217 research outputs found

    The macrozoobenthic community of the Santa Gilla lagoon (southern Sardinia, Italy)

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    1 - Macrozoobenthos is one of the most significant communities of hydrobionts for assessing the ecological state of a water body. In spite of its importance, only few data concerning the macrobenthic community of Santa Gilla lagoon are available; 2 - Santa Gilla is one of the most important wetlands in Sardinia. The aim of this study is to give data on species composition of its macrozoobenthic community; 3 - Sampling has been carried out in 2010-2011 in July, October, January and April, in three stations located along a salinity gradient and the main environmental parameters were measured; 4 - A total of 13031 specimens belonging to 92 taxonomic groups and 5 main phyla (Anellida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Cnidaria and Nemertea) were found. Among them, 52 different taxa were collected and pointed out for the first time in Santa Gilla lagoon in this work. 5 - Finally, seasonal and space differences were observed in the abundance values of the main taxonomic groups and in the diversity indices values

    Spectral Classified Vector Quantization (SCVQ) for Multispectral Images

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    Multi- and hyper-spectral data pose severe problems in terms of storage capacity and transmission bandwidth. Although recommendable, compression techniques require efficient approaches to guarantee an adequate fidelity level. In particular, depending on the final destination of the data, it could be necessary to maximize several parameters, as for instance the visual quality of the rendered data, the correctness of their interpretation, or the performance of their classification. Based on the idea of Spectral Vector Quantization, the approach proposed in this paper aims at combining a compression and a classification methodology into a single scheme, in which visual distortion and classification accuracy can be balanced a- priori according to the requirements of the target application. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach can be employed successfully in a wide range of application domains

    Differences in the diet of breeding Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in an inland colony: the effect of years, breeding stages and locations within the colony

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    AbstractA study of the diet of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (fish species and size) in (1) different seasons (years), (2) breeding stages (incubation and chick rearing), and (3) breeding areas (center and edge) in the colony in the DzierĹĽno-DuĹĽe Reservoir (southern Poland) was carried out. Overall, 147 pellets of the Great Cormorant were analysed. The low values of the indexes of Levin (Bi) and Shannon (H') showed a limited trophic spectrum in the diet of the Great Cormorant. Roach (Rutilus rutilus) with a percentage index of relative importance (%IRI) of 62.89, perch (Perca fluviatilis) (%IRI = 22.63) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) (%IRI = 10.43), were the most common prey. Evident changes in the diet between 2003 and 2014, with less roach and more perch and ruffe in 2014 were found. They could be probably related to changes in the fish community. Differences in the food of cormorants between breeding stages reflected dietary requirements of the chicks. During the breeding season younger chicks require feeding with smaller fish than older chicks. The proportion of fish species found in the cormorant diet differed between the edge and the centre of the colony. We concluded that the impact of Great Cormorants on native fish assemblages may be dependent on the location within the colony, development state of the chicks and season, not just fish availability

    Short communication: In vitro rumen gas production and starch degradation of starch-based feeds depend on mean particle size

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    Our objective was to model the effect of mean particle size (mPS) on in vitro rumen starch degradation (IVSD) and the kinetics of gas production for different starch-based feeds. For each feed, 2 batches of the same grains were separately processed through 2 different mills (cutter or rotor speed mills), with or without different screens to achieve a wide range of mPS (0.32 to 3.31 mm for corn meals; 0.19 to 2.81 mm for barley meals; 0.16 to 2.13 mm for wheat meals; 0.28 to 2.32 mm for oat meals; 0.21 to 2.36 mm for rye meals; 0.40 to 1.79 for sorghum meals; 0.26 to 4.71 mm for pea meals; and 0.25 to 4.53 mm for faba meals). The IVSD data and gas production kinetics, obtained by fitting to a single-pool exponential model, were analyzed using a completely randomized design, in which the main tested effect was mPS (n = 6 for all tested meals, except n = 7 for corn meals and n = 5 for sorghum meals). Rumen inocula were collected from 2 fistulated Holstein dairy cows that were fed a total mixed ration consisting of 16.2% crude protein, 28.5% starch, and 35.0% neutral detergent fiber on a dry matter basis. The IVSD, evaluated after 7 h of rumen incubation, decreased linearly with increasing mPS for corn, barley, wheat, rye, pea, and faba meals, and decreased quadratically with increasing mPS for the other meals. The y-axis intercept for 7-h IVSD was below 90% starch for corn, barley, and rye feeds and greater than 90% for the other tested feeds. The mPS adjustment factors for the rate of rumen starch degradation varied widely among the different tested feeds. We found a linear decrease in starch degradation with increasing mPS for barley, wheat, rye, and pea meals, whereas we noted a quadratic decrease in starch degradation for the other tested meals. Further, we observed a linear decrease in the rate of gas production with increasing mPS in each tested feed, except for pea meal, which had a quadratic relationship. For each 1 mm increase in mPS, the gas production was adjusted by -0.009 h-1 for corn, -0.011 h-1 for barley, -0.008 h-1 for wheat, and -0.006 h-1 for faba, whereas numerically greater adjustments were needed for oat (-0.022 h-1), rye (-0.017 h-1), and sorghum (-0.014 h-1). These mPS adjustment factors could be used to modify the starch-based feed energy values as a function of mean particle size, although in vivo validation is required

    A new model-aided approach for the design of packed columns for CO2 absorption in aqueous NH3 solutions

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    A novel model-based approach to design packed beds for CO2 absorption with NH3 is proposed and experimentally validated. The two-film theory is adopted to model gas/liquid mass transfer while the thermodynamic equilibrium among ion species is considered in the liquid. Such strategy allows to simulate both CO2 absorption and NH3 evaporation, that represent the most important aspects to improve capture efficiency and process cost-effectiveness. The resulting ODEs system is a two boundary-value problem which is solved by means of the shooting method. The model is then exploited to develop a new algorithm that, based on the adopted operating conditions, evaluates the packed bed height as a function of the desired capture efficiency. The height calculated for different combinations of operating conditions is successfully compared with the real height of the experimental column, thus confirming the reliability of the developed tool which can be run with very low computational loads

    Compound Heterozygosity for a Recessive Glycine Substitution and a Splice Site Mutation in the COL7A1 Gene Causes an Unusually Mild Form of Localized Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa

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    Type VII collagen is the major component of anchoring fibrils, adhesion structures of stratified epithelia that span the basement membrane region and papillary dermis. Mutations in the gene COL7A1 encoding type VII collagen cause dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a clinically heterogeneous autosomal dominant or recessive blistering disorder of the skin and mucous membranes. In this report, we investigate three siblings affected by an unusually mild form of localized recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa who were shown to be compound heterozygotes for novel mutations affecting COL7A1. The maternally inherited mutation is a G→C transversion that converts a codon for glycine to a codon for arginine (G1347R). The paternal mutation is a neutral G→A transition at the last base of exon 70 (5820G→A) that alters the correct splicing of COL7A1 pre-mRNA, giving rise to an aberrant mRNA carrying the in-frame skipping of exon 70 in addition to the full-length RNA transcript carrying the G→A substitution. Consistent with the normal levels of COL7A1 mRNA transcripts detected by northern analysis, immunoblotting and immunofluorescence studies evidenced that the patient keratinocytes synthesize and secrete normal amounts of stable type VII collagen, which is correctly deposited at the dermal–epidermal junction. In addition, mutated type VII collagen molecules assemble to form numerous, normally shaped anchoring fibrils, as shown by electron microscopic examination. The combination of a recessive glycine substitution with a splice site mutation that permits partially correct splicing therefore leads to a normal expression of mutated type VII collagen molecules with marginally altered biologic activity, and to the extremely mild phenotype observed in our patients

    Metabolomics As a Tool for the Characterization of Drug-Resistant Epilepsy.

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    PURPOSE: Drug resistance is a critical issue in the treatment of epilepsy, contributing to clinical emergencies and increasing both serious social and economic burdens on the health system. The wide variety of potential drug combinations followed by often failed consecutive attempts to match drugs to an individual patient may mean that this treatment stage may last for years with suboptimal benefit to the patient. Given these challenges, it is valuable to explore the availability of new methodologies able to shorten the period of determining a rationale pharmacologic treatment. Metabolomics could provide such a tool to investigate possible markers of drug resistance in subjects with epilepsy. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from (1) controls (C) (n = 35), (2) patients with epilepsy "responder" (R) (n = 18), and (3) patients with epilepsy "non-responder" (NR) (n = 17) to the drug therapy. The samples were analyzed using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, followed by multivariate statistical analysis. KEY FINDINGS: A different metabolic profile based on metabolomics analysis of the serum was observed between C and patients with epilepsy and also between R and NR patients. It was possible to identify the discriminant metabolites for the three classes under investigation. Serum from patients with epilepsy were characterized by increased levels of 3-OH-butyrate, 2-OH-valerate, 2-OH-butyrate, acetoacetate, acetone, acetate, choline, alanine, glutamate, scyllo-inositol (C  R > NR). SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion, metabolomics may represent an important tool for discovery of differences between subjects affected by epilepsy responding or resistant to therapies and for the study of its pathophysiology, optimizing the therapeutic resources and the quality of life of patients

    Prenatal exposure to different diets influences programming of glucose and insulin metabolism in dairy ewes.

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    ABSTRACT Nutrition in fetal and postnatal life can influence the development of several biological systems, with permanent effects in adult life. The aim of this work was to investigate in dairy sheep whether diets rich in starch or fiber during intrauterine life (75 d before lambing) and postnatal life (from weaning to first pregnancy; growth phase) program glucose and insulin metabolism in the female offspring during their first pregnancy. Starting from intrauterine life, 20 nulliparous Sarda ewes were exposed to 4 dietary regimens (n = 5 per group) based on different dietary carbohydrates during their intrauterine life and their subsequent growth phase: (1) the fiber (FI) diet during both intrauterine and growth life, (2) the starch (ST) diet during both intrauterine and growth life, (3) the FI diet in intrauterine life followed by the ST diet in the growth phase, and (4) the ST diet in intrauterine life followed by the FI diet in the growth phase. After the end of the growth phase, all growing ewes were fed the same diet and naturally mated. When ewes were pregnant, on average at 124 ± 2 d of gestation they were challenged with an intravenous glucose tolerance test, and peripheral concentrations of glucose and insulin were determined. Basal insulin concentrations were higher in ewes exposed to the ST diet (0.97 μg/L) than in ewes exposed to the FI diet (0.52 μg/L) in intrauterine life. After glucose infusion, glucose and insulin concentrations were not affected by intrauterine diet. Insulin resistance, determined by the homeostasis model assessment, was affected by the intrauterine × growth phases interaction. Insulin sensitivity, assessed by the quantitative insulin check index, was lower in ewes exposed to the ST diet than in those exposed to the FI diet in intrauterine life (ST = 0.28; FI = 0.30). Diet in growth life had no effect on glucose and insulin metabolism. In conclusion, starchy diets offered during intrauterine life but not during postnatal life increased basal insulin level and lowered insulin sensitivity during the first pregnancy. Nutritional strategies of metabolic programming should consider that exposure to starchy diets in late fetal life might favor the programming of dietary nutrient partitioning toward organs with high requirements, such as the gravid uterus or the mammary gland

    Epidemiology, characteristics of disease and unmet needs of patients with generalized pustular psoriasis: a large Italian Delphi consensus

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    Introduction: Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a rare and chronic, debilitating skin condition characterised, in its acute flare phase, by clinically severe and potentially life-threatening systemic manifestations. Data on GPP are still scanty, particularly in Europe and at a national level. To provide expert indications on several disease-related and patient-related aspects of GPP, with specific focus to the Italian context. Methods: We conducted an iterative eDelphi study following the recommended criteria for reporting methods and results. After a thorough bibliographic review aimed to identify unknown or controversial issues in GPP, the following areas were investigated through a few specific questions/statements for each area: 1) disease epidemiology; 2) disease characteristics, with specific interest towards GPP flares; 3) diagnosis and diagnostic delay; 4) GPP treatment; 5) GPP patient journey and use of healthcare resources in Italy; 6) unmet needs and quality of life. An Executive Board of 9 principal investigators revised and approved the topics to be examined and overviewed the whole project. A total of 35 experts from different Italian areas, including 34 board-certified Italian dermatologists and one representative of patients' associations, took part in the study. Results: A high agreement in responses from Italian experts emerged during two eDelphi iterations on - among several other aspects - GPP prevalence and incidence in Italy, use of European Rare and Severe Psoriasis Expert Network diagnostic criteria, flare frequency and duration, best diagnostic and care pathway, and main unmet needs of Italian patients. On the other hand, a broad spectrum of treatments (of different drug classes) was reported both in the acute and chronic phases of GPP, and no consensus on the issue was thus achieved. Conclusions: Consensus findings from this Delphi study of GPP experts may be useful to fill gaps of knowledge and improve awareness of this rare disease, as well as to help clinical and public health management of GPP in Italy
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