759 research outputs found

    Modulo pp representations of reductive pp-adic groups: functorial properties

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    Let FF be a local field with residue characteristic pp, let CC be an algebraically closed field of characteristic pp, and let G\mathbf{G} be a connected reductive FF-group. In a previous paper, Florian Herzig and the authors classified irreducible admissible CC-representations of G=G(F)G=\mathbf{G}(F) in terms of supercuspidal representations of Levi subgroups of GG. Here, for a parabolic subgroup PP of GG with Levi subgroup MM and an irreducible admissible CC-representation τ\tau of MM, we determine the lattice of subrepresentations of IndPGτ\mathrm{Ind}_P^G \tau and we show that IndPGχτ\mathrm{Ind}_P^G \chi \tau is irreducible for a general unramified character χ\chi of MM. In the reverse direction, we compute the image by the two adjoints of IndPG\mathrm{Ind}_P^G of an irreducible admissible representation π\pi of GG. On the way, we prove that the right adjoint of IndPG\mathrm{Ind}_P^G respects admissibility, hence coincides with Emerton's ordinary part functor OrdPG\mathrm{Ord}_{\overline{P}}^G on admissible representations.Comment: 39 page

    Comparison of compact induction with parabolic induction

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    Let FF be any non archimedean locally compact field of residual characteristic pp, let GG be any reductive connected FF-group and let KK be any special parahoric subgroup of G(F)G(F). We choose a parabolic FF-subgroup PP of GG with Levi decomposition P=MNP=MN in good position with respect to KK. Let CC be an algebraically closed field of characteristic pp. We choose an irreducible smooth CC-representation VV of KK. We investigate the natural intertwiner from the compact induced representation \ind_{K}^{G(F)}V to the parabolically induced representation \Ind_{P(F)}^{G(F)}(\ind_{M(F) \cap K}^{M(F)}V_{N(F)\cap K}). Under a regularity condition on VV, we show that the intertwiner becomes an isomorphism after a localisation at a specific Hecke operator. When FF has characteristic 0, GG is FF-split and KK is hyperspecial, the result was essentially proved by Herzig. We define the notion of KK-supersingular irreducible smooth CC-representation of G(F)G(F) which extends Herzig's definition for admissible irreducible representations and we give a list of KK-supersingular irreducible representations which are supercuspidal and conversely a list of supercuspidal representations which are KK-supersingular.Comment: 28 page

    Representations of a reductive pp-adic group in characteristic distinct from pp

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    We investigate the irreducible cuspidal CC-representations of a reductive pp-adic group GG over a field CC of characteristic different from pp. When CC is algebraically closed, for many groups GG, a list of cuspidal CC-types (J,λ)(J,\lambda) has been produced satisfying exhaustion, sometimes for a restricted kind of cuspidal representations, and often unicity. We verify that those lists verify Aut(CC)-stability and we produce similar lists when CC is no longer assumed algebraically closed. Our other main results concern supercuspidality. This notion makes sense for the representations λ\lambda in the cuspidal CC-types (J,λ)(J,\lambda) as above, which involve finite reductive groups. We check that an irreducible cuspidal representation of GG induced from λ\lambda is supercuspidal if and only λ\lambda is supercuspidal.Comment: 45 pages This is the final versio

    L'engagement dans les études une réalité plurielle /

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    "Cette recherche a été subventionnée par le Ministère de l'éducation dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)"Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 3 mai 2006)Également disponible en version papierBibliogr.: p. 70-7

    Elaboration d'un guide méthodologique d'intervention lors de contamination par les salmonelles de produits laitiers au lait cru en zone de productions fromagères AOC du Massif Central

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    Les produits laitiers, dont les fromages au lait cru, ne sont pas les denrées alimentaires les plus fréquemment incriminées lors de toxi-infections par les salmonelles. Mais leur implication dans plusieurs épidémies communautaires ces dernières années, a obligé les filières à réagir. La filière des fromages d'Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée du Massif Central a décidé d'élaborer un guide méthodologique, présentant la démarche à appliquer dans un élevage, lors de contaminations des produits par les salmonelles. En plus d une méthodologie d'intervention précise, ce guide donne des informations de base sur ces bactéries et les dangers qu'elles représentent et fournit une liste détaillée des procédures de prélèvements susceptibles d'être réalisés durant l'investigation en élevage

    The pro-region of the Kex2 endoprotease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is removed by self-processing

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    AbstractWe have produced in the baculovirus/insect cells expression system a soluble secreted form of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kex2 endoprotease. This secreted enzyme was purified and its NH2-terminal sequence determined. The NH2-terminal sequence started at residue Leu109 of the sequence deduced from the KEX2 gene nucleotide sequence, showing that the Kex2 enzyme is produced as a proenzyme. Residue Leu109 is preceded by a pair of basic amino acid residues (Lys107-Arg108) which is a potential processing site for the Kex2 endopeptidase. Futhermore, expression of an inactive form of this truncated enzyme resulted in the production of a protein with a higher molecular weight. These observations suggest that the pro-region of Kex2 endoprotease is removed by a self-processing event