19 research outputs found

    Entropy Production of Doubly Stochastic Quantum Channels

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    We study the entropy increase of quantum systems evolving under primitive, doubly stochastic Markovian noise and thus converging to the maximally mixed state. This entropy increase can be quantified by a logarithmic-Sobolev constant of the Liouvillian generating the noise. We prove a universal lower bound on this constant that stays invariant under taking tensor-powers. Our methods involve a new comparison method to relate logarithmic-Sobolev constants of different Liouvillians and a technique to compute logarithmic-Sobolev inequalities of Liouvillians with eigenvectors forming a projective representation of a finite abelian group. Our bounds improve upon similar results established before and as an application we prove an upper bound on continuous-time quantum capacities. In the last part of this work we study entropy production estimates of discrete-time doubly-stochastic quantum channels by extending the framework of discrete-time logarithmic-Sobolev inequalities to the quantum case.Comment: 24 page

    Relative Entropy Convergence for Depolarizing Channels

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    We study the convergence of states under continuous-time depolarizing channels with full rank fixed points in terms of the relative entropy. The optimal exponent of an upper bound on the relative entropy in this case is given by the log-Sobolev-1 constant. Our main result is the computation of this constant. As an application we use the log-Sobolev-1 constant of the depolarizing channels to improve the concavity inequality of the von-Neumann entropy. This result is compared to similar bounds obtained recently by Kim et al. and we show a version of Pinsker's inequality, which is optimal and tight if we fix the second argument of the relative entropy. Finally, we consider the log-Sobolev-1 constant of tensor-powers of the completely depolarizing channel and use a quantum version of Shearer's inequality to prove a uniform lower bound.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Limitations of optimization algorithms on noisy quantum devices

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    Recent technological developments have focused the interest of the quantum computing community on investigating how near-term devices could outperform classical computers for practical applications. A central question that remains open is whether their noise can be overcome or it fundamentally restricts any potential quantum advantage. We present a transparent way of comparing classical algorithms to quantum ones running on near-term quantum devices for a large family of problems that include optimization problems and approximations to the ground state energy of Hamiltonians. Our approach is based on the combination of entropic inequalities that determine how fast the quantum computation state converges to the fixed point of the noise model, together with established classical methods of Gibbs state sampling. The approach is extremely versatile and allows for its application to a large variety of problems, noise models and quantum computing architectures. We use our result to provide estimates for a variety of problems and architectures that have been the focus of recent experiments, such as quantum annealers, variational quantum eigensolvers, and quantum approximate optimization. The bounds we obtain indicate that substantial quantum advantages are unlikely for classical optimization unless the current noise rates are decreased by orders of magnitude or the topology of the problem matches that of the device. This is the case even if the number of qubits increases substantially. We reach similar but less stringent conclusions for quantum Hamiltonian problems.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Sandwiched RĂ©nyi Convergence for Quantum Evolutions

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    We study the speed of convergence of a primitive quantum time evolution towards its fixed point in the distance of sandwiched R\'enyi divergences. For each of these distance measures the convergence is typically exponentially fast and the best exponent is given by a constant (similar to a logarithmic Sobolev constant) depending only on the generator of the time evolution. We establish relations between these constants and the logarithmic Sobolev constants as well as the spectral gap. An important consequence of these relations is the derivation of mixing time bounds for time evolutions directly from logarithmic Sobolev inequalities without relying on notions like lp-regularity. We also derive strong converse bounds for the classical capacity of a quantum time evolution and apply these to obtain bounds on the classical capacity of some examples, including stabilizer Hamiltonians under thermal noise.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures. Version to be published in the Quantum Journa

    Optimization at the boundary of the tensor network variety

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    Tensor network states form a variational ansatz class widely used, both analytically and numerically, in the study of quantum many-body systems. It is known that if the underlying graph contains a cycle, e.g. as in projected entangled pair states (PEPS), then the set of tensor network states of given bond dimension is not closed. Its closure is the tensor network variety. Recent work has shown that states on the boundary of this variety can yield more efficient representations for states of physical interest, but it remained unclear how to systematically find and optimize over such representations. We address this issue by defining a new ansatz class of states that includes states at the boundary of the tensor network variety of given bond dimension. We show how to optimize over this class in order to find ground states of local Hamiltonians by only slightly modifying standard algorithms and code for tensor networks. We apply this new method to a different of models and observe favorable energies and runtimes when compared with standard tensor network methods.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Efficient learning of the structure and parameters of local Pauli noise channels

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    The unavoidable presence of noise is a crucial roadblock for the development of large-scale quantum computers and the ability to characterize quantum noise reliably and efficiently with high precision is essential to scale quantum technologies further. Although estimating an arbitrary quantum channel requires exponential resources, it is expected that physically relevant noise has some underlying local structure, for instance that errors across different qubits have a conditional independence structure. Previous works showed how it is possible to estimate Pauli noise channels with an efficient number of samples in a way that is robust to state preparation and measurement errors, albeit departing from a known conditional independence structure. We present a novel approach for learning Pauli noise channels over n qubits that addresses this shortcoming. Unlike previous works that focused on learning coefficients with a known conditional independence structure, our method learns both the coefficients and the underlying structure. We achieve our results by leveraging a groundbreaking result by Bresler for efficiently learning Gibbs measures and obtain an optimal sample complexity of O(log(n)) to learn the unknown structure of the noise acting on n qubits. This information can then be leveraged to obtain a description of the channel that is close in diamond distance from O(poly(n)) samples. Furthermore, our method is efficient both in the number of samples and postprocessing without giving up on other desirable features such as SPAM-robustness, and only requires the implementation of single qubit Cliffords. In light of this, our novel approach enables the large-scale characterization of Pauli noise in quantum devices under minimal experimental requirements and assumptions

    Limitations of variational quantum algorithms: a quantum optimal transport approach

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    30 pages, 1 figureThe impressive progress in quantum hardware of the last years has raised the interest of the quantum computing community in harvesting the computational power of such devices. However, in the absence of error correction, these devices can only reliably implement very shallow circuits or comparatively deeper circuits at the expense of a nontrivial density of errors. In this work, we obtain extremely tight limitation bounds for standard NISQ proposals in both the noisy and noiseless regimes, with or without error-mitigation tools. The bounds limit the performance of both circuit model algorithms, such as QAOA, and also continuous-time algorithms, such as quantum annealing. In the noisy regime with local depolarizing noise pp, we prove that at depths L=\cO(p^{-1}) it is exponentially unlikely that the outcome of a noisy quantum circuit outperforms efficient classical algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems like Max-Cut. Although previous results already showed that classical algorithms outperform noisy quantum circuits at constant depth, these results only held for the expectation value of the output. Our results are based on newly developed quantum entropic and concentration inequalities, which constitute a homogeneous toolkit of theoretical methods from the quantum theory of optimal mass transport whose potential usefulness goes beyond the study of variational quantum algorithms

    Information-theoretic generalization bounds for learning from quantum data

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    48+14 pages, 4 figuresLearning tasks play an increasingly prominent role in quantum information and computation. They range from fundamental problems such as state discrimination and metrology over the framework of quantum probably approximately correct (PAC) learning, to the recently proposed shadow variants of state tomography. However, the many directions of quantum learning theory have so far evolved separately. We propose a general mathematical formalism for describing quantum learning by training on classical-quantum data and then testing how well the learned hypothesis generalizes to new data. In this framework, we prove bounds on the expected generalization error of a quantum learner in terms of classical and quantum information-theoretic quantities measuring how strongly the learner's hypothesis depends on the specific data seen during training. To achieve this, we use tools from quantum optimal transport and quantum concentration inequalities to establish non-commutative versions of decoupling lemmas that underlie recent information-theoretic generalization bounds for classical machine learning. Our framework encompasses and gives intuitively accessible generalization bounds for a variety of quantum learning scenarios such as quantum state discrimination, PAC learning quantum states, quantum parameter estimation, and quantumly PAC learning classical functions. Thereby, our work lays a foundation for a unifying quantum information-theoretic perspective on quantum learning