104 research outputs found

    Index theorems for holomorphic self-maps

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    Let MM be a complex manifold and S⊂MS\subset M a (possibly singular) subvariety of MM. Let f ⁣:M→Mf\colon M\to M be a holomorphic map such that ff restricted to SS is the identity. We show that one can associate to ff a holomorphic section XfX_f of a sheaf related to the embedding of SS in MM and that such a section reads the dynamical behavior of ff along SS. In particular we prove that under generic hypotheses the canonical section XfX_f induces a holomorphic action in the sense of Bott on the normal bundle of (the regular part of) SS in MM and this allows to obtain for holomorphic self-maps with non- isolated fixed points index theorems similar to Camacho-Sad, Baum-Bott and variation index theorems for holomorphic foliations. Finally we apply our index theorems to obtain information about topology and dynamics of holomorphic self-maps of surfaces with a compact curve of fixed points.Comment: 46 pages, published versio

    Coltivare creativitĂ  pratica e pensiero critico in Higher Education. Elementi di analisi per una geografia concettuale.

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    Il contributo propone una riflessione sul tema dello sviluppo di competenze di pensiero critico e creativo in Higher Education, con particolare riferimento a studenti e studentesse nell’ambito dell’educazione e della formazione

    Towards an assessment of the disciplinary skills of the degree courses L-19. The process of test construction

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    The article presents the first step of the research process undertaken to construct a test – composed of batteries of closed ended questions – for the assessment of the disciplinary skills of students of degree courses in Education and Training Sciences (L-19) of Italian universities that joined the Teco-D project developed by Anvur. It describes the qualitative phase conducted to define the set of items to be submitted to the statistical validation procedure, and which, after the adjustments and calibrations deemed necessary on the basis of the results of the analysis to be carried out, will constitute the test for the assessment of the disciplinary skills provided as part of the Teco-D project. Verso una valutazione delle competenze disciplinari dei Corsi di Laurea L-19. La costruzione di un testIl contributo presenta il primo step del processo di ricerca intrapreso per costruire un test – composto di batterie di domande a risposta chiusa – di valutazione delle competenze disciplinari di studenti e studentesse di corsi di laurea in scienze dell’educazione e della formazione (L-19) di università italiane che hanno aderito al progetto Teco-D sviluppato da Anvur. È descritta la fase qualitativa condotta per definire l’insieme di item da sottoporre a procedura di validazione statistica e che, dopo gli aggiustamenti e le calibrazioni ritenuti necessari sulla base dei risultati delle analisi che saranno effettuate, costituirà il test di valutazione delle competenze disciplinari previsto nell’ambito del progetto Teco-D

    Accounting for (Public) Value(s): Reconsidering Publicness in Accounting Research and Practice

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    Purpose – This paper highlights the importance of (public) value(s) and publicness in accounting and accountability research. It pinpoints a range of issues that scholars need to contemplate when reconsider publicness in accounting research and practice Design/methodology/approach – The paper adopts an interdisciplinary literature review associated with a conceptual discussion of the actual and future challenges of public service accounting and accountability in considering public value(s). Findings – The paper illustrates the centrality of (public) value(s) at the individual, organizational, and societal levels, in shaping and being shaped by calculative practices and show that looking at the interconnections between values and accounting is a fruitful research avenue. Moreover, it highlights the power of embracing interdisciplinary approaches to illuminate these interconnections and relate them to complex and current phenomena. Originality/value – The paper’s originality lays in the reconsideration of (public) value(s) for public service accounting scholar, providing a critical reflection and setting new research avenues

    Educational conditions and inclusion processes

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    Condizioni educative e processi di inclusion
