53 research outputs found

    Predicting a User's Next Cell With Supervised Learning Based on Channel States

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    Knowing a user's next cell allows more efficient resource allocation and enables new location-aware services. To anticipate the cell a user will hand-over to, we introduce a new machine learning based prediction system. Therein, we formulate the prediction as a classification problem based on information that is readily available in cellular networks. Using only Channel State Information (CSI) and handover history, we perform classification by embedding Support Vector Machines (SVMs) into an efficient pre-processing structure. Simulation results from a Manhattan Grid scenario and from a realistic radio map of downtown Frankfurt show that our system provides timely prediction at high accuracy.Comment: The 14th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Darmstadt : Germany (2013

    Mean Field Energy Games in Wireless Networks

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    This work tackles the problem of energy-efficient distributed power control in wireless networks with a large number of transmitters. The problem is modeled by a dynamic game. Each transmitter-receiver communication is characterized by a state given by the available energy and/or the individual channel state and whose evolution is governed by certain dynamics. Since equilibrium analysis in such a (stochastic) game is generally difficult and even impossible, the problem is approximated by exploiting the large system assumption. Under an appropriate exchangeability assumption, the corresponding mean field game is well defined and studied in detail for special cases. The main contribution of this work is to show how mean field games can be applied to the problem under investigation and provide illustrative numerical results. Our results indicate that this approach can lead to significant gains in terms of energy-efficiency at the resulting equilibrium.Comment: IEEE Proc. of Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 2012, Pacific Grove, CA, US

    Stochastic Differential Games and Energy-Efficient Power Control

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    One of the contributions of this work is to formulate the problem of energy-efficient power control in multiple access channels (namely, channels which comprise several transmitters and one receiver) as a stochastic differential game. The players are the transmitters who adapt their power level to the quality of their time-varying link with the receiver, their battery level, and the strategy updates of the others. The proposed model not only allows one to take into account long-term strategic interactions but also long-term energy constraints. A simple sufficient condition for the existence of a Nash equilibrium in this game is provided and shown to be verified in a typical scenario. As the uniqueness and determination of equilibria are difficult issues in general, especially when the number of players goes large, we move to two special cases: the single player case which gives us some useful insights of practical interest and allows one to make connections with the case of large number of players. The latter case is treated with a mean-field game approach for which reasonable sufficient conditions for convergence and uniqueness are provided. Remarkably, this recent approach for large system analysis shows how scalability can be dealt with in large games and only relies on the individual state information assumption.Comment: The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article\&id=doi:10.1007/s13235-012-0068-

    Mean-Field Games and Green Power Control

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    International audienceIn this work, we consider a distributed wireless network where many transmitters communicate with a common receiver. Having the choice of their power control policy, transmitters are concerned with energy constraints : instantaneous energy-efficiency and long-term energy consumption. The individual optimization of the average energy-efficient utility over a finite horizon is studied by using control theory and a coupled system of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Fleming equations is obtained. Even though the existence of a solution to the corresponding stochastic differential game is proven, the game is difficult to analyze when the number of transmitters is large (in particular, the Nash equilibrium analysis becomes hard and even impossible). But when the number of transmitters is large, the stochastic differential game converges to a mean-field game which is ruled by a more tractable system of equations. A condition for the uniqueness of the equilibrium of the mean-field game is given

    An Energy-Efficient Power Allocation Game with Selfish Channel State Reporting in Cellular Networks

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    International audienceEnergy-efficient ressource allocation is a powerful approach to reduce the operation costs and environmental footprint of cellular networks. With energy-efficient resource allocation, mobile users and base station have different objectives. While the base station strives for an energy-efficient operation of the complete cell, each user aims to maximize its own data rate. To obtain this individual benefit, users may selfishly adjust their \ac{CSI} reports, reducing the cell's energy efficiency. To analyze this conflict of interest, we formalize energy-efficient power allocation as a utility maximization problem and present a simple algorithm that performs close to the optimum. By formulating selfish CSI reporting as a game, we prove the existence of an unique equilibrium and characterize energy efficiency with true and selfish CSI in closed form. Our numerical results show that, surprisingly, energy-efficient power allocation in small cells is more robust against selfish CSI than cells with large transmit powers. This and further design rules show that our paper provides valuable theoretical insight to energy-efficient networks when CSI reports cannot be trusted

    Long-Term Energy Constraints and Power Control in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    When a long-term energy constraint is imposed to a transmitter, the average energy-efficiency of a transmitter is, in general, not maximized by always transmitting. In a cognitive radio context, this means that a secondary link can re-exploit the non-used time-slots. In the case where the secondary link is imposed to generate no interference on the primary link, a relevant issue is therefore to know the fraction of time-slots available to the secondary transmitter, depending on the system parameters. On the other hand, if the secondary transmitter is modeled as a selfish and free player choosing its power control policy to maximize its average energy-efficiency, resulting primary and secondary signals are not necessarily orthogonal and studying the corresponding Stackelberg game is relevant to know the outcome of this interactive situation in terms of power control policies.Comment: DSP 2011: 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, July 2011, Corfu, Greec

    Achievability of Efficient Satisfaction Equilibria in Self-Configuring Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, a behavioral rule that allows radio devices to achieve an efficient satisfaction equilibrium (ESE) in fully decentralized self-configuring networks (DSCNs) is presented. The relevance of ESE in the context of DSCNs is that at such state, radio devices adopt a transmission/receive configuration such that they are able to simultaneously satisfy their individual quality-of-service (QoS) constraints. An ESE is also an efficient network configuration, i.e., individual QoS satisfaction is achieved by investing the lowest possible effort. Here, the notion of effort refers to a preference each radio device independently establishes among its own set of actions. In particular, the proposed behavioral rule requires less information than existing rules, as in the case of the classical best response dynamics and its variants. Sufficient conditions for convergence are presented in a general framework. Numerical results are provided in the context of a particular uplink power control scenario, and convergence from any initial action profile to an ESE is formally proved in this scenario. This property ensures the proposed rule to be robust to the dynamic arrival or departure of radio devices in the network

    A Stochastic Game Formulation of Energy-Efficient Power Control: Equilibrium Utilities and Practical Strategies

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    Frequency non-selective time-selective multiple access channels in which transmitters can freely choose their power control policy are considered. The individual objective of the transmitters is to maximize their averaged energy-efficiency. For this purpose, a transmitter has to choose a power control policy that is, a sequence of power levels adapted to the channel variations. This problem can be formulated as a stochastic game with discounting for which there exists a theorem characterizing all the equilibrium utilities (equilibrium utility region). As in its general formulation, this theorem relies on global channel state information (CSI), it is shown that some points of the utility region can be reached with individual CSI. Interestingly, time-sharing based solutions, which are usually considered for centralized policies, appear to be part of the equilibrium solutions. This analysis is illustrated by numerical results providing further insights to the problem under investigation.Comment: DSP 2011: 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, July 2011, Corfu, Greec
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