10 research outputs found

    Probabilistic ballistic annihilation with continuous velocity distributions

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    We investigate the problem of ballistically controlled reactions where particles either annihilate upon collision with probability pp, or undergo an elastic shock with probability 1−p1-p. Restricting to homogeneous systems, we provide in the scaling regime that emerges in the long time limit, analytical expressions for the exponents describing the time decay of the density and the root-mean-square velocity, as continuous functions of the probability pp and of a parameter related to the dissipation of energy. We work at the level of molecular chaos (non-linear Boltzmann equation), and using a systematic Sonine polynomials expansion of the velocity distribution, we obtain in arbitrary dimension the first non-Gaussian correction and the corresponding expressions for the decay exponents. We implement Monte-Carlo simulations in two dimensions, that are in excellent agreement with our analytical predictions. For p<1p<1, numerical simulations lead to conjecture that unlike for pure annihilation (p=1p=1), the velocity distribution becomes universal, i.e. does not depend on the initial conditions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 eps figures include

    Hydrodynamics of probabilistic ballistic annihilation

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    We consider a dilute gas of hard spheres in dimension d≥2d \geq 2 that upon collision either annihilate with probability pp or undergo an elastic scattering with probability 1−p1-p. For such a system neither mass, momentum, nor kinetic energy are conserved quantities. We establish the hydrodynamic equations from the Boltzmann equation description. Within the Chapman-Enskog scheme, we determine the transport coefficients up to Navier-Stokes order, and give the closed set of equations for the hydrodynamic fields chosen for the above coarse grained description (density, momentum and kinetic temperature). Linear stability analysis is performed, and the conditions of stability for the local fields are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 3 eps figures include

    On the first Sonine correction for granular gases

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    We consider the velocity distribution for a granular gas of inelastic hard spheres described by the Boltzmann equation. We investigate both the free of forcing case and a system heated by a stochastic force. We propose a new method to compute the first correction to Gaussian behavior in a Sonine polynomial expansion quantified by the fourth cumulant a2a_2. Our expressions are compared to previous results and to those obtained through the numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation. It is numerically shown that our method yields very accurate results for small velocities of the rescaled distribution. We finally discuss the ambiguities inherent to a linear approximation method in a2a_2.Comment: 9 pages, 8 eps figures include

    Stationary state of a heated granular gas: fate of the usual H-functional

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    We consider the characterization of the nonequilibrium stationary state of a randomly-driven granular gas in terms of an entropy-production based variational formulation. Enforcing spatial homogeneity, we first consider the temporal stability of the stationary state reached after a transient. In connection, two heuristic albeit physically motivated candidates for the non-equilibrium entropy production are put forward. It turns out that none of them displays an extremum for the stationary velocity distribution selected by the dynamics. Finally, the relevance of the relative Kullbach entropy is discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Physica

    Sur une classe de systèmes dissipatifs hors d'équilibre

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    Membres du jury:Prof. Emmanuel Trizac (Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)Prof. Philippe-André Martin (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Suisse)We consider dissipative, out-of-equilibrium, and low density systems made of many interacting classical particles. In a first part, we study probabilistic ballistic annihilation, where particles have a ballistic trajectory except upon binary contact where they annihilate with probability p and undergo an elastic scattering with probability (1-p). We establish for this system with no conservation law a hydrodynamic description that stems from kinetic theory. The linear stability analysis of the homogeneous state shows then that the amplification of the fluctuations by the dynamics is a transient effect. In a second part, we present a mesoscopic model that reproduces a spontaneous symmetry breaking observed in some experiments on granular gases.Nous considérons des systèmes dissipatifs, hors d'équilibre, de faible densité, et constitués d'un grand nombre de particules classiques en interaction. Dans une première partie, nous étudions l'annihilation balistique probabiliste, où les particules ont une trajectoire balistique sauf lorsqu'elles entrent en contact, s'annihilant alors avec probabilité p et subissant une collision élastique avec probabilité (1-p). Nous établissons pour ce système sans loi de conservation une description hydrodynamique résultant de la théorie cinétique. L'analyse de stabilité linéaire de l'état homogène montre alors que l'amplification des fluctuations par la dynamique est un phénomène transitoire. Dans la seconde partie, nous présentons un modèle mésoscopique décrivant le phénomène de brisure spontanée de symétrie observé dans certaines expériences sur la matière granulaire vibrée

    On a class of nonequilibrium dissipative systems

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    Nous considérons des systèmes dissipatifs, hors d'équilibre, de faible densité, et constitués d'un grand nombre de particules classiques en interaction. Dans une première partie, nous étudions l'annihilation balistique probabiliste, où les particules ont une trajectoire balistique sauf lorsqu'elles entrent en contact, s'annihilant alors avec probabilité p et subissant une collision élastique avec probabilité (1-p). Nous établissons pour ce système sans loi de conservation une description hydrodynamique résultant de la théorie cinétique. L'analyse de stabilité linéaire de l'état homogène montre alors que l'amplification des fluctuations par la dynamique est un phénomène transitoire. Dans la seconde partie, nous présentons un modèle mésoscopique décrivant le phénomène de brisure spontanée de symétrie observé dans certaines expériences sur la matière granulaire vibrée

    Some exact results for Boltzmann's annihilation dynamics

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    The problem of ballistic annihilation for a spatially homogeneous system is revisited within Boltzmann's kinetic theory in two and three dimensions. Analytical results are derived for the time evolution of the particle density for some isotropic discrete bimodal velocity modulus distributions. According to the allowed values of the velocity modulus, different behaviors are obtained: power law decay with nonuniversal exponents depending continuously upon the ratio of the two velocities, or exponential decay. When one of the two velocities is equal to zero, the model describes the problem of ballistic annihilation in the presence of static traps. The analytical predictions are shown to be in agreement with the results of two-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations