83 research outputs found

    Internal structure and tectonic evolution of an underthrust tectonic m\ue9lange: the Sestola-Vidiciatico tectonic unit of the Northern Apennines, Italy

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    The Sestola-Vidiciatico Tectonic Unit (SVTU) in the Northern Apennines is an underthrust tectonic melange presently sandwiched between the Tuscan-Umbrian foredeep units and the overlying Ligurian/Subligurian thrust-nappe. The SVTU has been generated during the collision between the European and the Adria plates and now it separates the former oceanic accretionary wedge -Ligurian/Subligurian thrust nappe-from the underlying fold-and-thrust belt formed by Adria sedimentary units. The collision caused an eastward migrating foredeep basin and the overthrusting of the frontal part of the Ligurian/Subligurian thrust-nappe on the subducting Adria margin. Part of the inner lower-slope sediments of the migrating foredeep basin have been unconformably deposited on a frontal prism formed by material already accreted in the Ligurian/Subligurian prism gravitationally and tectonically reworked. The frontal prism and its sedimentary cover have been progressively dragged down along the plate boundary zone generating the SVTU. The lower-slope sediments have been incorporated in the melange as they were not completely lithified, and they show a long deformation history ranging from continuous and pervasive soft-sediment deformation to discontinuous brittle deformation concentrated along faults and mainly controlled by cycles of fluid pressure as testified by the presence of crack-and-seal texture and implosion breccia in the veins

    From soft sediment deformation to fluid assisted faulting in the shallow part of a subduction megathrust analogue: the Sestola Vidiciatico tectonic Unit (Northern Apennines, Italy)

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    The Sestola Vidiciatico tectonic Unit (SVU) accommodated the early Miocene convergence between the subducting Adriatic plate and the overriding Ligurian prism, and has been interpreted as a field analogue for the shallow portion of subduction megathrusts. The SVU incorporated sediments shortly after their deposition and was active down to burial depth corresponding to temperatures around 150 \ub0C. Here, we describe the internal architecture of the basal thrust fault of the SVU through a multi-scale structural analysis and investigate the evolution of the deformation mechanisms with increasing burial depth. At shallow depth, the thrust developed in poorly lithified sediments which deformed by particulate flow. With increasing depth and lithification of sediments, deformation was accommodated in a meter scale, heterogeneous fault zone, including multiple strands of crack-and-seal shear veins, associated with minor distributed shearing in clay-rich domains and pressure solution. In the last stage, slip localized along a sharp, 20 cm thick shear vein, deactivating the fault zone towards the footwall. The widespread formation of crack-and-seal shear veins since the first stages of lithification indicates that failure along the thrust occurred at high fluid pressure and low differential stress already at shallow depth. Progressive shear localization occurs in the last phases of deformation, at temperatures typical of the transition to the seismogenic zone in active megathrusts

    Fluid-related deformation processes at the up- and downdip limits of the subduction thrust seismogenic zone: What do the rocks tell us?

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    The subduction thrust interface represents a zone of concentrated deformation coupled to fluid generation, flow, and escape. Here, we review the internal structure of the megathrust as exposed in exhumed accretionary complexes, and we identify a deformation sequence that develops as material entering the trench is subducted through the seismogenic zone. Initial ductile flow in soft sediment generates dismembered, folded, and boudinaged bedding that is crosscut by later brittle discontinuities. Veins formed along early faults, and filling hydrofractures with the same extension directions as boudins in bedding, attest to fluid-assisted mass transfer during the shallow transition from ductile flow to brittle deformation. In higher-metamorphic-grade rocks, veins crosscut foliations defined by mineral assemblages stable at temperatures beyond those at the base of the seismogenic zone. The veins are, however, themselves ductilely deformed by diffusion and/or dislocation creep, and thus they record fracture and fluid flow at a deeper brittle-to-ductile transition

    The thickness of subduction plate boundary faults from the seafloor into the seismogenic zone

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    The thickness of an active plate boundary fault is an important parameter for understanding the strength and spatial heterogeneity of fault behavior. We have compiled direct measurements of the thickness of subduction thrust faults from active and ancient examples observed by ocean drilling and fi eld studies in accretionary wedges. We describe a general geometric model for subduction thrust décollements, which includes multiple simultaneously active, anastomosing fault strands tens of meters thick. The total thickness encompassing all simultaneously active strands increases to ~100–350 m at ~1–2 km below seafl oor, and this thickness is maintained down to a depth of ~15 km. Thin sharp faults representing earthquake slip surfaces or other discrete slip events are found within and along the edges of the tens-ofmeters- thick fault strands. Although fl attening, primary inherited chaotic fabrics, and fault migration through subducting sediments or the frontal prism may build mélange sections that are much thicker (to several kilometers), this thickness does not describe the active fault at any depth. These observations suggest that models should treat the subduction thrust plate boundary fault as <1–20 cm thick during earthquakes, with a concentration of postseismic and interseismic creep in single to several strands 5–35 m thick, with lesser distributed interseismic deformation in stratally disrupted rocks surrounding the fault strands
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