105 research outputs found

    Memory performances and personality traits in mothers of children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Background: Chronic diseases in pediatric age have been identified as stressful risk factors for parents. Studies on caregivers have documented the impact of chronic parenting stress on emotion and cognition. Aim: To investigate the differences between a group of mothers of children affected by obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) for at least 4 years and a group of mothers of typically developing children (TDC) in relation to parental stress, self-esteem, locus of control, and memory performances. Methods: A group of 86 mothers (mean age 35.6±4.9, ranged between 32 and 41 years) of children with OSAS diagnosis, and a group of 52 mothers of TDC (mean age 35.9±4.2, ranged between 32 and 41 years) participated in the study. All participants were administered stress level, global self-esteem, internal/external locus of control scales, and memory assessment. Results: Mothers of OSAS children, compared to mothers of TDC, had a significantly higher level of stress, lower self-esteem, more external locus of control and poorer memory performance. Conclusions: The child respiratory disease, with its sudden and unpredictable features, appeared as a significant source of stress for the mother. Such stress condition may have an impact on mothers’ personality traits (self-esteem, locus of control) and on their memory performances. The data have suggested a need for psychological support programs for mothers to better manage stress associated with children’s respiratory disease

    Monitoring and Managing Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents with Epilepsy

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    Depressive disorders are the most frequent psychiatric disturbances associated with epilepsy in adolescents and include a broad and heterogeneous spectrum of conditions that share hallmark features and symptoms such as sadness, irritability, decreased motivation or interests, fatigue, withdrawal, hopelessness, anhedonia, changes in appetite and weight, and sleep disturbances that are persistent and pervasive most days for at least 2 weeks. Using generic self-report depression surveys and current diagnostic codes, clinical and surveillance studies have revealed prevalence rates of 20–25% for depression in youth with epilepsy, with adolescents showing particular vulnerability. Furthermore, 20% of youth with epilepsy endorse suicidal ideation, and youth endorsing suicidal ideation do not necessarily have clinical symptoms of depression. Considering that depression in youth with epilepsy is a common comorbidity, characterized by poorer psychosocial and healthy-related outcomes and increased risk of suicide, a brief, free measure of specific depressive symptoms in youth with epilepsy would be beneficial. Recently, the NDDI-E-.Y inventory has been developed from the adult NDDI-E, and validated in many countries. NDDI-E-Y showed reliable and construct validity, being a brief screening tool (12 items) that can be easily included in routine epilepsy care.For the management of depressive symptoms in adolescents, interventions can be distinguished in non-pharmacological and pharmacological. The first includes psychoeducation which should clarify to adolescents and parents the main features of epileptic disorder, side effects of antiepileptic drugs, treatment modalities, how to cope with learning and social difficulties, in order to improve quality of life. Concurrently, a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) including individual therapy, supportive and family therapy and school services, should be carried on. Psychopharmacology for depressive symptoms should be deserved to moderate to severe depressive symptomatology, only after deep assessment of prior and current antiepileptic and/or psychopharmacologic treatment. SSRIs including fluoxetin, sertraline, fluvoxamine and escitalopram should be first considered. Data coming from experimental studies in animals and humans seem to confirm no decrease of seizure threshold by SSRI adjunctive therapy

    Parental Stress in New-Onset Epilepsy and After Therapy Withdrawal

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    Objective: To assess maternal and paternal stress inparents of children with epilepsy, at the time of diagnosis, after one year of follow-up and after therapy withdrawal.Methods: We investigated parental stress in a sample of 85 children aged 2-14 years, divided into two groups based on the diagnosis: Group 1 (50 patients) with Childhood Absence Epilepsy or Idiopathic Focal Epilepsy with Rolandic discharges; Group 2 (35 patients) with different forms of drug-resistant Epilepsy. Every parent completed the Parental Stress Index-Short Form at Time 0, when they received the diagnosis and patients started therapy, at Time 1, after 1 year of follow-up. Only parents of Group 1 completed the same questionnaire after 2 years therapy withdrawal.Results: We found high levels of stress in both mothers and fathers at Time 0, without statistically significant differences between the two groups.At Time 1, stress values were unchanged in Group 1 mothers; conversely, the levels of stress in Group 1 fathers were reduced, with average values that fell within the “normal range”. In group 2, stress levels were reduced both in mothers and fathers at Time 1, compared to Time 0, but equally fell into the "clinical range", for both parents.In Group1, even one and two years after therapy withdrawal, parental stress did not normalizeand all scores persisted in the “clinical range” in both mothers and fathers.Conclusions: Our study revealed that, the diagnosis of epilepsy itself tended to increase parental stress, apparently regardless of the severity of the disorder; even after a period of follow-up, when epilepsy was better controlled, overall parental stress remained high. Parental stresslevels remained higher than expected, even 2 years after the suspension of therapy and the absence of seizures. This was probably due to concerns with the reappearance of new seizures or a more severe type of epilepsy with the suspension of drug(s), and feelings of inadequacy with their parental role(s).</p

    Parental Stress and Parental Ratings of Behavioral Problems of Enuretic Children

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    Background: Primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (PMNE) may have a stressful impact on the everyday life of children and parents, and it may represent a cumulative stress factor increasing feelings of “learned helplessness.” Methods: The current study investigated parental stress in a group of parents (n = 330) of children affected by PMNE, compared to a group of parents (n = 330) of typical developing children (TDC). In addition, the study evaluated whether parents of PMNE children experience more emotional, social, and behavioral problems in their children, compared to parents of TDC. Finally, the study correlated frequency of enuresis with stress values and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) subscales and total stress with CBCL. Both groups were given The Parental Stress Inventory-Short Form (PSI-SF) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Results: Parents of PMNE children showed significantly higher stress level than parents of TDC. Nocturnal enuresis, as a demanding clinical condition difficult to control, represents a relevant stress factor. Mothers appeared as more vulnerable to stress than fathers. Parents of PMNE children reported higher behavioral and emotional problems, compared to reports of parents of TDC. PMNE children appeared to their parents as having lower competency in social activities, school performance, and social relationships than TDC. Moreover, they were rated as more withdrawn, anxious-depressed,more aggressive, inattentive, and withmore somatic complaints than healthy children. It was always the mother who rated a significantly higher number of emotional, social, and behavioral problems compared to fathers. Correlational analysis showed that the higher the frequency of enuresis, the greater the parental stress level, the lower the social activities, school performance and relational competencies and the higher the emotional, social and behavioral problems in children, according to the parents’ evaluations. The greater the parental stress level, the lower the competencies rated and the higher the behavioral problems detected by parents

    Social Media Use and Mood, Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm in Adolescents

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    Objective: The aim of our observational study was to evaluate depressive symptoms in adolescent population, focusing on suicidal ideation and intentionality, and to establish the relationship between depressive symptoms/self-harm and the average time spent in social media. Methods: Our study was an observational cross-sectional study that involved three Middle Schools and three High Schools in the Campania region of Italy. One thousand three hundred sixty-five students 11-19 years of age were recruited (mean age=15 years; female=51%, male=49%). Percentage of adhesion was 95%. All the subjects were administered three self-report questionnaires, filled out anonymously and in the presence of the teachers after illustrating their validity and purpose. Results: In 23% females and 18% males, depressive symptoms were above the norm, with a slight increase in the prevalence of depressive symptoms in high school students compared to middle school ones. Suicidal intentionality was expressed in 4% of the total sample, with no differences between males and females. Suicidal ideation was present in 14% of the total sample, with a higher prevalence in females than in males (17% vs 10%). We found a significant positive relationship between the depressive symptoms and the hours spent on Social Media, in both males and females. A significant relationship was also found between hours on Social Media and suicidal ideation/intentionality.Conclusions: Our study showed a high prevalence of depressive symptoms in adolescents, in keeping with previous studies. Our study also showed a significant association between the use of social networks and the development of depressive symptoms, as well as suicidal ideation and intentionality. Further studies are needed to investigate the nature of this relationship.</p

    Neuropsychological Profile, Emotional/Behavioral Problems, and Parental Stress in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Background: The aim of our study was to trace a specific neuropsychological profile, to investigate emotional-behavioral problems and parental stress in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1/High functioning (ASD-HF), Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) disorders and to highlight similarities and differences among the three groups. Methods: We retrospectively collected the data from a total of 62 subjects with ASD-HF (n = 19) ADHD (n = 21), SLD (n = 22) and 20 typical development. All the participants underwent neuropsychological standardized test for the evaluation of cognitive profile (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Edition—WISC-IV), behavioral and emotional problems (Child Behavior CheckList CBCL), and parental stress (Parental Stress Index Short Form—PSI-SF). The scores of the ASD-HF, ADHD, and SLD groups were compared using non-parametric statistic methods (Kruskall–Wallis H test and U Mann–Whitney for post-hoc analysis). Results: The ASD-HF group were significantly higher in all areas of the WISC-IV than the other two clinical groups. The SLD group performed significantly lower than ASD-HF in Working Memory Index. The SLD group showed lower scores on the somatic problems subscale than the other two groups. In the Difficult Child subscale of the PSI-SF, parents of ADHD children scored lower than the mothers of SLD subjects and higher than the fathers of SLD subjects. In all three groups there are specific deficiencies compared to the control group in the cognitive profile, behavioral and emotional problems, and parental stress. Conclusions: Our comparative analysis highlighted similarities and differences in three groups of children with different neurodevelopmental disorders, helping to better define cognitive, behavioral, and emotional characteristics of these children and parental stress of their parents

    Social Media Use and Mood, Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm in Adolescents

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    Objective: The aim of our observational study was to evaluate depressive symptoms in adolescent population, focusing on suicidal ideation and intentionality, and to establish the relationship between depressive symptoms/self-harm and the average time spent in social media. Methods: Our study was an observational cross-sectional study that involved three Middle Schools and three High Schools in the Campania region of Italy. One thousand three hundred sixty-five students 11-19 years of age were recruited (mean age=15 years; female=51%, male=49%). Percentage of adhesion was 95%. All the subjects were administered three self-report questionnaires, filled out anonymously and in the presence of the teachers after illustrating their validity and purpose. Results: In 23% females and 18% males, depressive symptoms were above the norm, with a slight increase in the prevalence of depressive symptoms in high school students compared to middle school ones. Suicidal intentionality was expressed in 4% of the total sample, with no differences between males and females. Suicidal ideation was present in 14% of the total sample, with a higher prevalence in females than in males (17% vs 10%). We found a significant positive relationship between the depressive symptoms and the hours spent on Social Media, in both males and females. A significant relationship was also found between hours on Social Media and suicidal ideation/intentionality. Conclusions: Our study showed a high prevalence of depressive symptoms in adolescents, in keeping with previous studies. Our study also showed a significant association between the use of social networks and the development of depressive symptoms, as well as suicidal ideation and intentionality. Further studies are needed to investigate the nature of this relationship

    Neuropsychological Alterations in Children Affected by Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    Sleep-related breathing disorders are a group of clinical conditions ranging from habitual snoring to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) during the lifespan. In children, other risk factors are represented by adenotonsillar hypertrophy, rhinitis, nasal structure alteration, cleft palate, velopharyngeal flap surgery, pharyngeal masses, craniofacial malformations, genetic syndrome (i.e. Down syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, and Apert syndrome), genetic hypoplasia mandibular (i.e. Pierre Robin syndrome, Treacher Collins syndrome, Shy-Drager syndrome, and Cornelia De Lange syndrome), craniofacial traumas, chronic or seasonal rhinitis, asthma, neuromuscular syndromes, brainstem pathologies (i.e. Arnold-Chiari malformation and Joubert syndrome), achondroplasia, and mucopolysaccharidosis. OSAS may affect the executive functioning such as motivational ability, planning, behavior modulation, ability to complete an action program, identification of functional strategies to achieve the goal, problem solving, flexibility, monitoring and self-assessment of behavior in relation to results, change of task, or behavior in the light of emerging information, which may be all impaired by nocturnal intermittent hypoxia also during the developmental age. The clinical presentation of OSAS can mimic other neurobehavioral symptoms, such as ADHD syndrome, learning problems, or can exacerbate the Fragile X syndrome, and generalized non-convulsive epilepsy symptoms

    Neuropsychological Alterations in Children Affected by Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    Sleep-related breathing disorders are a group of clinical conditions ranging from habitual snoring to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) during the lifespan. In children, other risk factors are represented by adenotonsillar hypertrophy, rhinitis, nasal structure alteration, cleft palate, velopharyngeal flap surgery, pharyngeal masses, craniofacial malformations, genetic syndrome (i.e. Down syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, and Apert syndrome), genetic hypoplasia mandibular (i.e. Pierre Robin syndrome, Treacher Collins syndrome, Shy-Drager syndrome, and Cornelia De Lange syndrome), craniofacial traumas, chronic or seasonal rhinitis, asthma, neuromuscular syndromes, brainstem pathologies (i.e. Arnold-Chiari malformation and Joubert syndrome), achondroplasia, and mucopolysaccharidosis. OSAS may affect the executive functioning such as motivational ability, planning, behavior modulation, ability to complete an action program, identification of functional strategies to achieve the goal, problem solving, flexibility, monitoring and self-assessment of behavior in relation to results, change of task, or behavior in the light of emerging information, which may be all impaired by nocturnal intermittent hypoxia also during the developmental age. The clinical presentation of OSAS can mimic other neurobehavioral symptoms, such as ADHD syndrome, learning problems, or can exacerbate the Fragile X syndrome, and generalized nonconvulsive epilepsy symptoms
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