416 research outputs found

    Impact of dissipative effects on the macroscopic evolution of a Vlasov system

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    Numerical diffusion is introduced by any numerical scheme as soon as small scales fluctuations, generated during the dynamical evolution of a collisionless plasma, become comparable to the grid size. Here we investigate the role of numerical dissipation in collisionless plasma simulations by studying the non linear regime of the two stream instability. We show that the long time evolution of the Vlasov - Poisson system can be affected by the used algorithm.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Pressure anisotropy and small spatial scales induced by velocity shear

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    Non-Maxwellian metaequilibria can exist in low-collisionality plasmas as evidenced by satellite and laboratory measurements. By including the full pressure tensor dynamics in a fluid plasma model, we show that a sheared velocity field can provide an effective mechanism that makes an initial isotropic state anisotropic and agyrotropic. We discuss how the propagation of magneto-elastic waves can affect the pressure tensor anisotropization and its spatial filamentation which are due to the action of both the magnetic field and flow strain tensor. We support this analysis by a numerical integration of the nonlinear equations describing the pressure tensor evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figure

    Propagation of finite amplitude electrostatic disturbances in an inhomogeneous magnetized plasma

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    A 1D2V open boundary Vlasov-Ampere code has been implemented with the aim of making a detailed investigation of the propagation of finite amplitude electromagnetic disturbances in an inhomogeneous magnetized plasma. The code is being applied to study the propagation of an externally driven electromagnetic signal, localized at one boundary of the integration interval, through a given equilibrium plasma configuration with inhomogeneous plasma density and magnetic field.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Coupling between whistler waves and slow-mode solitary waves

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    The interplay between electron-scale and ion-scale phenomena is of general interest for both laboratory and space plasma physics. In this paper we investigate the linear coupling between whistler waves and slow magnetosonic solitons through two-fluid numerical simulations. Whistler waves can be trapped in the presence of inhomogeneous external fields such as a density hump or hole where they can propagate for times much longer than their characteristic time scale, as shown by laboratory experiments and space measurements. Space measurements have detected whistler waves also in correspondence to magnetic holes, i.e., to density humps with magnetic field minima extending on ion-scales. This raises the interesting question of how ion-scale structures can couple to whistler waves. Slow magnetosonic solitons share some of the main features of a magnetic hole. Using the ducting properties of an inhomogeneous plasma as a guide, we present a numerical study of whistler waves that are trapped and transported inside propagating slow magnetosonic solitons.Comment: Submitted to Phys. of Plasma

    Being on time in magnetic reconnection

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    The role of magnetic reconnection on the evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is investigated in a plasma configuration with a velocity shear field. It is shown that the rate at which the large-scale dynamics drives the formation of steep current sheets, leading to the onset of secondary magnetic reconnection instabilities, and the rate at which magnetic reconnection occurs compete in shaping the final state of the plasma configuration. These conclusions are reached within a two-fluid plasma description on the basis of a series of two-dimensional numerical simulations. Special attention is given to the role of the Hall term. In these simulations, the boundary conditions, the symmetry of the initial configuration and the simulation box size have been optimized in order not to affect the evolution of the system artificially

    Nonlinear kinetic development of the Weibel instability and the generation of electrostatic coherent structures

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    The nonlinear evolution of the Weibel instability driven by the anisotropy of the electron distribution function in a collisionless plasma is investigated in a spatially one-dimensional configuration with a Vlasov code in a two-dimensional velocity space. It is found that the electromagnetic fields generated by this instability cause a strong deformation of the electron distribution function in phase space, corresponding to highly filamented magnetic vortices. Eventually, these deformations lead to the generation of short wavelength Langmuir modes that form highly localized electrostatic structures corresponding to jumps of the electrostatic potential

    Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices and secondary instabilities in super-magnetosonic regimes

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    The nonlinear behaviour of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is investigated with a two-fluid simulation code in both sub-magnetosonic and super-magnetosonic regimes in a two-dimensional configuration chosen so as to represent typical conditions observed at the Earth's magnetopause flanks. It is shown that in super-magnetosonic regimes the plasma density inside the vortices produced by the development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is approximately uniform, making the plasma inside the vortices effectively stable against the onset of secondary instabilities. However, the relative motion of the vortices relative to the plasma flow can cause the formation of shock structures. It is shown that in the region where the shocks are attached to the vortex boundaries the plasma conditions change rapidly and develop large gradients that allow for the onset of secondary instabilities not observed in sub-magnetosonic regimes

    Subion Scale Turbulence Driven by Magnetic Reconnection

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    The interplay between plasma turbulence and magnetic reconnection remains an unsettled question in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Here we report the first observational evidence that magnetic reconnection drives subion scale turbulence in magnetospheric plasmas by transferring energy to small scales. We employ a spatial coarse-grained model of Hall magnetohydrodynamics, enabling us to measure the nonlinear energy transfer rate across scale \ell at position xx. Its application to Magnetospheric Multiscale mission data shows that magnetic reconnection drives intense energy transfer to subion scales. This observational evidence is remarkably supported by the results from Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of turbulence to which the coarse-grained model is also applied. These results can potentially answer some open questions on plasma turbulence in planetary environments

    Spectral properties and energy transfer at kinetic scales in collisionless plasma turbulence

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    By means of a fully kinetic simulation of freely decaying plasma turbulence, we study the spectral properties and the energy exchanges characterizing the turbulent cascade in the kinetic range. We find that the magnetic field spectrum follows the kαexp(λk){k^{-\alpha}\,exp(-\lambda\, k)} law at kinetic scales with α ⁣ ⁣2.73\alpha\!\simeq\!2.73 and λ ⁣ ⁣ρe\lambda\!\simeq\!\rho_e (where ρe{\rho_e} is the electron gyroradius). The same law with α ⁣ ⁣0.94\alpha\!\simeq\!0.94 and an exponential decay characterized by λ ⁣ ⁣0.87ρe\lambda\!\simeq\!0.87\rho_e is observed in the electron velocity spectrum but not in the ion velocity spectrum that drops like a steep power law k3.25\sim k^{-3.25} before reaching electron scales. By analyzing the filtered energy conversion channels, we find that the electrons play a major role with respect to the ions in driving the magnetic field dynamics at kinetic scales. Our analysis reveals the presence of an indirect electron-driven mechanism that channels the e.m. energy from large to sub-ion scale more efficiently than the direct nonlinear scale-to-scale transfer of e.m. energy. This mechanism consists of three steps: in the first step the e.m. energy is converted into electron fluid flow energy at large scales; in the second step the electron fluid flow energy is nonlinearly transferred towards sub-ion scales; in the final step the electron fluid flow energy is converted back into e.m. energy at sub-ion scales. This electron-driven transfer drives the magnetic field cascade up to fully developed turbulence, after which dissipation becomes dominant and the electrons start to subtract energy from the magnetic field and dissipate it via the pressure-strain interaction at sub-ion scales