be a random walk in the domain of attraction of a stable law Y\mathcal{Y}, i.e. there exists a sequence of positive real numbers (an)(a_n) such that Sn/anS_n/a_n converges in law to Y\mathcal{Y}. Our main result is that the rescaled process (Snt/an,t0)(S_{\lfloor nt\rfloor}/a_n, t\ge 0), when conditioned to stay positive, converges in law (in the functional sense) towards the corresponding stable L\'{e}vy process conditioned to stay positive. Under some additional assumptions, we also prove a related invariance principle for the random walk killed at its first entrance in the negative half-line and conditioned to die at zero.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AIHP119 the Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e - Probabilit\'es et Statistiques (http://www.imstat.org/aihp/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Pinning and wetting transition for (1+1)-dimensional fields with Laplacian interaction

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    We consider a random field φ:{1,...,N}R\varphi:\{1,...,N\}\to\mathbb{R} as a model for a linear chain attracted to the defect line φ=0\varphi=0, that is, the x-axis. The free law of the field is specified by the density exp(iV(Δφi))\exp(-\sum_iV(\Delta\varphi_i)) with respect to the Lebesgue measure on RN\mathbb{R}^N, where Δ\Delta is the discrete Laplacian and we allow for a very large class of potentials V()V(\cdot). The interaction with the defect line is introduced by giving the field a reward ε0\varepsilon\ge0 each time it touches the x-axis. We call this model the pinning model. We consider a second model, the wetting model, in which, in addition to the pinning reward, the field is also constrained to stay nonnegative. We show that both models undergo a phase transition as the intensity ε\varepsilon of the pinning reward varies: both in the pinning (a=pa=\mathrm{p}) and in the wetting (a=wa=\mathrm{w}) case, there exists a critical value εca\varepsilon_c^a such that when ε>εca\varepsilon>\varepsilon_c^a the field touches the defect line a positive fraction of times (localization), while this does not happen for ε<εca\varepsilon<\varepsilon_c^a (delocalization). The two critical values are nontrivial and distinct: 0<\varepsilon_c^{\mat hrm{p}}<\varepsilon_c^{\mathrm{w}}<\infty, and they are the only nonanalyticity points of the respective free energies. For the pinning model the transition is of second order, hence the field at ε=εcp\varepsilon=\varepsilon_c^{\mathrm{p}} is delocalized. On the other hand, the transition in the wetting model is of first order and for ε=εcw\varepsilon=\varepsilon_c^{\mathrm{w}} the field is localized. The core of our approach is a Markov renewal theory description of the field.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOP395 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A general smoothing inequality for disordered polymers

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    This note sharpens the smoothing inequality of Giacomin and Toninelli for disordered polymers. This inequality is shown to be valid for any disorder distribution with locally finite exponential moments, and to provide an asymptotically sharp constant for weak disorder. A key tool in the proof is an estimate that compares the effect on the free energy of tilting, respectively, shifting the disorder distribution. This estimate holds in large generality (way beyond disordered polymers) and is of independent interest.Comment: 14 page

    The discrete-time parabolic Anderson model with heavy-tailed potential

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    We consider a discrete-time version of the parabolic Anderson model. This may be described as a model for a directed (1+d)-dimensional polymer interacting with a random potential, which is constant in the deterministic direction and i.i.d. in the d orthogonal directions. The potential at each site is a positive random variable with a polynomial tail at infinity. We show that, as the size of the system diverges, the polymer extremity is localized almost surely at one single point which grows ballistically. We give an explicit characterization of the localization point and of the typical paths of the model.Comment: 32 page

    Infinite volume limits of polymer chains with periodic charges

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    The aim of this paper is twofold: - To give an elementary and self-contained proof of an explicit formula for the free energy for a general class of polymer chains interacting with an environment through periodic potentials. This generalizes a result in [Bolthausen and Giacomin, AAP 2005] in which the formula is derived by using the Donsker-Varadhan Large Deviations theory for Markov chains. We exploit instead tools from renewal theory. - To identify the infinite volume limits of the system. In particular, in the different regimes we encounter transient, null recurrent and positive recurrent processes (which correspond to delocalized, critical and localized behaviors of the trajectories). This is done by exploiting the sharp estimates on the partition function of the system obtained by the renewal theory approach. The precise characterization of the infinite volume limits of the system exposes a non-uniqueness problem. We will however explain in detail how this (at first) surprising phenomenon is instead due to the presence of a first-order phase transition.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure